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, • <br />. +. . ► �, <br />EXHIBIT B <br />20110512� <br />ARTICLE VIi. <br />I give, devise, and bequedth alf the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, <br />both reol and personol property, whether now owned by me or hereaffer acquired <br />csnd wheresoever situated, as follows: <br />a. One-eighth (1 /8th) to each of my following-named seven <br />�7j children, to-wit: Diana Jo Edwords; Carol Jean <br />Dingwerth; James Louis Zuehlke; David Allen �Zuehlke; <br />Danie! Ray Zuehlke; Steven Donald Zuehlke; and Barbora <br />Anne Nickel. In the event any of these seven (7j Iisted <br />children predecease me, then their share shall not lapse <br />but shall poss to their issue by right of representation. <br />b. The remaining one-eighth (1/8th) to be distributed to my <br />daughter, Diana 10 Edwards, of Carmel, Indiana, as <br />Trustee. Any assets to this trust provision shall be held and <br />administered as follows during the lifetime of my ddughter, <br />Janet K. Zuehlke. This trust shall be a totally discretionary <br />trust, ond the Trustee shall have no duty to make <br />distributions to or for the benefit of Janet K. Zuehlke as the <br />bene�ciary. The Trustee shall have complete discretion to <br />utilize trust assets and make distributions of income or <br />principal only in such o monner as to supplement or <br />enhance ,benefits from public or other assistance in the <br />nature of supplementol Social Security income, Medicaid, <br />or any other govemmental assistance or benefits, whether <br />provided by federal, state, or any other po{itical subdivision <br />or provider of services, and shall make no distributions <br />which would affect the eligibility of the beneficiary for such <br />benefits. <br />Any distributions permitted by this trust provision may be <br />made directly to the beneficiary or to others for the benefit <br />of the beneficiary. Distributions permitted by this provision <br />may be made fio provide the beneficiary with a friend, <br />companion, advocate, or protector of the beneficiary's <br />emotional needs ond legal rights or for educational, <br />health, recreotion, travel, or emotional needs which are <br />not otherwise provided for the beneficiary. In exercising <br />discretion, the Trustee may consider any communications, <br />oral or written, which I may hove given the Trustee. <br />Upon the death of Janet K. Zuehlke, if any assets of this trust <br />remain unexpended, the same shall pass and be <br />distributed to my seven other children, in equaf shares. In <br />the event one or more of my other seven children <br />predecease me, then his or her share under this provision <br />shal! not lapse, but shall pass to his or her issue by right of <br />representation. <br />