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<br /> COVENANTO �� ����� �
<br /> 1. P�yantnt�. Oorrower eprooa to melco all paymonta on Iho ooauroA dobt wlion duo. Uniaoo I�arro�vor nnd 4ondar egro0 ot nrwlso, eny �
<br /> poynonta I.c�ndcr rocclvon trom Oorrowor or �or FJOrraerorb bonoNt wlll Co epnlled flrot to any nmounte Aorrower owm nn ihe eecu:od �IaUt
<br /> exclu�lve ot Intere�t or pclncipd,��cond to Intoroet r+M lie�n lo pr�nclpal.If parliel pvopeymont ol Iho oecuroJ dnbt or,cura fur nny rateon, li�+111
<br /> � nat roduce or axcu�e eny�cli�duUA p�ymptlt unUl{fi� ucund deb Ir peld In full.
<br /> ' 2,CINm�ApUMIt Yltl�.Borro �r 1 ph�y�q t�x�1,'��n�amtiprst�,Nnd qthu uh�rpe��ttrlbut�bt�to th�propnrty when du�snd will d�itnd Iltl•
<br /> deiinii�wfilch�Rorio�wer may�h,v�Qilf�ot p��rtlf►'�ho uPD`y6�bnr ud�niterleli to impdove o�r�nrinti�ln tY�t�rp apiity��alqn�ny rfphtd,cl�im�or
<br /> 9.In�ur�nc�. Borrow�r wlll ka�p the proputy Inwrw�J undu term� �ca�pt�bls to L�ndn�t Borrown'r �xp�nt�and for Lendot'� bin�fit,All
<br /> Ineurence pollcle��h�ll Includs a otan��rA mortpape cieu�s In fsvor o4 Lender.Lende�will be nemed er loa�payee or sr the Intured on�ny tuoh
<br /> '•' Imur�nce polloy.Any Insurtnc�proc��d�maY bo opNllod, witiiln LondCr'a dlocrotlon,to cith�r tho roatoratlon ar ropalr a}th�domoQad property
<br /> '. or to the t�cund d�bt.If L�ndrr nqulno mortp�p�Insunnc�,Borrowu epnn to m�lntdn suah In�unnce for e�lonp��Londrr raqulm.
<br /> ;'' 4.Propwty.8orrower will kesp the property In pood caMltlon end make ell repaire reetombly neaes�a�y.
<br /> +,a,ti.:�l�1� 6.Exp�nqs. Borrower spraes to pay sll Lender's oxpemss Includlnp resaonable ettorneye'teer,tf Borrc�wer breek�any covenent�in thl�dned
<br /> af trutt or In�ny abllpatlon secured by thli daed of trutt, �orrower will pay thece smounte to Lender ee provided In Cawn�nt 9 of thb deed of
<br /> °��v"'•�"" truet.
<br /> i 8.Prtor 8ecudtY Intere�t�.Unlesa Eorrower flret obtaln�Lender's written consent, Borrower wili not meke or permit any ohengae to eny prlor
<br /> security interesie. Borrower wlll peHorm ell of Bor►ower'a obitgatlona under any prlor mortpapo, deed of truet or other eecurity epreoment, �.;
<br /> �, includinq Borrawer'e covenente to meke peyments when due. _'
<br /> 7.At�lpnm�nt of R�nt�and Proflt�.Borrower easlpns to Lender tho rente and profite o}the property.Unte�o Borrower end Lender have apreed =
<br /> ;; otherw�so In writing,Borrower mey coliect and retai�ihe rente es long ee Borrowe►Is not In dafeuit. If Borrower d�feults,Lendor,Lender'e _
<br /> apent, or e court appolntod recelver may take poaseeebn end munape the property and collact the rente.Any vents Lendor collecte ahali bo
<br /> neco�eaeryrelated expentsee fThe rem�eTninp emount of rentedwlll then apply to payments oiltho sec Aa dooi a provided in Cove�an d�eny othor
<br /> �� , 8.L�es�holds•Condominlums;Plonn�d Unit D�v�lopm�nts.Borrower egraes to comply with the provisions of any loese if this dead of trust Is on
<br /> . •'�: under the�co eninti 6y Iswi or requl�tion�l of the o�ndom nlure�or plinnad unit development nt.Borrower�vill parform ell of Barrowor's dutioa
<br /> 8.Authatty of L�ndrr to PK[am for Batowsr.If �arowar tafia to perform any of Borrowar'a dutios undar thia deed of truat, 4endor mey
<br /> �+'°'' per(orm the dutieB or cause them to be perform2d.Lendar may sign Bor�owa�'e neme or pay any amount if�eceaaery for partormanee. f7 eny _
<br /> : . i construction on the property oa dllsaontinued or�ot carrio�J on im o reasanabte�,�nner,Landor�nay do whatever ia necesaery to protect Lenclor'a =
<br /> `�.., �• security Interen in the prope�y.bC�'n may includs compbivaD 9ha construc4lan. ;;
<br />�ir`' ,� Lsndar's failute tm perfo�m tivi0 rt�n2 mreclude Lender from exarcisinp any o4 fts e�Ther righte undor the law or this deed of tn�1. ?-
<br /> �.�„�; '' fN��"� Any amounis paid by Lendar to proteat Lem?ar'�sacurity Intereat will be sacurad by this deed of trust. Su�i�omount6 wlil be due un demand '°.
<br /> :.c,;:��� ,4?��ti�;�°� and will bevr intorum from the date of t�ae�avmnrrt u�t�pald In full at the interoat rate in eNect on the sesurad dabt.
<br /> �) {,_•,��l:�..
<br /> �';!'r�,-r.-•�;�p . ,c�'�
<br /> ��:�_;f�¢t:���rl�� t0. mef�utt wnil Aec�lendoo. It Borrower faile to meke any peyment when due or breaks eny covonents under thio deed of truat or eny
<br />:',•i�„___.: �n�i�Ar�nn eeeured by thl�deed of uust or eny pdor mortyepe or deed ot truet,Londer maY accelerate the maturity of tho eecured debt and
<br />`�''��?�"�� demand imme�late p�yment aod mey invoke the powerot s�le and any other remadies permitted by eppttceble lew.
<br /> i:-
<br /> �:'' 11.Rsqu�st for.NoBe�of Dehuft.It Io hereby requeated that coplee of the notices of defeutt and aale be tent to each penon who ie p�rty -
<br /> ' hereio,ai i�e auJrvei u0 oaut�suctt pestoa,ss S8L!�!Y.h h!�te!n.
<br /> r ' 12.Pow�r of 9vs.If the 4ender invokea the power of�ate,tho Tni:tee shall firet record In the office of the repister of da�ds of eaeh�ourcrl "
<br /> whero(n the uust property ur nome part or psrcel thereof ia diueted s notice of default conteining the information roquirod by I�w.The Tvuatna ;,
<br /> ,� . � ah�ll al�o mall copiee of tM1e notice of default to the Borrower,to eech persan who la a psrty f»reto, en8 to otMr peran�tsprotcribed by �„
<br /> sppticebl� law.Not less thsn one month after the Tru�tee record�the notice of det�ult nr twa month�If the trust prop�rcy le not in�ny --
<br /> inaorporet�d ctry w viilape�nd 1�uad in tarminp o�eptbn�aarrled on by tho trueto�,the frustee eh�li piw publlo noUae of�ets to the per�on�
<br /> °•�� �nd tn th�msnner prsscribed bv�pppticable I�w.Truiue,without demand on Borrower,cha�l wll the propsrtyr at publlo auation to the hiphsst
<br /> ,�`� • blddx.It rsqulnd by the F�rm Homo�te�d Protectlon Aat.Trustee ehetl oNer tfie propertv in two separate s�ter ea requlrsd by�pplic�bte I�w.
<br /> �` LinAia iti di,ifl��miy purchsis the�opirty it any s�N�by publio announcement e!the tirtis and pl�cs of�ny prevbu�ly�cheduMd�al�.
<br /> "�Z• �::+`,,.
<br /> -`J"".• Upon roalpt o�f paVmsnt of the prics bid,Tru�te�thall dstiva to the purch�wr Trustae's deed conveyin the propsrty.TM rocitfah cont�in�d in
<br /> �...;,. � �
<br /> Truite�'�dNtl�hall b�prima f�cfe evldlence of the t��nh of the etetement�contelned thereln.Truates� all�pply the p►acesd�of tfie ul�In ti►a
<br />— „M;.t,, tollowlnD �rder. (a) to �II expsnseo oT the �ale, fnctudinp, but not Ilmited to, reeaoneble 7ruaee'o }ee�, reasonabi� �ttorney'�fee� �nd
<br /> ,,,.,.. :..
<br /> reimt�tem�nt f�es;lb)to ali sumt secumd by this deod of troat,�Ad Ic)the belance,M eny,to the perwa�Ip�lty sntiU�d to ncsiw it.
<br /> -." r.... ��,����,qt��nd�r'�optbn,thls dad of uust may bs for�clotsd In the menner provld�by epplic�bis law for ta�ctotw�of mortpapsa
<br /> =•„��t�v on nal prop�rty.
<br />-,.°���*`..w�� 14.�et{on L�M�r msy snter che propertV to Inaaot It If I.ender pive�Borrower notice beforehand.The nottce mutt st�te ths reaon�ble
<br /> ausa fw Lendir'�inspectlon.
<br /> _���-.Y�•ml�Ar� ..
<br /> - ..os S6.Ca�wrir�iia�.liorrowsr aacl4n� a to Lsndar the�rowsd:ot any av.�:d w clalm tor dama as cannac;.^,d crlth a cor�amnallon or oth�r te�inp
<br /> -----,_�� of ell a�ny pert of ths property.Such peoceeds wfll W spptisd�s provided in Covemnt 1.�is�asiynm�nt Is subHct to tM te�m�of�ny prior
<br /> � �tecurity�pre�ment.
<br /> --��tt�� y p �
<br /> ----°-z�'� �^y rsm�y uponxeorroW r'�s defautt,�Lender does�not weive eny ripht to late�iconaider ihe evsnt i detauit if(t ha�pp�ensip�ny�ey�t exeTClctnp
<br /> �� .
<br /> ==�-�� 17. Joint�nd 6�vKM U�pi1fq Ca�IPNrs: Sucassa� �nd A��lyM Boued. All dutiee under tM� desd oi Vu,tt are►otnt and sever�l. Any
<br /> " %� f ' 8orrow�r vrlw co-slpns thls deed of trust twt does not co-sipn the underlying dsbt tnsVUm�ntU) dau so only to preot and conv�y thyt -
<br /> 8orrower'o interost In tM p►op�rty to the Trustee undK the te►mi of thfs deed oftru�t.In additlon,auch�Rorrower apnes that ths Lenda�nd
<br /> ��a"-��'� ansr utMr Bwrower undar tfib deed of trust m�y�xteM, modifv or meka any o2her chanpea in tfie tsmn�of this deed o4 truat or tlie cecured
<br /> � "'�'T'"w�"•� - debt wieyout that Barower's consent and wlthout reieulnq th�t$arrower irom tM terma o4 4hie dsed of tTUSt.
<br />_:r+�rw.�t�h��,�
<br /> ._ya__..:.
<br /> i`'"`�`• ' TM dutleo and benefits o}thli deed of Vust nhell bind�nd benefit the succetsor�and�ssipns of Lender and Barower.
<br /> ,,�`��:4 , -
<br /> - .� - 18.Notic�.Uniess otherw►:e requlred by law,any noUce eo Borrower Fhatl be piven by dellverinp tt or by mtltinp it Dy cenYtiad ma0 addressed to
<br /> �• ��-� � Bwrower at the property�ddrosa or enY�other addreuthat Borrower hat given to i.ender.Borrower wilt give ony notia to Lender by csrtitiad
<br /> ��, mail to Landtrr'a eddress on p�pe 1 of t�is deed of tvutt or to any other address which Lender hea detiynated.Any other notice to Under�hall _
<br /> -_ .�z'%'~- be sent to Landn�'s eddrote aa ststed on p�pe 7 ot thle deed of trust.
<br /> - �ir',,�.
<br /> • ��; '� Any notics ehtll be deemed to h�vo been ptven to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner�teted ehove.
<br /> -�- � 98.Tranii�r of tlw P�opKty a�8�11clal IntK��t Inth�BorrowK.If eil or anY parc oi the propertv or eny tnteroat in it is eo3d or vensferred
<br /> .' � wkhout Lendar'R prbr writte�consent, LeMar may domand Immodiato paymonT of tho secured tlebt.lender may eiso demand Immediato
<br /> � ptyment If th�Borrow�r Is not s natural person snd e beneflclei Inttrreat in the f3nrower lo�old or Vmsfdrrsd. However, Lende may not
<br /> ; . ;,,ii;' dem�nd payment in the above situatlons ff it ia prohi6lted by federel law as of the date of thfn deed ot trun.
<br /> 20.R�conwymc�.When the ablipatlon secured by ttde deed ot Vust haa bQan paid nnd Lender hos no further obtipatlpn to make edvance�
<br /> _ " und�t tM in�VUment�or apreement�cscured by this deed of Vust,the Trustoe shaif upon written request by ths Lsnder,reconvoy ti�e trust .
<br /> property.The Lender shall dellver to the E3ono�ver,or to Borrower's euccasaor In interest,the truat deed end the note or othx evidence of the
<br /> .. �;,�� ��, obt�yatbn�so eeris}ied.Botrovra shall pay any recordatun wats.
<br />�'�-� �?'"� '� 21. Suecusa TruttN. Lendet, et Londer's opt(on,maY remove Trustoe nnd eppoint a succaseor tru9tee by flrst,mailing e copy of tfte -
<br /> � :�, � auDstitution o}uustee aa requirad by appiicable law, end then,by fitin�the cubstttution of trustoe for record i�the oftice of the register of deeda
<br /> "��:_'•� of nach counry h�which the trust proporty.or some�Vart theroot,is s tuatod.The euccossor trustee,without convoyence of the proporty,ehell
<br /> r';�;:� succeod to a!I tho power,dutfos,authority and title of tAn Trustee namod in 4ha doed of trust ond of any nuccosaor truatee. �
<br /> , �'�;:
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<br /> � fpape 2 0l?I
<br /> � � MANKERS 6V6TE1A3.INC.,ST.ClOUD,MN 66901 17-000397•23411 fORM OCP•MT(i�NE E/1 Bl81 -
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