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. .� p;:..;;; . ._ <br /> � �� � � . . . --- __.._' ___-- - __z <br /> . �+��� - � -- . . �/ . .._._..,.-,._. .. ... .... ,'...'...--._.. . �-------.........._.:..Y��'t1,•�'�,•.-. <br /> ..,.�'�.•.�. <br /> w���,�•xivVew+,�MyI� .i�S. <br /> . . . <br /> , -..�.J_.u�+»r <br /> , • '� � - � .... . .. _ . - .. <br /> ., <br /> . .i <br /> r ,.. <br /> . <br /> , , . . .... -� ��- <br /> . 4+*+�'K+'.✓.e.,ir.�r`•....,.__._. _._...... _ ... _. . . . ". <br /> . _.. . ._ 6Yi�v- <br /> {•�. <br /> ' : COV�NANTB � ���g��Q '. . � <br /> 1, p�ym�rtt�. Borrower aareee to meko ell payment� on tho eecurod dobt whon duo. Unloao Borrowcr ond Londor oflrRO othorwlno, nny <br /> exc u�ive�of ntersit oi�prinCipil.�econd to Intera���nd than to princips�l.lf pYprtsil prelpayment of the eecu edrdebt accues for eny reeionalt�wlll <br /> not reducs or�xcu�e sny tch�duted p�yment untli the ncund debt 1�pald In tuil. ,. <br /> Z,q,�Om�ApYr►at Titls.Borrow�r wlll p�y�!I t�x��,�t�osoments,�nd othe►chsrpt��tttibut�ble to the property whon due end wiil defend title <br /> to ths proPenY•�p�Init�ny chlm�whlch would ImpNr th�Ilm of thls dsed of tru�t.Lendu may rsquire Borrower to ntlpn eny rlaht�,clalmr or <br /> detense�which Horrower m�y h�ve�ptinst pt►tl�s who�upply 1�4or or m�torl�is to Improv�or mdntNn th�prop�rty. , <br /> 3.M�unnc�.Borrow�r wlll keop tne proparty insured uc�dcr tcrma nccaptablo ta LonAcr nt 6orrower'�expema and for Lendar'e benelrt. All <br /> , In�urana pollcl�s�hdl includ���tandard mon �p�pcl�us�In favor of Lend�r.lendu wlil be n:med�s tos�payee ar e�the in9ured on any such <br /> • oi toahi sscured debt�I}Lsnderiequire��mo�ftp�e Iniu�irce�t Borroyveireflre�ei tu mdntalntiuchhniurencetfor ei lone as Lenderarequlree rop�rty <br /> .�r�rt 4.Vrop�Ry.8orrower wlll keep tha property In good condltlon snd make ell repein re�sontbly neceseery. "�.� <br /> � ��� � of Euat a�in eny oblipatlon eecuredyby thfi desd o}trust Borrower�wli�pay theae emount to Lender ea provldod in Covennnt 9 of thishdaed of ' } <br /> � truat. <br /> � � E.PHa&�u�y MtNat�.Unlese Borrower ilrct obtalns Lender'e written consent,Borrower wiil not make or permit any chanflea to any prlor <br /> '1 includiiryip�Barrower i eovenants�t make paymen��when�due.bllgatlons under eny prior mortgege, deed of trust or othar aecurlty egreement, �` ^��� <br /> ,,.�' <br /> . � 7.AsW:i�v�nt af R�nb�nd Profit�.Borrowet assipns to Lender the rents and protite of the property.Untese Borrower and Lenda7 have egread 1, <br /> other fse in w►Itinp, Borrower may collect and retetn the ronte ea lonp aa 8orrowe�is not In dotauit. If Borrowet defaults.Lmre�l�r, LeRdEi'B �,.:�?� <br /> • • tt seeny,or a cou►t eppolnted receiver may t�ke possession end mansgo thE R►o&a+^/ 2r.d cc:lect the ronts. Any r�nts Lendar callocas shall bn — _ <br /> � applfed firet to the coate of inenagin0 the property, inciudlng court coats and a'tarnoys'4Ees, cavnmissions to rmntAl aCants, and any othar ___ <br /> �.� <br /> �, , neoeseery related expenaea.The remafning emount of rente will then apply to Gay:�on'ts an a'�o sacurmd dabt as pra�vicies�in Covsnant . � <br /> ��', @.L�n�holdr Condon�idums;Pl�nn�d Udt O�uNoprrtar�ts.Borrower agraea to camp7y wrJn:ha�rov�wior�s ot any laaso i"this dsed of trust is on � <br /> �� a I�ss�hald.II thl�deed of uust la on e unit in a condomfnlum or a pinnr�ad�.:^r��IUVObDrr.ani,Gl3r�r5►irtr wi11 pn�dar+n mt1 oi kloremwer'e duties __ <br /> under the Govenmta,bylaws,or roputatiom of the condominium or pl�nnad�rir,Javt+laprrts�st• � •• <br /> x' g,Audqrfty of L�nd�r to P�r(otm tov BorrowK. If Borrowor taila to�per4arr� :a�Y ot Borrovrer's�lutios un9ar 9hls dnad of trus2, Lmnder may <br /> �� pru <br /> perform tM dutie�or caute tMm to bs performed.Landn mey Npn 8orrower's�nme or DaY sny a.�c�nt R macos���Y for performance. If any � '= <br /> necuiity InYere t In t h e Rtop�ertYaThia�mey I�clu de comp let inp tho conatructonmanner, Lorodsr may d�wtsatava7+a:�oaueaary to protsct Lender's <br /> s �';:� <br /> '�, Lender'e fa!lure to perlorm will not prectude Lender from exerclsinp�ny of Ite other right�under tt.e�a�a mr ti:is deed of truat. ��T, <br /> ��1�'s' <br /> Any amounte peld by Lender to protect Londer'e security intere�t wiil be aecured by this deed of uuat.Such amaunts will be due on demend n_, <br /> :� end w�ll bsv interest from the date of the payment untll p�id in full st the Interost rete In eftect on the securad debt. 1��7�i:!�•- <br /> 10. D�tv�tt�nd AccNsatlon. It eorrowar falls to m�ke any peymuui when dua ar btoake any covenante under tht�deed of trust or any ���,^—s <br /> obffeatbn necured by thi�deed of truit or eny prtor mortpepe or deed of truat,Lender msY aecelerata tM meturity at the securod decs ano �"�F <br /> �. demand immadiats payment end may iovoke the pownr of selo end eny other romedlea permlttad Gy appliceble��w• ��, <br /> f •�_=_ <br /> `' 11. R�pua�t for Wotia of Datwk.It la hereby roquested thet coplea of the notices of defeutt antl eate be seni io ani:i�'v��ean�rha f:s�»st; �_ - <br /> ��r;, hereto,et the address of each wch person,as set forth herein. ___ <br /> '��i,f..:�'; <br /> �'�-��,`• • 12. Pow�r of SW.It the Lender Invoksa tho power ot s�te,the Trustee shell fint rocord in the offlce of the repiater of deede of eac count}r <br /> � whereln�uuat p►operty or�oms part or parcel the►eof b situatod s notice ot dafault cont�ining�oto^fand to��otMQupert ni�ao p�r�scribedtby <br /> shall�I�o mail cople of tM notice of dofault to tl�e 8orrower,to each per�o�who le s party he o rat In �ny <br /> '��'"`'�'.� •^ � Incpor�a�ted ctty or vl�lapehind Is�used in hrm np oep ei,i+on's cenied on bv t�►ie uw�or,°ihenfrostee shatl pive publio notRCe of iela to ths porsom <br /> w j� � �bid�dei jp°pu,i,drb�ttH�FarmbHomeiteid�ProtectiTo�Act,Trus�te chsll o�ifer�th�e prop�rtV In�twu�seP nt�sale���equlrsdtby appllciWe liw <br /> _a,;''1� ;,�.tir Trustee mey po�tpone sala of etl or any p�rcel of tM prope►ty by puEiic snnouncertront s4 ths time�nd pl�c�o}�ny prevbusly schsduled ub. <br /> Lender or Iti designee m�y purchsee the property et�ny ids. <br /> __,�•��,,.�.,F TM r�cltial�cont�insd in <br /> _=�y.,r��t',. Upon ucelpt of p�ym ent of the price bfd,T:ustee Ehetl deliver to the purchnser Trustes'�deed conveying the prop�►ty. <br /> �--��'"�" iTorllowinQ ordsR(e1 to allmexfp�ecnies er U~a iale ncludlnp�but�not Ilmitad ta rsa6onabteTTruatse�e teesp��easonibte ittwney�teein±�e <br />"'r�f4'�'�1�,��• R•` rolnatetement fee�;(b)ta e0 auma mecured EY tNe deed of trust,�nd Ic1 the bstanco,if my,to tha peraona Isyally entitlod to rocelve it. <br /> -.e.•:.:,!;�'� <br />-:-, . 13. For�Glo�wr.At Lender's option,this deed of trust mey be ta►ect�psed In the mennsr provide by applicabie lew for foroclosure of mortyape� <br />_..,«<�,w�� on reil property. <br /> . �� 14. IMp�etlon.Lertdsr mey enter the property tu Inepect it It Lender pive�Borrower notice beforshand.Ths notic��nutt st�ts ths rstsonaWe <br /> :��� �- <br /> _=---- <br />