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<br /> _— -- - appllcable Isw may �pecity for rcinst�tcment)before sale of tho Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in thic
<br /> �=i Securlty lnsdumenr.or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thls Securfty Instrumen� '!'hose conditlona ere that Bo�rower. (a)
<br /> – ---_= paya i.�uicr r{f xu�nn w6i�i�ti�e�i wu�ld 1� due wni�r thib Security Instfumc.nt w�d thc Noic as If no acceleratton ha0 •
<br /> ' � occurred;(b)cures any default of any ather covenan�s or agrcements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enForcing this Secwity
<br /> Instrument, including,but not limited lo. rcasonable attarneys'fees; and (d) takes such actian as I.ender may �+easonably
<br /> = requiro to assure that the lien of thia Secudty InRtrument,Lender's righta in the Property arid Borrower�s obligation to pay tho
<br /> � sums xcured by thia S�;curity Instrumcnt ahnll condnue unchsinged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thts Secu�ity –
<br /> . . lnsaument aed ihe obtigatfona cecurcd hercby shall remein fully effective as if no acceleradon had occurred. Howevu.thir
<br /> :� ri�ht ta rolnstate shall not epply in tho case of acceleratlot�under paragraph 17.
<br /> ,.,
<br /> 19. 3ale ot Noki CbAnQe ot I.vpn Servicer. The Notc or a panial interest in the Note (togcther with this Security
<br /> _---- Insuument}may be sold one or�pp�t�wir�+cljt jj�'r�tice to Borrower. A sale mAy result in a chenge in the entity
<br /> -- - -� (known as the"Loan servtcer° nt coyr�l �r���w ts due under[he Note and thia Security instrument. There aisu �
<br /> .`t�� •.'� may be one or more chonges o��8*yAr wm to a snle of the Note. if there Is a change of the Lo�n Servtcer,
<br /> �--= Horrower wiil be given writtea iTotic��f the chlmgEin�ecordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. 11te notice
<br />�'``"`�=�===°--��""'�' will atate the name and uddress aP the new Loan Servicer end the eddress to which payments chould be made. The nocjce wlll
<br /> ---_`��'� also contain any other information required by applicsble luw.
<br /> -,.��..�,;�:,;;�;�:..._. " 1A. Hn�ardoua Substances. Botrower ahall not cuusc or permit the presence,use,disposal,atorage,or rclease of any
<br /> —��:°�r'�"�""' '�'> Hezardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower xhall not do. nor allow enyone else to do,anylhing affecting the
<br /> �L;�a'_-..:�.�-.�d. , .
<br />-,. ,;��„,,,,;•„�3�� " Property that is in violation of any Environment�l Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> � =��;�-_- etorage on the Property of small quaatitics of Ha�ardous Subatances that ere generelly recognized w be appropriate to namal
<br /> _ —����;� residendal uses and to maintenance of thc!'roperty.
<br /> " �= � ' n"'° Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigution.claim,demand.lawsuit or othcsr action by any �
<br /> =�'
<br /> `,. , � %•'���� govemmentnl or rcgulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Environmental
<br /> ,; ,�g '•'. •• � Law of which Horcower has actual knowledge. !f Borrower leams, or is notified by any governrnental or rcgulatory
<br /> '"'�• .. •�': AUIFIQI'1[y,that uny removal or other remediatian af uny Hazardoua Subslnnce affecting�he Property is necessary,Bo�rower
<br /> . k.�' ` �» �r`�' shall prompdy take all necessery remediul actions in uccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> „ , As used in Ihis puragraph 20,"Huzurdous Substpnces"nre those substances defined as toxic or hezArdous substances by
<br /> •�'��:� � !• �•!�;� Emironmental Law and the following eubslances: gusoline.kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> ,,,.;;,;, , .,. •'•, , s pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,mnterinls contuining Asbestos or formeldehyde, and radia�ctive marerials. As
<br /> . � .�. used in ihis paragraph 20."Enviranmental Law"meuns federul laws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Property is lacxted
<br /> :: ��;..;..,�:.� - � �% thot relate to heallh,safety or environmental protectian.
<br />-= • • � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lendcr funher covenant and agree us follows:
<br /> �a� 21. Acceleration; Remedles. l.ender Ahall give nWice to Borrower priar to acceleration tollowing Borrower's
<br /> --_ -- - breach of eny coveeent or egreement in lhle�n�ify �nA��umenf(Mut nat prior to acceteraUan uader paragraph 17
<br /> :�,-.�..,;--.-�
<br /> ° ,,;: unless applicable IAw provides otherwise). The noNce shall speciiy: (a)the deiault;(b)the Action reqnired to cure the
<br /> ° � default;(c)a date,not less than 30 doys Prom the date the notice is qiven to Borrower,by whicb the de�wult mast be
<br /> cured;�nd(d)thpt Pallure to cure Ihe defauU on or before Ihe date specffled in the notice may result In acceleration of
<br /> ' ,' � the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and wde oP the Property. The nMice shall Purther inPorm Borrower oP
<br /> " the r(ght to reinatate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non•exiatence oi'a default ar
<br /> °•'f:.' . '' any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and�ale. If the dePault is�ot cured on or before the date specif7ed in
<br /> "'6' �' the notice,l.ender at its opdon may require immediute payment tn full of all sums secured by lhis 5ecurlty Instrument _
<br /> �''U without further demond and mey invoke the power of sale and any other remedi�s permitted by applicable law ___
<br /> ' ' • l.ender shall be entitled to collect all expen4es incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragrnph 21.
<br /> 1 ' -�� including,but not limlted to,reafsonable attorneys'i'ee4 and costg of title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked.'ll�ustee sholl record a notice oP dePautt in each cuunty in which any part of the �._
<br /> ��• 4 . � =''� Property ts located and shall mail copieK oPsuch nntice in the manner prescribed by upplicable law to Borrower and to °
<br /> �` ' `'�"''� ���� the ofher rsons rescrlt►ed b a Iicable law. After the Nme re uired b a licable luw.'I�ustee shAll ive ublic
<br /> ^ P� P Y PP q Y PP A P --
<br /> �'':� ' notice of sale to!he persons and in the munner piCscribed by upplicaL•le law. 71ru4tee.without dernand on Borrower.
<br /> !' �"'�` b'"�{" x6a11 ReD the Property at public auction tn fhe hi�hest hidder ut the Ume und place nnd under the terms designaled in
<br /> : ` :m�c�� � the notke of sale In one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sale oP all or any F
<br /> ' `"^�� '��� �+�:: parcel of the Property by public annuuncement at the time�nd place oi any previously scheduled svale. Lender or its
<br />��:�, ��. . desi nee mp
<br /> g y purchase the Properly ut uny sale.
<br /> • � � Upon receipt aP payment of the price bid. 'I�ustee shull deliver to the purchuser'Irustee's deed conveying the
<br /> , Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence oP the truth uf the alatements made thereln. �_
<br /> a•� ' 'IYastee ahwll ppply the p�oceedx of the sale in the Pulluwing urder: la►to ull cosis and expenses atexercising the power
<br /> 't.. .�.
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