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<br /> _ riode ihat Lender rcyuires. The insuronco cartler provfdfn��he in��uancc xhull he chasen by Borrower subju:t to Lender�
<br /> Pe
<br /> - upproval which rhall not be unreASOnably withhelA. IP Borrower Puils�o rnaintain coverogc descrlbed above.Lender mQy.at
<br /> 'r Lender�s optIon,obtaln coverage to prutect Lender'v�ightg in the Pmneny in eccnrderMe with�ra�nph 7. ,
<br /> All insurance palicies and rsnewals shall he acceptable to Lender end shall inciude n stendw+d mongoge clause. Lender
<br /> -�_,. shall have�he�ight to hold the policies and nenewals. !f Lender requia�, 8arrawer shall promptly give�o Lender ull rcceipta
<br /> _, of pAid prcmiums nnd rtnewtd notices. In 1ha event of loss,Borrower shall aive prompt notice to ihe inrurance c�rrier and
<br /> _-_ Lender. L.ender may ma�e proof of loss iP not made promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agree in wdting,insurnnce prnceeds ahell be app8ed w restoration or repair of
<br /> -�.� the Pruperty dwrwged, lf the restaration or�+epair is economically fwaible und Lender's security is not Icssened. If the
<br /> . rcstorution or repair is not ecanomically feusible or Lender's security would be lessened, tha insurance proceeds shaU be
<br /> applied to the suma secured by this Security lnspument, whether or not then due, with any excess puid to Borrower. !f
<br /> - - - - li�rmwcr a�an��thz Prap:rtj. ar c!� stnt �ssr:cc:eitls�a 3Q da��s notice fram Lcnder th�t the fasurance carrisr has
<br /> � �s � offered to settle a claim,then Lender muy collect the Insuru�tce ptoc�als. Lender may use the pracceds ta��air or rcsto�e
<br /> - --�— ?i1-°r�--'`�?�� the Propetty ar to pay sums secured by this 3ecurfty lnstrumenl,whetlxr or not then due. The 30-day period wfll 6egin when
<br /> -- = --• _------ the notice is given.
<br /> __ '�='-`-'':'�"`'� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing,c�ny application of proceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> �....�. �����;� postpone the due datc of the monthly payments referred to in parngraphs I and 2 or change the Amount of the paymenfs. If
<br /> '�'�'�'�r�• ',-"� P B�p P� Y 9 Y �8 Y Pd P L
<br /> ",�„�.... , ., ,� under w�u h 2l the Pro A is ac wred e er, orrower t ta an nsurance icies and roceeda resultin
<br /> °�;,�,.,:;�;� from damage to ihe Praperty prior to the acquisition ahall pass to Lender to the extent of 1he xums securcd by this Secu�iry
<br /> � --=�x Insttume�t immediately prior ro the ar:quisition.
<br /> — ���r y� 6. Occupoocy, Preservwtion, Maintenance and Protectbn of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Applicallon;
<br /> ���_:;:_:;•.,.w,., Leasetiolda Borrower shall cecupy,es�abiish.and use the Prapeny sis Bortower's principal residence wi�hin siaty days afur -
<br /> "� Ihe eaecution of this Securiry lnstniment nnd shall continue to occupy ihe Property as BoROwer's principat asidence for at
<br /> _-.:,�' �c�'�. >::..; ,._,.�. least onc
<br /> :_,_— f�• ,:�,;,.�, year after the date af occupancy, unless Lender utherwise agrees in wr�ting, wBich consent shell not 6e
<br /> .,.
<br /> �.�.-a. unreusonably wilhheld.ar unless extenuating circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Borrower shall nat
<br /> - � tr,�� deatro ,dama e or im air the Pro rt ,nllow thc Pro rt to deterionte.or commit waste on the Pro rt Borrower�hall
<br /> _::;� ��,,�;+,': Y � P Pe Y Pe Y P� Y•
<br /> :. be in default if any forfeiture uction or proceeding. whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendar'x good fatth judgment
<br /> _- � � � �'� could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwixe muterially irnpair the lien created by thia Security Instrument or
<br /> �;_:�%,�,...:, :..I,� Lender'a security interest. Borrower may cure such u default nnd reinslate.as provkled in paragraph t8.by causing the actlon
<br /> �'� •�.•�•.� � - or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lende�'s good faith determinetion,precludes forfeiture of ihe Burrower�
<br /> "� �'""°�°" - ` intereat in the Property or other matedal impuirment of thc lien created by this Securily Instrument or I.ender�a securiry
<br /> '��� ' �'�' � "�`�"% interest. Borrowar shull also be in default if Borrower. during the loan application proceas, gnve m�terially false or
<br /> .�::. �, _ ,:.
<br /> �� �' •• :'"".`' k'�` inaccumte information or statementa to Lender(or failed to pravide Lcnder with any material informauon)in connection with
<br /> —�„ c•�,.� i:.�
<br /> '"':���4'r�.:r...��.;i,a�:� the laan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited �o. representations conceming Barrower's occupancy of the
<br /> -- �"'" „- . � Properry as a principal residence. If thix Secu�ty Instrument is on a lea+ehold,Borrower shull comply with All the provisions
<br /> ' of the lease. if Borrower ucquires fee title to the Property,the leusehold and the fee title shall not rnerge unless Lender agrees
<br /> to the merger in wri:ing.
<br />=--r " 7. Protectbn of l.ender'e Rlghta in the PropeMy. If Borrower fails ro pedorm the covenants and agrecments
<br /> '� •�. - •• contained in this Security Inswment, or there ix n Iegnl praceeding that mny significantly affect Lender's rights ln the
<br /> _ �"' Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> - ' '� � y Lender may do and pay for whalever iF necessary to prolect the vulue of the Property and Lender'.s rights in the Property.
<br /> � �.. " Lender's nctions muy incluck paying nny sums securcd by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument,appearing
<br /> � " > in caurt,paying reusonable ettorneys'fees smd entering on the Property to muke repuirs.Although Lender may teke oction
<br /> •.w:�:� .� � �a. . under this paragreph 7,Lender dces not have to do so,
<br /> �k , , - Any wnounls disbursed by Lender under this paruga►ph 7 shull become addition�l debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> �Z-•, � �„�:�..:._;;,._ ,1i;�, Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugme to other tertns of puymenG these umoun�s shall bear interest from the
<br /> �•' :���+�. datc ot disbursement at the Note rutc ond shall be payablc. �v�th mtercst.upon notice trom Lender to Borrower requesting °_
<br /> �•`.�' • �,�^ � payment.
<br /> ' �"'"`;;i�` � 8. Mortqage lnsurance. If Lender required mortguge insurunce as u condition of making the loun secured by tfiis
<br />:�°�' "':,°�pC�e�" • Securiry Instrument,Borrower shnll pAy the premium� requfred tu mulntain the mortgoge insurs�nce in effect. If, for any � �
<br />.,t�• " �' " reusan, the mortguge insurance covernge reyuircd by Lender lapxeg or ceuses to he in effect, Bormwer shall pay the
<br /> _ •. � � � . premiums required to obtu�n covemge rubstuntiully eyuiv:+lent ro the mangage insurunce previously in effect,ut a cost
<br /> �: � substantinlly equivaknt lo the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranre previously in effec�,f'rom an nitemate mongage �_:_-
<br /> •, � �• . insurer approved by Lender. If substuntially eyuivulent mortgabe insumnce coveruge is not uvailable, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> i „ . _ Lender each month n sum equal to onc•IwelRh of the ycurly mortgagc in+uruncc premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br />-- -°- ` _,.�x„°:,'�`: insurance coveroge lupsed or ceosed ta be in effert. Lender will uccept,use and retain these pnyments uss a luss reserve in lieu
<br /> " � of mortguge insurance. Loxs rcscrvc paymen�s muy no longer bc reyuired,at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurnnce
<br /> � `� s ,��=�'� covers�ge(in the umount und for the period lhut Lender reyuire+)provided by an in�urcr upprovcd by Lcnder aguin becomes
<br /> "•,� nvailnble:u�d is obtuined.Bonower shull puy thc premiums reyuind to muintain monguge insun�nce in effect,or to provide a
<br /> , ��''. • '' ' loss reserve,until the requirement for mongAge inxuronre endx in uccardunce with uny written o�►rcement between Borrower
<br /> ,., ,_. ., nnd Lender or npplicuble luw.
<br /> ' 9. Inspection. Lender or its agcnt muy mukc r�usonuble cn�ries u�wn and in,pectionx of the Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> '�'�Y �'�'�"�"�""""� give Borrower notice at the�ime of or prior to un ins�ctiun+pccifpin�rcu.onuMe cuu�e 1'or thr insperiion. �`
<br /> �' ... .. . _�."
<br /> " 10. Condemnolion. TF�e pro�eed�uf uny awurJ or rluim tiir J:�ma�±c.,Jircct or rumeyuentiul,in ronneclion with�ny �=-
<br /> Singlc Family--Fannk Moe/Ftaddk Mpc UNIFI)RM ItitiiRUNF.M1T--l�nifomi Covenam� 9/9p i�.�,•t,�jn�rrxr.0 !w--'
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