" ��j.' }"L, ' „ +1�����``,''•w�'♦.. J . . ."__—__
<br /> '� _ . . .- . __ ._"�_��.
<br /> � . _"_ _ ____"__"___"
<br /> �. .. _.�_ _._.�. - � � .
<br /> 1_�.� 92_ 1os�o
<br /> (i) Who cannot reasonably be expected to occupy
<br /> ; the property as a prinaipal residanCe� witih3.Y1 a °
<br /> ���7 reasonable time after the sale or transfer, all ae
<br /> — provided in Section 143(c) and (i)(2) of the
<br /> �" ' internal Revenue Code; or
<br />--s�� _
<br /> :�� _ (ii) Whc has had a gresent ownership intere�t in .
<br /> --J�-- a principal residence durinq any part of the
<br /> _- _ three-Year. period endinq on the date of the eale ar
<br /> .—a.�..a.�,. transfer, alI as provided in Saction 143(d) and
<br /> --_-- - - = (i)(2) of th� Ynternal Revenue Code (exaept that _
<br /> � "100 peraent" shall be substituted for "9S percent
<br /> -�`""�"- or more" w�ore the latter appears ia SQation
<br /> - - - -- 143(d)(i)); or
<br /> �_� (iii) At an acquisition aost which is qreater than
<br /> ��� 90 peraent of the average area purchase griae
<br /> - �°--��'�"�'� (qreater than 110 peraent for tarqeted area -
<br /> - ��°�:9.���.M'�` ' residences), ail a�s rovided in Section 143(e) attd
<br /> ��.�t=_�.,� P
<br /> _;_: . r. (i)(2) of the Iateraal Reveaue Code; or
<br />.....:F���r" '
<br /> —��'h"a+�+�:� (iv) Who has a qroes family income ia excess of
<br /> `=�T ��;�":e�,�, =y;;
<br /> -:�.F .,:. the applicable percentaqe of appli.cable median
<br /> =�� �'�,��` family inaome ae provided ia Section 1�13(f) and
<br /> =��' .;..: .;::.��:;�"�, .
<br /> � (i)(�) of the Interaal Revenue Code, or
<br /> -_ _�,,; .. .��:�,iu
<br /> `��.��'„�..�..�� (b) Horrower fails to occupy the property
<br /> =. �t-• ..,:. ..
<br />�_,h. •� * °.�;:;� �c. described in the 8eaurity instruiaent without prior
<br /> _ —.-�;;���"�`�— wrtttsn aanssnt af Leadsr or fts succss�ar� or a��iqns
<br /> - ��:���_�. :. .� � �� described at the beginaing of thie Tax-Exempt Finanaiag
<br /> °''= �'` Rider, or
<br /> . - ..� . ���,�:
<br /> - (c) Horrower omits or misropresentg a fact that ia • -
<br />- . ���� • � material with res ect to the provi�ions of Section 143
<br />- � ���'� � of ttle Internal Revenue Code in an application for the
<br /> ,�;< `, ' � �`' ° loaa secured by this Security Inetrwnent.
<br /> �,,.R,,:. �. ....E'...
<br />=_ ��,a-� � References are to the Interaal Reveaue Code as
<br /> `,� ���•� � � ameaded and in effect on the date of issuance of bonds,
<br /> = � •����� ��� r-� the proceeds o£ which wil 1 be used to f inance the °
<br />_. � * . �� _
<br />•'j, �'���,rt' �": Becurity Instrument and are deemed to include the
<br /> • J�,�- implemeatinq regulatioas.
<br />- •�,r., xG
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