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<br /> S. Hazard or Pr�perty Inxurwnce. Borrowcr shell keep the in�provements naw eai�fing or hereaftcr era�d on the
<br /> -� Propeny insureA Against lass by tire, hnz�rda included within the term "extended coverage"w�d any other ha7ards, including
<br /> __— floade or flooding. for which [.cnder requires insurance.This inaurance shall be mAintainai in tho ertwunt�and far the perlaic
<br /> �-- --
<br /> ----- -------- ------- that 1 endcr mquires. The in�urnnce cnrri�r pmviding the insurunce shnll t�chosen by&�rrower subject to l.cnder's uppruvul
<br /> — which shail not be unreasonably withheld. If Hc�rrower fails to maintAin roveruge de�cribed s�bove, L.ender may, at l.ender's
<br /> � optian.ohtafn coverage to protect l.ender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br />,;� - All insur�nce policies and renewals shall be acc:eptnble to lxnder and shull include a standard mortgage clause. I.ender
<br /> _ shnll hnve Ihe �ight to hnld the policies and rencwals. If l.ender requires,Borro�ver shull pmmptly give to Lender all recaipts of �_
<br /> _^ paid premium�s and renewal notices.in the event af loss,Borcower shell glve prompt natice to the inawrence carrier and I.ender.
<br />-"' Lender may malce proof of loss if not made prompdy by 9orrowcr.
<br /> --— Unless L.ender and Horrower otherwlse agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repsiir of thc
<br /> -���y�::.zn�,� �o�t�d�maSal.if tltt t'�tatatlon or rtpalr is ecanomlca!!y fta9lble e�d Lender'g�ecurity ic�uu IPCCrnPrl if thr.rPatora�ion�r
<br /> �4 ,�k� repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's security would be lessened. the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the suma
<br /> ���;�, �secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower a6andant the __
<br /> �T�==•= Property, or dues not answer within 30 days u��otice from l.ender that the insurance carrfer has uffered to setde a clulm,then
<br /> ���� L.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or resrore the P�operty or ta pay sums
<br /> —'__—_�"�"�'���� secured by Ihis Security Instrument,whether or not Ihen due.The 30-day perial will begin when the notice is given. —
<br /> �,;r;�;;�;;;d;;;,;;� Unless L.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds tu prfncipal shall not eatend or
<br /> ���.��
<br /> �����.�,,�„� postpone the duo date of the monthly payments refcrred to in pa�agrapha I nnd 2 or change the amount of the payments.
<br /> ����.:P,„_'�'',�� under paragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender.BoRawer's right to any insurance policies and praceeds resulting from
<br /> �'`,'�-'"' --_�, dsunage w the Prope�ty prior to the acquisitian shall pass to Lcnder to the extent of the sums secuRd by thia Security Instrument ---
<br /> ,.�.�..- f
<br /> —r�ra;v;:.�;�:, ..,,:,�•t�:i immedintely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> �«aa:-�•`-`� 6. Occupaney,l'nservatian,1Nwlntenance and Pratectlon of the Property;Born►wer's Loan Appllcallon;I.e�ceholds.
<br /> — . . }3orcower shall accupy.establish,und use the Prnpeny us Horrower's principul residence within sixty days ufter the execution of
<br /> `'r:t'�:�:r���.' • this Security Instrument und shall continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut least one year after
<br /> Y.-'_�_�Hwe�4wi..i i�'•
<br /> �,���,�� � the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in w�iting, which consent shall not be unreusonably withheld. or unless
<br /> _ , n .7 � .,;_ extcnuuti�g circumstances exist which ure beyond Bonower's control. Borrower shull not destroy, danage or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Propeny to deteriorute, or commit waste on the Property. Barrawor shall be in defuult if uny forfeiture
<br /> , • . ' action or praceeding, whether civil or criminpl, is begun that in[.ender's gocxl Pailh judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> *='�`*���'�� �: •:+"� Praperty or otherwise materially impnir the lien crented by�his Security Instrument ur I.ender's securiry interest. Borrower may
<br /> ti� cure such u default und reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action ar praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ,;,f-..•„�: ,:.. ._t.a� _
<br /> =— a.w;.:•.. ._,; �. � =� - that. in L.cndcr's good faiih detcrrniaation. preclssdes forfeiture af tlte 9onoeYer's intenst in the Pro�.+!�rty �r Mht�� ma1?�i�l
<br /> '• � impairnient af the lien creuted by this Security Ins�rument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shull Also be in default if —
<br /> _ ' , s''�', ' Borrower,during the loan applicntion pracess,guve mt�terially fnlse or inaccu�nte informution or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> _� ,��•: , •� ' , to provide Lender with any mate�ial informution) in connection with the loan evidenccd by the Note,including,but not limiteil ,
<br /> _� � " to,representutions co�cerning Bnrrower's occupancy of�he Propeny as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument i5 on a �
<br /> t � leasehold, eorrower shall comply with ull the provitiions of the leuse. If Borrowcr acquires fee title to the Property, the •
<br />;�� . leuschuld and the fee tide shull nc�t mergc unless Le:nder ngrees to thc merger in writing. � �
<br /> — �• � '� � 7.Protectton of I.cnder's Rlghts In the Property.If Borrowcr fuils to perf'orm the covenAnts und agreements contained in
<br /> . , � this Sccurity instrument, �ir thcrc ix a Icgal proccedin�thut may signiticuntly nffect Lender's rightz in thc Propc:rty (such as a
<br /> ..� .r ., prneeeding in bankruptey, probate, fiir conclemnution ur forfeiwre or to enforce luws or regulations), then Lender may do ond
<br /> a .ri�i.wn.... .:......:� pay for whatever is necessorv to protect the value of' the Propeny and Lendcr's riRhts in the Property. I.ender's actions may �
<br /> ' � ' include paying uny sums securai by n licn which has prioriry uver thiti Security Instrument, •rppcaring in court, paying c-
<br />_� �&'�=''��-`' reasonable attomeys'fees und entering on the Propeny to muke repuir�. Althnugh Lender may take uction under this paragrnph ��
<br /> �. ���,,:,•: ' �� ' 7.L.enJcr ducs iwt huve tu du su. --
<br /> -s_ ,,� • Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under thic parugraph 7 shnll be�ome :iJditionul dcbt of Bormwer secured by this �
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. Unless&mower und I.cnJcr agrec tii athcr trrm+of payment, these umounts .hull hear interest from the —
<br /> � '�"' ` �' dute of disbunement at the Nate ratc und shall be ps�yable, with intcrest. upim notice trom l.ender to Borrower reyuesting �`"'`
<br /> payment.
<br /> ��"�"�'�'�`'`� � ` S.Mort�aRe Inxuranee. If I.e.nJer reyuired nwnguFe insuronce a�a rundition uf muking the Ician sewreJ by this Security
<br />�� �i�"�"�'. ��' Inswment, Borrower xhull puy the premium.required tu nwintuin Ihe monguge in+urance in effect. IY, ti�r uny reasnn, the
<br />:.,� ��```r' °� „ mortgnge insurance c�wcr.�gc reyuin�i by l.ender lapKS or craxcs to Ix in ri'fert. &ttr�►wer,h•rll pay the prcmiumti required to
<br /> T- • obtuin covemse substuntinlly eyuivulent to the mangu�c incuranre previau,ly in eFfcct,ut a cust substnntially eyuivalent to the
<br /> - � �„ cost to Bormwer of the mongage in,uranrc prcviausly in M't��t, t'rom an ultcrnute manguKe insurer uppr�►ved by Lender. If —�
<br /> -- . xubs�untiully cyuivalent mongagr insurancc r�werugc i.nut availublc.Burmwcr shull puy to I.rnJrr carh month u sum cyual to �
<br /> _:�,. '-'''�" � one-twelfth i�f Ihe yeurly mortguge insuruncc prrmium heing paid h�•F3��rrower w•hrn Il�c imurvnce ci�verugc lapsed��r ceased t�i �
<br /> be in effect.I.ender will uccept.use und rewin Ihc�c payment+a+ u lo,� rc,crve in liru ul monguge in�uruncc. Lutis rcxrve
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