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<br /> ,. . . ��. J .� 92— �.oss74
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<br /> • "'"'�'� UNIFORM COVENAN75.Bcarrowcr and Lendcr oovenant and�Yrec�fdbwa:
<br /> . a,.�_�= ---- -- -
<br /> �" ,,�'°,;�.. �.;- .A'�., • 1.P�y�e�109 Prb�ci/d a�d t�teresi.Bcmuw�'siwfl�uuqdiy prY wi�u dt�ti�pci�tciw{wnt{inteeest ittdebtedtites�
<br /> evldencad by tho Note,includin��ny v�riatiorw raultin�from ch�t�es in the oontract rate,and other ch�r�u providod
<br /> +i�. ,. in the Note.
<br /> `' �;�„�,.,,y„ ; 2.Fw�tar T�xe��d I�w�ce.3ubject to Applicabk I�w ar waiver by Lende�,8orrower stwll y to Lender an
<br /> ,-=-a,�, � _ the day monthly poymentc of p�jncip�l and Interc�t arc payable under the Note.unti!tlu Nots is patd in ull,a sum fhercin �- _--_
<br /> � �`"�. '�;�:��.�t;.,:;, F u n d:"1 c q u a l t o o n e-t w e l/th of yearl y trxes�nd assessments Iincludin4 oondominium and planned unit deve{o�xncnt
<br /> assasment�.if any►which may atwin p�iority over this Doed of Tnist,�nd�round ronts on t h e P ro p e r ty,i f uny.p lus
<br /> - �' � one•twelRh d the yea�ly premium inst�llmenta tor ha�rd insurana.plus one•twelfth of yearly prcmium fnss�llment�tor —.
<br /> '' '"��_�=��`!'`� - mnrtgaa�inr.��ranoe,if any.all ac«�sonabiv eslirtwted initlslly and from time to time by Lender on tite ba�is of etcessntentst
<br /> ,_,..r_'',,�; ' ^ �h "� and bills end reasonable estimates thereoL Borrower shell not be obligAted to ntake such payments of Funds to Lender
<br /> _ __ � to thc extent�hat Bor�owcr maka such pwyments to the hoUler of a prbr mon�a�e or dad of Irust ii:uch holder is an ^
<br /> `�W.-;��.� .. .::� . � institutiorwl knder. -
<br /> ��� .,. . If Borrowcr p�ys Funds to Lender, the Funds shall be heid ln an institution the deposits or aa�ounts of which aro
<br /> �:- . y;��,�� insurod or guaraMeod by a Federal or state agency Iincluding Lender if Lender is such en Institutionl. Lender shall opply
<br /> - the Funds to pay said wxes.as�sessments.insurance premiums and ground�ents.Lcnder may not charQe tor so holdln�
<br /> �^ '� and applyin�the Funds,analyxing said acoount or veriiying and compiling said assessmems and bills,unless Lender pays
<br /> :�P`,}r � ,
<br /> • Bonower inurrst on thc Funds And applicabk law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may
<br />-'=�'�' � ugrce in writing at the timc of exccution ot this Dced of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be p�id to Borrower,and
<br /> - � unkss sueh a�atnent is made or applicable law �eyuires such lnterest to be paid, Lender shpll not be requl�ed to pay —
<br /> , � Bonower Any intetest w carningi on the Funds. l.ender shall givc to Borrower.without charge,an annual acoountin�
<br /> � ' of the Funds showing crodits and deblts to Ihe Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Fundc was nwde.The
<br /> � " Funds are pledgod as additional sacurity for the sums secured by this Deed oi Trust.
<br /> .. If the Amount of the Funds held by l.ender. togethcr with�he future monthly installments of Funds payabk prior
<br /> � to�he due da�es of taxes.assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents.shall ex�eai thc amount required to pay
<br /> - K,. said taxes.assesunents.insuraace premiums and ground rents as they fall due.such exass shall be.at Borrower's option.
<br /> either promptly rcpaid to Borrower or creditod to Borrower on monthly installmcnts of Fuods.IP the antount of the Funds
<br /> • heW by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes,assessments,insuranoe premiums and graund rents as they fall due.
<br /> Borrower shall pay to l.ender any amounl neixssary to make up the deficiency in one or morc payments as L.ender mAy
<br /> � require.
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full of ull sums securod by this Deed oi'Trust.Lender shall promptly reiund to Borrower any Funds
<br /> --- , .. i�&1 by i,ender.it'uttder para8�aish 17 hcrcof ihc Qr'apetty is s�ld or!he�cly Ls otht�x�s sct�aIsed by l.ender.i.esssle:
<br /> shall apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale oP the Propcny or Its acquisilion by I.endcr.any Funds heW by
<br /> - l.ender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deod of Trust.
<br /> � � 3.ApplicAtbn of Paymeata Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all p�yments received by l.ender under the
<br /> , " Note and paragrephs I end 2 hereof shali 6e applied by Lender first In payment oi amounts payable to L.ender by Borrower �;;,,;�.�,;;,
<br /> � under paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payablc on the Note at the appiicable contract rate,and then to the principal �``' ��'�-=
<br /> " oP the Note.
<br /> „ • 4.Prior Mort��ea nad Decda of Trast;Charges;LIe�.[iorrower shall periorn�all of'Borrower's obligations under
<br /> any mort�e,dad of tnut or other security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage,including Borrower's �=��:
<br /> mvenants to make payments when due. Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes.as�essments and other charges. �
<br /> fines and impositions attributable to the Property which rtwy attain a priority ovcr this Deed of Trust,and Icasehold payments „,:��...•.:,: ;
<br /> �_. or ground ren[s,if any.
<br /> '�," ' ' S.Hazard Insarance.Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erectsd on the!'r+operty insurod �
<br /> � �� against loss by�re.haxards included within the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may roquire -..�;;.
<br /> � end in such amounts and tor such periods as Leoder may require. ����'=�'� ��
<br /> �. . .'�� The insumnce carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender;provided.
<br /> ~.�:;. that such approvaf shall not be unreasonably withheld.All insu�ance policies and renewals thereof shall be in a form aaaptable �'�.�..��-���
<br /> to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in a form acceptable to I.ender.Lender shall have
<br /> � the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject to the terms af any mcxtgage.dee�of trust or other security _
<br /> _ ` a�reement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. ( � �' �"
<br /> In the event of lo�,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insu�ance canier and L.ender. l.ender may make proof
<br /> t . -
<br /> , oP bss if not madc promptly by Borrower. � "-
<br /> . If thc Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower fails ro respond to Lender within 30 days from tf�e date �"'°"`
<br /> „ notice is maikd by l.ender to Borrower that the insurance carrier ofiers to setde a cleim Por insurance benefits, Lender � "
<br /> • - is authorized ta collect and apply�he insuronce proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair�f the 1'roperty t
<br /> or to the sums secured by this Deed of Tn�st. '•
<br /> . � 6.Preserv�tion�nd M�latenancc ot Property;Lcaseholds;Condomini�ms;Planned Unk Derelopments.Borrower
<br /> � '" shell keep Ihe Property in goad repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioration of the Property �
<br /> � and shull comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of T�ust is on a leasehold. If this Deed•of Trust is on a
<br /> , . unit in a rnndominium or a plannecl unil devclopment. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's rbligetions under the
<br /> declaration orcovenants creating ar governing the�nndominium or planned unit development,the bylaws and regulations
<br /> of the oondominium or planned unit development,:�nd remstitucnt documents.
<br /> 7.Protection ot Lender's Security.lf Borrowcr fails to perfurm the covenunts and agreements contained in this Deed
<br /> � , • of Trust,or if any action ur proceeding is commencecl whKh materially affects Lender's interest in the Property,then
<br /> l.ender,at Lender's option.upon notice to Borrower,may ms�ke such pppearances.disburse such sums,including reasonable
<br /> � attorneys'fees. and take such ac�ion as is necessary to protect l.ender's interest. If Lender required mortgage insurance
<br /> as a condition ot making the loan secured by this Mortgage.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to muintain such
<br /> +� insurance in efi'ect until such time us the reauirement for such insurance terminates in accordance wnh Borrower's and
<br /> � l.ender s written agreement or applicable law.
<br /> . Any amounts disbursed by l.ender pursuan�to this paragraph 7,with intcrest thereon,at the applicable mntract rate,
<br /> shall 6ernme addition�l indcbtedness of Borrower secured hy this Deed of Trust, Unleu Borrower and Lender agree to
<br /> other terms of payment,such amounts shall be payable upon notice from Ixnder to Borrower requesting payment therenf.
<br /> Nothing contained in this parag�aph 7 shall reyuire Lender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder.
<br /> � � 8.I�pection.lxnder may make or�;ause to be made reasonable entri�s upan and inspe�:tinn�of the Property,proviJeci
<br /> - that Lender shall give t�orrower nai�.�e prior to any such inspection sp��cifying r�sonable cs�use therefor related to lxnder'�
<br /> •• interest in the Property.
<br /> 9.Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or cluim for damages,direct or conseyuential,in rnnnection with any
<br /> • condemnation or other taking of the Property,or part thereof,or for oonveyunce in lieu of conJemnAtion, ure hereby
<br /> . assigned and shull be paid to Lender,subject to the terms of any mortgage,deeci of trust or ottier serurity Wgreement with
<br /> � n lien which hus priority over this Dccd of Trust.
<br /> " ��.Borrower Not Rcleased;Forbcuauce By Lender Not a Wairer.Extrnsion of the time for paymen�r�po�iif�tpn
<br /> I nf amortirstion of the sum�sec�urecl by this Ueecl uf Tru�t granted by Lender to any.urcessnr in inte t of Borrower
<br /> � ! ami s�ll other parties whn nre�x hcre�f�er hecome se�rmJarily liable shall not nperate tn releasr,in any manner,thc liability ,
<br /> ..
<br /> .
<br /> � -
<br />