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"_ <br /> .a�.. .. .... ,...... <br />_-a.'Z_��`i� _-... . . .. - . <br /> • 5 . <br /> ^.. � ; r n��' ��a�a��� ��. <br /> 1 <br /> , ,. r. TOC3STH8R WITH all the im rovements aow or harea3ter c�rected an tha property, a�xl pll easemonte� �_ <br /> rpputtan�nca9,pnd fixtures now or here��er a p+irt of the pmperty. All repl�cemente rnd ac�ditions sQtsll�Ixo be cavarod __ <br /> �`��' � by this Security I�wtramont.All of tha faregaln8 ie�eferred to in thls Sxuiity Instrument�the"Property." e <br /> Eottt;ovmat Covt!ta�'is th�t Rarro�ver ie lewfi�lly ceised of the e�tAto hereby comayed nrKf hwe d�a right ta Arsnt vad �' <br />-�:;_,;,��- canvey the Property at�d tl�xt the Proparty is�ineacumbeted. except for ancumbnnces of record. Borrc�wer w�rrnnte�ad ` <br />'-� will defand geaeratly the title rto tha Properiy�galnat dl cl�ims�ed domand�,�u6Joct to Rny encumbrRncce of rocord. _ <br /> Txis S�cuwrv INSrnu�T combinea uniform covenants For n�tianal use u1d non-unlform covenant�with limit�l <br /> - : + vartadoa9 by jurisdlction to constitute p u�tifoam secudty instrumant covcring re�l proporty. _ <br /> :.y�v� UNiFO�t Cov�nr+'rs.Borcower and Lender covenxnt wad agti+e�as followa: <br /> 1.Ibyment oP Principal and Interest; Pte�yma�t and I.�te Ctw►ges.Horrowsr sh�ll promptly psy whon duo <br /> �`. the princi of and interast oa tho debt evidencad by tha Note an�!any pnpayment and I�te chuges due uader the Nota. <br /> 2.�for T�uces and Insusaixr.Su6Jxt to sppllcabla lpw or to a writtan wxiver by Lendcr,dorrower sh�ll pxy <br /> �,�`'�'"'���� ' to Leader om the day mnathlyp�ym:nts are du�under t6a Nota, until the Noto is ptid iu full. a aum ("Funds") for. (n) <br />�:;:,�r�•�•: yeorly tues wd Assassments which mty attoin prlority over thls�ecurity I��Shumtwt n��Itan on tha Property; (b)Yowriy <br />;::;•:�;:� leasehold psym�nts or ground ronts on tha Property�if any: (c)Yeuly t�uxrd or pmperty i�suranco premium�� (d)Yar�y <br />_.;�,Va�Q X flood iagu.anr.a pramiurns. if any:(o)Yearly nuortgsg�insurnace pramtumv�if xny�and(fl any sumsp+�yable by Bormwr�r <br /> �� to Lender, in sccord�nca with the pravisions of p�rngenph 8. in lieu af thapaymant of mortg�ga insur�nce premiiuno. <br /> -�;"��'�' Tlieso ite�ca xre culled '�scrow Items." Lemler may,ac�ay a�a. collxt w�xt hold Fuads in an amount not to eaceed tho <br />�-�.�� maximum amount a lender for �faderslly rol�tod mortg�ga lo�n ansy require for Borrower'n escrow account undor the <br />'�'�=�'`'�`�� fadex�l Real Estate Settlement Procaluras Act of 1974 as amanded fram tlma to Hme. 12 U.5.C. § 2G01 et seq. <br /> :::.i:�t..''i� <br /><;r,� ("RESPA'). unless anothar law that ap lies ro tha Funds sets a lesser smount. If so. Leuder m� any tima,wllact a�cl <br /> �''�•`•°"�^ka hold Funds in an aa►ount not to ez�th9 lesser amount. Lender may e.cHmate th9 amount of Funds due on the basle of <br /> 1' � current data aad reasonAble estimatt�of axpenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvisa in accordxnce witb applir,sbla <br /> r�;.�kMt, <br /> - `; ' �NW. <br /> � 'Iba Funds shall ba held In an instlturion whosa c�eposita em iasured by a fadernl agency,instrumeaW{ty.or eaUty <br /> °'-rixa,"� ' (including I.ender,if Leader is such au lasNtution)or ia�ny Fe,dernl Homo Loan Baok. Lsndor shall a��ply the Funds to <br /> •;��s��� pny the� Bscmw Ite.nss. Lender m�y aot chprga Sorrower for holding nnd applyiag tha FuAde. aan�aUy an�lyTlag tlze <br /> Y`"��' escmw awouat. or vedfying tha Fiscrow Items, tuiless Lender paya Hon�wer intarest on tha Funds aad pplic�ble iRw <br /> �'�'-°�_��:.• Leader ma ulre BarroK�er to a oae•tjme achuge for �n <br /> __.�.�� permits Le�edor to a�xica such a charge. However, y r�q pay <br /> =;.`„� tidepande¢t real estate tas npnrting sarvic.u:sd �y I�.c�w=3a con�^tlon t�4th thfa leaa,unles.9 applicaible law provides <br /> =�!�=?ii°�o� othsnviso.Uuless�a agreement fe m�do or applicable lswrequires intamst t�bo p�id, I.ender shall uot be requirad Wpay <br /> "��� Borrower wn�r intarest or eaminge on the Fuads.Horrower anci La�nder may�grea in writin�,howaver,that interest sh�ll lsa <br /> r'z�-a._y+s� <br /> ---� - ptld oR fh0!'uRde.IAnder shtil givo�o fio�rowar. wiiuvUt cnra g�o.�in iwnu«i i�i:�:t"iiluii-'vi tuo t`tiiw�s�'oir,"�ti'u�Cio3'.i'o:.,�: <br /> --�:� debits to the Fuads and tha ptupose for wluch eps�debit to tha Twyds wna m;de. T'�e Fundv u+a pledged as additional <br /> .:��� saewihJ for all sumv securecl by this Security Inst�umant. <br /> _��.��`;.� If the Funda held by Leixler�xcoed We amount�s permlttod to ba 6eld by applica�bla IRw, L,enckr slnll�ccoimt Qo <br /> "°�� Bortower for tha excess Funds in accordiace with tha requirements of applit�bla Ipw.If tbe amount of the Fands 6e9�1 by <br /> Lsnder at any time ie not sufRcient topay tha Bscrow Items whan due, Lendar any so notify Borrowar in w� <br /> su�h case Borrower sbAll pay to Leuder the amount nocess�y to mtice up the dbficiency. Borrower ah�il mdco up tho <br /> deficiency in no uaora thaa cwelva monUily psymaata,Rt Lender's sole discs4tfon. <br /> Up�a payment la 4'ull of tll sum9 sacured by this Security Instrument, Lender slWl promptly rofimd W Bormwer <br /> nny Fanda held by Lender. If. underpan gnph 21. Lender sti�ll acqulaa or sell the Froperty. Lender. pdor to the <br /> acquisition or s�le of tha Pcopercy. sh�ll�pl�ly aay Funds held by Le�ler et the Hme of�cquisiHon or e�le is R crodit <br /> •gumct the sutns�secured by thia Securlty Iagtn�ment. <br /> 3,A�cation ot Pxyments. fJnless xppliable low provides othecwisa, all paymeuta received by Lenler under <br /> p�ragnpbs wd 2 slull be applied: first, to any pra}xyment chu�es dua under tho Nota; second, to�mounte payable <br /> under piuigaph 2;t6ird,to lntsrest due;fourth,w principsl due;pncj I�at,to Kny late chuges due u�r the Nnte. <br /> 4.Cl�esi 41ene. Bo:tower s6aUpny dl tues�� ossesennonta� charges�fines nnct'i�po�sitions�ttriMitable to the <br /> Property which mty attain priority over thia Security Instrument, �ad leasohold peymenta or gtou�xl ronta, if any. <br /> - - Borrowor s6aU pay these oblig�tions in the manaer provided in pangnph Z,or if not p�ld in th�t�r,Borrowat sF�I <br /> pay t6em an tima diractly to the person owed pnymons. Borrowor s6�11 promptly furn�sh to I.ender aU t►atices of�mounts <br /> to be p�ld�u�ler tLIs p�ragnph.If 13orrower makcs theso�yments direci9y, Bnrrower shall pmmptly futnish to Lender <br /> receipts evidenciug the�ymen,te. <br /> Horrowor sh�U promptly discharge eny lien which has prlorlry ovar this Sxurlty Inshument unless Borrower. (a) <br /> agr�ees in wrt�to the psyment of the ob8gatiou socured by the lien in�mnnxr acceptable to Leader; (b)conta�ts in <br /> good 6aith the l en by,or defencls agdnst enforcement of tho Gan in, lega proceaclinge which in We Lancler's opinion <br /> opente ro prevent the enforcemeat of the lien; or(c) sacures from the l�older of the Ilea an �groornent saaiefi�tory to <br /> � I.en�{er wbazdin�ting tha lien to this Socurlty Iast�meat.If Lender detemunes tlut any put of tLe Proparty ia wb��ect to r <br /> Hen which m�y �ttain priodty over this Security Iastrument, Leader mmny give Borrower a noNco ldontify[ng t�e 1ion. <br /> --- Borrower shaU sxtisfy the Ilen or tal�a ona or mora of the�ctdons set forth above wItlein 10 daya os tl�o giving of n�ticn. <br /> -�„;4,� g,Ei�rd or prope�ty�urance. Horrower sh�il koep tho improvemente now exieting or 6etrafter erected on tha <br /> -- _-- Prt�perty iasu�d �gaia5t loss by fire, ha�rds included within t4ie term 'oxteaded wvenga" nnd any otber bar�rds, <br /> _--="v°- . Fam 30T,e (psys 2 of 61 <br /> —_= DANKEII3 6YBTEMS.IHC.,8T.CLOUD,AW tit�0411�l00�9o7•75411 FORIU MG12iE ZlBlot _ <br /> -�----_:y,ue ' <br /> ..:� .. <br /> .--=-'!:�YW(�fl <br /> LL4�� <br /> _.�—y1 <br /> _�.�.>�1�_ - <br />.�.«.�%�r'- v. .. --- ��---. . .__ -- <br /> � � - - — -`_--_ —� <br /> ,1• •�c t��eC� ` - - <br /> _. r-�-• -- -__....-.,.r , — -.�, .: <br /> - ,- - ,� - <br /> - -- --- .—. - <br /> - --- - -- <br /> 1�`�',�� , . __ _ _-.�. ' .�.��� 4 Si n ?�{;..�. � ._ ..._. . ' _ <br /> _'.�. ;� _ . . • ' ' ',,M, -�!l�Mt�+�6!�i0'-t�Sr.Ir.'3yir • • , . 5 !� '�... <br /> ...�.ri � � . � .. 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