<br />As a result af these agreements, Lend�, mry purchaser of the Note, another insure�, any reinaur�,
<br />any othe� entity, or �y affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) ffinounts that
<br />derive from (or might be ch� as) a�rtion of Borrower's payments for Martgage Insurance, in
<br />exchaage far sharing ar modifying the mortgage insurer's riak, ar reducing loss�. If su�eh agreemeat
<br />provides that an affilia� of Lender t� a share of the inswrer's risk in exchange for a share of the
<br />premiums �id to the inaurer, the arrangament is often termed "c�ptive reins�u�nce." F�rther:
<br />(a) Any sach agreem� wYll not affect the amonnts that Borrower ha� agrc�l to pay for
<br />Mortgage Insur$nce, or any other terms of the Loan. Snch agreement� wpll not fncrease the amotmt
<br />Borrower Wlll owe for Mort$age I�urana�„ and theg will not enl3tle Borrower to any refand.
<br />N) �Y snch agreeme�s wvl not affed the rights Borrower has - if any - vvit� r�sp�t to the
<br />Mort�a� Insarance ander the Homeowners Prot�on Act of 1998 or a� other law Thes� righ�
<br />may inelude the ri�ht to �e certaiin disclasnres, to r�nest and obt�n cancelladon of the
<br />Mortgage Insnrance, to have the Mortgage Insarance termfnat� su�tomatically, and/or to receive a
<br />refnnd of any Mortgage Insnrance preminms that were uae�rned at thc t3nne of snch canceIIation or
<br />term�nation.
<br />11. Aasignment of 11tils�aneona Proce�s; Forfeftane. All Miscellaneous Proc�eds are hereby
<br />assigned to aad shall ba paid to Lender.
<br />If the Praperiy ia dmnaged, �ch Miscellaaeous Ptoceads shall be agplied to restorat�on or repair of
<br />the Prop�rty, if the re4toration or repair ia e�anomi�ily fea�ble and. L�d�' s sea�rity is not lessened.
<br />During such regair and restoration petiod, L�der shall have the right to hold such Miacellaneoua Proceada
<br />until Lender has hed an appart�mity to inspect such Property to ensure tha work has been campleted to
<br />I.�nder' s satisfaction, provided that such inapec6ion shall be � prompfly. Lender a�y pay for the
<br />repairs and reatorarion in a sin�le disb�nseme�t or in a�ies of gragress pay� as the work i.s
<br />c�mpleted, Unless an agreem�t is made in writing ar Applicxible Law requirea interest to be paid on such
<br />Miscellaneous Proo�ds, Lender shall not ba required to pay Horrower arry intere,�t ar e,arninga on such
<br />Mis�llaneaus Pra�s. If the restoratiton or repair is not ec�nomic�ily f�'ble or Lender's s�urity would
<br />l� las�ed, the Misoellaneous Proceeds shall b�e applied to the sua� secured by this Seciuity Ins�maent,
<br />whether ar not then due, with the vic�, if any, �d to Horrower. Such Miscellan�us Praceeds shall l�
<br />applied in the order provided for ia Se�tion 2.
<br />In tha eve� of a to�1 taldng, dastrudion, or losa in value of the Property, the Misr,ellaneous
<br />Proceeds sha11 l� applied to the sums sec�vred by this 5ec�ity In�ment, whether ar nat then c�ue, with
<br />the exc�s, if any, �id to Barrower.
<br />In the event of a pazlial taking, d�truction, or lo� in value of the Prop�ty in which tke f�ir m�erket
<br />value of tha Property immediately bofore the paitial taking, destructian, or loss in vatue is equal to or
<br />grea�er tl�n the a;mo�mt of the sums sec�ued by this Security Ins�ent imu�ediately before the �tia1
<br />taking, destruction, or losa in value, unless Bonower aad Lender otherwise agr� in writing, the amns
<br />secured by this Security Instr�nt s�hall be raducad by the amount of the Miscellaneous Pro�ads
<br />multiplied by the following frac�ion: (a} the tatal amount of the awns secured immediately bafore the
<br />partial taking, d�bructian, or loss in valua divided bY N) the fair market value of the Properiy
<br />immediaxely before rhe par�al taking, dc�ruction, or lo� in vatue. t+►m► balance shall be �aid to Borrow�.
<br />Tn the ev�t of a pafial taking, d�trucbion, or lo� in vatue of the Property in which the fair �rkex
<br />value of tha Properiy immediately before the pa�rtial taking, de�ruction, or 1� in vatue is l�s than tha
<br />amount of the sums s�. im�odiately before the pertial taking, �an, or losa in value, unless
<br />Borrower an,d Lender othervvise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Prooeads ahall be �pplied to the a�mos
<br />s� by this Se�amty Inshrument whether or not the sians are then due.
<br />If the Properiy is abendoned by Bairower, or i� after notice by Lendsr to Borrawer that the
<br />Op�sing Parh' (as defined in the next sente,�ce} offers to �ke an aw�d ta �ttle a claim for dmmag�,
<br />Barrower fails to res�nd to Lender within 30 days atter the da�e the notice is giveq Lender is authorized
<br />to �llect and a�p1y the Miacell�eous Pr�eda either to restor�ion ar repair of the Property or to tha
<br />suma s�ured by this Security Instrumeat, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the third party
<br />thai owes Banawer Miscsllan+�us Proceeds or the party against whom Hatrawea haa a right of actian in
<br />regard to Miscellaneous Proc�eeds.
<br />Bonower ahall be in dBfault if any actian or procaeding, whe�her civil or cr�mal, is begim that, in
<br />Lander's judgmemt, could r�sult in forfeiture of the Praperiy or othar material impazrm�ent of Lender's
<br />i�t in the Praperiy or rights under this Securiity Ins�t. Horrower c�n caue such a default and, if
<br />acxaleratian has �red, reinstate as provided in S�tion 14, bY c�using the acbian ar proc�eding to b�
<br />2300051242 D V6AN8
<br />N�RASKA - Single Family - FeM18 AAe�Fr�ldte M� UNIADI�YI INSTt�JMEWT WPl`H IYI�
<br />�-6A(NE} tat ot v�e e oe t e ��� F�m 3028 1l01
<br />