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i i ��: <br />(C� "Lender" ia �. S. Haak P. A. <br />L�der is a 1Qational As�sac3.atioa <br />organized and existing under the laws of The IInit�al Stats+s Of A�esica <br />Lender's addre,s� is 4801 Frederica Street, O�easboro, RY 42301 <br />(D)'Ttvst�" is Mr. '1'hc�se Locher <br />2�2 �ugl� Str�et, Z� The Omaha Club, Cmaha, NE 88102 . , <br />(E) "MERS" is Mortgage Ele�tronic Regislxation Systems, Inc. MERS is a se�ate �on that is <br />acting solely as a nominea for Lende� and Lender's sucoessars aaid assigns. MER.3 is the bene�iieisiy <br />ander this Secar�ty Inetramea� ME1tS is argsnized end existing uader the laws of Delaware, �d has an <br />addr�s aad telephone nu�mber of P.O. Hox 2026, Flint, 1VII 48501-2U26, tel. (88$) 679-MERS. <br />(I� "Note" m,e�s the promissory note signed by Borrower and dat� 06/30/2011 . <br />The Note atates that Horrower owes Lender &ighty-1'vo Thousaad Fxve Suadred aad <br />00/100ths Dollara <br />(U. S. $ 82 , 500 . 00 ) plus intereat, Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Peri�lic <br />Payment� and ta pay the debfi in full nat later than Auguet 01, 2041 . <br />(G) 'Troperiy" means the p�aperiy that is descn'be�i below und� the heading "Tra�sfer of Rights in the <br />�YfNpr�ts N <br />Y"" y <br />(� "Loan" me�ns the dabt evideaced by tha Note, plus interest, anY P�Ym� ��g� ����5� <br />due imder the Note, aad all smn.s due uader this Seauity In�nent, Plus inter�t. <br />(n "R�ders" m�ns all Ridera to this Security Inattvment that are ex�uted by Borrower. The fallowing <br />Riders are to l� e�ecut�d by Horrower [check box as a�plicable]: <br />0 Ad.justable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider [� Se�ond Ho� Rider <br />0 Hal.l�n Rider � Planned Unit Development Ridsr 0 1�F Family Rider <br />0 VA Rider ❑ Biwcekly Payment Rider O Other�s) Isp�ifY) <br />�� "APPlicable Law" means a11 r,�trolling applicable federal, state and local s�rtes, regulations, <br />ardinan� and administrative rule�s aad orders (thax have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, <br />non-appalable judicial opinians. <br />(I� "Commnnity Assocfation Dnea, F�, and Ass�amenf�" means all dues, fees, and other <br />charges that are imposai on Borrow� or the Properiy by a c�ndominium asa�iarison, homeawners <br />associatian or similar organization�. <br />(L) "Electronic I+bmds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, oth� th�n a�on originated b3' <br />che�k, ch�aft, or similar pag� inattwme�nt, which is initiated through an ele�tranic t�minal, telephanic <br />i�nt, �', or magnetic tape � as to order, instruct, ar authori� a financial inatitubion to d�rit <br />ar credit an a:c�unt. Swch term includ�, but is not limitecl to, point-of�le traasf�s, av�to�, tell� <br />machine �ans, transfera im� by telephone, wiro transfers, and automated cle�ringhouse <br />transfera. <br />(Nn "E�ow Items" means thase items that are d�cmbed in Sectian 3. <br />(1� "NIlscellan�as Proceeds" meens anY �on, �tlement, award of damages, or proceeds pa�id <br />by aay third pari.y (oth� than ins�anca praoeeds paid under the c�verag� de�cn'bed in 3ection 5) for: (i) <br />damage to, or destruction o� the Property; (ii) condemoarion or other taking of all or any pmrt of tha <br />ProPerly; (iu� c�nveymnce in lieu of candemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations o� � omisaions as to, the <br />value andlor c�ndition af the Property. <br />(0) "Mortga;e Inaurance" means insiu�tc� pratec�ing L�dcx against the no�ayment o� � default on, <br />the Lean. <br />230005i242 a v6A� <br />N�RASIW - Single Family - Fannle Ma�Fr�t�e Maic UNIFO�lII tN8TRUMENT Wrl'H M <br />�-8A(NE} t�� o� ae�e 2 or � e iroaa� Form 8028 1/07 <br />