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� • <br /> , . <br /> . . , <br /> . .. .� — <br /> L -- — •a ,.._. _. . . .,._�� - - <br /> . . .��. — <br /> , c�Y..� . _ ..•,,,,.;. ..... <br /> ... . < . _,. -'-- - ... ,u _�. - <br /> � . y . � _ ___ _ — - <br /> � �-• -� -_....•w- . y. .. _. ' ... ' ...._. _. . __._-__ <br /> ...r.» <br /> _. „• . . •,�}tw�ir+��rr�..4*d}R4�• . c. <br /> . �� � . .. _ .._+ .:�.._.......�].�.� ..,...c�:.�.. - -..._. _..._.. ... _ <br /> _, ... - - ______-- _- ....�. .�_�... <br /> . . -.__ .-_ ._. _ r -..�rr.- . "_.' ' __ <br /> �.a:w»�-.-.- . •t, f;±�'_.__ <br /> . . Y ...''. �". . � .,e ,,, .�'%I- " .. . ..+.. ^�"ru _ <br /> �j. . - J. .. ':�'^P.I!�'iV3ktP+AL`f�k`:%�t�wv�... � _ - _.. <br /> � l �l ._:n+r*ft .�._ .:•t.a.a.�. . <br /> � ..`_,�..._�_- � .c-__ '_ . _ _ <br /> . . , 1066G5 �__ <br /> ��r"�.a�..:..�.. , �f� <br /> • '� ' �r� . <br /> - n t ^�_ , r ' �s <br /> n :.� s�}• <br /> . T, 11e Ie�eficltr� �bll lne tle ri�lt, �o�er ud �at6orit� I�rl�{tle co�ti��uce of tl[� Oeed ot in�t to coUoct tAe rent�, lure�ud <br /> „ � d3:,,, � - proflt� ot tle ptapert� ud of W perto��l �roperty loc�ted tbereoa�i tl ae ritlo�t t�kin��oueuio� ot t1e �ropertr �Itecteb Yereb�, ud 4ra�tor� � <br /> "`:r • �� � � ' Yere6� �6�ol�tel�ud uca�ditioully u�il��ll ncl re�t�, ime���d protlt�to t�e Seuficl�r�� Tle Ee�elici�r�, lore�er, lereb�eooe�ti to <br /> �; �` � "'..��. Teutorr' collectla�ud tete�tio�o[ nc1 n�tf� i�r�ei�ad�roFit�,w lo�� a Truton �re aot, �c ucl ti�e, i�Aeful!�tt1 re�pect to pq�e�l ol <br /> ' u� i�d�bt�m�ecired Merebl, or l� tMe oer[ot�uce ot u� yreat�t lerender. IP ur au�t of defa�lt deuribed 1en�lte� U re�peet to tlh <br /> : ;;:�:�,•�,: ;,�-�,, Deed oi lrul d�ll loe aacutel+�d k co�li�pio{, iMe BaePiei�rl, u� utt�r ot ri4At ud dt600t �otice to Te�rton or�qo�e c1�i�U� ��der r <br /> %� � • Tra�ton, ud rltlod ee{ard to tle ��l�e of tMe C�91I E1tIL�Of tk i�tete�t of th Tr��ton tleed�, oY�ll I�re tlt ri�Ml to q'1�lo u� eou! <br /> - �`'-„ . . s- ,..,.,��. M�tle{Jui�d!ctia�to ►ppoiat a neei�et ot t6e propett�. <br /> � .�r�.,�:i±�r:x;:�ac L tl� Bu�flcl�q, oe it� ���t�, �ro ��tlorited to e�ter U nr reu�o��6ta ti�e��a or f�u�pul of tle prooert� (or tle p�rPo�e a� <br /> =;�:� ►, . :�. , t�qectf�o tl�iu�u�d for N�prpoie of��rtoni�f��! of lYe�cb tYe� �re ntlori��l to perfon ude tle t�ru ot u� lou latrunt�eru�tb � <br /> —. _ .,:,,:...� ' b� truton. �- <br /> �� '' !, 1! �II �r u� ���t o( tMe�roperly or �q I�tere�t nl Troton i��old, tr��oferred or hrtler e�en6�red�itlo�t tie��itttn to��e�t ot tle <br /> � � , ' Oe��flci�ry, tl� Ynefici�r�u�declue �II �ou ucvtd E� tlii inst Oud to be iuedi�tel�du��d��pbla ud�roceed to tle�e�edia �uildle <br /> ��� � . .'� to ft r�der tb dettolt pro�i�ioa�co�t�iied lerei�. <br /> ,. ' • ' f4 11. Aq ot tl� tollawi�� ere�N rl�fl be dee�ed u e�e�t at d�fadt Aereuder: <br /> ��,=�� �� Tn�tot��I�ll h�ve tRiled to ute p�'�eat ot�� io�call�e�t oP prl�cfp�l or inere�t or �n�otler�on �ec�ted hereb��le�d�e; <br /> �-� r"•' � � �` Y. tlere lu oceyr�ed a breul o!or defnit��der u�ten, cae��u, ��rene�t, co�ditfo�,pro�i�iw, repre�nt�tio�or�artu!/co�hi�ed[� <br /> _ � b j.:t��^ <br /> _ 'a �n : :� ; lhi�Oeed of Tte�t, t6e�ote or tn�otler loan i�etrue�t �Pn�ed ie�ely; � <br /> --'�� �� a� T1ere bu bee� �def�dt by tle Tto�tor�fa tle p�y�e�L oI ny prior or trb�equ�t lie�or e�e��6rs�ee [� re�pect to tl I or nr Put o!tle <br /> --�s.�, propettl� <br /> - 1� Truton t6�ll ((!e �rolant�r� petitio�in bmknplcy or i6all be tdj�dic�ted b�att�pt or t�rol�ett, or el�ll ��ke �n u�iaueat for tle � <br /> w �Y'-" be�etit of creditor� i� rer��cc �o cMe proper�r; or u utf o�to e�torce�q lie� or eua�lruce or Jed�e�et� �piut t1e pra�erq I� <br /> ;�-.; . <br /> . . . ,, .,, wnnced. <br /> �°`� Il� I� tle e�e�t of in� detnit. the Be�etici�r�u� declu�tll todebtedun �ecuted lereby to be d�e ��d pty�ble ud tle�ue �Idl tlerepo� <br /> .�' '" •• " -"=,T�}. becoK d�e u�d py�ble�itloqt u�pre�e�t�eat, deuad,prote�t ar notice ot aol kldd. t�ere�tter, tle &�efictu/u�: <br /> ; �� eltlet i�peno�or ti��eat, ritl or altAout brie�teg e�y�ctio�or proceedia{, ot b� teceiver�ppoi�ted b��co�tt and�itho�t re�atd to <br /> t6e �deQa�c�ot uy�ec�rit�, eater npo�a�d t�ke pr��niaa of tle propert', ot ��p p��t tlereo(, i� itr o�� �ue o�l� tle tue ot t1e � <br /> - " Tn�tee, ad do ety tct�rhicl it dee�o eecen�r9��d d��inlle to preur�e tle v�lre, nttettEtlity ar re�t�bilit9 of tMe propertp,oe ptrt _ <br /> _ �'�_- t�.�.nf, o� i�te�e�t tlerel�, i�creue tlt luo�e tlerefra or orotect tYe�ecority lereof nd, ritlo.t akiat 000euio�ot tle�roperti, <br /> �" ° �ue for or otherri�e collect tle reato, lep�et and�rottt� tlerent, lechdin{ those pe�t d�e ��d o�p�(d, e�d epply th�ue� ler� co�b ud <br /> — , etpe�ee�ot opentio� �nd calleclio�, inchdi�{�tto��ey fea, upo�an� i�de6tedaw� �ec��ed lereby, all i�o�cl arder u tle Beutici�r�u� — <br /> deteni�e, tle e�Lerie{rpo�nd t�kin�po�union of tke truot ert�te, t1e collectioa ot�oeh reoto, i�o�et�ad prollti ud�p�lic�tlo� <br />� ,.�, tbeteof u�foreuid ol�ll aot c�re or �ihe nr default or ioticP oF det�alt lereoder or imlid�te ��!�ct ��� i� reopo�re to�ucl detult <br /> or purouot to eueh wtice ot dete�lt a�d natvitMttandi�g tse r.oetf�uur,a in pone�eio� of the propertf or t1e collectio�, reeeipt ud <br />_ � ipplicnlio�oi re�te, ime�or protite, Trulee or tle Beeficiuy �4�be e�litled to etercioe ererr riglt pro�ided tor i� ;q ot tle lou �. <br /> - � ' • in�trn�e�t�or b�la�opos oca�re�a of e�y e�eit of de(�alt, i�cl�dl�g t1e riglt to ezerci�e tle porrr ot ule; <br /> 4.e:tY�'" - �� • ' 1, conence u ection to forrclote thi� Deed nf Tratt a� 1�ort1�R��, aP4oiot a rariver, or tpecitietlly eeForce ne�of t�e coren�at� hereoh <br /> i'- � � c. deliver to 1'tuatee d �ritten declaratian ot�etnalt aid de�and tor esle, tnd rritten eotice of detault and election to e�ue instoro' <br /> t <br /> � intere�t [e cYe p�opert�to be �old, wlleh eotice Trootee�lall a�oe to be dal� filed tnr record i�tle ofttcitl reeordt ot tMe eeuq i� � ' ' <br /> %�;.. � � � �picM the �topetty i� locatea. � <br /> � ` � ` �� it� Slo�ld t1e Beoeficiar�elect to toreclooe by eterciee oF t�e porer of rale lerein contnined, tle Beaeficiery �IRII eotfh trootee ud �I�II ��-� <br /> ��' ' " � depa�it rith Tre�tee tli�Deed of t��et end t�� �ot«o�d ach r�cel�te end etid�nce nf �spe�dituree ��de�nd�eeved lereb�u 4rortee�e�req�ith ��_ <br /> �..� n�d�po� req�at of tMe eeaeficiuy, de Trattee elaU cwi?to be rarorded, publislPd tnd delf�ered to Truetoe o�cl Ynt[ce of Defnit tod lolite ot =- <br /> ,. . � S�le u t6e� reqdred p9 lar���E� tlie Deed ot iru�t. fn�tee e6�ll rithout denod on frorton �fter r�ch tf�e�a u9 the� be repuired 6� lu�ad ��'- <br /> ° � '°� sftet r�cord�tio�ot�ar.6 Aotice ut Def�ult e�d atter Notice oP S�le I�vi�g bee�gi'ee �e reqaired Ey lar, eell t6e �roperty et the ti�e eod pl�ce ot � <br /> �' ule tiied 6y it ia nr.1 Inlice of Sale, e[ther e�a rdole, or ta eepuatP JoU or p�rcelr ar ile�e er lr�etee eAall dee�eepe�ie�t, end fn euh order �-�- <br /> at it�q detet�iu, nt p�blic uctio�to tle higlsit bfddet(or cu6 ead eEsll deliver to iueh parch�oer or pnrcla�ere tlereof a deed to the propert� ��__ <br />� � .. eold, cond�te�t dtE tle l��tlen i� ef�ect. Recit�lo I� the inetee't de�d eh�ll he pri�e lacie evide�ce of the tntl of the �ttte�e�to�tde --- <br />���" tlerele. tra�tee�I�11 apFty tle�roteede of the e�le in rhe folloviiq order. ��� to all res�owble coob md eipeuet at the�ale, incl�dind bat�ot —•� <br /> t " � li�ited to tr�etee'� tre�ot oot�orp tl�a 2t of Ue Oroee nl� pri��e, re�9oo�Ele�uorney fee� and coob oi title e�ideece: (b) to all eon tecued � 2� <br /> "` b� tl[� Deed ot irnd; ied (c) tha euae, it �ay, to tle penna or �ersaea leqilly e�tttled thereto, Ae� �erean, iacladi�R tde BP�eticier,uy �".F' <br /> y `F,' puc�ue eaid ptopertl at oaid a�la Trartee�ay i� ?hP�aeeer provided ey Inr, pestpoee ssle of all ar eoy portioa o� tAe propert�. <br /> �+'.. <br /> F <br /> 1�, Tro�tee a�d t!e Beaeticiary, aod eac! of t�r�, ehall be entill?d to pntor�e pn��ent �nd p�rionence ot eny i�debtedaeet or oblig►tio��ecored f <br /> ° � 6ereb� n�d to eterciae ell riglG snd porerr andrr lF,ie Deed of Prnrt or under eny lo�n inetru�eet er nts�r nR�ee�e�t ar eny lero nor or here�fter <br /> � � e�toreed aotritlet�ndi�g eou or al l of the ind��Etedoe�e a�J nbli�tatinne ae�•urrd hereDy vhch�ty now or Ier�ifter bp �t�erriae aec�red� �ktAer by � <br /> •��. �ortgtge, dred ot trnot, pledRe, lieo, �esige�eot ar other�tse. M�ither lhe acr�•pt�ncP of t�t� 6Ped af iruit nor ita •�totceoent, w�ether b� c�art ; <br /> aclioo or p�nuent to the pover ot nale or ots�r po�ero Dprei� o���ais^d, �e�ll pr^iudi�� ur in any�annrr �ff��c� 5ruat��e'e •�r tke @��e�fi�iar1's riah� <br /> to reeliee upoe ur enforce soy olEcr�rrarity n��r rr �Pr��t!�r hrld:r Pris!c����r �he F��neii�isrp, ii !^irR tRrP�� !hat Tr•iatee t�d t��BN�ehcit�p, � <br /> ' aad ceth ot the�, a��ll b� PnliUed �� pnf�r��e ��ib I'PY�� :.i i r�r.i u.i ir� ►tor.��stl�y r,�.,r ;>t�1f�.'r�el•1 by �tN Hrr�r���r.�r��r Triet,:F in a�ch • . <br /> order an4 �nnner is thPr�1, in tneir aen�I�t-dig�retiur.a�i�rn�r. 5� rctFdy �Prein�,�n(crrrd uF��n or reeerrea to instee o� Bmeticiaty �e <br /> � ieteeded to Ee etclutive of in�atler re�edr herei� or 6y Iw pn,vid�d ar ,erutted, but eacl ohtll Qc r��ol�ti�e tnd tM�lt be is�dditioa to e�erT <br /> " � otber re�edy gi�en hereu�der or vo� or h�reafter�retinQ at lsr or+a�iity or by etatate. Everp pav�r or re�edy gtven bl aey of the loee i�itra�eot� <br /> � to ltutee or tla Ben?fi��iary��r to vlich �itlPr ��f �b�� �ip b�� ��tAon��+p�titl�d �a�b�� ��irr�iePd. •oncnrrpntly or ��dependpulr, fro� ei�r to tu� <br /> -- � - -- - �-_ ---- - - <br /> �nd �B�IrtO bf I�J be dre�ed�tpPdieol t,r Traeie�� �r Pcerfitia�r, ied o�t�er of tF.�� �ay pursuc i�n�r.t�!eet te�ediet. Nolhinp hetr:e n��ll b� <br /> wartrued i� Frohibitiog thp B?�''fitutr ��91 8?Pt111( 1���'�1'I�'P�Y �r�QPIl�i� 11(11P1�� Tr�ah;�A ��1 ��P �,t�t�� A�i� 1''�19� 1� �."��lt���d by �1Y. <br /> II. Tru�tare hereby rPqnewt s�npr •.f +nr �r•u:� �I d��fwlt ir4�6at aev �ot��� •t eale �?r��urdpr te uird �� ir�o��re at t�•�ddreas eet fortl <br /> it t6e (iral FarnRr�ph of tAi� [�erd ,�f ir�st. <br /> �a� T�?tleneiiciary �iy, by arr�ttpn lEPfl'9�PA1 �'l��U�f•1 1��1 1���I��vlp�IfP•1 01 r^'�+II�IVr� I31��� � •Tr•7610tF �IA�I P4�Otd�N 1� I1^ ��.'U"l� 11 �hlCh <br /> T . . . iui jrivpciy i6 iv�o�iu ani j viiiii��e� .:.LV.. o. i'� ,. �i-. .. .... .� ;�., .'ri,:::��. .• .� :�. �:.... � �'.4,C::::. ::"::'..�- . .... .... �, ��n <br /> Truelee nued Aereia or ect�ng herNunder. � � <br /> li, Thia PPed ut Trnst appliP� to �nd inar�a ta t!+h�n•�lit ,�f rd b�edY sli parti��s "er•t��. tnain c�ir:, n�ra�ani r•�pr�serta►ir�e. ±o�•c�ESO^� �nd <br /> aeeignb. The� '6ene(iri�ry"eh�►II �Asn Ihr ���n•�r aod I,ol•irr f �Ac m�tF. +h,�t�?r�r ���i ns�ed .�e �c��f��ury �,er+i�„ <br /> � � <br /> n <br /> � . . <br /> $. — - -- <br />