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"'�� , . , `i • r"..',` .. _._ . - <br /> , ,, <br /> • .: , <br /> �� � .. . . . ' . _... �� . . �rY_i-.. . <br /> . , . . __"__..=-s_�-----�---_..�!.r�.�_. __�._ . J3....._��.-- <br /> w..�'.... . ., . . .. . ' ___--_ _ __ _ _ -- <br /> ...:..,:..,,� �.��u�iz^_'n+'�,;� '—.�....,_.�,�'t7f=y,.�:. - _- <br /> "_" <br /> �_ <br /> -`'-� '."I�n�...0 �. -�_.- —_ — __ N!lYM+1lT�'l�wa .�++r�w++mn-..��w.a.r......_.�--- .. <br /> . _.-�l,::- ....... .nr."'._,.,..�t,..�.'�\t -�t•�7��b�7!!An _. .. . _ .. . . . <br /> . • � �, : �+ �0�3 <br /> � A1.I of Lo� 1'werlty-Two (2�) , eoachplac�e Suil�di�r�s3on, �n <br /> the C�It�r of rrand Tsland, �Ia13 County, Nebraaka arad thAt <br /> parC �f LoC 1'�venty-One (21) , Coaahplace Subdiv.�e.ion, �n <br /> the C��y of Grand Island, Na1.1 Couney, Nebraeka more <br /> aompletely deacr.ibed ae fc�llowe: Beg.�nn�(ng at tha <br /> SouthwesC Corner. of Lot Twenty-One (21) and runn.tng along <br /> Che weseerly b�undary 1.ine of eaid Lot 21 a dietance �f <br /> 27.IS F�:e�, thence d�fleat�ng �n a southQaeterl� <br /> d3rect.fnn �r�d .rrarr�.�tny paralleY to Che southerly bc�undary <br /> l�ne of r�aid Lr�� �.� to a po.tnt on ttaQ easterly boundary <br /> 1.ine of r�a.i.d L�� �2, thence defleat�tng �n a southerly <br /> di.rect.�oaz ��r_•r� ruszu3.�� � the eaaterly boundary I�ne uf <br /> said P�r��: ,�Z a d�is�ancc� �€ 28.70 FeeC, thence dQf2ect�ng <br /> in a rar�.�L-l�westp�.�,� d.i..z:ect3on and rursntng along the <br /> sQUtherly bourlr�=�±� .�� ��.£ r�a�[al Lot 21 to the �aint of __ <br /> beqa.nn3n�. <br /> Subjece �� easernenta, �r.zz��l�.t�ons, restr�ct�ons and l�mttations <br /> of x�ecar3, <br /> To have arz3 �o k�.�d the same; together a.ith u.�l and s.ixagu7ar <br /> the� tenem�ra��, ��,��edi tamenta amd appurtenances thereur�to beionging <br /> . or .�n any wise appertain�ng, f.orever, and saa.d partfes of the .�3rst <br /> part for their he.irs, executaxa or adminis�ratora, da <br /> Qovenant, prca.�n:�Ne and agree to �md w.i th sa�(d part.tea of the sec nd <br /> gart th�at at the de��tvery of the�e preaents they are lawfulZy <br /> aeized .fn theaa� own r.ight of an absolute and. iridefeae.tble estate af <br /> .�nheritanc�, 3r� fee simpl�, of a.nd i�n all and singular the above <br /> granted and descr�bed prem3sea, with Ghe appurtenanc�s, that Che <br /> �same axP tree, clear, diecharged and un�ncumbered of and from a.Zl <br /> , fc�r.mer and other gxants, tztles, charges, esL•ates, judgmente, <br /> taxe�, aeaessmenta and encumbrances, of w��at nature or �ind eoever: <br /> except ae to general ar bgec3al taxea for subsequent ��ars nat naw <br /> due �x��T payable, and that they will w�nrra�t �nd forev�� defend Ghe <br /> � same untv t&e said partie�+ of t;F:!e second part, their aes.fg�s, and <br /> '�, � �' � the heirs ar�d ass3gna af the aurvivor of them, againnt .said pa.rties <br /> � af the firet part, tIaeir he3ra, and all and every pers�.� or peraans <br /> , whomeoever, lawtully clajming or to claim thc eame. <br />