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<br /> 'I'i�c Itunds hlmll ltic Izcicl iti im in�dlutlon wltasc dcposlts nec Insurcd by n fedcr:ii ngcncy. instrumcntality, or entity
<br /> Uncludln�t Ih�ndcr,If I.�n�lcr Is suci�im instiuuion)rn in nny Fcdcral Home Loan Bank.l.endcr nhnll s�pply the Funds to pay thc
<br /> (!�,r�����v Urmv.IAndr�•uu�y not chnrgc Bi,rrowcr tiir hi�ldln�,nnd upplyin�,thc Funds, ui�miully nnnlyzing thc escrnw account, or �•
<br /> vcrllyhi}1 thc liticruw Uanti, unlc++IAndcr�nys Darruwcr intcrc+t un thc rimds tmd itppllcublc luw permitti L.cndcr to makc such �`
<br /> n ch;uRtc. Il��a•cvcr, I.�n�lcr muy rc�uirc iiurrawcr to n:ry �i unc•tlmc churgc fiir nn indcpendcnt rc�d cstntc tax rcporting scrvicc �.:
<br /> iiac+l hy Ixs�der In ���nnecllon wlt�i this Inau, unless npplici�Gle Inw prnvitles ot{�orwise. Unless nn a�reement is made or
<br /> up��llralilc luw rc+�ulrcy Intcrctit tu bc pnid, L.cudcr 5hidl not hc requlrcd tu puy Dorrow�cr uny inccrcst or curnings oiti tlie Funds.
<br /> Uu�u►wcr nnd I.�ndcr may a�rcc In wrl�iu�, huwcvcr, thut Intcrest shull hc puid an thc Funds. l.cnder shull �lve to Bnrrowcr,
<br /> wlthuu� rhnry;c. �m unnunl nccoiuuing u!'t�ic f'�mci,, r�howing crcclits n�id dcbits m thc Punds nnd thc purposc far whicl�cach
<br /> �Irf�U w dir I�un�lx wi�s nmdc.'I'lic I'undti nrc plcdgcd ns uddltlonal sccuri�y for at!�ums sccurcJ by tl�is Sccur�ty Instrument, _-
<br /> li'Ihc{��m��s I�cl�l I,y I�:nJcr cxcced Utc nmovnts permittcd to hc hcld by u�pliciii�lc law,l..c:ndcr shull arco�u:t tv Rnrm�ver _
<br /> fo►•tl�c cxcc��s 1'undti fn nrc+�rd«nrc wltl� Ihc rec1uirements of nppllrablc Inw. !f tlic umuunt ��f thc Funds hcld by I.cnder nt nny
<br /> ibna�Is nu1 sul'ii�:lcnt to pay�hc l?scraw Rrms wficn dae,L.cndcr muy so ncitify F3arruwcr in writing, and, in such cusc Hc�rrowcr
<br /> yhull pay to I.�ndcr ttu nm��ui►t ncrestiary to nuike up the deficicncy. Ltorrowcr shull mnkc up the dcficicncy in na�more thnn
<br /> IwclvG munlldy�riynlcnts.nt l.r�nalcr'�;�;��Ic discrction.
<br /> 1►�„�i► p�yincnt lu full of nYl sumw sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt. Lcndcr nhaU promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any
<br /> I�►u�dv hdd hy l.cndc�•,IP, ia�dcr��arugraph 21,Lsnder shnll ncquirc or sell the Prnpeny,Lender, rior to the ucquisition nr Fnle
<br /> t c+guinst the sums securcci by
<br /> of�lic Pru x���y, nhnU upply mry runQs Ficld by I..endcr nt tho timc af acyulsltlon or snlc ati a crccl —
<br /> Uilti tic�ur�ty lustrumcm,
<br /> ;,Ap�allcWllui�uf PNymeniy,Uuless i�ppllcnble Ie�w peovides otherwise,ull payments received by l.ender undur paragcaphs
<br /> 1 nnd 2 nh;dl Ix� opplied: first, to nny p�'ep»ymcnt churges Quc undcr the Notc; second,to amounts paynble under pnragraph 2;
<br /> Ihli+l,tu Entcrest duc: fuw�Ni,tu��rl�trlp;d due;nnd Inst,to nny Inte chnrges due under the N��te.
<br /> A.ChNry{er��I.Icny. �iarrower Nh;►II puy nll tc�xes,assessments,churges, fines und impositions attdbutuble to the Property
<br /> wl►Ich muy iUtuiu pri�ttity nvcr thfs 5ccurity Inscrumcut, and Icuschald payments or ground rents. if nny. Bottower shall pay
<br /> th,��_ubllg�l+.inn�v In Il�c rnum�cr providccl fu parugruph 2,or if not paid in thut munner,Aarrawer shall pay them on tlme directly
<br /> tu�hc�xrn+�n owcJ puyment. Hnrrower shall promptly furnfeh ta I.endcr nll naticcs of nmaunts to be pulcl uncter this Fara�raph. r
<br /> IY Ik�rmu•cr makc+�hcso p��gmentq dlrxtly.Burrowcr Rhall promptly fi�rnish to Lcnder receipts cvidencing the payments.
<br /> Ilorrowcr shnll promptly dind�arge wny Ilcn whlch has�rtority ovcr this Security Instrument unless Horrawer: (a)agrces In
<br /> w�i�fn��u Iho puynxnt of the��bllgutlun RccureJ by the Ilcn ro a manncr nccePtnble to I.ender;(b)contests in gacxi fuith the llen
<br /> hy, or �tcl'cihlx agulnst cnf�ircenknt of the 11en in, legal proceedinge which fn�he Lender`s opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enPurcenxnt of the lien;m�(c)wccures from �he holder aF the Ilcn an ag�'eement sntisfi�ctory to Lender subordinnting the lien ta
<br /> Ihly ti�tiurlly h��;tn�mcnt. If I.cndcr dctcrntiines th�t nny part af dic�roperty is �subject to u 8en which may aualn pdority over
<br /> Uily 4ecuil�y Ing�runKnl, I.c►�der may give tiorrower u nottce idcntifying the lien.Borrower shall sadsfy the llen or take one ur
<br /> i�tiurc ot'Ihc e�Iiuns tict forll�ntMivc wl�l�ii► 10 dayH of tlic glvfng of notice.
<br /> �. NMxrrd nr 1'rupeHy InKUrMtKr. [inrrowcr �hull kecp thc fm�rovemcnts now cxistiag or hereaftcr erected on the
<br /> I'i��i�rrly Insur�rl xgulnst (uss hy flre,huzurds Dicluded wfthin thc term extcnded covemge" und any ottier hauirds, including
<br /> I1�M►dr nr 11�Mxliny, ti►r whicb I..c►�dcr rcquires insuronce. '1'hls inst+rance shall be maintained in the nmounts und for thc periods
<br /> �i��� i�oiulur [ra���lsru_ 'I'h�� I�i►urw�ce carrler providing the insurance shull be chosc�� by Aonower subJect to L.ender's approvul
<br /> MNICII SIINII iHu bc��nrea�onubly withheld. !f Hc:rrower Fails to ��aintuin covera�o described above, i.enucr iuny, at i���e;'o
<br /> �r�►Ilun,�►I�aln c�ivcrbec to protcc�l.cixlcr's rightR in thc Property in occardancc wdh paragraph 7.
<br /> All Insur��ix;e �H�Il�:lcy atxl rencwals sholl bc aa:cptable to Lender nnd shall include a standnnl martgage clause. I.rn�ior
<br /> �NwU hxve�Ik right[��hold Il�e��licies und renewals. If Lender requlrea.Borruwer shull promptly give to i.ender all recelpts of
<br /> {►w Id pitimlumr�ixl renewal�xfticer. lu the event of loss,F3orrower shall give prampt notic.c ro che�nsumnce carr[csr and I.ender.
<br /> IA�uler nu►y iru�kc pr+kiP of losv IF not nwdc promptly by l3ormwcr.
<br /> lMl=NV I.�ixler w►wl Hnrrnwer atherwisc:aAree In wrlting, insurunce praceeds shsll be epplicd to reytomtfon or repxir of the
<br /> Nn�ehy JMrr►egnl,if the re+tm•wtlon or rcpair Ix economically feasfblo wxl Ltnder's security is not lessened.Jf the restorntion or
<br /> n-pwlr Ir�M.1 K�►iN►micrlly fewsihle or L.axler's rccurity would be lessened,the insuviuue pmeeeds sh�ll be appliod to the sums
<br /> ��umt by thlw tiecurf�y In�tcunxnt, whctl�er o� iat then due, with any cxcess paid to Honowcr. If�orrower abandons �Ix
<br /> Pn►prrly,ar dar9 ix►�anwwer withln 3n days u naticc from Lctxier that tl�e insurnnca enrcier has offeral to settle a clalm. then
<br /> l�er�kr nu�y c�silKt the insure�xc pr�keeds. l.cnder n�y usc the praecds to rcP�ir or restorc the Property or to pay sums
<br /> e�ecurrd hy �lilx ticrurUy InMiun�nt,whe.thcr ur not thcn due.The 30-dwy pericxl w�ll beBin when the notice is given.
<br /> llnlery I.enJtr �rKt iinrn►wet �Kherwise ugrec in writing, any upplication of procecds ta principal shall not catend or
<br /> �x���nc lhe�dtk dNtn�►Y Il�c nwn�hly paynxnty afetrcd to in par+igrapl�s 1 und 2 or changc the amount af the payments. If
<br /> wxkr�rylnyfh ZI �he Pr�►�xrty Is ucqulrecf by Lender,$orrower's right to eny Insuranc:c policles wid proceeds resniting from
<br /> dr►n�e I�i�tk Nr�q►eny prinr t�►Il�e ucqulsitirn��hall pas9 tu i.e�xter tv tiiu�xt�nt of ti�e svms secur�ti by ihis Sccurity Insirum:nt
<br /> Immedlrlcly pri�K���tfK wryulxltlon. , i.ea.setwlds
<br /> i,lkrrupancy. th�eMrrvMlk�n►�trintr�umce Nnd�'rotectlon ot the PropertYi��wer R I.oAn Appllcation; .
<br /> Fi�;�rrov+�er�hall�KYw�y,rtitnhlish,N�FQ u�dte I'rc�perty us&�rcower's principul residence within sixty days after th�execution of
<br /> ti►ia�tic,:urity In��runKnt w�►J hhyll a►ntinuc to ckcupy�hc Propcny as Hurrower's princlpal residence for ut lcast one ycar atter
<br /> �hc datc ui'�KCU��ky,utdtrv I.�ixlcr i►ihcrwlu ugrces in writ(ng, whtch consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld, or unless
<br /> cxleiwN�h�K tiruiutinlWiK�r cxlsl whlch ure hcyn��d Horrnwcr'R control. Horrower shall not destray, durnage or impair tt�e
<br /> prrqxrly, Alluw d�c 1'nc�e�ty In drtcrlurctte, ar cammlt wustc an thc Propertp.Borrower shall bc in default �f nny forfeiture
<br /> wtiui�„r{�r�K��nlln�,wl�hcr clvU or criminal, is Ixgun thut in I.cnder'R Qood fnith judgnxnt could result In forfciturc of the
<br /> 1'r�hKily��r�dlierwi�r.i�wteriully lni�wir dw Ilen crcutal by d�is Securlty Instiument or Lender's security interest. Bon•awer mny
<br /> cur��tiuch u�kl�uh��xl rcin►latr,a��r�►vldal iu pwrwgraph I8,by ci►using the ucdon or proceeding w be dlsmissed with a ruling
<br /> �I►wt, in I.c��Wlrr'x K�NMI Iwllh �icicnnln�U�m, ►i�;cludcs fuifciturc af thc Borrower's intr.rest in the Property or other r►�tertal
<br /> In►�Dnxiu ��� (I�C I�CI1 /T�UIIVI Ily IIII!1 41:L'UI'�Iy :ns�ruu►cnt nr I..e�xter's securiry interest. Borrower shall als�� b� in default if
<br /> Iw�i��iw��r, +I�niag Ilx�hwu�y►pUr+�tlun pein:e+s,guve mnterl��lly fxlse nr inuccurate information or stutements to Lender(or failed
<br /> a►�nnviAl�� 1 riM�cr wNh�uiy m��crlul Inliirmatlnn)In cumicctlon wlq��hc loan evtdcncal by the Note.including, but not IimStod
<br /> lu,�i�rir4•ntauunr�uiM�,:�nlnx Iwnruwer's��:cunancy of tl�c Pr�perty uy u principal restdcnce. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> ira..•�N+iJ, Il�uiu�►��r nliull unnplv wHh ull Ihc pruvlxluns uf Qte lcase. if Borrnwer acquires fec titic to the Propeny, the
<br /> IE'AtiIH1IlI(�IMI NM Il"('.1111��«haU iH��nxnc�anlcs�, I.ciKler ugr��cy tn thc mcr�cr in tivriting.
<br /> � T.1'r�dw iN►n�►f I�rndrr'N IllKhly In Ihe I�w+►perty.If Ik�rruwc:fnile to perforrn the covenants nnd ngreements contvnai in
<br /> Ihlti ti�•��nily tn,l�uc�Kn1. or N�cre 1.��+ IcE�nl pn.r��vling tliat nr►y ylgnf�c;nuly nffcct Lender's rights in the Prope:ny (such as a .
<br /> �,��c.c.dh�K In Nan6��qx�y,pr��haic, li►r cun�lcm�iuilun or furfcltarc ur to enforc�c laws or regulatlons), then Lender may do and
<br /> �►:ry I��r �N�x�c�rr iti �x�.t••.�x�y In 1srutec� �l�r viduc�►i'qic 1'raperty und l.cmlcr's rights in th.Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> iklud�:���ayiuK nny tiuuir nrcurcel by n (icn whlch h�w priurl�y ovcr Ihfti Sccurity Instrunxnt, appcaring in coait, paying
<br /> •• - . .....
<br /> __� __._�__.....e..u........w..�.......L..raiwlra Aiau„�ch trnder nutv tnke ac:tton ander thls paraRraph
<br /> rcnem+rtrtr mnnncy. �m mn�.-rnc-noR.n...�...q�..� .......»..._r.._. ...._.._o -
<br /> '1.I s�i►�ir1 ►Ua,�M�t li,��r Iu du e�►.
<br /> An,y NIIN111111'. dl•.l+u��•rd i�y I�ttslcr wtdcr Ifdy ��aru}Sruph 7 �Null I+cronw uddlN��nal ctcbt of Bnrrowcr sccured by this
<br /> tir•+uri�y laitiuriuu ne ili�lr•.r It��na��cr nud I.ciktcr uurc�����dlier te��mti�►f pay��xnt,these nmounts shall br,ar interest from die
<br /> d:��c ��1 d��lvn-inN•nt ��� �Rr Nrnr iat�� nnd nhnll Iw perynhlc, wldi Intrrest, upon notirc from I.�:ndcr to Borrowcr rcyucsting
<br />- ��:�ynM���t.
<br /> M,A��KtKwKu t�►�u�N�NC. It 14�n�lrr�rE�uhr�l moilyuue fmm:inre uti n randltlon of m:�king the lo:ut necured by this Secarity
<br />- �mnunkni. IWm��K�•r ��b�tl ��.�y �I�.pi��nifuur� �cyuii�d w n;nUit�►in tl�c mungngc insuruncc in cffcct. If, for any ru�son, thc
<br /> ur��ilyay,c ui5m,ei,�� �����:;��y.�� �r��u+i��l hy I,•mlrr hq►tirr�ir r�'�Itil'v 1�1 IK) IIl CI�FCCI, i3�mt��vcr sludl pay tl�c prcmiums rcquircd to
<br />- ��hudn�.�����i����r+nl��i��+ulally ��y�d�•�drni�u Ihc �nurly�� � ivaw��nrc��rnvinusly in cl'fcct, ut a cust nuhstantially eqaivulent to t{ie
<br />- a�.l w Ol+n����sn ��1 �h�• �i����tp,����� In,ui,ui�.c p���vlou+�y in ��(f�ct, Uum un ultcraatc mm9gnge Insurcr npprovcd by I..cndcr, If
<br />— �,���a„+� Fo�m 3028 8/80
<br />