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. ,,, � . . . <br /> . � °"""'"�'�"+u1'4�!!'9Pa!"�'..w?'".:i';�'r _ i. �� . _ _ . . __ <br /> _ !I l� ,. <br /> ~�_ ' %��� ' �l���i�.- , .. .. Vn.. ,—.�'.,,�,• --– <br /> �'�'� s..wi'�irinYfiv. �`_ <br /> , <br /> .� .. . <br /> _.. _'..._� <br /> ._.........r._. _. <br /> 1 �. . - --_ ._.-– - - ._ <br /> : ' - .. - ._ i 92-- --- <br /> �� -----���� S. Hanrd or Property le.qunnce. Borrower shell keep the improvetnents now existing or�erca e ed an the � <br /> ` �� Pmperty in�urod a�ninst loss by fire,hazards includod wlthin Ihc tcrm "extcruled covc:rege" �u�d uny othcr haz�rds, including <br /> �_� ( flaoda or flcuxling,for which I.ender requires insurancc. This inr;uroncc whall be mulntained in th�am�untr and for the periads <br /> llwt Lender requires. The insurance cwvler pro��idmg the insurun�c xhull hc clu�x:n by &�ru�wcr subject to l.ender'x opprov�l <br /> _ ------ _ � which yhal! not t+r unrcasoanbly withheld. lf Hnn�wrr feilti tm m�inuiin rnven��re dr�cribcYl aMnvr. I.ender may, at I.ender's __ <br /> option, obtain coverAge to protect L.ender's righlg in the Pmpeny in uccunlanrc with paragruph 7. <br /> All insmunce pnlicies and renewals shull be ucceptable to Lender and snall include u standurd mortgage clause. L,ender <br /> shall have the�ight to hold the policies wxf rcnewuls. If L.ender requlres,B�►rrawer shall pramptly give to L.ender all rxeipta of <br /> �� ' pnid prrmfums nnd renew�l notices. ln the event of loss, Barrower shull give prompt notice to the insurnnce cnrrler and Lender. -- - <br /> ,� Lender mey make prcwf of loss if not made prumptly by Borrower. <br /> __�. <�mn � Unlcss l.ender and Bonower othcrwise agne in writing. insurancc prciceeda shall be appliecl to re.vtoration or repair of the <br /> �~J Property damaged,if the restoratian or repuir ia economically fenxible und L.ender's securily ix not lessened. If the restoratian or <br /> ----�,�q�;�q�� rcpair is not economiculiy feasibie or i...enders stcurity wouid be iessenea.the inrurnnce procc�ods shall be Apptied to the sums `° <br /> �'�''�"'='��'' secured by thia Securlty Instrume�t, whether or not then due, with any excess puid ta 8cirrawer. If Borrower ubundons the <br /> __ `�"ioi°:`���;►� Property,or daes not unswer wlthin 30 dnys a notice from Lender thet the fnsurance carrier has offered to settle a cl�im, then <br /> '-_-2•-'�x�� Lender may callect the insurance proceata. [.ender may use the procoocis to repair or restore Ihe Praperty or tu pay aums <br /> �' ,� ',�Ijj:i _ , socured by this Security Instrument.whe�her or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> � Unkss Lender and Borrower othcnvise agree in writing, Any application of proceeds to principal ahall not extend or — <br />�i.'_�,�t�.`r :.��.`��" postpone Ihe due date of the monthly payrnents refcrred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If -- <br /> — `�'r'�''�'' n• ;`'' under rn h 21 the Pro rt is ac uired b [.ender, Borrower's ri ht to an msurunce hcies und raceeds resultin from <br /> �.�C��,�:�. .:�,,� P�8 P Pe Y • 9 Y B Y� P�� P 8 <br /> -- :•.�;��y.''`,,. ; . domage to the Property pdor to the acquisltion shnll pass to l.ender to the ex�ent of the sums secured by this Security instrument <br /> -���`'''='�� � :' .-:.. im�neJialcly priur ta the swyuisitiun. c— <br /> - _ �, ',�-��'�%_w.�, 6.Oaupw�cy,!'reservatlon,Meintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appllra�tion;Leaseholds. <br /> _ . . ?',j;_ Borruwer shall accupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixry days ufter the execution of <br /> - - i� . this Security Instrument and shall con�i nue to occupy the Propeny us Borrower'�principal residence for at least one year after — <br /> =_ � ' the dete uf occupancy,unless Lender atherwise agrees in writing. which cansem shall not he unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> -="4 ° ° ' .. eatenuuting circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's cantral. Horrower shall not destroy, damuge ar impair the <br /> �" ' ' ' .' "'"`' Propeny,allow the PropeRy to detedorate, or commit waste on the Property. BoROwcr shall be in default if uny forfeiture <br /> ���"! .� _ ` •,; � action or praceeding. whether civfl or criminal, is begun that in i.ender's good fuith judgment could result in forieiwre of the <br /> '-�i . , Property or otherwise materially impair the lien crcated by�his Security Instrument or I...ender's security imerest. Borrower may <br /> _ � � � ' . cure such a default and reinstste,as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the acUan or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> —�i" " ` '"` that. in Lcnder's good faith determinntion. precludes Porfeiture of the Bonower's interetit in the Property or olher material <br /> -,�`-"''"�"��'"'t"''�""�"" ' impairment of the lien cr�aie.i by ibis Security Insirument u�' ixudci'��nriiy iutrrcai. Borrowcr sha11 aiso be in defauit if <br /> k .. `. _ ��, �' i Borrower,during the loan upplica�ion process,�ave materially fulse or innccurate infomwtion or stutements to Lender(or failed <br /> " � � �„'�,� I to pravido L.ender with any material informution)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited <br /> ;t'c..N. . , <br /> ,,, ; �',H•• .R. ; � to, representutions concerning Borrower's occupanry of the Propeny as u principal residence. !f this Security Instrument is on a _ <br />-=N.� ',;�`" ; " leasehold, Bonower shall comply wi�h ull �he provisions nf the leatie. If BoROwer acquires fee title to Ihe Propeny, the <br /> - a � leasehold and the fee title shull not merge unless[.endcr agrecx to the mergcr in writing. <br /> -f � 7. Protectlon oP I.ender's Wghls in thc Property. If&irrowcr fuils to perform Ihe covenants and agreements comnined in <br /> '� �� *� ` � this Secu�it Instrument, or there is a Ie al rocecJin thut ma ti� nificund uffect l.ender's ri hts in the Pro rt (such a�a . <br /> _;�� � •� b'$� Y B' P G Y •�S Y S 1� Y <br /> �. , proceeding in bankruptcy, prabute, fix condemnution�ir forfeiwre ar ro enforce luws or regulations), then l.ender nwy do and �! <br /> ; ;..:, . •-�.. , <br /> �:r : ;•��..� pay for whetever is necessury to prutcct Ihe value�if the Property und Lender's righls in the Propeny. Lendcr's actions may =-- <br /> - w_�; � . =�`� _ include payeng any sums secured by a lien ��'I1ICI1 Il�ti priority u�•cr this Sccurity tnstrument, appenring in caurt, puying �_ <br />_��.)} �x`y..�4 , reasanable uttorneys' fees and enterin$on the Propt:rty to nw{ce repairs. Although l.ender may take actian under this paragrnph _ <br /> • ?,[..etuler daes not hnve to do so. <br /> r� �"�` ° ��" Any umounts disburseel by Lcncicr under this parugraph 7 shull bc:comc udditional ckbt of Borrower secured by this — <br />� � � <br /> , , Sccuriry Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lendcr ugree to othcr tcrm.of payment, �hese umnunts shull beur interest from the <br /> • �• date of disbursement ut the Note rute suid sholl Ue payublc, with interest, upnn noticc fr�m l.ender tn Borrower reques�ing <br /> - •• payment. <br /> - ' 8. MortgaRe Insurancc. If Lender reyuired mortgagc insurance uti a ronditinn �if making the loan s�wureJ by this Scrurity � _ <br /> � � ' "` ��s Instrument, Borcower shall a �he rcmiums r uired ta maimain the mon�a�� <br /> • p y p ey �, �,� insuruncc in cffcct. If, fiir uny reu.wn, the __ <br /> �%^�-.- ° mortgoge insurancc roveroge reyuired by Lc:nder lapses or ccu:;es to lx:in effect,Borrowrr shull puy �hc prcmiums required to <br /> � • ;�'� obtain covcruge substAntiully cquivalent �a thc mortgoge insurunrc previuuzly in effect, :,t a cotit subxWn�iully cyuivrlent :o the - _ <br /> ' ' �• � � rnst to Borrower of the monga�e insurancc prcvi��usly in effcct, from un ulternutr mungugc insurcr upproved by l.ender. If �'O"- <br /> � .' �;,' ^ '�� substuntially cquivalent mongagc insurance covcruEc is nut avuilaBlc, Burc��wrr�hull pay lo I.rnd�r wch mimth a sum cyu�l to <br /> : � one-twelRh of the yearly monguge insurancc prcmium Iking puiJ hy B��rruwcr whrn�hr in.uranrc cavcragc laps��i nr ceascd to - <br /> � � bc in effect. Lender will accept, ux:aixi retuin thc,c u lo+. re�crv�in licu uf mnngugc insumncc. l.asz rescrve <br /> Form 30�8 9190 `�:�– <br /> ' � <br /> .. Paqn 7 0l 6 <br /> �• <br /> , � .. � ' ' !�.'. <br /> . ., �.��-�: <br /> -�j •� . . . .- ... -"._._. .. .. ' . . . . . , ._ . . . � .� ` .. <br /> w • <br /> ,►• �' <br /> { ' . <br /> . �* <br /> . ^--„-- ---. .. <br /> ' .� ......�- '� ' ' . <br /> � <br /> � ' i <br /> ' , <br /> . <br /> �. <br />