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<br /> "`` COVENANYB ``
<br /> 1. F�eymanin. Corrower nprees to meke ell peyment� ar► the aecured debt vihen due. Unte�e Bonowar and I.�nder npree otl�ovwlRO, uny �
<br /> � peym�nt�Lender recelvas frorn Oo�rowcr or for Qorrowcr's honoEit v+lll bo nppllod 91ro�to eny amuunto �orrower o�voa an tha aacurod debt
<br /> exciwlve o}intere�t or D��nciQd,aecond to Intueyt,�nd.then to princlpel.IT pertlel prepavment of the aecured debt occury tor eny reason.It wlll M.
<br /> ,,� ` not roduc�m oxeuw�ny�ohadutad paymnnl untll th�sacuroA de6t I�pald In tull. �jy,.
<br /> •'?. 1. CINm�ApNn�t TIW.�orroMyr wlil p�y�II t�z�s.�n�soment�,snd other chorpoe attdbu4�ble to the property�vhen due end wlll defend tiila �_
<br /> to the propert1�e �Inat eny ctaim�whlch would Impeir th�lion of thl�deed o}trust.I.ender rn�y require Borrower to eeslpn any rlphU,claim�ar �
<br /> dstsnue whicl��rrawu m�y hsw�q�lnft partln who tupply lebor or m�terid�to Im�rovm or mslntefn the property.
<br /> ,. � .
<br /> �� 3. InwrM��. Dorrawor will kenp the propnrty Int�red under term� �ccoptsble to Lender at Borrower'�exponae and for Lender'� benefit.Ail _
<br /> in�urrnce poUclac�ha{I litcfuda a otcndcrd mart¢^ao ctau•o In invor of Lender,Lender wlll 6o mmed�a lose poyan ur es tho Insured 0��eny euch L,
<br /> . or to ths eecurid dibt�If lindir riqulrei�mo�ity ps Iniuincit Borrow�r�agre�ei to�mifn4Nn iuch Iniursncettor rs long es Landersraquliei roperqy �
<br />;..#i
<br /> 4,prop�rty,8orrower wlll keep the property In pood conditton and make all repatn resson�bty neco�aary. _
<br /> � 8.Fxp�u�s.Bo�rower�prees to p�y all Lendm'o axpentes,Includinq rouonsble attomayt' fees, if Borrower breeke eny covenenta in thle deed
<br />_ `%.'�� af trwt o►In eny obllp�tlon tsaured by thla deed of trust.Borrower wlil p�y theae smoumR to Leoder ee provided In Covenant 9 of thla deed nf
<br /> , '. ..'-.;���i. truet.
<br /> E, Rlo►S�ea�ily Intwnt�.Unten Bo►rower fint obtein�Leixler'o written r,�naont, 8orcoti�or vrill not mnke or permit any chanpea to any�xior �
<br /> •' seourity interuts.Darrower wlit psriorm al!of Barrowar'�obltp�tions under eny prior mdrtp�pe,deed of Yrust or other security apreement,
<br /> _;.� ,. �noludinp Borrowor'�covenente to make paymena whsn dun,
<br /> , �,. ; :., _
<br /> 7.A�N ot R�rta�nA Proflto�Horcowor aosipm tn I.onQn►the rente snd profito nf i(irs�ropeny. Untese Etorrower eM Lender have epreed
<br />- � � ` � otherw se i�writlnp, Borrower mey collar.t end rotaln the ronta aa lonq er Ciorrov�ar I�rtr�t In defauit.If 8orrower dniauits, Lender,Lendar's
<br /> ' ���1;�� ' �dent,or a court�ppaintal reaaiwr mn�takn�netnseion and mam�le Iha pr��erty end caueet the renta. Any rents Lander collecst��h�il be
<br />'';'I+`��� appll�d tintt to tM co�t�of��pnnepfnp t n prnpnrty,includin court aanrn end ettorney�' tees, commiulom to rerttal a�ents, and aoy other
<br /> ,;���, .i r►eaaary rei�t���xp�rue�.71►e remafdr►q�maunx ot ronto wRl then epnly t���yment�on th�secwed debt u provlde4 b�Covenant 1.
<br /> �!��'''¢:� 0.L��•�cl� Ge�s�h�ynlur p1�d Ur�it Dw�lopntW�t�.Etorrawer eareea to r.ompty wkh thn provi�sion�of am�Ie:Rn ff Hafs deed of vuat la o�
<br />�'=��a-• �Iee�shold. Il thi�dsad i,f uust I�o��unit(n� condominlum or a plannsd un r de mbpmen BofrqW�•�w��l p6f16t�i�61S�f�iGnOL'1Gt'G duttC� --
<br /> �,in ur�M►tM cownann,Dytaw�,or rspul�tbn�of ths condominlum or planned unit dovowpment.
<br /> �^'�• •• 9. AuU►o�itY cf L«WK to P�Toim to�lortowe. If Borrower tatla to perform any of Borrc�wer's duties under thb dao0 07 trust, Londer r.:ary
<br /> � p�►form the dutias or cau:e tMm to M p�rformed.Lender msy stpn B�rrower'e neme or pay a�y emount if neceasery for performance. 1�erry
<br />� ��`'�--�^� co�utructlon on tM�xo�►tyr la discorttinwd or not curNd on In�naso�abte manner,I.�nder mey do whatover fs necessary to protert lendsr'�
<br />`r�� security intenst In tF►e property.Thb m�y includa compfetinp ihe cons4�vctlon. —
<br />�`�'-=�";;.� Lsnd�r'a(�itw�to p�rtam�wfl!not prsclud�Lendsr irom exerclsinp any of itc ather rlQht�under the law or thla deed o4 4Nat.
<br /> '�'"d== Any�mounte paid by Lsndsr to protect Lender'� securiqr(nterest will bo�ecured by thli de�A of truat.5uch amaunts wIi!bs due on demand
<br />.�;r;� �nd wfll W�r tntona trom tM dat�of tM p�yment until pald in f�di at the intaroat rate in�ffeet on ths�ecurad debt.
<br /> _���� 10.D�hult �nd Aec�ation. If Borroveer faib Yo make any payment when dus or break��ny cnvea�nU under thl� dud ot tru�t or my
<br /> obiip�tbn s�cured by thti dwd o}tru:t or arsy prar mortp�pe or d�ed of trust.LendK ma9 ecceletato tha maturity ot tfie �ecured d�bt�nd
<br /> ��:�-;�;_�
<br /> d�m�nd immadiat�paYmanY and m�y fnvak�tt�power af s�l�and�ny oth�r nmedies permitted �y eppiioable Isw.
<br /> - ��.������_,�t.n.�..r�.�*�.n,��.hy rwnw•e.d that coplea ot the noUcea of dafault and sate de s4nt to oech peraan wfia te o p�rty
<br /> -•,-::.�...�.� hento.�t ttw�ddras of sach sucA p�nnn,ss�et forth hsrein.
<br /> ^-�'-''��
<br /> R��,� 12.►owM ot SeM.if tM L�ndsr Invokes thd power of�sl�,the Trustee shdl tirst recad in the office of tho register at deeds of oach county
<br /> = wMrsfo the Vust property a same part or peral thoraot i��iturted�nodce u}d�t�utt cor�uintn�11r�Infam�tion rsquk�d by Isw.TM Truate�
<br /> — -- sh�N at�e mill eopie�of tM notic� of d�fwk to th� flonower,to�ach perwn who U� p�rty Mreto,and to otMr pv�ons apr��criMd by
<br /> ----- appliaabl� I�w. Not Ni�than on� manth �ftar tlw T�uttee rsc4rds th�notice of dei�ult,a iwo montha ft the trust propercy T� not in any
<br /> lnCOr�,orat�d dty or viN�pe�nd io used in fwmkp o p�ntbm cartled on hy ths tructor,tM Tru�tee�heN qive pubNc not�of s�to th�p�r�a�s
<br /> �� — end in ths mxirwr pr��cdbpd by��ppplicsbls I�w. Trustee,without dem�nd on BorrowM,stiall�ell the pro p e r t�P�t publin wctbn to the htgh�et
<br /> -- - — bidd�r.If tsqulred by tf»��arm NomssUSd Pirotectlun Act.Trurt�s sha0 oHer the praporry �n two�spr�te eale�u�requirM by aFpOcaAl�law.
<br /> -- T�uaes may postpons ut�of all or any qarasl of th� propaty by pubiia�nnouncement et th�tim�and place of eny prevlousty sch�!ubd taN.
<br /> L�t�r a k�d�sipn�e m�y purchue tM�rARerty at any cak.
<br /> Upon r�alpt of paYment•of tl�e prics bid,Trust�s shail deUver to the purch��ar Trustee'e deed cdnveylng tfie pcoperty.Ths reoltl�ls aontaN�ed in
<br /> -�s,a�� Tru�tes'�daW shNl b�pdtnn feo{e svidisnce�f the truth of the�t�temenU contNrrod tlbrsin.Tru�t�e sheit�pply the procwdR of th�nN in tM
<br /> - rioin�t+�t�im�n�i,�lbl to�atl tum�sscured Dy this�d�ed ofi t ust,�ind(o1+�ths 6slancs ft eny.bo hi psiaons Isyitly e t tled to ecetvi It.iws and •
<br /> 13,Forrelo�ut�.At L�nder'�optbn,thl�d�d of tru�t may bs fa�cbad In tM mannu{xovkis by 1�pplir.�ble I�w for forecto�ure of morty�pet . ,
<br /> on nd proputy.
<br /> 74,IeNp�etion. Undx m�y aMer the(xoperty to loapect it if Lander ptv�s E3attower notice 6etorehand.The notice muat stat�the reesonai�
<br /> cauu ta�Nw1ar'�i�q►eoNon.
<br /> 11i,Cond�tlq►.[iorcower asskns to Lender the Mr,ceodi of�ny award or clelm for dam�pes connected with e cond�mnatbn or other tekin� `
<br /> of�N w Nty part of tM prop�►ty.8uch proce�d�will be rpplled�e provlMd In Coven�nt 1.Thfa nsigrenent Is aubJect to ths tems of�ny prior
<br /> - security prNrr�nt.
<br /> ^T� 7!,W�hrw.By ex�rctdnp ar�y romedY wallable to Lender,Lender does nax plve u �ny riphn to I�ter uss�nV othsr remsdy.By not exercfsinp
<br /> ;���,��� rny nm�dy upon Borrow�r'�d�fautt,lendsr does noi waive uny ripht ta I�ter contPdsr tM ewrtt�ds4�ult If it happens�p�ln.
<br /> a;ii���
<br /> - 17,Joint �nd Sewrr��� Casiyrara; Succwtoro �nd AsMgns Baxb. All dutN� under thli deed oi Vust �t��oint �nd sewnl.Any
<br /> -- - BorrowN w►a co•aip�� thi� died o}trust but do�8 noY co-si9n the undarlvin9 debt fn:wmentls) doe� ao oniy to prant�nd convsy that
<br /> - BorrowK'�intentt in the propety to the Tru�tea under the ta+m�oi thl�ds�d ot trurt.In addkion,such�Barrower apree�th�t the Lender and
<br /> - �ny otMr Borrow�r undAr thle d�ed of tru�t m�y�xbM. mod!iv or make�ny otMr ch�n�a�in the term�of thl�deed o}tru4t or tM�ecu►ed
<br /> ---° d�bt without thet Borrow�r'�cont�nt�nd without nieulnp that�orrow�r from the t�rm�o this d�sd of trutt.
<br /> --__•<�s��
<br /> ---� TfN duties�nd beneiite of thi�deed nf Uuet�hNl bind end benefit tha succ�tton and�ulgne of Lender and Bnrrower.
<br /> _��v�o■.�1
<br /> -- 7�.Rotle�.Untei�otherwlse requlred by Isw,eny notice to Borrower shall be piven by deliverin�It or by melling it by certtitsd mdl eddresced to
<br /> Borrower at the prop�r�y�ddnu w�ny oih�r nddre��th�t Burrowsr hu piven to Lender.Bor�owbr wiil pive �ny nntice ta Lender by certifiad
<br /> -_ ---�� m�il to 4��xNr'��d rd u�on pap�1 of thl�ds�d af tru�t,a to�ny other�tldns�which Lend�r hu dedpnated.Any oti�er notia to Lendar�hall
<br /> - ° l»�ant to Lan�ler'�eddrou u at�t�d on p�qs 1 oi this dead of trust.
<br /> '�"}F���`� Any ootico ehell ha d�im�d to h�ve betn plvon to Borrowor or ltndar whon qtven In the manner ttated abovs.
<br /> _;::s�,;;'��
<br /> __.,�t;���;i^�ii� 79.TrxnafNr of U�proy�rty a��anetlulel IntK��t tn th�Bwruwa.It all or any pan ot tlfo p�opertV or any interoat In It is eold or vansferred
<br /> ar" withaut I.nrxler'�prior written conaent, Lender mey demand Immediate payment ot tha�ecvred debt. Lender may etso demend immediate
<br /> :'�� n;��
<br /> =_�;y�7�;;�� payment ff the Borcower la not e naturel poreon end e beneffaiai(nterest in the Borcower is sold or transferred. H�wever, Leader may not
<br /> :-;,-;� r demand payment In tho ebnvo situstione i!It le prohlbl!ed by federel law e�of the date of thie deed of tn�st.
<br /> �:�':,,1;�`,�„� Z0.R�aonveyana�. When the oblipetlon seaured by thle deed of t�ust haa beon pald end L6nder hae no furthnr obUpetlon to make advancet
<br /> b�� und�r the inctrumentt or apreemerrte soaurod by thfn deed of truat,the Trustee shelf upon w►ttton requeet by the Lender, rocenvey the truft
<br /> �_"1;;;�P�;�� pro �rt�„The a=0`d�B�rd�elYlu ihall nav�anv rocordetionBcor�er'a suooeasor In InMroat.the truet deed end the note or other evidence ot tM
<br /> f1.�����s� "°-_.. ..---.. . . .
<br /> 21. Succ�s�o► Tmst�e. Lender, et Lender'e option, mey remove Truatee end appolnt a succeasor truateo by firat, mafiinp a copy of the
<br /> �, r�" au6atitutton of trustee ee rouulred b1�eppilcable I�+w,nnd then,by fillng the eubetttution of trwtee for rocord in the affia9 of the roelater of deeda
<br /> �`.'."��=�•.:��� of each county In whlch the truet proporty,or somo part theroof,la eituated.Tho succeasar trv�toe,wRhout conveVanco of the property,shall
<br /> -,.��,;;.,•;•�r�s eucceed to ell tha pawer,dutles,nuthority ond titia o4 the Trustee namad In the deed ot truet end ot any euecessot trvsttre.
<br /> - t
<br /> x
<br /> •'f . •�C
<br />_.,.�a�r . .'� fpape 2 of71
<br /> � �"ti'`� !MlKEl19 BYGTEM9,INC..8T.CIOUD,MN 863D1 It-!00•99)•Z�4�)FORM OCP-MT(LNE 0118/81
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