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<br /> �� periads that l.cnder requtrcs. Tha Insurance coirler provlding thc in�urancc shall be choscn by Borrawer subjcct to LenderS►
<br /> � epproval which�h�ll not be unreusonably withhcld. if Batrower fails to muintain covorn�e describcd above,l,ender mRy�W
<br />- _-=--�---- =D=--� �.cstidcr 4 ops3an.ohtaia ccvcrage to prot!�t L�m1!�r'��inhw in iheP�►�rtv in accorduice wilh para�ernph 7.
<br /> All inaurance polioles and rcnewala slwll be acceptabla to Lertder and shall include u stundard mortgage clause. Lender �
<br /> - shall have the right to hold tho poNcies and renewulx. If Lcnder rcquircs,Bomower xhall promptly give to l.ender all receipts
<br /> of paid prcmiums and renewat nafces. In the event af loss,Bartawer ahall�ive prompt notica to the inwrance cwder At►d
<br /> ^' L.ender. l,ender mAy make proaf of IoSS if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> - � Unlesa Lender and Botrower olherwiss ugrec in writing,ineumnce proc�ecdx xhull t+e upplied to reatarntion e►r mpair of =-
<br /> th� property damaged, if the rcatoration or repaic ic ec:onomically fea.vible atd Lenderh �ecurity Is not lessened. If the
<br /> - -
<br /> resrorntion or repair is not xonamicnlly feacible ar I.enderh tiecurity would be lessened, the insurance pracceds sholl be
<br /> due with un
<br /> excess afd to Bomower. If
<br /> applied to the suma secw�ed by this Secudty Instrument, whether or nd then , y p
<br /> °- :��� Borrower ubwnk,ua t{re P�-aperry.ar dacs aot�nawer�vithin ?0 dnyv n nntir.�fmm Ixnder that ihe incuronce citn'Ier has
<br /> offered to settle a claim,Q�en l.er�der may collect the Ineurnnce praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repafr or restorc
<br /> __ - -�� the Property or to pay sums secureA by thi:Security Inslrument.whether or not Ihen due. Tha 30-day period will begin when
<br /> - `- -_- -�- the notice is given.
<br /> -_�-��� Unless Lender nnd BoROwer otherwise agree in writing, nny application of proceedR to principal xhall not extend or
<br /> ��.�..,,��. postpone the due dete af thc monthly payments refcrred to in pw�ographs !nnd 2 or chonge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> �---=--a�� under paragraph 21 the Property is ucqulrcd by l.ender, Bortower's right to any inaurunce policies und proceeds rcsulting
<br /> _��,_� from damage[o the Propaty prior to the ecquisition shall pass to Lendcr ta the extent of the auma r�ecurcd by Ihia Secudty
<br /> - - Insmiment immediately priar to the acquisition.
<br /> ----___= b. Occupqncy� PreservwNon� Malntenpnce and Protection of tde Property; Horrower's l.o�n AppllcAlion;
<br /> - —;-M-. -,--.� I.ea�eholds. Borrower shsill occupy,establish,end use the Property As Borrower x principal residence within sixty deys after _
<br /> _. _.
<br /> �-�!���,L�'�'� the eaecution of this Securlty inswment and shall continue io accupy the Property as Borrower's principul residence for at
<br /> �-=�.q;�=;'::°�'�3�� least ane year after Ihe date of accupency, unless Lender othenvise agm,es in writ�ng, which consent ahnll not be
<br /> � ` unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuudng circumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> r� ��•.:..,�, destroy,dumoge or impair the I�roperty,allow the Propeny to deteriorute,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> � �_��' �,.�.. '.�••,:.,,.., �_
<br /> __�_. :_ � be in default if eny forfeitu�e action or proceeding,whether civil or criminAl,is begun ihat in L.enderk�good fai�h judgment
<br /> -� � . could result in forfelturc of the Property or otherwixe materially impnir the lien created by this Securiry ins[rument ur
<br /> -- ��k '„ Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default end reinstate,a.g provided in paragrnph 18.by causing the action
<br /> '.'��'._, •
<br /> _ „�.�r,.r;; . or proceeding to bc diamissed wilh a ruling thnt,in Lender F good faith determination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> '--s� ° - �� interest in the Propeny or other materinl impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or LenderR�securiry
<br /> '""�' ""�`�' � '�"r interest. Borcower shall nlso be in dciuult if Borrower. during thc loAn upplication process, guve materially false or
<br /> —� '��:." ''•� ::" '�:'�i inaccurate information or stuements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with uny mate�al infom�ation)in coanection with
<br /> = ,r.... .
<br /> ,�;,,�jj;:��,� the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representutions conceming Borrower'.s occupancy o e
<br /> —�ranrtaus��= Prnperty as a prineipai residenca IC thi,S�:w�ty 1n�,trument iF oa a lcaschold,Bormwec shs!!comply with el!t!x provistons
<br />_n;y;� .•�r�-:�.•��. of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold und the fee titic shull nat merge unless L.ender agrees
<br /> �' �� to the merger in writing.
<br /> �..;� " a`��'�`.,�i'�.;.,.. .:. -
<br /> .���"�,,:��..,_,.; . 7. Protection oP Lender's Righls in the Property. If Borrower fuils to periarm the covenants und agreements _-
<br /> A+a, 6 � contained in this Security Instrument, ar there is a legul proceeding that mey significnntly uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> ' , �- Property(such as u proceeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulations),then
<br /> �"- � �' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vAlue of the Property and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> � , Lender?�actions may include paying uny sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Inswment,appearing �-
<br /> .,�.; .:�:�: �• in court,paying reusonable attarneys'fees nnd e�tering on�he Propeny to make repairs. Although Lender mny take action
<br />-- ' .�,��,,,,,,,;, ::;,. under thia parugraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> .,•. r My umounts disbursed by Lender under thix psuagrnph 7 shall become ndditionnl debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />-�*�i ,:.s '� �*' °' Security Inst�ument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree to othcr tcrmx of puymem,these amounts shell bear interest from the
<br /> ''' �� �= dute of di4bursement at the Note rate nnd shall be payubie,with inle�e.t,upon notice from Lcnder to Bnrrower requesting
<br /> �. �;:,�;.e.:.....�1��; payment.
<br /> +.r:. �:�:.� � 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender required mortgage insun+nce us u condition of muking the loun secured by thig
<br /> -- ,�. Security Insuument, Borrower shall puy the premiums reyuired to maimoin the mongage insurance in effect. If, for uny
<br /> _- ;• r��, � �s reason, the mortgage insurance coveruge required by LenJer lapses or cewes to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> -- � � X premiums required to obtain coverage tiubstantiully equivulent to the mongoge insurunce previously in effect. A[ a COSI
<br />�� .'�y.:;,y_' „ `�� substantially eyuivnlent to�he cost tu Borrower of the mortgu�e inzurcince previcw.r•ly in efPect,from an alternate mortgage
<br /> .-� inaurer upproved by Lender. If substuntially equivulent mortgage insurnnce coveruge is not uvnilable.Borrower shull pay to
<br /> . � � ;�� Lender euch month a sum equnl �o one-twelfth of the yeurly mongage inxurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �,� ' , : insurnnce coverage lupsed or ceused to 6e in effect. Lender will nccept,use und retuin thesc puyments us a loss reserve ih lieu
<br /> - �'� � of mortgage insurnnce. Losx reserve puyments may no longer be reyuired, ot the option of Lender,if mortguge insurunce
<br /> : °:�r* f �� � � covers�ge(in the umount und for Ihe period that Lender rryuires)provided by un insurcr upproved by Lender again becomes v
<br /> avuiluble und is obtoined. Borrower tihall puy the prcmiwm reyuired to maintuin mortguge insurunce in effect,or to provide u
<br />~1 ,��`� y loss reserv�until the requirement tor monguge insurnnce ends in uccordunce with any written ugreement between Borrower
<br /> � � ' and Lender or npplicablc luw.
<br /> , 9. InspecNon. Lender ur itx ugenl muy makc reusonuble cntries upon und impections��f the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ' . ..• give Borrower notice ut 1he�imr of or prior to an inxFx rtion speciTying rrutionuble�uuac 1'or the intipertion.
<br /> ` 10. Condemnation. The proce�dx�il'uny uwurd��r cluim tiir damugcs,dircct i�r conseyuential,in connection with uny
<br /> I,:�. Single Family--tinnle MnwbYeddk Mac UNIF'IIRM INti I'NUMH�'1'..Umtumi('u�rn:m�� 9/90 rpa�rr.{��f h/Nl.qfs)
<br /> • • �ae�t Ide euNncae F�mr.Inc.■ -
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