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<br /> I , '� � �. � LOAfoINO. 1539216408
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<br /> j THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unlform covenants for natlonal use and non•unlform covenants with
<br /> 1 Iimlted varlatlons by Jurlsdlctlon to conatft�te a uniform securiry inatrument covarinp real property.
<br /> UNIFOR��A COVENANT9.Borrowar and Lender covenant and egree as fallcsws:
<br /> :� 1.P�yn�ent of Princlpal�nd Interest;P�epaym8nt end Lste Chirpe�. �orrowar shall promptiy pay when due ; ��
<br /> the princlpal af and Interost on the debt evidenced by the Note and�ny prepayment and late charges due under the
<br /> �,;,,,� Note.
<br /> ,,. .� 2.Funds tor TAxea snd InsurA��ce. SubJect to appllcable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall ay
<br /> to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.until the Nate I�p�I��!n full,a sum("Funds")for: (a�
<br /> yearly teuces and assesnments which ma,y attaln priority over thlr�Securlry Instrum�ni as a Ilen on the Property;(b)yearly • -�. �. .
<br /> leasehold payment�or ground rents on tha Properry,If any; (c)y.Qa�ty hazard or property insu�nc�premlums;{d) . .. . ;..
<br /> yaady flood fnsuranae pramlums,If�ny; (e�yeady mortc�age insuranco premlums,If any; and (fl any sums payable by ,��•.�.-�._,;
<br /> Bonower to Lender,In accordc+nce w(th tho provislon&of paragraph e,In Ileu of the payment of mortgage Inaurance ..",�ti_:v
<br /> {ar�mlums.7hese items aro calted"EECrow Itoms."Lender m�y,at any time,coilect end hold Funds in an amount not to ;�J---_
<br /> exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federaffy related mortgage loan may require fior Borrower's escrow sccount �,�:'���?'__
<br /> • • . ; under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures A�t of 1974 as amended from tirne to tlme,l2 U.S.C. �2601 et �.:,,;�•_%:;�
<br /> �-;' sey.("RESpA`),unless another taw that applies to the�unds sets�I�ssar amount.If so,Lender may,at any time,collect :��=_--
<br /> '��;�, , and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount, l�ender may estimate the amo�nt of Funds due on the �-��a:::._
<br /> basis of current da4a and reasonablo estimates of exp�snditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wlth '�r.;����'
<br /> appllcable law. �,�.',��F;�.:---
<br /> The Func�ls shali be hald In an Instltutlon whose deposlts are Insured by a fetiarat agency, Inatrumentality,or entlry ;.;., •• �r����:
<br /> '�:�„ (Including Londar,If Lender is such an instftutlon)or In eny Federal Home Loan eank.Lender shall apply the Funds 40 ,.,'�`'`
<br /> � ',?;:;; pay the Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower fur holdtnp and applying the Furtds,annually analyzing the „•�'.-�.ry-
<br /> `��' escrow account,or verHying the Escrow items,unless Lender pays Borrawer Intetest on the Fund$and appllcable law �-
<br /> .:-"`..
<br /> parmfts Lender to make such a charge.However, Lender may requfre Borrower to pay a one-tlme charge for an
<br /> Independent reai estate tax reporting service used by Lender In cannectlon wfth this loan. unless applicable law _ __
<br /> � � prov{des otherwlse.Unless an agreement Is made or appllcable Iaw requtres Interest to be pald,Lender shall not be �� —
<br /> roqulred to pay eotrowor any Interost or earnings on the Funda. Borrower and I.enr�er may ac�ree In wrfting,however, �
<br /> ' s� that Interest shail be pald on the Funds.Lender shall giveto Borrower,without charge,an annual ac$ounting oi tNe ° �-
<br />_ } Funda,showina credfts and deblts to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mado.The
<br /> Funds are pledged as additlonal s�curlty for all suma secured by this Security instrument. ��_
<br /> l- -� If the Funds held by L�ndet exceed the amounts permftted to be held by appUcable law,Lender shap accoun4 to
<br /> � � •'�� � Borrower for the excess Funds In accordanco wfth the requiremente of appllcable law.If tha amount of the Funds held ;.�:�_
<br /> " by Lender at any tfine is not sufticlent to pay tho�scrow Itoma when due,Lender may so notffy Borrower In writ(ng, �y���
<br /> _ �. .���, and,tn such caee Borrower ahall pay to Lender the amount nec�ssary to mak�up the deficlency.Borrower shall make _
<br />-�.� . . �� up the defl�lency In no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole dlscretion. _��
<br />;;;;;;s;.. :�.:�: ' Upon payment In fufl of ell sums sgcured by this Securiry Instrument,lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any ___
<br /> t�,;�,,��-.,,,,� Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqulre or sell the Property,Lender,prlor to tha acqulsftlon -
<br /> .,���. ,,�• • or salo of the Property,shall epply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqu(sitfon or�aIB as s crod(t agalnst the
<br />���•• .. : ,; sums secured by thla Securiry Instrumerd.
<br /> �'��•� ���.�'�' � 3.Appllcatlon ot Paym�nts. Unless applicabte la�v provides otherwise,sll payments receh►ed by Lender under _
<br /> i�:,;: •
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled:flrat,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;aecond,to amnunts payable
<br />=-�:''"��•k� under pa�agraph 2;third,to Intereot due;tourth,to princlpal due;and tast,to sny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> -Ti-'._ .h . ��i?.�/'.
<br />=�'�..."� 4.Charyes;I.fens. Bomower shallpay all taxes,assossmenis, churges,flnea and Impositlons attributable to the e:;
<br /> ��,��� ., Pro�rty which mAy sttain priorfty over this 3ecurity Instrum�nt,and leasehold payments a ground rents,ff any. _
<br /> =--= Borrower ahall pay these qbllgations(n the manner provided In paragraph 2,or It not patd In that manner,Bflrrawer siiall �•'-_
<br /> �m� pay them on time dlrectly to the person owed payment.9orrower shall promptiy turMsh to Lender all notices of
<br />=�;�;;;,� amounts to be paki unddr this peregraph.If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fum(sh to �r-�,..
<br />�•y��.�F � LH n der reca lp ts e v i denc(ng t h e p a y m e n t s. e;���-
<br />�•r...�..�s:�.:•_. Borrowor shali promptly discharge any ilen whlch Iu+s prlority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a) __
<br />=='=:-;:_��; agrees In writing to the payment of the obllgatlon securod by the Ilen ln a manner acceptaNe to Lender,(b�cantests In =�--
<br /> =��•ry �- flood faRh the Ifen by,or defends agalnst enforcement of the Ilen In, legal proceet!ln�s which in the Lende a�pinlon o�=,
<br /> :�'"��_� opsrate to preverrt the erriorcement of the Ilen;or(c)securea from the holder of the len an agreement satisfact�ry to «:,_-
<br /> :,;.�,�_� Lender subardinatfng the Ilen to thls 8ecuriry Instrument,If Lender determiroos that any pad uf the Property fs subJect to
<br /> ;•�=._�:�._..� a Ilen whlch may atta!n pr�ortty aver thls Securfty Instrument,Lender may give Borrowee a noilce Idem f!ying the Ilen. _ -
<br /> ' '";;�"�:"': Borrower shall satisty the Ifen or take one or moro of the actlons set forth above within 10 days of the givin�of notice. -
<br />- .;;.,,; _—
<br />-�� � . G.H�za�d or Property Insurance. Borrov�er shall keep the Improvemonts now exlstin�or heroaftor erected on the _
<br />�����• . Property Insured agalnst loas by flre,hazards Included wfthin the term"extended coverage a�d any other hazards, __
<br /> ' including floods or floodln�,lor whlch Lendar requlres Insurance.This fnsurance shail be maintsined In the amounte ar►cA -
<br />-�� for the periods tha4 Lender requlres. The Insurancs ca►rler providing the Insurance sheli be chasen by Borrower subJect ';;;:�'s--_—
<br /> tc�Lsnder's approval whfoh shall rtot be unreauonably wfthheld. If Borrowor fafls to maln�aln covorage described ebove, a°°-=��:��
<br /> Lender�ttay,at Lender's optlon,obtaln coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property I�accordance with ��::�r-.=,=-=-_
<br />_ . .�; paragraph 7. `- ___�-�
<br /> .. , `s;:°_-
<br /> �_.;:._.
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