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. , � . .. �. _ . . ., <br /> .�. 'IiA ' . '.��� . . . �.. ,. ,• I •, � `: ' ,� • ,lM. <br /> . . � ' �v p�. . . . .. � U _ .. .... . � p�: <br /> �i . i': . . . ... <br /> .«.dn . r , . . . . . . .� „ .. -- ::i.o:..- � <br /> � ' L.� _ <br /> � . .. ' . . � .. . " �'.1'��.�� <br /> � ��t�-•+�.4'.^.+'.tx��K"Y�e.�.nr.�..t..,e�.w�..r.��':414�N1..�..#.�i�Df.�f.l!ai _..Cl'W.Jr/7'.S.F�M..'.lY. ...�... .' _ . . . . w!Lrt.. � . •'�7�'Y'�t/1�9eMIF'�y�•K . ,'-��.1:_ <br /> .._._ .... ."_."__ ' ,. ..... . _ r '- , . <br /> . ._............ ... . , . 7�" 'T <br /> . ��� •�����0 <br /> 'I�li'Tf�R WIT1H all the improvements now or hereafter ere.cted on tlie prupeny,nnd all extsementa,appurtes�ances,nnd <br /> Cutures now or hetr,after a part of the properry.All npl9cements and ad�itions shnlf also bc covcrcd by�his 5ecudty InsWmcn� <br /> All of�ho foregoing ls refeacd to in this Secwity Instrurtncnt a9 the"Prope�-tyr." <br /> . BORROWIIR COVBNANTS that Barrowu is lawfuUy scla�d of thc cstau hcrcby conveycd end has thc Nght to grent and <br /> - . i convey the Property and thnt ihe Properry is unencumbered. excegt for enc�mbrances of rccord. Borrowcr worranis a,nd will <br /> , defer.d gene;ally tho dtic eo the P;o�ty agains¢a(1 claims and demands,subject w any en.cumbrances of reeord. � <br /> <� �Y� THIS SFCURITY INSTRiJMBNT combInes unlform covenanta for nati,oral usa end non-unifami covenent� with limited <br /> � varladons by jurisdLCti.on to consdwte a uniform socucity inswment coverin3 real praperty. <br /> ;;;,,,..:�'� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end I.endetr covennRt and agrce es lollows: •� � � <br /> -,..••��� 1.Payment oi Princi�l�d Interest;Prepaymemt 8nd Late C6uges. Borrower shaA prompUy pay wh�en duc thc <br /> - �f principal of and interest on tha debt evidenced by the Note and any Pmpaycnent and Irste churges duo uredu the Now. -�� <br /> y� 2.�ods tor Taxes and Insueance. Sub�ect to epplicable Isw or to a written wai•rar by Lertder, Bo�rower shall pay to •�.;.,��� <br /> ; Lcnder on the day monthly payments arc duc u;.der tha Note.undl the Not�is paid In fall,a sum("Furtds")for:(a)ycarly taxes '_���- <br /> . , ,'�j and esscsunents which may attain pdority over this Security Instrument av a uen on the Prop..rty;(b)yea:ty Ieasehold pay�cnts � f�'-�� <br /> ,• ,. '.•i,,.c ar gmund rents on the Prope�ty�if a�y�(c)Yct,rly hazerd or propetty insurance prcmiums�(d)Yearly flood insurancc prcmiums�if - <br /> enY:(e) Yearly mongage ins�rance premiutns, if eny;and(f}any¢ums payable by Bomower to Lende��,in accorclance v�rith die �'?"''= <br /> rovisions of <� r.'"� <br /> : �.,. P pa�agaph 8, in Ueu of the payment of martgage insurance prcmlums. Tf�cse items are called "Bscrow Itc,��s." — <br />'"� Lendu maY,tu any tima collect and hold Fund.s in an amount not to cacced the maximum emount u lender for a federatly reL!stl � '-°-_- <br /> ' mortgage loan may requQe for Bocrower's escmw accaunt under the fedeaal Rcal&tete S�ttlement Procedures Act of 1974 as �'��°'� <br /> smended fram dme to ttme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 �t seq. ("RESPA"),unless anoth�r 1aw ihat applies to tha Funcis sets a lesser ..`.;-""- <br /> . runoun� ff so,Lender may, at nny dme,callect and hold Funds in an nmount not to e,xc0ed the lesser amounG Lender may ���^:� <br /> estinwte the amnunt of Funds due on the basls of current clatn and masonable esdmates of expendiaues of fuwre Escrow Itcros or �;';��� u <br /> othezwisa in aocordance with applicable law. <br /> „ �y; 'Ihe�nds shall be held in en Ins�auion whose deposits are insured by a fedc�al agencyr,lnstrumenlatity,or eadry(including �'. <br /> Lend�r. if Lender is sueh an i�sdtution)or in any Federal Homo Loan Hanlc. I.eride,r shaU apply the�nds to pay the Escrow "'"`�''::'• <br /> t ' Items.L.ender may not charge Bomower for holding and Applying the Funds,snneaUy Anrilyzing the escrow,eccount,or verafyir�g <br /> � ' the Bscraw Items.unless Le��dar pays Bonower interest on the Funds end applicable law permits Lender w mafce such a cbarge. - <br /> However,Lender may mquir�Bormwer w pay n one�dme charge for en independent real estar,e tax repo�ing suvia used by <br /> Lender in connection with 1!►Is loen,unlcss applic�ble law provides othcawise. Uidess nn�ment is mado or evnlicablc taw = <br /> - .. reciuires intrresc to be paid�t.ender shall not be requtrcd to pay Borrower any intertst or eamings on the Punds.Botrower and ,- <br /> • . Lendu may aErc.e in aniting,howevcr,that interest shall be pnid on tha Fur�ds.Lender shnll gl�e w Borrower,without charge,en :,�• <br /> �� �, a�naal acconndng of the Funds,showing c�edits e�d debits ta tho Funda und the b'=-. <br /> pu:pose for which each debit to the Funds wes >:.�< <br /> . ° � made.The Funds are pledged as adclldonal security for all snms secured by this Security Iaspume,nG -�'''�-` <br /> ., . . If the Funds held by Lendes exceed the amounta permiued to 6e held by eppllcabla law,L,ertder shal!eccaunt W Boirowee for � <br /> ' , :..;�r �� , ���F���a���the rcquiraments of applicable law.If the aznount of thc Hlmds held by Lendu at any dme is � <br /> uot suf�aa�.�t to ptty the Bscrnw ItGms when due,Lender ma so notif Borrower in wddn ,end,in such case Born►wu shal!p u y =--- <br /> ,�s.:�;n�-1,�. Y Y $ <br />_-:-.... W L o n E�r t u e amoun t necessary co m a k e up thu deficiency. Botrowu shal!meke up tha deficiency in no more than twelve s;�,;u: <br />--_ , m o n t h l Y P s Y r�t s,a t I.e n d e r's e o k d l s c c�s d on. - <br /> '_`�w• Upon pay!nent!n full of ell sums sec�nod by►hts Securiry Instrumcnt,Lender shall promptly refnnd to Barrowea auy Funds '��" <br />..., ,,,; <br /> y i�'?:, t � held by Lender.If.undec paragraph 21.I.ender shall ecquim or sell the Property,I,ender,prior to the acc�ulsition or sale of tue <br /> -r:.=•�.=`=� Propaty, shall epply eny Fundv held by Lendes at the timc of aa�uisition or salo as a cndIt sgainst tho sums soc�red by this � <br /> � =� • 5ecurity Instrumen� 1�' <br /> ,.�rrxr;� 3.AppllcaW►u of Pa�meots. Unless applicablo law provides othuwise.atl paymonts inceived by Lender w�der paragraphs <br /> :�,� i�,a 2 Snau u�-, uea r���,�� ---��-- �_ <br />----�:;�= ��� Y P�PaYmer�t cherges due under the Note: socond,w emounts�rayeble urKfet peregreph 2; - <br />_- .Yr� thtrd,w intaestdue;foucth,w princIpal due;flnd last,to eny late charges due underthe Note. __ <br /> _;A-.;_•,,• 4.C6�rres;L�ena. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes.esscssments, charges,fines and imposIHons aun'butablc to thca 1'ropaty -..-m. <br /> v�. ;r.:� ' which may auain priority over this Security Instrumet�t,nnd Itasehold payments a gmund renta,if en .Bomower shall thae �,4 <br /> ' ��'�•: ob6getions in the mant►u vided in Y I�Y �`.'' <br /> •�.� Dro P�Ph 2,or if noi paid in that manncr. Bomawr.r ahall Ray them on tuna diroctly to the --- <br /> .:_�..: �xrson owed peymen� Borrowes shall pmm p t l y f u mi s h t o L e n d e r a ll n o t I c e s o f a m o u n t s t o b e paid undei this paragraph.If <br /> --�_.� Horrower m�kes thesa payrrtants dlrecdy.Boaowec rlutll promgtly fumish to Ler►der recetpts evidencing the payments. " <br /> .��c.- BarQwrr sf�11 promptty discharge any lien whkh has priorlly over this Security lnstrument unless Banower. a � <br /> �_�:,�.,,• (��c�s�n �" <br />-_-°� „ writing to ihe payment of the obliigation secured by the lien In n manner acceptable u�Lcnder:(b)cantests in good feith the liu� ��- <br /> � �t'"��" by, or defe�ds against enforceme�nt of tha lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's inion � �'=- <br /> - �A l�te to prevent the : <br /> > enforcemeat of the lien;or(c)socwrs from the holder of tha Scn an agree�nent sadsfactory to Lender subordlnating the tien co �:;=�T <br /> -., this Socuxiry I�strumer►G If I.ender determines that an •' •`- <br />_ y p.�rt of the Property is subjoct to a lien which may ausin priority►over this ��:-- <br />-- Security Inswmoni,Lender may givo Borrower a notice idenW'ying the lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy the lien or talcc one or more �'�-= <br />- • of tha aosions set forth a6ove within 10 days of Ihe giving of nodcc. �r�:� <br /> �''..'' :.- � Form 30II8 9100 f- . °" <br /> . . • �-6R(HE)ros�sl.o� P.p•2 oi e inuais: �'..•,;.-_�-, <br />-_ —___. ;��, <br />- ��--_ <br /> � • '. -- <br /> ��s} `t�;�-. <br /> . „_. <br /> �.,,�,_._ —�,-__ .,�. <br /> ,- - --- — - -------- -- �- <br /> _- �-- -.,,-�.._.�.,,,,,.�____ -: _ -- _ _ - _ - -- <br /> --- - � -- <br /> , • ,� <br /> ' ... 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