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�r: ,{:!. , . 'nl:.[�;�ii: . <br /> �p - �Y.,.�:)"5�.��.. ,. .�'!'� . <br /> 11:`:_i�.47. ...,:.4�' „ <br /> "� ' ;:di'��' `�,•, " /J <br /> . ' '�. , `•` .. . - •tt�1� �,�' ' ��� 7� /ti ., ,� . f°S� ~ . f.r <br /> q.-.c'�`"!�'�llw':..._ .. ' .y,.`��� .. 'I�'',r� �.1 � 'If1��ii��iS:.�_�.. . <br /> . , _ <br /> � - - � `_-'-._...��__..__�.... .._._..C^r_'. � , <br /> • -- <br /> -�4'° i � . .. ....,. .. ._,_..._ �a- <br /> �!• :� ht �: <br /> .+r!w�r�M�.+w. ylr�....� !. .. �i• -'-.�°- <br /> __ . . ..,. .� . ' . . . .. .� <br /> � �Nl� . ..... . .. .. _ . '""_.._._......_ .. - . Y��:�.-. <br /> 96`° `--"���� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 6 3 7 4 � <br /> - TMIB 9F.CURIN IN&TRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natlonal use and non-unlform covenants wlth <br /> ' IlmKed varlatiane by Jdulerllctlan to constltute e unlform security instrument covering real property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borrowor and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1.P�ym�M oi Princip�l and Inter��t;Prepayment and l.�te�harges. Borrower shall promptly�y when due <br /> � the ptinolpal of and Intereat on the dgbt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargea due under the <br /> Noto. <br /> +� 2.Fund�tor T�txt��ntf Imur�rtce. SubJect to applloable law or to a wrttten waiver by Lender,Borrower shall y <br /> ' to Lender on the dey monthly paymente are due under the Note,untll the Note Ia pald in full,a aum("Funds')for:(a� <br /> �w� yeariy taxea arx9 sast►osm�nte whlch may attain prlority ovor this Securiry Instniment as a Ilen on the Property; (b)yea�ly <br /> ,t,,.....� lesaehdd paymento ar pr4und rento on the Property,if any;(c)yearly haaard or properry Inaurance premluma;(d) . <br /> yearty�ood Inauranao prc�mlumo,If any;(e)yearly mortgage Insurance premluma,ff any;and(fl any suma payable by <br /> - Borrpwer to Lender,In sccordance wtth the provisiona of pa►�graph S,in Ileu of the paymAnt of m�rtgage insurance <br /> premluma.These ftema are cailed"Escrow Iteme."Lender may,at any tlma,coilect and hold Funds In an amount not to , <br /> � excaod th�maxlmum smount e lender far a federally related mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow account <br /> undar th�tederal Real Eatete Settlement Procedureo Act of 1974 as amonded iram time to tlme,12 U.S.C. �2601 et - <br /> eaq.("RESPA"),unless anather Isw that appllsa to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may,at any tlme,cdlect '�. <br /> and hold Funds In an emount nat to exco�d the losser an�ount.Lender may estimate the amount of Funda due on the � .T" <br /> ..� [wsis o}current data and ressonable estimatea of expenditures ot future Escrow Itema or otherwlso In accordance wfth <br /> appllcable IAw. � , <br /> * The Funds chall ba hcld!n an instftutlon whose doposits are Insure�by a fecleral agency,Instrumentality,or ontlry _ <br /> �. (Includlng Lender,If Lender Is euch�,n Institutlon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Fund�to ��_ <br /> • pay the Escrow Itema.Lender may not charge Borrower tor holding and applying the Funda,annually enalyzing the <br /> escrow accour►t,or vorliylnp the Escrow Itema,unless Lender pays Borrowar Interest on the Funds snd applicable law �-- <br /> ; pormfte Lender to make such n charge.Hawever,Lendor may requlre Bo�rower ta pay a one-time charge for an <br /> .. Indeperrdent real estate tcuc reporting servlce used by Lender in connection wfth this loan,unless appllcable law <br /> .. � provldes�therwlse.Unless an epreement is made nr applicahle law requtres interest t�be paid,Lender shall not be � ,._ <br /> � i requlred to pay Borrower any Intereat or earninps on the Funds.Barrower and I.ender may agree in wrfting,however, ` <br /> - . ! that Intereat ehall bepaId on the Funds.Landor shall gNe to Borrower,wfthout charge,an annual ac�ountfng of the l��` <br /> � Funde,ahowinp cr�dfte a�d dobke to the Funds end the purpose tor which each debft to the Funds was made.The E:- <br /> ;'_:� ' Funde are pled�ed ne additbnal securiry for a!I sums secured by this Securtty Instrument. �� <br /> If the Funde held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall c�ccount to �_ <br />- Borrowar tnr the exceas Funda In accorcisnce wlth the requlr�ments of appilcab�e Iaw.It the amo�nt af the Funda held M.. <br /> yr��•. � � by Lender et�ny timo Is not sulflclent topey the Escrow items when due,�erxaer may so notifiyr�sorrower in wriiiriy, - <br />��; and,In euch case Borrower shell pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflclency.BoROwer shatl make <br /> .� up the deflclency In no more thsn tweive monthly payments,et Lender's sole dlacretlon. <br />=,-.:. . <br />�.�L.�., n �N, . Upon payment in(ul!o}all euma eecured by thi�Sacurity Instrument,Lender ahall promptly refund to Borr�rer any <br />��� > r��•• � Funde held by Lender.If� under parnyrnph 21,Lender shall acqulre or selt th�Propeity,Lender,priorto the acquiskion <br />��-�~� '- °• or eale of the Property,shdl appty any Funde heid by Lender at the timo of aequlsition or sate ae a credft aflalnst the <br />`��'�_� '%�� ' suma eecurecl by this Security Inat�umem. <br /> .�,,`'"r � 3.Aqplir.atlon of Paym�nb. Unleaa eppilcable law provkies oth2�,vlso,all payments recelved by Lender under — <br /> r- �:.,�y�'�,� parayrepha 1 snd 2 shall be epplled:f{r8t,to any prepayment chargsa duo ur�der the Note;second,to amou�s payable <br />;;�::;�=,-»•��- under parapreph 2; lnterest due;foutth,to principal dua;and last,to any Iste charges due under the Note. <br /> -'��"�`"''��� ` 4.Cf� �s;Ll�n�. 8orrower shail a eil texes,aesessmente,char es,flnes and Imposkions attributable to tt�e <br />�,_:�, �. py 9 <br />�� �������,..�� � Prop�rty�h may ettafn pMority over this Securfty Inst�ume►n,and loasehofd payments or ground rents,if any. <br />���`"4':;��-5�' Borrower shall pey theae obll�atlons In the manner providod In parBgraph 2,or ff not pald In that ar+anner,Borrower shall <br />�;.i,�l�;��� : paY them on time directly to tfie pereun owed payment.Borrower shail promptly furnlah to L.ender all noti�es of <br /> ,_.,�_;;ry��,��:� amounts to be pa�d under thls pareproph.It Borrower mekes these payments dlreotly,Bo�rower shell promptly furnlsh ta <br />�:��.rr. L9fl�l9f f6Celpi6 6Yid6i7C{i�Q te`i8{3&yrti'viti8. _ <br /> �:Y�``_�', Borrowe�sheil promptly dlacher�e an Ilen whlch has prio►Ity over this Security Instnament unless Borrower:(a) — <br />_�::_a,�.t�;,+;; agree�In wrklnp to the paymeM of the obl�etlon eecured by the I{en In a manner acceptable to Lender;(b caMests In <br />- pood tafth the Ilen by,or defeixla epalnst eMorcement of the Ilen In,legal proceedln�a whloh In tho Lend�s opinton - <br />--�:�;;�•� operete to prevent the entorcement of the Ilan;or(o�secures from the hdddr of the Iien an agreemeM eatlsfectory to <br /> - -_-;__ � Lender subordinatinp the Ilen to thle 8ecuNty Inatrument.If Lender dotermines that any part of the Pro�oerty la subJect to <br /> ` , � 'T� a Ilen which may attaln prio�ity over thle 8ecurtSy Inetrument,Lendar may ghre Borrower a not�e Ider►tifying the Ilen. <br />�;.:w.,,,,��!':''�:a 8orrower shall eatlsty tha Ibn or take one or more d the actlons set forth above wfthln 10 days of the gtvi�g of notice. <br /> �==�'��� 6.Ha�xd or Property In�uranc�. Bortower ehaA keep the Improvements nnw exiatln�or hereAi4er erected on the <br />=�°°"� ��`�"': Property Insured agalnat loss by flre,hazarde Induded wfthU the term"e�erxied coverage and any other txiza�rds, - <br /> �:..•%/..;:�_...Lyf.. <br />--�'�.�.��;���� ' Including flooda or floodlnQ,fa wh�h Lender requlrea lnaurance.Thls Insurance shell be maintalnod in the amounts and <br /> =- ':�°.�r 1. � tor theperlode that L�nder requlrea. The Inaurance carrier providing the Insurunc9 ahall bo choson t�y Bonov,�er subJect =_ <br /> - • . .� to Lender's approval whlch shali not ba unraeaonably wRhh�id. It Borrower tails to malnt�ln coverage descrtt�ed above, _ - <br /> - Lender may,at LenciePs optlon,obtaln coverepe to protect Lender's rights in the Property in eccordance wfth _- <br /> � '... paragraph 7. � <br /> - . ����. <br /> �. ..�.,.. . ---- <br /> NEeRABKA-SINaIE FIWttLY-FNMA/PHLMa UHifORM INS7RUfiA�NT FORM�02d 0/f0 �;- <br />— . �� �SG/CMDTNE//0702/9028(9�90PL PA�E?:OFO 'r""-� <br /> �_: <br /> R=.�-'_ <br /> . - <br /> �, .�.,... -�__..._......_ . . _.__ ...�.�..,,a,,,�'�, <br /> .. �r-. , • e- . .. <br /> ... <br /> � , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . .;. ��� c. - . .. / �r <br /> ..� . <br /> ...:f� ___ 1 �i.._- . _ ..,_. _.. - --� -- - " .� _ ��. - - - - - -- - - <br /> --r,•, _ _ —� _..-.- __... .--�-�- - .. ._� ._. - -� --- -.. .._.-.--- ---_- -�--�---.'-. . . . . - ... -_-. _..--- <br /> . <br /> ,�' - -:. : - •-„ _�_n --- •' -.-.� <br /> ..,- <br /> ., , . . . �.�:. , �.,.. -•' ' - <br /> . , � ' �. , '11' . <br /> . • ' . 7.. _ . .. .. �1' . �St' 1.1 �� . 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