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<br /> lereder msy, nt any IYne, collscl and hold FundA In an amouN not to oxceea tho maximum nmount o bnder for H (edarnlly rotatod mortgags �!;;
<br /> - lo�n m�y raqulro tar Aorrowcfe osorow nccouM undc�r tho �adernl Runl Eoleto Soulomont �rocaduro� p.ct ol t874 ar> nmondod fro�n tlmo to
<br /> •' tMe, 12 U.S.C.2G01 et esq. ('RHSPA"),unb�s lu�olhK yw Ihfll bpplbe!o Ihe Funds aets w leaeer arnounl, II ao, Londcr moy, ut any ll�70,
<br /> Colteol and hold Funds In �n �mounl not to �xCwd lh• I�s�w umount. Lender mey eslYnste Iho emouni of funds duo on the bnsls ol
<br /> • 4, curranl dal��d rselonRbb iatlmat�i o1 ilxp�ndkurN ol futun C-tcrpw Itomt or oth�nvla� fn QQCOrdanc�wRh�pplbtbM law. -
<br /> „„,� Th� Funds �haN b� h�k! N� Nn hftMutbn what� d�podN� u� Intursd by �lederal npenoy,hatrum�ntal�ly, or antity (Inoludlnp Lender, If .`
<br /> 4�r►d�r b woh Yn InttRutbn) or In �ny FWMrI HorrN Lo�n B�nk. Landar ehaq eppry lhe Funde la p�y th�Escrow Itome. Lender m�y nol �i,_
<br /> •• ChC�C.9 8ortower fov hoWhfl end epplyinp tho Fundo, annunhy enntyx{np the escrow account. or verlrylnp !he Escrow Items, unlese Le��dor
<br /> 'W_;;�. pnya DortowK htsr�s!on lhs Fund� and�ppllc�bN kw pKmit�Lendlr to m4ke euah e ehar�e, Howw�r, Lender may requke Dorrower to �-'
<br /> �� pay n one�tkne charp�ta��n Indapondanl rwl ottat�tax rapo�ihp �arvico u6ed by Lendar In connectbn wkh thls loan,unbse applbabb bw
<br /> ,��1 provlde� othorwisa. UnMf� an aprs�nwnt Is mad� or �pplbtbM Nw requlroi htorest to ba patd, Lendor ehall not be roqulred to pey ��_
<br /> Borrowe►any htxest or e�mk�ys on lh�Funda.BoROwer and I.�x�der rrwy oflree b writhg. however. thtt k►tx�s!shall ba pald on lhe Fundo. �
<br /> ���•� � Lendnr shall pke to Borrowor, wkhout cherpe, �n annu�l tGCOUnthO of the Funds, showhq cred�e and debNs to Ihe Funds and the purpose —_
<br /> " ; lor wh{ch esch debH to tAd Funda wae msde. Th�Fund� an pl�dpaA os oddkbnal s�ourity lor�E a�rma sacurod by thls Securfty Inatrumont.
<br /> }}�•�. 11 the Funde held by Lendas exCeed the �mount� permkted to bs heid by opplfcable faw,Lendor shnl! acaount to BoROww for the �
<br /> - . . ,� �� excess Funda In aocordana wUh th�nquYuntYnts ot opplk;abk I�w. If tho amount of tho funds hotd by Londor nt any tMne Is not aull�bnt
<br /> . to pay [he EECrow ItNns wh�n dus, Land�►may oo notMy �orrow�r In wrilhp,and, M tuoh c�s� 6ortower shnll pay to Lender lho amount
<br /> ',` ' necesgary to make up th� defbfency. Bortow�r •h�ll mak� up lh� cNflaMncy fn no mare then twelvs monthy psyments, et Londore sole
<br /> i,�:'.'. ,.:�.,; discratbn.
<br /> ''�`��� " Upon paym�nt h 4uN c} al tums aaurld by thk S�cu�Ny ImWm�nt, Ltnd�r �haU promply n!und to Donow�r any Funds Neld hy
<br /> z�.�__,,:.
<br /> '�"'' L6nd�. It,unda p�xQreph 21,L..�ntlY bhaN eCGulro or deN the P�aNe�ty.L.�ndar,Prfor to tha �cqufsUbn or eate ot the Properiy,shell apply
<br /> �. „�.;;;`�;_„�' any Funds hotd by L�ndar at tha thw o}acqu�ftbn or taN�a t crodN a9thst the sums secured by thb Soourity Instrument.
<br /> �.''w`���a"�' 3. Applicatlon of Paymcnts. umess.Ap�can�e�►w provaes omerw�se,t1f p�ymente recelved by l.onder under paroyrnphs 1 end --
<br /> j"��7 2 shtA ba applkd: frct, to any prepi►ymant chupas duo undor tha Noto;second, to flmounts payubb under pflregraph 2; third to htereSt --
<br /> Y'':,�#'' � d:,e;�CUrth,to pnc�tpnl dw;and Mst,to�ny kto charpea dus undsr ths Note.
<br /> "' �w ,•. 4. Char�es�LIeI19. BorcowK�haN pay all taxa,�t6Ytsrnent�,Chupes,tinYS ind Impostlons atUlbutable to lho Property whbh may
<br /> �~�� etta{n prbriry owr thfa S�curKy Instrumw►t, �nd I�a�hold �yments or pround rente, H any. eorrawar ehall pay thes� obWpatlons h lho
<br /> 1:;x�.r.
<br />�;��,�.-4,� manner provfdad in ptnpraph 2, or M not ptW h ►hat r+�ner. Bortower shaq �y thom an Irne dlroct.y to ths person owsd poyrnon6 -
<br /> — BortowK ehaY prompty fumkh to I.�ndK aN notl�a of �mounts to be paW ureata4 thFs parepraph. if BaRqwer makas theso peyments
<br />=.,.. .,.�
<br /> - directy,Borrowor shtM prompt�j Nmbh to LmdK rrcaptt wrklenahp the peymonts.
<br /> ,���.:.•
<br />-_----• �:"�:;: Borrower chall prompty dlscharp��ny lien whbh h�s prbrfty QYxr r>>'e Security Instrument unlesa 8ortower. (a)ayrees h wrklnq to the
<br /> �;,,i,,ti`i� paym�n! of th� obAp�tbn s�cund Dy th�N�n n a m�nnv aocepta:�in�t� �OB. laj coniesia n yuou C.,�� ���:i�� �;. ar rtsm�: s�:hst
<br /> --s«�� entorCement o}tho Ikn in,lep�i proceodhpa which In the Lenders opnin�c,zerete lo prevent th�ar►torcert�ent ol the Iien;or(o)secures trom -
<br /> -�=-sa�iiiia�:s� the hotder of the Ikn an Mpraw►wnt satfshcFory to Lender subordNsthp t{�e IWn �a 9his Secorlry Instrument. It LendK delermfnes lhe► any
<br /> =.�ax� paR o�lhe Proporiy Is aubjaCt to a Ikn which rtu�y Utafn prbrity ovit i15is Socurity InaWmett.lw�der may qlve Bortow�r a notice IdendHyhp
<br /> -_.-;`�� th�Nsn. �aaow�r�haW e�lbry thu Ilw�a t�ke ona or more of the a�ct+ons aet tarth abov�wRhin 1�deye ot the qHinp of notbe.
<br /> �;'::",,t,; ,
<br /> 6. Hazerd or Property Insurence. 8onowar BhaN kaep tna Improverr►ent6 now e�latinp or hanaRor erooted on the Propaty
<br /> -�""�'�'�'� hsur�d �atnst bsa by fYe, hozards Ina�dW wkhh tho tam 'wRend�d covenpe' and any olher hnzards, k►cludhp(bad� o�tbodinfl,tor
<br /> which Untkr nquir�s Insuranca. Thb hsunu�c�shrN ba mahtaYwd In th�amounts aad tor tf�o perkds that Lander roqulros. Tha hsur4nca
<br /> ---__,�. curNr provklfnn tt» bsunnc� shaN W ehosen by BnROw�r subJ�ot to L�nd�a aplxowl whbh �haY not b� unnatonaby wkhhold. If
<br /> --"='�� Bonowar 1�fb to mnhtatn coverap� d�scrl�sd abova, I.ender may,at Lend�4 optbn, obtah covenp� to protect Lendors riphts tn the
<br /> ,�� Proparty in accordanco wkh Ptr�aph 7.
<br /> AM Insur�nc� poNcN��nd ror►rw�ls shaN 6�acc�pubM to L�ndor and�hiJl includ� a etandvd moRqsQ�o�uss. L�ndK ehall haw the _
<br /> � ripht to hotd th�po�Ctee md reoewals. 11 Lsnd�r n�qu3ree,Bortow�shau prompty pke to Lender stl recoipts ot paid premtums end renawal
<br /> - notic�t. In th��+rait of b�s,Borrov�er sheN piw pr�mpt notice to tho Inaunncs c�rrt�► ond l�nd�x. L�ndwr may rtu�k�proo}of bss M not
<br /> - —� made pramptry by Borrowar.
<br /> — l!nlesri Under md Borrow� otherwis� aprn h wrkinp, hsur�nce prxeods sh�N bo app1�,73 to �estoratbn or repair of th� Property
<br /> — du►wp�d, M tha nstoraUen or rap�ir I� oCOnombaNy haebN �r►d L�nd�s s�curky Ia not Msaenod. �t th� rostontbn or rsp�tr is not -
<br /> � �� aoortomicaly I�sIbM or Uondere aecurNy woutd i»hss�ned.ths Inturanc� prxoa�ls mhaq be Wplkd to th� eums exurad by thls SeCUrRy
<br /> - InstNm�nt, whether or not then du9, wkh �ny ex�as pald to Borrower. If Borraw�r abandpns the Prop�t�,+, or doss not answer wkhin 3�
<br /> d�ye a notic� kom L�nder that th�YsauranCO csrrMr haa otfend to �snM a c�am,thon Lendx may colbct thv hsunnc�prxoeds. Lvnder
<br /> _--- — msy usa tho procoeds to repRM or restoro the Property or to psy aums aecured by this Secudy insWment, whether or not lhen due.The
<br /> 30�day pxiod wIN boph wAen th�nottc�Is plwn.
<br /> ---- Unbss Londer�nd Borrawar oih�rwis�apn�b xrrlN.ny, any �ppNcatbn of procwds to prNatpd ehall nat m:ctond or post�on� tha due
<br /> � date ot tho monthy paymonts rei�rtkf to h ptnpnphs / and 2 w chanpe ths amounf qf lhe p�ym�nts. If und�r;panpnWh 21 the Propwty
<br /> =--_- --� Is floqu(rod by LendRr. 6orcowa's rqNt to ony Insuranca poltcies end proceads rosuKhp Bom dunaW to tha PropeRy prfar to the�ocqu(aftbn
<br /> _.-5�,,;;;,;;�_� shap pass to Undar to the oxtant of th�eums secured by thh SacurNy IneWmw�t Imm�dtnleF�prior to th�acqultkbn.
<br /> -��;��� 6. Occupancy. PreservaUon� Malntenance and ProtecUon �4 �'he Praperty; Borrower's L�an Appllcetton;
<br /> �•�yN`u�w �_�
<br /> �„,;,��r;� Leeseholde. Borrowar�raq oacupy,osta6l(sh,an�9 u�sa the Property as BortownJ's!�rincpsl residonce wRhh aDcty d4ya after the oxaautbn
<br /> -�;�.ri�� - a(this Securfty Insuum�nt snd shau Ccnthuo to accu,py tho Propaty as Borrower'� ;�nc�ipat �esldence tor at bn8t one year after the dato ot
<br /> ;,..;;i�;(�f?yy-- oCCUpancy,unless Lender othenxlsa m�r,�s In writirp,whfch consent sha�not be unreasonaby wkhheld,or unless extenuathp circumstances
<br /> „,,:�r-c�,��u ._ oxist ur'�i�h tre b6yond Oortower's tDnn�L Bonower ahaq not destroy, damape or YnpaP lhe Pr��rerty, altow the Property to deterforata,or
<br /> -.��`Y,�� commt waste on tho Proparty. Borrower shaM be tra alnfeuk Y eny/orfekure ec4lan or procaedinp. whether ci�;�or criminal, (s bepun tlat In
<br /> ��=:.'�� Lendere pood Eakn ���ment could resuk In t�r9nlluro of tho Property ot e�'e,�nriso materially impaY tha Ilon Creatad by this Sacurity
<br /> �- -��'��`��'� Inaemawnl et Lnndore s�urdv ht�sf. enanwar mav cure suah a defaut and r�'r.,late. fls trovided h peroprapfl 18,bY CBUehp the flCtbn
<br /> :���...��.
<br /> :� :To.�a , � 0! pf0�U0d41Q 10 b0 dfsmissed w� m ruihp lhet, h LOnder'S gas�f3�th dot�rminAtlon, preciudes toAoituro of the Borrowers hterest h the _.
<br /> __;;���`r �� .� Propaty or othor matari�l hspa(rerar; o!the Ian created by this Sr�urity Instnur�:nt or Lendors �ecurity htorost. Borrower shnll also ho In _
<br /> „ ' � defauk Y Bortawes,Ca:ifip the loan applicatbn procoss, qave materleiy lalsv o� tr�ccurate hlormatbn or statemonts to �ender (or(aibd to -
<br /> �:-,, . , .�- provlde Lender wRh m�y materlal InfoRnatbn) In connsctbn with the ban evkfenced by tho Nalo, includinp,but not Umiled to, reprosontRlbns �
<br /> '� concomhp BarrowMs acaupanoy of lhp Propaty ns a prinol�al roildence. II this Security Instrument Is on o lansehotd, 0orrawar sNall ..
<br /> - • • ,. . eompy w@h �A th� provbfons uf tha leac�. If Borrow�r ecquiros tee tkb to tho Property, tho {ensehold and the tee ptb shell not rt�erpe _
<br /> :.`...,��.. uRkss Lender tproes to tt�d mer�er h writhp. -
<br /> . : , .,
<br /> -�_i� � form 905�OJiO
<br /> ;��:�. _
<br /> ��,�_'��"`�f' FIOOi.LMO(10/G�) P+O�O ol 6
<br /> •'y��i+S7�Ai'- -
<br /> .i .
<br /> �
<br /> H• _.
<br />