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' . . ',h �� � <br /> , .�.e. <br /> .y.�� �h7•:...� <br /> ...� • . .i4'!�,,�:_- . <br /> ` � .J3Jl� .MNM1'U�+.YIFr�►Ri�6d�f.UlfYll��i/Nk'�AY���OM4e�F'rFil�Xi�.� ,... .. . .. . ....`��.:���.'��•4�' � <br /> R�F ' <br /> . . 1YNfVr.A.....1_'""' . . .... . . .. ... .. . . . . . �..,. <br /> , z,-=� �„ �0��'7'� d.a�- <br /> �:�� <br /> • TQC3ETHEF�WITH ull Iho Improvements now or hereattei eracled an Ihe. propeny. anc nl eusemonts- Qppurtenunce5. and _;,;,�r-, <br /> • lixtures now or herealicr a pa� ol lho property All repincemeNs rmd acfdluons sht�ll alsa bu covereu by Ihis Secunty Instruuienl „ , '- <br /> All nl Iha lurec��ln{� la re�crrcd to in Ihls Sccurlty Intilnunenl�:. Ihi• PmN����Y�� � <br /> UUI�NUWGfI GOVEI�ANT� Ihid Buin�wri Is Inwhilly •tciz�:d ut Ihu �rshilc� cuirvi�ycd .md h�u, ❑�u ughl W ����u�� ���ul <br /> convcy tho property nnd Ihnt Iho Propm'iy Ir unencumt�cred. uxccpi Inr cncumhruncu�: ol rocoid Eioirowc� w�irrud�. ,in�1 will <br /> dotond ��ena�iliy Iliq Illlo to the Property c�pamsl nll clauns and dunnnds. ,ub)od to any encumbruncu:� ot recoid ,, <br /> " � THIS S[CURITY INSTflUMEWT comhmoa unilorm eovuntints lor natlonnl uen and non•unflorm covununts with lunited <br /> varinllono Gy �uilsdlctlon to conalduto n unilr.nn nor.udty inalnnncn! covcri�iq rcnl property. <br /> ' - �� UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrowcr cuid Lendcr covonmit nnd oprco aa lollows: , , <br /> 1. Payrnent of Prinolpel and Intereat; Prepayment and Lete Cha►ges. Borrowcr shnll promptly pt�y wnon .- <br /> � du�Ihu p�inclp�l ot and Inlerest on tlir debt nvldencnd by thu Notn and nny�yment nnd Inle chnrges due under lhu Note '� <br /> , ��• 2. Funde for Taxea and Inauranao. SUb�oc1 l4 nppllcable Itiv� or lo a wrliton wniver by Lender, Bw�uwm oh�+ll p.�y '}`H_ <br /> t to Lendcr on tho day monihty paymants aro duo undcr tho Noto, uNll tho Nolo fs pald In lull, � sum ('Funds') tor. (n) ycady ,_.' <br /> uurl leasohold <br /> ��,� ta�cea nnd nssessmenis whlch mny atlnln prlodty over this Security Insimmc�nl ns a Ilon on thn Property: (b) y y ' <br /> l paymonts or ground rents on lho Prope�ty. II any; (c) yenrly hn2nrd or propeity Insuranco premmms; (d) yeudy tlood insurance , . <br /> ��r.e,,,,_�11�, ; x� <br /> premiums,il any; (o)yebrly mort��+c�o Ineurnnco promlums,il nny; and(t) nny sums paynblo by Borrower to Lend�r in accordunce �L; <br /> wlth the provisions ol paragreph 8. in Ileu ol tho pnymait ol marlElago in:urnnce prqnilums Thoso itums aro called "Escrov� �,.;�,: <br /> - Items." Lender may. ut any pmo. colloct and hold Funds m an amounl nnl to oxcoed the maximum amaunt a Iendei tur :i _��,�_ <br /> ' { tecir��::, rolated mortgage lonn may requiro lor Borrower's uccaunl undor thu lederel Reul Esteto Sottlumun► Procedun:5 __,-__ <br /> Act ol 1U7h as emended Irom Ilm�;to timo. 12 U.S.G J ZGOt ot saq. ("RESPA'). unlass another law Ihat apphes to Ihca Funds �F=--- <br /> �� <br /> • � sots a lesser nmount. If so, Lender may, nt eny timo. collocl nnd hold Fu�ds in un amount not to oxceed the less�r amount. ___ <br /> • � ��' Lender msy estim�to ih9 amount o1 Funds duo on iho basis ol current dotu and reasonnblo ustimates ot �xpenditures ot tulure �-�.. <br /> �� Escrow Ilems or othenvise In accordanco wlth eppitrahle law. _ <br /> The Funds shell be held In an Institutlon whose deposits are msured by a lederei ngency. instrumentality. or entity (Includmg -. <br /> . . `�'� Lender, ii Lender is such an Instltution) or in eny Federal Hume Loan Banlc. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow __ <br /> ,i Items Lender may not chargo Borrower tor holding and applying lhe Funds. ennually anelyzing the ascrow account, or verifyuig <br /> • �� tho Esuow Items. unless Len�er pays Borrower fnterest on tho Funds and aapl:ca�le law pe�'�n�is Lender to make such � <br /> charge. However. Lcnder may requlra Boirower to puy a onedime chargo for an independent real estato tex reportmg servic� _—__ <br /> i� used by Lender in connectlon with this loan, unloss epplicable lew provides othe�wisa. Unless un agroement i� made ar - <br /> applicnble law re�ulres interest to be pafd, Lender shall not he r�aquired lo pay Bortower any mterc;st or earnings on the Funds. _ _ <br /> �'"t � � � Bonower and Lender may agreo in writln�, howeves. tt�at Intorast shall be paid on 4he Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. <br />� :*; wlthout charge,an nnnunl accounting o1 lho Funds. shawing credits and debits to the Funds and tho purpose tor which each <br /> � debri to ihe Funds vies mado. The Funds ere pledged as additional security tor a!1 sums secured by the Security Instrument. _ <br /> If ihe Funds held by Lender exceod tha amounts permitted to be held by epp�cablv law, Lnnder shall account to Borrower <br /> . r � for ihe excess Funds In accordance with lhe requlrements of applicable law.II tha amount of tho Funds held by Lender at any <br />:-,�.�ar, . �.r ;' time Is not suiliclent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notily Borrower In wdting, snd, In such case Borrower <br /> �` �,��"-�? sheu pay to Lender the amount nocessary to make up the deficlency. Borrower shall make up lhe deticlency in no more than <br /> ' • �: f�, <br /> �'';.::' " tweNe monthty p�yments,at Lender's sofe discrotion. <br />',;:1�,_ • �,;��„�.'r, Upon pnyment In full ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptty refund to Borrower any Funds _ <br /> .�� .�;o a...�am. I nnder. nrior to the flcqulsltlon or sele ot the �_.:. <br /> ������• � (°t`�;•- held by Lender. Ii,under peragrapn 44 LCIIUEI ���d�� a�.y����%� ��^ • - - <br /> i* �"t'�1 Properly,shali apply any Funds held by Lender nt the time of ecqulsition or snle es a credit agntnst the sums secured by ihis <br /> r':'� f �� Securtty Instrument. <br /> j',Y� ,<," 3. Applieatlon of Peyt110nts. Unless applicabin lew provldes othenvise, all payments recelved by Lendar undar <br /> .t.,',- . <br /> _- ,�,,.y,,;•�,.' parnpraphs 1 and 2 shall be applled: flrst, to nny prepayment charge_�dua undor the Note; necond,to amounts payflble under <br />;,a+�"���j<; paragr�ph 2:third,to Interest duo; fourth,to pdnclpai duo; and lest,to eny lale cherges duo under the Noto. <br />--�::_���'�, 4. CF1���e9; LIen9. Borrower shall pay all taxes, esses�ments, charges, fines end ImposlUons nttributeble to Ifie <br /> -- Proporty whlCh may atteln pdotity over thls Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, it any. Borrower �hall <br /> :z°'�•,��F,� pny these obligallons in tha mannor provlded In pareyrnph 2. or if nat pald In that manner, Borrower shall pay them on tlrne <br /> --:°�._t:� dlreotly ta the person ow�U payment. Borrovier shall promptly furNsh to Lender nll notices o1 amounts to bo pald under thls <br />_.:y�-,.{.�,,,,r;'� parngraph. I} 9ortowot maY.os these payments directly, Borrower shatl promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the <br /> '=�=';�=�.:�� payments. <br /> --���Pr�� BoROwer shall promptly discharge any Ilen whlch hes prloriry over this Secudty Instrumnnt unless Borrower. (a) ngreos In <br /> --=' writing to the payment ot tho obligatlon sacured by tha Iien In a manner ncceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good falth tho <br /> -------� Ilen by, or delonds agalnst enforcement ot the Ilen In, legal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinion operato to provent the <br />--- �'�.�ic� enlorcement of tha qen; or (o) secures irom the holdcsr of the Ilen an egreement salfsfactory to Lender subOrdinnting the I{�n to <br /> — this Security Instrument.If Lender doterminos that eny paA o1 the PropeAy is subJect to a Ilen which may uUaln pdoriry over ih(s <br /> �-6-= ' -- = 3ecurily In�trumcnt,Lcnder may glve Borrower e notlae IdeNitying the licn. Bortower shnll setisly ihe Ilen or taka one or more o1 <br />-� <br />