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..., Yy�WMii► '`,�t• . ;`i:, ' . ...�, ,._, <br /> n�M�:1 i!� 1a�-. . � . . .¢aE<<iY .. <br /> I}�•• •_ : •.,:'�. :..._',. . ..y+uYN4iAA�P1�lOA�Mn�YiC'LrJlbV,r.S.....' ,�. - ''."�':___. .. � - <br /> ,����a ;, ��. „: ... . . . „_. <br /> .. __... - - -_....... .. ~'_ <br /> '�� �.a�zse ��ti.::_ <br /> � W�Y.� <br /> Lender m�y,tt eny tlme, oolleat and hold Funds In an �unount not tu axcoed the maxYnum amount e �endar lor a tedsralry reieted moRpepe � <br /> " lonn m9y enquko for porcowsr'o e�orow account undor the fod�nl Roal Estate Setttemsnt Proceduroa Aot ot 1974 Qs amendad fram tYno to <br /> ttmo, 12 U.B.C. 2G01 sl ooq. ("F�ESPA"),un�;au anathcr lav� lhat eppl!��3 to tho FuntJs aote e bsso►cmount. If so,Lender may,at nny timo, <br /> ' coliect and hr,{d Fund� In tn nmoun! not to axce0d the ksew tmount. Lender may ostknnto Ihe amount of lunda due on tho bnsl, ol <br /> curtont d�t�tnd aason�bN�st�mltt�s ol axpMidRur��01 Ntun Escrow It�ms or oth�rwlca!n acaordanco wlth applicable law. <br /> Ths Fundn ahall be h�ld fn en ImtRutbn whoso dopoake are hsurW by a lodanl apenoy, Inalrument4lky, or entlty (Inoludinp Lender, H <br /> , � I.�nd�r I� tuoh �n {mtriutbn) or In any FYd�r�tl HorrN Lotn Bank. l.Mdw �hall appty tho Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not <br /> oherpe Bortowsr for holdinp and tppyiny the Fundt, annutky Nntyziny th��scrnw �coount, or verMyinp lhi Escrow Iteme, unbs�Lendor <br /> pAye Borrower Inteett on the Funda and oppfa�61� Uw p�rrNt� Lcnd=r to m^.kv euoh e ohsrpe. However, Lender may requka Bortowor to � <br /> '��.� pty� on♦tYna oh�rpa lor �n Ind�p�nd�nt n111 kttl�tax nportinp tonriCO ut�d by L�nd�r in Connaotbn wkh this ban,unless P�plbAbb bw ,,,_r <br /> ' ' providos ofhwwifa. UnN�� �n �prN+n�r►t fe m�d� or �pplbabM Mw nquM�s htsnst to b� p�ld, Londer shen not bo requked to p�y ; <br /> "'"+"�� ` Borrowe any �nta«st or�tminp�on th�Fund�.BorrawK and L�nde mtY s9rM h wrpinp,howaver,that hterest ehall be patd on the Funde. <br /> ......�oyN►, , t <br /> L�nder�haA pN�to Barrow�, wRhout ohupa,en�nnual ac�ounthp of the Fundo, ehowhy oredRs and debRs to tho Funda and the purpoae <br /> lor whbh Moh dWft to th�Fundf wat mad�• Th�Funds u�pNdped�s eddklaral aecurky far sll sums securod by this Security Instrument. <br /> f If the Funda hNd by Lender axc� tho amounie permkied to b� he:d by �pplbable law, Lender sheA eccount to Bortower lor the � .::�. <br /> exosas Funds h�coordanco wkh tha raquYwna�te of applicnbk ktw. If the amount of tho Funds held by Lend�t at any time ts not suftbient ���_:- <br /> to pay th� Eaarow Itsms when due, Undar mty eo notMy Borrower h wrkhp, md, In woh oase Borrower ahall pay to I.endar the emount a;�.,,. <br /> necessary lo meke up the detlafanoy. Borrow�r ehall m8ke up tho deP�ClenCy In no moro than tweke monthty payments, at Lenders sole Ri:z.a, <br /> Qz��_� <br /> � 7 dl:Cr�etfon. <br /> Upon p4ym�nt h tuli o} all aum� Racurod by thb Sacurity Instrumont, Londer ehail promptty retund to Bortower eny Funds hetd by �-'-=` <br /> •� Lendar. If,under panpraph 2t,Lander shall acquka or sell the Property, Lender, Priar to tAe acqulskion or safe o}the Property, shall eppry =_ <br /> � any Funds held by Lander tt tho tMne ot aCqufsNbn or tab as a crodii apal��st the sums scaurod by thts 39C�riry InstromenL ��-.__ <br /> � 3. Applicatlon of PaymenU. Unl�as�pplictbl��w provide� othenvlse,all payments receNed by Lunder under paraprapha 1 and �'- <br /> 2 shaU be applled: Ikat, to any pn�PaYment ohorpes due under the Not�; saaond, to nmounts payabfe under pnra�raph 2; thPd to hterost R.;.. <br /> " due; touRh,to prhoipti due;and last,to any Int�ahar�pos dup under tho Note. ��`^����' <br /> " , 4. Charqes; Liena� Borcowar thaN pRy iN tix�s,ssssssmonte,ohupea,8nes and fmposkbna attr�utable to tho Prop«ly whbh maY _N�- <br /> � attaln prbrity owr thK Sacurky Instrum�nt, end fns�hoid paymmts or pround rnnts, M any. Bortower ehtll psy these oblipttbne h tho <br /> .�, mtnrter provided In perapreph 2, or k noi paid in thtt m�nnor, Bortowar shall pay them on tkne dlreoty to the person owed payment. - <br />-'��r . Bortower ehall prompty fumish to Lmdx aA not�os ot tmounts to be pald undor tht� paaOrePh• i� 8orrower makas those puymw�t� <br /> _- • • dkwtly,BorrowK shaA prompty tumMsh to Lend�r ncetpts ovid�nah� th� peym�nts. <br /> � � Borcowar sh411 promply disoha�u�y �hn whbh has prbrNy ovar this SecurRy Insuumw�t unless BoRawar:(sy afl:cas tn wrltiny to the <br />_ - � � �jtr�:t o!thw nh�k+rlion a�curod bY th0 Ifon fn � manne►acCOptabie to I.e+►der; (b)oonts3ts In pood fakh th0 Ibn by, or dq(Md� �pe�intl <br /> e�::�:•.•:,_ <br />- ; - . . enforcert�ent of the 1len In,Iapal proi�d�,at ry to I.endee uhordinahp lh�`Wn toth�SiCUrky Ins ment�ii Lenider�dotormhasYl 8t�any <br />°"`'� ` ' the holder of the Ibn an apreanen <br /> _ V part of the Property b subJwt to a INn whiah rtury attah prfarfty ovor this Sacurity In�Wmant� �anda►rtuY Olw BoROwe►a not►c� IdentHyhp <br /> _`-=-.�°�!°?���.� the Ilan. BoROwer ehell a�tisty th�Iien or fakv one or maro 01 tho actbns set(aRh nbove wkhh 10 daya Ot th�pHinp ot notica. <br /> � <br /> ":-r.� --���•='• � 6. Huard or Property in�ur�nce. eorrow�r thaN k�sp t�• rnprowmenn now �xiatlny or heroart�r onat�d on tha Propaty <br /> -b.��H h;Mi'�r'�r <br />- fnsund �hst bss by fln� Ituard� „aWd�d WXhh th�tertn '�xt�ndW covMYps' �nd my oth�r haziuds, Includhp fbods or ibod p, or <br /> --"•'�:,-:;.,,'':,_ • <br /> ��_,,;.:Y, whiCh LandM'nquirN hsutanC�. Thb hturanc�thaM b�rtwhtahad h th�amounri�nd for the pa�todt thot I.qnd�r rpuiras. a surtnce <br /> =n,_��r,t„ eurWr providiny the hsuranc� thaN b� ohopn by BorrowK subj�ot to Lond�� approva� whbh sh�N not W unrNaonably vukhh�kl. II <br />_•c.Jrlsi.y.i' <br /> �`;��,�� Borrowor feib to mahtah cownpe d�scrb�d abova, l.endsr ►n�y, et Lender'n optbn, obain cow�np� to prot�ct 1.or►dN'� rghla H the <br />-_= ti . Propaty b Qccordtnc�wkh parapraph 7. <br /> '`-`'''�.,�� All insurance Pol�la�and nr►�rnl� thnN�acc�ptabM to Und�r and ehtN Inalud�a stu�d�rd mortpage cMusa Lsndar�haN h�w th� <br /> ____.__-,�g:.��� ripht to hold the polbles�nd ronewab. It I.�ndwr requirot�BoROwK shaM prompty plw to LaitJer aq roaHta of pald pr�rr►Iume and ron�wtl <br /> -'-'=°-��t��� notkes. In the wNnt of ba�, DorcawK ehaM piv� prompt notice to th� haunu�a curMr�nd L�nd�r. Und�r m4Y m9k�Proot o} bss M not <br />_--;.;:�� made pro+nP�h by BorrowtR. � <br /> --.. Unass L�nd1K �nd Borrowit oth�rwls� � h �k�W� „eurenC� procs�dr Bi�aN bo oppl�d to rostoratMn or re�a?r of the PropMty <br /> "'° __'��`� dArr�ayod, k th� nstorattan or npaY k 000nom�aNy hablo �nd UndK'e acurky Is �ot M+s�an�d. If th� n+atontbn or ropak Is not <br /> .,.,,,,,�� �conomtcoty hatbM or I.enrJe�s sscurky would bp M�sm�d. tM hsunnco RrocMdi �hoN bo oppAed to the iuma tecurad by thb S�curky <br /> -�_;,� InaUum�nt, whMhK a not th�n du�,wkh �r►y aeess PifO to Barow�r. If BorrowK W�ndons thv PropKty, or do�! no!anewK wkhh 30 <br /> � :� daya A not�o hom Und�r th�t the Intu�c�carti�haa otf�nd to attM a o�im,th�n L�dx m�y aalMot th�N�unncs procNd�. L�id�r <br /> �=--� may us�the proce�de to rep�lr or nston 1h�Prop�ty or to p4y wms seound by thb Soourity InaWmant, whsther ar not then du�.The <br /> _�-:.�cv1��F'i <br /> ---_---_ ._;,_.;� perbd wiM beph when th�notiCS b pMan• <br /> —�_.-��,=`s'� Unkse L�nd�r md Borrow�r uth�rwit��Qrea k�w►kin0� NY MP��tbn of procseds to prinaipd shall not�xt�nd or poetpon�th�dw <br /> °�����T""�"�'� hs 1 and 2 or ohanpe the amount of th�pAyrnents. If urtder panpraph 21 the Prope�ty <br /> dnte of the monthy psymenta nfamd to In pu�pnP <br /> pu'�;n;%,` '.�� Is eoqured by Land+r, Borrow�a ripht to ony hsurance poNcl�s tnd proceeds resukinp trom dam�pe to the Property prbr to tha ecqutskbn <br /> '��''��• '�` • shnll paaf to Lond�r to tha axbnt of tho suma aacund by thk S�curky InaWm�nt Immedietey prbr to th�acqubkbn. <br /> �:��,;, -��"�; �, Itcation; <br /> V`°, �.�r�- 8. Oceupanay, Preservation, Malr�tenmce snd ProtectiAn of the Property; Borrower'� Loen App <br /> . ',� ; . <br /> �. � ,S��; Leasehold�. eortoxer sheA oeeupy,�stabli�h,and uss tha Property ao BoROwere prinolpd residenov wkhh tbcty day�nhor the axeeutbn __ <br /> +.,••� :: ---- <br /> " ��'� �' o}thb SecurHy InsUumant and shatl conthua to occupy th�PropeRy as Borrowe�s pnc�ba�resldenco 1or nt baet one yeet�Rer the dete ot --� <br />- �r�� <br /> �;�` �• ' occuQtnoy. unkss I.and�r otR�wi�e�prees fn wrtthp,whbh consent shau not ha unrensonnb�j wRhhetd,or unbss extonuathfl ckcumstencrta �•, <br /> '`��``•� i: exist whfch an B�yond Bonow�r'a controL Bortowu eh�N not tkatroy, d�m�po or Impair the Property,�1bw the Property to datorlorate,or ___ <br /> ; ..,:..,� - <br /> .�_ ;• commlt waata on th�Proparty. Bortower shap ba in dehuk If any fortekuro�ctbn or procsedhp, whether aNN or crimhel, 1�b�yun thnt h �-_ <br /> - �.:_... <br /> Lend�s pood taKh (udpmw�t QouW roauk h forfokura ot tho Property or otherwlso mataialy knpe(r tho Ilon croatod by this 3ecurlty <br /> :� . --- <br />_..,,,�•.,,� ��. InsWmant or Lend�s eeourky hta�est. BoROwx m�y cun euoh a defauk�nd roinstate,ns provlded in peraproph 18, by caushy the ootbn R,., <br /> . - <br /> _. � �r....�. ...,..a�.�h.�f�,r�n►en. arac�udos tortekure ot the Borrowers Interest h the �i�: <br /> �_. —c..:.� �` or procseanp co o�dismisavo w�m i iomy ow�� •�••o••••�•� �-�.�.•.. __�......._._ . , r, <br /> �'!` i F Proporty or olhor rcute�l Imp�irment of tha !kn created by thla S�curityr InaWment or Ler�der'e securily hterest. Borrowor ehall aho ba In <br /> � detuuh H Bortowar,durhQ the ban eppliCnt;on proceas, gavs materkly faVse or Liaccumto hf�rmatlon or etatert�ente to Londer (of tatied to � <br /> provtde L9nder wflh tny mate�Ml info�matk�n) In oonneCtton wkh the bnn evidenced by the Nota,lncludiny,but noY Iimked to,reRresentetbns ��:'• <br /> � concsminp Bo�ravrars occupenoy ot ti�e Property as s pnc�pal rosldmnce. If this Security Instrument h on a t�sehoW, Bortowor sAall �.. <br /> Compty wRh efl the provMsbna of the Isase. If Borcower acquires tdi tkb to the Property, the Naaehold and the ke tHW shall not m�rpe <br /> � unless Lende�aQre�s to the merqer in writhy. <br /> , , ' Form�02E 0l�0 <br /> - . . .' . F�40Y.LfAa(10l��) Papo 2 0l 6 <br /> , i <br /> .. 401 <br /> . , <br /> � . _ . __ . .. . - <br />