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�;•�j:i .r... . , . . _;� <br /> • ��e •�.i�, . <br /> ��' � <br /> '� ... _ . . _ . r , . .. <br /> _� . ---`�----- ~14iri�d,..._---~-.:_ � � ', �,...,���%:'. <br /> • .� ...(�;k� . . •,�4 Y�'til <br /> .� . <br /> , �r.�, <br /> -• ' COVENANT8 ��� ���� �i;� � <br /> 1. Payrtante. Borrowar apreoe to mako ell paymanta on tho eocurnd dobt whnn duo. Unloae Bor►owor nnd Londor oQroo otha�wlao, ony '� <br /> � puymonte Lcndcr roc¢ivoo(rom Bonowor o► for Elonowor'8 6onofit will bo oppllod Ilrst to nny omounte 9orrowor owos on tho aocurod dobt <br /> oxciusiva of Intoroot or principnl,cocand to Intorn�t,nnd tlion to principol. If pr.rSlnl propnymont of tho aocurod debt accurn for any roncon,it wlll <br /> not roduce or excuee ony tcheduled payment untll the securod dobt Is peld In tull. <br /> � 2.CIUm�Agatntt 7itl�. 8orrower will pay all taxei,eus�cme�t�, end other Chupes ettrlbutabie to the property when duo nnd wlil dafend tltie ' <br /> to the propertY epaintt any clNms whlch would ImpNr tho Ilen af tlifi deed of truet. Lender may requlro eorrower ta easipn any riphte,clalma o� <br /> defentes whiCh Oorrower mey h�ve�pdn�t penls�who supply I�bor or m�terisio to Improvo or malnteln the proper.y. <br /> ' ��� 3. Inwnnc�. Borrow�r will keep tha prop�rty In�und under tsrms nccept�bls to Lends�at 8orrower'�sxp�m�and for 4ander'e bsn�fit. All <br /> Insunnce policioa shdl lnciude a�t�ndard martptya clauYe In favor o}Lendu.Lendor wlil be nemed sf lot�payee o►es the Insured on any auch <br /> insurence pollGy.Any Insurpnce procaedt may he applled,withln Lender'n di�cretlon,to elthor the reitoratlort or repalr of the damtged propeny <br /> or to the secured debt. if I.ander require�mortpipe Inturence, 8orrower aprees to maintnin euch insurance tor oe lonp e�Lende►requlrea. <br /> ��.' 4.Pro�rty.9orrower wiil keep the property in pood conditlon and m�ka�il repalro reasonably necessery. <br /> -• �. <br /> � ,.s:.w��� 6.Exp�n���.Borrower apress to p�y dt Lender'a expense� Including roasonebte attorneys'fees,!f Borrower breaks eny covenante In thla dn�d <br /> ,,.,,, ,.,yw..� o}tru�t or in eny o6ilpation�ecured by thl�deed of truat.�orrower will pey these emounte to Lender ai provided in CnvAnent 9 ot this deed of � <br /> • tru:t. <br /> 8. Prlat 8�eurlty Int�r�sU.Unless Borrowar firat obtalns Lender'n writton consent, Bor►qwer wlll not make or permit any chanyoa to any prlor � <br /> security Interest�. Borr�war w111 perform eli�f Bor►owe�'e ob8�atiana under any prior mort9epe, deed of vunt or othar seeurity egreement, ,� <br /> IncludinQ Borrower'o covsn�n4�to make payment�wMn dw. • •_ <br /> , .,.�- <br /> 7.Aitlan�n�nt ot RMt�a�d Proltb.Borrower essigns to Laxier tha ronte and protits of the propecty.Unleas Borrowe►and Lendar have egreed �• '� <br /> othe►wfse in writiny, Borrowor may collect end retefn the rontn oa lonp ae Borrawer la not In defauh. If Borrower dofeuite, Lender. Lender'e t:;�;<: <br /> apent,or a court�ppolnted roceive�may take posseseton end mcfnt�yfl the property e�d collect the rAnte. Any rente Lendo► collects ehall be S,?,,. <br /> apptied first to the costa oi manaping tha property, Includirr� court coste and atto►neys'}eee, cemm(aalona to rontel egents, end eny othor ;.;._=. <br /> neceasery rel�ted expens0s.Tho remetnfnp emount of rents wi�ll thr�n appiy to paymants on the secured debt ae providad in Covenant 1. ;;n <br /> �� ,` 8.L�uehdda•ComfomiNurrtt�:Plarw»d Unk MvMopm�nts.Borrower egreea to comply wlth the provlalons of eny lease tf thie deed of truet le on :,;�'- <br /> ' � a IenseAold.1�thfa deed of truat Is on a unit In a Cnndominium or n planned unit development, Borrower will periorm ail of Borrower's dutlea --- <br /> undar tha co�tntnta,trylar13,nr raQufation:ot tha condamintum or ptanrbd unit davalopment. �°"'�: <br /> 8. Authority oi L�nd�r to Pafortn foe Qorr�w�r. If ffcrrower telb to��erfarm eny of Borrower's dutlos under thia deed of truct, Lendor may �`-- <br /> ��'� �; periarm ths dutlp or cau��therte to be p�tfamsd. Lander msy oipn curovrer'e n�me or pay eny emount(f neceasrry for performance.if any <br /> + consVUCtton on theproperty la discont(nued or not carrlad on in e reasonable menner,Lender may do whetevur ia neoc�sst�ry to protect Lender's ��,"�" <br /> „ � securiry interest in tt»property.Thl�m�y Inctude comploUnp td�e constructlan. ��"-"' <br /> Lender's failure to partorm will not prectuds Lender hom exerclsing any of ita other r7phte under the lew or thta deed af trusi. &,.� <br /> AnY emauitts paid Ay Lender to protect Lender's�ecurity interost wiil be sacured by thia deed of trunt.Such amounU will be duo on demand `=',��� <br /> �nd wiil beer intsrest(rom the date of the paymcnt untfl paW In full�t the intereat rate in uffect on the secwed debt. FFL=- <br /> �F... <br /> 10. D�fx�it�nd Acc�IK�tlotf. If Borrower tella to make eny payment when due or broaks any covenants under thie deed of trust or eny F:=� <br /> oblipatlon ucured try thie dead of trust or any prior mortQpe a deed of truct,Lender mey eccolorate the maturity of the secured debt and � <br /> � demand Immediate payment and may Invoke the power of�ete and eny other remedlee permitted by epplicable law. __ <br /> �� 11. R�qwst(or Notic� o}I1� hereby reque�ted th�t copiea of tM noticea of defauft and eale t►e sent to each perean wha 1�a party _ <br /> hereto,�t t`aa eddrsa�of eech�uch pernon,ai aet forth Iwreln. - <br /> � 1Y. PowK rof tha Lender invokea the power oi saie,the Truetee sh�ll fira record In the office ot the ropister of deeds of each sounty <br />_ wherein the trutt prope►ty or some put or paresl therao!ts situated e notice of defauit contoinlnp the Information reQu{rod by law.Ths Truats� <br />- ahetl d:o mafl copls�of the notice of defwlt to the Borrcwer,to each person who if�p�rty heroto, �nd to other pnreom ao pnacrfbad by - <br />, , �pplic�W� law. Piot lesa than one month �fter tM TruSteo racords the notics cf defauit,or twe month� It the truat prapsrty le not 1� any . <br /> � ncorporat�d city or vlllaps�nd I�ussd In hrminy operatiom ca:rled on by the tsu�to►,the Truates eh�ll fllve pubHo nofioe of�aie to ths persont <br /> °-_;•�r,w � �nd In tl►�m�naer prescribW by�pppBc�We law.Trustes,wtttwut dem�nd on Borrower,shUl se0 tfie propertyr at public auctlon to the hipheyt <br /> � bidder.It re�ulred by the Fum Homette�d P►otectlon Act,Trustee ahiil offer the psoperty In two separt�te a�ba a�reqnired by eppiicabts law. <br />-=H.: Truste�mty RotEpone wk oi dl or ony paresl ot tM property by publio ennouncement af the time and place of�ny previoutty sch�duled s��e. <br /> ,�u•. ' Lsnd�r or Its desipnee m�y purchass tM proparty�t�ny sate, <br />`A�n'�;`��� U n recetpt of payment of the Ice bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaaer Trustee's deed conveying the proporty.The recitiale contained In <br />-.x--' TNpitM'a WW shall be prime h tc s evidience of the truth ot the statements contained thortin.Troste�•sheil apply tha procaedt of the e�le In tM <br />�.ky�,.::5•:. tollowlnp order: (�) to all oxpmset of the oate, I�cludinp, but not Iimited 40, re�oombls Trustee's fees, re�sombls �ttornsy'� fe�a �nd <br /> .;,.�:,.; refnst�tement feea;(b)to eil sumo secured by:his daed of truct,end(cl the balance, if any,to ttie persons Ieaaliy entitled to receive it. <br /> s;Y.;t�"�' 13. �ondo�x�.At Lender's option,this dead of Vust may be forecloaed(n the manner provide 6 a Itcable law for foreclouire of mdrt e et <br />-.,5.-'�-',�;='::.'. . an ro�l propsrty. Y DA o p <br /> '�'�� 14. � lender may Unter tM property to inspect it if Lender pivea Borrower notice beforohend.The noYir,o muet st�te the restonaWe <br /> - `�� csus�(a L�nder's Utpectbn. <br /> '..�.Li'�`� _. <br /> --' — 1B.l`,ondesrrM�lon.B!xiower esel ne te LerMer thetxace�ds of any etivard or clnlm far damape:connaci�d with a can�emnaUon or ot'�c:ta�'rt� --- <br /> __—o-= of atl or�ny p�rt of the property.�uch praceeds will De apylied et provided in Cnvenmt 1.Thls asabnment fa subJact to ths termt of arry prNx -- <br /> ------ wcurtry eprearr�nc. _ <br />�%���'� 10.W�Iwr.By exercbirty my remedy aveWbte to Lentler,Lender does not pive up any riphU to later usa any other rsmedy.By oot sxnrCtsirrp <br /> eny remedy upon 8orrowar'e detau!t,Lender doee not wa;va any rlpht to later conelder the event�defwtt I}It liapper►�apain. <br /> �.__ <br /> __-:� 17. Jolnt �nd S�wr� Caitpmrr, SuccNSa� �nd At�ipnf Bound. All duties undn thls deed of trua are�olnt and suvsrel. Arry =- <br /> �..;m . Borrower who casiy�� thte eed of trust but doe� nat co•aipn tM underly�rtp debt Inatrumentl�) dae� eo onty to pront and convey ihat <br /> ----°�� Bor�ower'e Intereat In ths property to the Ttustee under the term�of this d�od oi trust.ln additlon,such e Borrower aQrees ffi�t tNe lender and <br />-.�-�,,;�q=.{�"� any otMr Borr4wer under this deed of tn�at may�xtencl, modifv or make any other change�in the torma of thin desd of truet or the�ecured -- <br />-�°-�;;y±t� debt w(thout that Dortower'e cansent sM wl2Mut rele�atny that�orrower 7rom the terms of thf�deed of trutt. <br /> -��s�•r.:-a°� — <br /> �� Ths dutla nnd b�netit�of thb dsed at truat shell Wnd and benefit tNe iucceators�nd nsipn�of L�nder and Borrowsr. <br /> �l:�`?_.� . - <br />=�r"�,��_'?� 10.[�lotic�.Unl�sa otherwise requtred by law,�ny notice to Bo►rower�hall be p(ven by deliverinp it a by meilfng it by certified mail sddrotaed to - <br />�;� . ;,_�*. Borrovwr�t the prop�rty eddrore a�any other eddros�that Borrower h�s given to Lender.Borrower will plve sny nottce to lender by certitied = <br />�-_ �,.;r..-. mall to lmdet's addr�ss on pspe 1 of thie deed of irust,or to eny o4her eddross which Lender has desipnated.Any otMr notice to Lender ahall � <br />�.��,• be sent to LendoPa�ddrots as ctated on p�pe 1 of thia d�ed of trust. W-- <br />_ Any notics shell be deemed to h�ve been p(ven to Bonowe!r or Londer when ylvon In the manner etated abnve. !-.' <br />_ 19.TrnsiM ut f!N Propsrty a�d�fkiat IM�rost in tt�Borrow�r.It dl or any part of the propertv or�ny Intereat In(t fa sold or trenaferred �- <br />_- • _ • without L�ndx's prior wrilteo con�ent, Lendsr ma derr�and immediats a ��'c=-`��- <br /> Y p yment of tha �scured debt. Lender mey etso demand immedfete ,— <br />=.. , d�em�indtp�sytm�inBln the�bove�ituationi ii I�s�prohib tt ed by edorel law ei of the de�oi thli deed of o��nsferred. However, Lendar may not ��'��`.�. <br />-_ �=��+s_� <br /> ' � ' 20. R�conwyx�c�.When the obltpatton aoavrod by thfs deed o}trutt has haen peid and Lender ha� no further obUgation to make odvenus ��'-'= <br /> � � undmt the IncVumente or egrsemente seccrod by thls deed of ttuat, the Truatee shalf upon wrlt4en requeat bY the Lender,roconvey t?►�truat •r,,,;' <br />_ • ' property.The Lender�hsll detiver to the Bonower,or to Borrow�P�euccosaor In Interes�the Vust deed and the note or other evldonce of the <br /> oblfqetion so�eti�fled.Borrower shall pay eny recordaticn cosis. G <br /> - � ` <br />:"„ <br /> ,. . <br /> {� '`' <br />_ -- ___ ___--_ 71 C.ww...w. T u�� I�..A.. �� 1�.��� " .o�.-tvio iiwi8e iRis uy{sitii�i 1 6V4L'QiiOf irt�ilpp py iRBi. mairinp e copy ot the <br /> •-is� substitutlon of trustee ei requtred by applice6le Pew,�and t�ion,by fiilng the subatltutlon of truatee(or record in the oftice of the reelate►of deeds ' <br /> _ � • of each caunty in which the trutt proporty,or some part ttroreof,la eftuated.The succeseor�atee,without conveyance of the propar3y,shell <br /> - sucaeod to ell tho power,dutfoa,authorlty end titie of the Truatee namad in the deed of trust end of eny succoaaor Vustee. <br /> -_ . . � <br />- ' a <br /> fpip�?ol 21 <br /> EANKEA96Y6TEhi5,INC..ST.ClOUD,MH 68307 fl-000-99J•2J�11 FO(UA OLC-MT6N[e118/B1 <br /> _' .. � .� <br /> ". `� ' � <br /> � <br /> - . ....-:.�--'•'-"----.-."-....---- '---_.---'---.....-.__,.--- � <br /> , .._,...'.-'----'•_.__.._........_...""'— <br /> --.,...._------"--,..........-_.�.�—r� _"...' _ <br /> r Q6'r.w_.�'�rv�r�wx�°. .__ � <br />