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.� <br /> 'i -� <br /> . �. <br /> ...+..:.' � .. � �.._ <br /> •:.p: . <br /> " '^ , . � ,ti .. ;�:�;; <br /> .. . . ,. .,.a wtr.;o�.r.... . .,. ...rv f.:.. <br /> , „ — --... . .._ �,..ew.., . ,� .,.....,�.,,:_� <br /> . ,�. . . .. . _ _ .. . . �� . ,.,, <br /> � _ • `.,�•;r,%-�r,u"==.:: <br /> , :.y(�.i•.ai <br /> I f-25•1996 �� �.OQ�� DEED OF TRUS�' Pagc 2 . � - <br /> (Continued) - <br /> � -----�-------------_.—_:�:_.:�:.:-��__-------__:�=r�_-�: <br /> �;_---_.—.-.._.-�_;_�.�____ --�—...._�___..__... a� <br /> i Rcnts, The vrOrd"fienq"moAns iil presenl pnd lulure reni9,revenue�,Income,issues,royallles,profits,nnd othor bonofits derivad lrom Iho fi <br /> � Propeity. - <br /> , + Trustor. The word"Truelo�'msmne any end tll person9 a��d entitiee executlnp Ihls Doed ot Trust,Includinp without limitatlon all Trustora nan�ed �� � <br /> I abow. <br /> • ; TNIS pEEU OF TRIIST, INCLUR�ING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL <br /> PRdPEK'�Y,IS GIVEN TO SECURC• (1)PAYMENT OF THE INDEDT[ONFSS AN� (2)PERFORMANCF QF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATiONS OF <br /> TRUSTOR UNDER 7HE t�lOTE,THE RELATED DOCUMENTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THiS DEED OF 7RUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED <br /> UN THE FOLLOWING TERMSa � <br /> � PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except�s otherwlse provldad In thls Deed of Trusf,4rustor cAall p�y to Lender a�l amounb secured by lhi9 Deed • <br /> � � of Tru�t�e Ih�y b�cortN due,and ahnll atrictly�nd In a timpiy mannnr p�rform all 01 Tcusla'a obliq�ilons undor fhe Noto,lhls Qeed of Trust,Rnd iha • • <br /> • FlNatod Docurn�nts. • ' - <br /> ' POSSESSION I►ND MAINTENANCE OF THE pROPERTY. Trusta�yr�s that Trusta's possossfon and uso of Ihe�'roparty ehaU be poverned by . , ` <br /> tiw tdlowinp provlslonr. <br /> Posseulon ond llse. Unlil lhe occurrence ol an Ewnl of�et�uR,Trusta may (�)ramaln In posss3slon and conhd ot the Property, (b)use, ;�! r�. �,- <br /> opsnt�or mantpe lho Property,and (o)cdleat my Rents hom tM Propaty. :�,!6'�-�,t„��- <br /> ° `�'� � Dury to M�Inaln. Trustor 9ha11 mnlntaln the Properly In tsrundtbN condillon�nd prompry perfam al rep�lro,repl�amenb,4nd malnterutnce <br /> .. �. , necessary to preserve Its�rrluc�. , '�"'`� - <br /> Huxdous Subsqnca. Trustor rapresents and wnrtanls that the Pr never ht�been,and never will be so lanp as thls Deed of Trust "��1��� <br /> . •.s;;,.,�� remolns e ilen on the Froperty, used tor 4he peneratlon, manufac�tuere slal�e,heatmont, dispossl, rebtse a threafened rebass of any . '- ��� <br /> hezardDt�s waste or substAnce,as those terms are deflned In fhe Cnmprehensive Environmentd Response,Cempensatlon ltnd LI�bllity Act of <br /> • '�� 1880,as emended,42 U.S.C.Sectiort 9601, et seq.('CERCLA"),tne Supe�turtd Artwndments sr•�d Reauthorl7�tion Act�"5AFiA?,�pp�tceble . <br /> ' � state a Federel I�ws,or regulations adopted pu�wnt to�ny ot the torepdnp. Trusta�ulhaiz6s Lcndar and IIS apents to enter upon fAe _ <br /> � Properiy to mako 6uch Inspections and tosts as Lender may deem approprqta to determine compllancs of the Property with Ihb soctlon ut lhe ;: __—���= <br /> � Deed af Trust. Trustor horeby (e)rolleases end wflives sny Sulure Ciafms apalnsl Lender tor Indemnfty or conMbuflon In the event Trustor <br /> ea <br /> becomes Ikbte fa cle�nup a other costs under any such kws,�nd (b)apraos to Ind�mniry and hdd harm{ess Lendar�yalnst any and aH , s;;. r"�"' <br /> ?' Ctafms and losses resulHnp hom a breach ot thls pnragraph of the Deed of Trost. Thls oblfpatlon to indemnity shall survtve the payment o}the �v:''.}r!;=, <br /> � .` indebtadness nnd the sarisfaction of lhis Oeed of Trust. •'�-� <br /> i, E � Nutsmce,Waste. Trusfa shall not cause,conduct or permit�ny nuisance nor commit.permit,a suHer any sMpplrp of or wufe on a to Ub =" <br /> � P r o p e r t y o r tn y pnrtion ot the Pr o p e r l y. Wiihqut Ilmifl n p Iha penerllity of the torepdng,Trustor will not remove,or pnnt to any other party the ��: <br /> � ripht fo remove,uny timber,minetals(InCludinp oil and at�),sdl,prsvel a rock products without the prior w�iHen consenl o(Lender. "�j�,;'�:�— <br /> DUE OA)SALE�CfaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,et its option,declare immedktery due tnd payabb a0 sums secursd by thls Deed of Trust _ <br /> upon the sele or transler,without tfie Lender's prla wdtten Co�nent,of all or any part ol the Real Property,or any Interest In the Real Property. A �� J " <br /> � � "sale or trnnsf6r'means the conveyance o}Real Property Or any ripht,tille or Interas!thereln;whether legtl,beneHClal or equitlbli;whether votuntery ; <br /> -�,- �ii�titaUi�iiy,�h�ot!'�b;'vL'F�hS��.L�....""C�..::!°�°�...!�P.!°�`�°L`L'�lfE^_f InnA�nnhrr.f rnntrnr.l tnr riaatl,l�cahdd Interest wilh a term areater thm '�`L <br /> . � .�, three(3)years,lease-opUon contract,a by sale,asslpnment,or hanster of any beneAclai Interest In or to any I�nd trust hddirp tlHe M the Real <br /> �q Property,u by any other melhod ot conveyance ot Real Prnperty Intwest. If any Trustor is e capaaflon,psrtnarshlp or Ilmited IkbiNty comp�ny, <br /> R transter also fncludes ony chanpn in ownarship of mue t{xn twen9y-fiv9 perCeM(26`%)a?fhe votlnp stcek,partr�ship interes�or Ilmited IiabNity , <br />- ' � company Interests,as lhe caso may he,of Trustor. Howover,fhls optlon shall not E�e exarcised by Lender If such exem,fse Is proh161ted by federal , <br /> � law or by Nebraska law. ' `- <br /> TAXES AND UENS. The fdlowiny provlsions relatiny to lhe taxes and Aens on the Property ara a pari of this Deed o{Trust. _� <br /> PaymenG Trustor shtll pay when due(and In ail events prior to delinquency)all t�xes,speckl fanas,astrn�e+its,cha�s Qnciudinp wNer x,- <br /> �nd srwer),8nes and Imqositlons levled eWUnst or on nccount of tM Property,ond shW pay whsn dua�t ciaims for waic done on or for . <br /> servkes�endered or mniorl�l turnished to Ihe Properly. 1'ruetor shall malnt�ln ths Propaty hea ot aB Iiens h�vinp priorily over or equ+il to lhe r•• <br />' � . interast ot Undx undar Ihls Dead ot Trust,except tor tlx�Ibn ot taxes and assessments not duu and except ns olherwise provided In thls Deed <br /> "�� - ot Ttust. � - <br /> � PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fdlowing provM�,lons relaHny lo Insurinp the Proparty us�part of tAls Deed of Trust. , .e�� <br /> . �;nF- <br /> • ��%�>� � Maintenoace o/lnsurance. Trusta sha11 prooure and maintaln pdicl�s of flrs Insunnes wifh st�ndard wAsndad covonge endorsom�nls on a <br />-� ' ' replaCemenl bt�sis tor thp 1u111nsurabie value coverinp all Improv+ements on the ReU P►operty in an�mount suffiClent to avdd�pplk�tbn Of�ny = <br /> � �• colrtsurnnce clause,and wllh a standerd matgenee clduse In fava of Lender,togelher with such other hazard and IiabfNty Insuranco u L�ndx <br />-' ' :"�, may reasonabty reqWre. Pdkles oheli be wrltten In farm,amounb,coverages�nd Wsls reason�biy acxeptabk to I.�ndgr�nd Isstwd by a <br /> company cr compsrt!�s reasonably ecc�ptebts to Lender. 7rustor,u�on req��ost o�t.ender,will deli��er to Lendor hom timo to time the pdicles �__,__ _______ _ <br /> � ? or certtlicetas ot Insurance in tam satisfactory to Lender,Includlrp sHpulallons th�t coverapes wlll not be ancelled Ar dimintshed witAOUt at --- -- <br /> leest ton(t0)days'prla wdften noHcs to I.ender. Each Insunnca policy slso shall Includa an endassment provldinq th�t coven�s In f�vor of _ <br />= Lender wiA not be Impafrod In eny way by any act,omi�sion or detauli ot Trustor or any other person. S�ould the Re�l Property�t er.y Hme _ <br />_ ' . Gecome located In an kre�designatud by tne Directa o}the Federal Emerpency Mtnaqomgnt Apency as a speclal tlood hazard�uee,Trustor �-_------ --- <br /> " • aprees to obtaln and malrttaln Fsderel Flaod Insunnce ta the full unpdd pdncipel balanoe of the loan,up to lhe modum pofbyr Iimib s�t under <br /> ��- ttw NaUon�l Flood Insurunce Pro��am,w es otherwlse requked by Lender,end to mRinfaln Such Insurance for ths term of 1he Ian. g';_ <br /> ,., :'r�'��-��•t+�� � EXPENDDtURES BY LENOER. I}Trusta(ails to compiy w8h any provis�on o}thfs Dsed of'frust,or If any acHOn or proceedinp Is commonad thct <br />� ..' ��,'+`:4;� , would materielly sNecl Lendee's Interesb in the Property,Lender on Trustor's behalf rruy, but shall not be roqulred to,take any acAon that Lender =- --- -- <br />- . deqms�pproprkte. My amount that Lendar axpends in so ddnp will bsar interest at the rate providgd tor in the Note kom IM dats Incurred a p�ld ���-; <br /> ;.� by lendar lo the date of repayment by Trusta. All such expense�,at Lendere opflon,wul (e)be payable on demand, (b)be tdded fo the balance - `' <br /> • o►the Note and be epportloned amonp end be payable wilh any Installmenf payments to become due dudnp ellher (q the term of any epplfcabl� ____—_— <br />