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<br /> .:.ti��.�r•+�: THIS A98IGNMBNT OF RENTB RIDER ia medv end exaauted thie
<br /> � �•-�� ' " ' 23RD day of :JULY , 19 9Z and ie inaorporatod� into end ehall
<br /> . - .�. � bee aeemed to emen an supp�mont the Mortc���a or Deod of Truet,
<br /> "` '�° �� -� � • hexeinatter referred to ae the ��Seaurity Iaetrumenti", o: the eame _ _
<br /> • :��f�- Y��" date qiven by the undereigned, hereinafter re�errad to as the
<br /> ����� � � "eorrower", to secure Borrower's indebtedneee, hereinafter
<br /> ,;���• �',:,,.. . � referred to ae the "Note��, to HoME FEDERAL SAVIN(38 AHD LOAN
<br /> `_=�'-'���T-'"-°; A880CIATION OF (iItANU 18L,�►Ni3, hereinaf�er refex'�ed �a as tho �-
<br /> .�,,...� ��Lender", o� the eame date and covering the property doscribad in
<br /> --�- � � � the Boaurity Inetrument and loaated at s -
<br /> �� � �;r ��.°� 241 B W. 16TH� GRAND ISLANU� NE 68803
<br />�� -� , � (Prvpexty A rooe)
<br /> � � � 3.
<br /> �— "'�`,`. ..� WITNEBBETH t
<br /> �x�^:,:..�„�, `;.'
<br /> - ,�!.•. ..xJ �, .. '
<br /> • � "� WHSRBAB, Horrowor and Lender heve agreed that e�ny rents and =
<br /> , '. " � profite attribu�able to the property ehould Qonetitute additional
<br /> ° � seaurity to the Londer for the payment of the Notef
<br /> " . �..��,.
<br /> � ' NOW, THEREFORE, it ie aqreed that the Security inetrumont
<br /> ahall be ameaded'hereby end deetaed to iaclude the following pro-
<br /> ;.. � � vf eions:
<br /> � � � 1. Asa{�+ment o� Ren�e and Lender Rental_Collectian Riarhts.
<br /> Harrower hereby absolutely and unaonditionelly asaigne all rents,
<br /> "___ . _ . •�,�.. ,._-_ :;.,.,,; iseues and profits of the property to Beneficiary. Lender ehall
<br />_ --- -
<br /> � � , hav� the right, power and authority during the continuance of t e
<br /> �� � Security Inetrument to collect the rente, iseues and profits of
<br /> the property and of any personel proper�y loa�ted �hereon with or
<br /> .� without taking posseasion of the property affevted hereby.
<br /> ` � " ..� Lender, however, hereby consente to Borrawer�s collection and
<br />. ': retention of such rente, issues and profite ae they accrue and __
<br /> . • � become payable, so long ae 8orrower ie not, at such time, in
<br /> � .� ' default with respect to payment of any indebtednese secured
<br /> � ..�: ,. . ��,:,.. hereby, or in the performance of any agreement hereunder.
<br /> ,�- - - -�`'_. �-
<br /> �- 2. 8,pno�ntment oi Receiver. If any event of default in
<br /> ,��• � � respeat to the Seaurity Instrumont ehall have occurrwd and be _
<br /> � continuing, Lender, as a matter of right and without notice to
<br /> �. �'"` � . Borrower or anyone claiming under Horrower, and without regard to `
<br />� � � . the value of the trust eatate or the interest of the Borrower �
<br /> � therein, shall have the right to apply to any court having juris- �,.
<br /> diction to �ppoint a receiver of the property. ��-
<br /> �' 3. �.qht to Poseession. In case of default in the payment
<br /> . of the said principal Note or interest, or any part thereof, as �F
<br /> �, . it ahall mature, or in the case of failure to keep or perfarm any r
<br /> � . � � � of �he covenante or egreements contained in the Security Instru-
<br /> ,. ment, �hen the Lender, ite euccessors or assiqns, shall be and ie
<br /> � hereby autliorized and empowered to take immediate posseseion of � �
<br /> '.� ttie eaid premi�es therein described and to collect the rente ;
<br /> therefrom, and to apply tlie proceeds thereof tio the payment of �
<br /> .� the Nnte.
<br /> }
<br /> .� 4. 8,pn�{aat!on of_ Rents. Iseues and Profits. All ronts . �
<br /> collected by Lender or the receiver ehall be applied first to
<br /> � payment of �he costs of management of the property and collection
<br /> !• of rente, including, but nut limited tv, reaeiver's fees, premi-
<br /> � ums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then
<br /> - " - �-- to the eums Becureci py cne �ecuricy Ynszrumeni. i,ender and zne
<br /> � receiver shall be liable ta account only for those rentis actually
<br /> reaefved.
<br /> .. 5. ��nstrLat{on of Provie�one. Each og the provieione con-
<br /> , -'� �� �ained 3.n chld Ae���y�u��tluL erL Aa11i.B Ri�ie�: and the yacurf.�y Instru-
<br /> ment shall, unlese otherwise c�pecifically required, be construed
<br /> in accvrdance with Nabraska law, and in the event any provie3.on
<br /> herein or therein contained ehall be determined by a court of
<br /> cvmpetent juriediction to be unanforceable, the eame ehall be
<br /> • {. construed as though such' unenforceable provision were not a part .
<br /> � ' hereof or thereof.
<br /> 1 �
<br /> � 1
<br />