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� '-.w:;,a � . <br /> .�wrr►v . ,. .' <br /> -,� , h . ' . • . � r• ; ,L4��''y . <br /> . . ' C.N^�111!� ` . � . .. . � � _ . . • ,,V��F,( C -•)'. <br /> , '� ' ..l',.'iSw�M <br /> w.�.�t1�P�14�Y.i..� . ' . . �.__: :Lltf'7��.�r�.rVVr'.HCWSu.'.1� �.�1:�. _ .,> <br /> .i . - . . .. .. . . .. ' . 1 ...... ._.. . . . <br /> . .... ..�.... <br /> '�: ,...m��rwwr.v _vnr�-. <br /> �1. . . ..... .a��.:.s.......... ..... . .._. . .. , . . .. . . . .. ... v� . <br /> . � ��fi <br /> .. . � �� ����� . <br /> ' (IL, YN, IA� M�, Y+�J, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) <br /> � KB��t �CORA�D MIITL TOI �� <br /> � Fle�� Md�4�age Group, InQ� �� <br /> . 11200 Parkland Avenue � <br /> P. 0. Box 303 <br /> �.�''�'` Milwaukee, Wdsconsln �1 $��Z U 1 <br /> � ��°" pA�'.��b oz 8pa�as nbove �his 1 ne �or rea�rder�s use <br /> LEI[ITBD pfillllA 0� ]1TT0�]f <br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY ���i�E PR�B�NTS: ��=" <br /> f �D�at FEDERP►L NPiTION�L MOII3�DIGE ASSOCIATION, a corporation arqanized <br /> �., . , '� a��a� existing under the lawa o! t,3�a Unit�d StatsB o! Amorica, and <br /> laa��ing it Soutttaaetern Reqional �!ltiae located at S50 East Paa�r� ��- <br /> � . FarL^y� Roa�, in ths Ci�y o! ritlanta, Stat� �! Georqia, hareby mak�a °° <br /> � aonatit�n�m a�nd appoints . <br /> � _� Fleet !�Iortaaate Ccan:sa,2,�ation � <br /> (Natne of I�aatd��� <br /> . .»�• organized �a�� �zz�.sting under t�0 �.�s�a� �� ita true and lawf�al -= - <br /> � Attorney��a���a��, with full power an�i au��iaxity hereby coatarred in �;=- <br /> .. ita name, p��ce and stead and for its �ns�► and benelit, to ma�e �°-. <br /> „ sign, exe�:u�e,_ a�sknowladge, d�llver, �ile �or record ancY record any <br /> � such instrument in ite behnit and ta pertarat such ottxer act or acte - <br /> ��'< � " a�s may be customarily and reasona�m3.y necesenry �r�d appropriate �� __ <br /> �;;:��;,�:;�;:' � �$g�ctuata ttxs roiiowinq anumera��r� tram�aations as ttia same m��r <br /> , �reldte �� a martqage or d�ad o! trust ��:cumbarittg a vte�-�o-lou� <br /> , . (l �a 4� �� property ��aated in Cour��� o! Nra!/ , Stat� -- <br /> .., ,,,.,. cat � � r s , owned �y the undesiqna�l js�h�tt�er Cha undereign�zl <br /> ,•:.;��:'�: • $�s nAaaed tharr� �a ms mortgaqee or bsr�e�iaia� or haa beco�� - <br /> °�a;,��:'. , ta�rrritx�agee or ber���iaiary by virtue o! aasignmes�� a� such mortgaq� <br /> ;,,,,. . or dead ot txust, az by virtua o! endaree�a�nt oS �:he aote sacured <br /> , .� .Y.S,; by auch mortqaq� os d�oc3 0! truat) aad sorvi��d !o� the undorsiqnad <br /> �T� �� • .� by said �lt�orn�y-in-Fac�. ' <br /> -_..1.,^��'-- This appointment ahall apply to t2:a !o].iq��v�.ng eriu�i�ss���d� � <br />�`°'�'°�••'• trunsaations oaly: <br /> -:�r_ <br />�"�:-���r:,�,� - <br />=���`� �� 1. �'h� appo�nt��nt o! a auaaasaor Ar subs�ituta truat�e(s� <br /> �-���� serving ux►ds•r a dw�d oP tiroist !or any re�s�i� �t� dC�9X'�d!!6Q! � - <br />-=���'"��� with ate�t� �l�w a�nd the deed of trustt <br /> .'=.:�.�`•�''� �. Tha part�al raleame, modi�icati�n, diacharge, oxtaneion, <br />-=`L�r=-.:=-� subordina�ion, torecicsure, liquidation, satistection, or lt�ll <br /> _ �'r_c:-.:-, <br /> ��_-•� releas� of a martgaq�, deed of �rust nr daed to sacurn debt <br /> .�����.� <br />-=��;���,•A° (t�ereinaltsr r�l�rred to as "mor�gage") , includir�� <br />=�:.,��;. cana�llation o! ths V� c�aaranty car�ificate, i! areyt <br /> �.�, . — <br /> _";.'�jD.Y:... <br />_���*i4�`�r'R'� . 3. T3�e �:s�nvayance o! gx�rapartiy aaquiresl �`�rough foreclmsura sala _ <br /> - . a� d�a�-in-1�S�u ot foreclosure, inalud4ng the pcwer �w endoraa - <br /> • �r � �he mortgacy� note and execu�e any documer�� rela�ing to t4a� _ <br />.� ' • cr�na��ya�ncs o! proparty pursuant to a dalaul� and ex���c�so �t� '; <br /> a p���er in .thA mor��as�at and `r,� <br /> �,;���,,�� �o The r��le, t�an�lar, aonvayance or aem�g�nment o! e� mor�qaqe nnd ''�� <br /> ' �� '"�� note to th� Sacretary ot Housing and Urban Davalopmant, ��� <br />, ��;��;:,;�',�',, � Admfnistra�tor o! vaterans �ltaira ox any privats mortqaga — <br /> , i�sa��cat�ca company ar the sale, ��ransfer, aonveyance or � <br /> r""�� ' as���gnment ot a mc��gaqe and no�� �� an insurancs� comgany ��. <br /> _ - pursuanti co a riqnt ot as�is�YUaant in an insurance contrac�. � <br /> ,.;;i���;.. ��, <br /> �':;���" �'z•e undasiqned gives �� �a�d �►�torney-in�Fact full power at�d <br />_ authority tc� execute s��I� instruments and to do an perform all and <br /> avery act and thing �cecgn�t��ite, nece�saxy and proper �a carxy in�o <br /> . afleet the power or powors granted by or under thia Limited Pow�r <br /> o� Attorney as fully, to all intents and purpose�, a� �he <br /> under�aignsd might or could do, and hereby does ratify and contirm <br /> aii tlnst said Atttirrtey�ir-Facti shall iaRtlully do or canae t� be <br /> . done by autihority hereofP. <br /> . i <br /> � <br />