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<br /> '�'�..�. - � SO P�O'1'tCT 'rQ 8eC�11lITY O� T9I8 D�eD O! TAUBTt
<br /> .�., .. ,....
<br /> � ;�� �•.- 1 . PA NT OF INDSBTEDNE88. Trusto�c shall pay when due the
<br /> ��� ��•• •-�4' prinaipal o!, and th� intere�t on, the indebteelneas evi.den�ed by ____
<br /> .. �,...�...._._._,�.;,.r,l
<br /> ,�:�•.;.;,,�:�_,,. .�,., ths Note, aharges, feee and all other eums ns provided in the Zoan
<br /> a�,.��;,i�:r::�:.;: In�trun�nts.
<br /> - .�uah�u��.�zt�
<br /> -------°— 2. Tg�g,�.,, Truetor ehall �ny wwah installment of all taxes
<br /> - - ---- ---- —_------,
<br /> ,.�:r. .—,�___.. _-_
<br /> _ � '� and spaoial a4eessments of every kind, now or hereafter levied
<br /> ��'�:����::=_=�=-�.n a ninst the Tru�t S�tate or �ny part hereof, before delinquency,
<br /> ..d...,.,.r..,,.......
<br /> �v ,�;_.;�,,���,�, w thout notice or demand, and shall provide Benefiainry with -
<br /> -- � - avidence of the paymsnt of the same. Trustor ehall pay all taxee
<br /> ��� -�1. ��` and as�ee�msnt• which may be levied upon 8enefiaiary's intereat
<br /> �`".�a6,;af�'`'.'';�>''� herein oz upon this Deed of Truet or the dabt secured hereby,
<br />�!��'�'�*��`�'���� without reqard to nny law that may be enacted impoainq payment o!
<br /> � ' � � '''"' th� whole or any part thereof upon Benefiaiary.
<br /> - - ��J..«vr. ._ -�-
<br /> ,_� �=y�.< . '`�--_..
<br /> . °�� � ° � 3. INSURANCB AND REPAiRS._ Tru�torc ehall maintain firo and
<br /> � � � . '' extended aoverage insuranae ineuring the houae aonetitutinq pr�rt
<br /> of the Trust E�tate for an amount no leso thAn the amount of _�
<br /> 3 $19,000.00. Suah insurenae poliay aha31 aontein e at�►ndar d
<br /> '� mortgage alauee in favor of Henefiaiary and ahnll not be =_
<br /> ' ��""�'''�'`:` y aanaellsble, terminnbls, or modifinble without tsn (10) days prfor
<br /> •�- �• �� ,. � writtsn aotiae to Bonefiaiary. Truotor shall promptly rapair,
<br /> - �•� .,, .. �naintsin and replaae the Trust E�tate or any pert thereof so that,
<br /> exaept for ordinary wear and teer, the Truet Bsta�te 4ha11 no� �
<br /> � � �,; deteriorate. In no event shall the Truetor commit waete on or to �- .
<br /> a �:� . _., ,.�,_, the Tsust S��ta.
<br />. - `� In addition to casualty insurance, Truator ehall provide and
<br /> : ,� pey the premiume on aomprehensive liability insurence coverinq the
<br /> �� : yK�. � premiees and proteating the Beneficiary nnd Trustor from all -
<br /> ��+� clnims, demande laweuite and judgmeats arising out of injury to
<br /> , "'F" � pereone or demaqe to property occurring on the property. The "�
<br /> , �.,�"~�'"•����`�'• � coverage shall be in an amount of not leoa than $300,000.00 single �
<br /> �y., , . limit for bodily injury and property demage. The liabflity �_
<br /> 4 iaaurance and aasualty insuranae may be procured in n single policy
<br /> R+:r�-.
<br /> � , ..�� . .. �• �:.s;°` or may be obtained in aepnrate policioo. In nny event, such p4licy L`•'
<br /> Y, • ' •� " ��„ � � - or policiee shall name Beneficiery and Trustnr ae inaurede aa their j�.-._�_
<br /> �� � � intereets may appear, and Benefiaiary shall be provided with a
<br /> '� ��. , Certificdte of Inaurance or duplicate copy ehowing the ineuranae
<br />��� �� o ce and effect at all times durin the term of thia �^
<br /> t to be in full f r 9 -
<br />� `�'�� � ��• Deed of Truvt. �,--
<br /> � �� �� 1►�'TTONS A�FECTTNG TRUST ESTATE. Trustor shall appear in �
<br /> , .. a, �-
<br /> �� and contest eny action or proaeeding purporting to affect the _=J"
<br /> � , �•°�- seaurity hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, ;�.,_
<br /> � � � and shnll pay all coeta and expenee�, including cost of evidence �`_
<br />. , � . c�f title nnd attorney's fees, in any such action or proceeding in �__
<br /> "�� ; ,�;�.i' . which Henefiaiary or Trustee may appear. Should Truator fail to
<br /> ' " '�" meke any payment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in :��
<br /> any of the Loaa Instrnments, Beneffciary and/or Trustee, each in ''�
<br /> � their own diearetion, wfthout obliqation, may make or do the aame
<br /> • � ' in such manner aad to Buch extent as either may deem necessary to
<br /> protect the security hereof. Trustor shall, immediately upon
<br /> � demand therefore by Beneficiary, pay all costs nnd expen�es �
<br /> � incurred by Heneficiary in connection with the exercise by � .
<br /> ti � Beneficiary of the foregoing rights, including, without limitation, i
<br /> = costs of evidence of title, court coats, appraieals, eurveys and '
<br /> , nttorney's fees. Any such coats and expeases not paid within ten
<br /> : (10) days of written demand ehall draw interest at the default rate ,
<br /> `�._ provided in the Note.
<br /> �� 5. EMINENT DOMAIN. Should the Trust Estate, or any part
<br /> .� � �� " thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason of any
<br /> public improvement or condemnation proceedinq, or in any other ,
<br /> � manner inclnding deed in lieu of Condemnation ("Condemnation"), or
<br /> - - �- -- ehnulcl Truetor receive any noticc or other infe*_-mat;�n rRqArd{ng
<br /> , such proceeding, Truetor ahall give prompt written notice thereof
<br /> to Beneficiary. Beneficiar�r ahall be entitled to all compensa�ion
<br /> ;. , .. 2
<br /> l �
<br /> wi + ; .
<br /> r � - _
<br />