<br /> �� , � .. .. . . .. :_ . �;�-� --___
<br /> ' _ � r ii.z�,::.�,�e.._:__�.-— -- -_ —�—__ —
<br /> - _y:•r,j• • -L'r� __' __ _ 'v�RJA/mi1�- __ _ . .-
<br /> �. �"1�5i���
<br /> �7. Er+�i+.wi1 Oac:wi+�.lAndar is h�rc8y assipned al!compeneetion,�wards,damagoa and othar paym�nta ar ralaf lherNnafNr
<br /> "prx.aads'71n cornecUon wlth�ondemnatlon a oMsr akinfl o1 th�Proparty a pa�thsroot,or I�r conv��anca In Uw ot condsmna- -
<br /> tl�on.L�r►�iwr�haN bw anUtlad at IU option ta Commer�CS.Rpp4ar in and prosacute in Ite own nama ony acUnn or prxeedinps,and
<br /> sha,il atio b��nUHed to maka any cc+mpromisY or satUemont�n Con�8C4on wlth suC�t.�Klny or Wmapa.in aw uvn��i a,iy pv�wa:�3�
<br /> ths Properry I�so taken or drmayed,lendao�!1 have the optlon,in Its sola and absaluta ditcrotion,to�ppiy all wch ProcMds,
<br /> ahK d�duatlnp thereirom aU cacts and expon�w incurrod by it In connaction witt�such F'rxeeda,upan any indebtwinsas tacured _
<br /> t�ersby wnd in auch ardar as Lqnda�may detatmine,or to apply all such Procaada,ofter ouch doductlor�a,to the resto►�t1on of ths
<br /> Proparty upon such condldons w Lender may d�ts�mine.Any applicatlon oi Proceed�to Indeb:ednecs r�ha1�not extend or Postpo�►a
<br /> the dw dale ol anY PaYmenta undor ttw Nosa,or cw�anY detauft th�w�r a twrourul�.AnY una�D►Nd tun�ehatl ha paid W
<br /> T�wsOr•
<br /> g, p�rlpnna�C♦pY L�dN.Upon the occurrence o10�Evar�t o1 Detauit haraunder,cr A any act ts ttk�n or kpal proce�din0
<br /> c„'+n-nencad which materially aNecte Lender's int�ett In ths Prcp�rly,LsndK may in Ita QW n dlsc►eNGn,bttt widscul oblipat{o�'�W do
<br /> �,��w;thout naNce to or dam�,�cl upon Truator and without ralaaalnp Trwtor irom any ob1l�aUon,do sny act whtsh Trustor ha
<br /> apr��acP bo�t h�is to do and may a�sn da sny oth�r act if deema n�ceaary to protect tha iecurtry h�rwf.Trusto��hall,inu++oc9+�►1Aiy
<br /> upot��rytstnd theretar by Lende�,pay to Lend�r oll cosb�nd expensa�Incurre�l and tum��xpend�d by Lend��In conn�cSipn wlth
<br /> �dd�d to thebldd�btad�nau ri�cured hK�by.L�nder shtll Inot incur any I�I�bUib�becau'�a of a�yGrirtipint m�y�do a omii to,do
<br /> h�t�und�r.
<br /> �.Hstsr�Spw YaMd�M.TruaWr�hall kMp tM P�np�rty In comPltanc�witfi all�ppllcaW�1aun.ordl+wncN+t�d�Gu��
<br /> nlatlnp to IndwW�l hy��an�a�nvlronm�tal proactlon(call�ctiv�►��d to MrMo w"Environ�+�nfal Law�'�.TruMo►M�W
<br /> kNp th�Prop�ry tn�trom�11 wbatancM dMm�d m b�hazudous or Wx�uad`r u►y Envlronmw►W I.�vw(coiNcHrMY rMarr�d b
<br /> tw�iri�u"Huudow Mat�thtl�"�.Truitor hK�by w�trrlu�fa and nprNM►ts to L�rx1N tfu�t ther�aM no FI�il�dow 11AatKt�1�on o►
<br /> undw Ih�Prop�rtY.Trustor INr�by�ptfN W Ind�mnKy snd hdd harmlM�L�xNr.ib d1r�Cbn.OffiCK�,�n+PbY�N�+�d�'�•�
<br /> uty suCCM�on 10 L�ndsr'�IntstMl.hom�nd�pain�l any and all Clalm�,damW�w IosM�Iu�d IIaWIItlM nrlWnO In conMCtbn wqh
<br /> th� pt�na,w�,diapo�al a tta�sport ol any Huardou�Mat�rial�on.und�r.hom or a0out th�Prop�ty. THE FOAEOWNf�
<br /> 10. A�MM W MnM.Trustot h�nbY ua{4n�W I.�nd�r th�rtnts.iaws and ProNq o1 th�Prop�tY;P��
<br /> �hall,undl tM occun�nc�of an Ewnt ol OMauH hK�u�dw.hava the rlpht ta collect�nd rW tn such nnls.I�suM and prollh �
<br /> b�com�dw�nd payabN.Upoo tlw xcurrenca of tn Evsnt of Detauft.LsnEsr maY��it�In pKSOn or by q�nt
<br /> b�i�pinp�ny acUon or procMdlnQ,or by�nc�iva►�ppoUtad by a cou�t and without rpard W tM ad�qaacY ot Hs�curhY.MM�
<br /> uppn and tak�poaeaslo+�of ths Pro�ty,or any part therwf.In tb own nsm�or in ths nams of th�Trusls�,and do any acb whkh R
<br /> d�ans n�c�usry a desitable to pressnN th�vtlue.rt►ark�tabllRy or nntaW lity ot the Properry,or any put th�tsol or�ry�tharNn.
<br /> inerNN the Incom�thKSirom or prot�ct tha s�curity h��eof and,with or wlthaul takinp poss�uio� ������
<br /> pft��rwiss coll�ct ths rsnts.issu�s and profits ther�ol.includinp thws past dus and unpald,and�pply
<br /> e�cp�nsss o1 op�raUon and coilectlon includinp�ttom�ys'fees,upon any ind�btedness Ncured henby.all in wch ordK a L��d�r
<br /> n�ay drM�min�.Tt�e snt�rinp upon and takinp posa�sslon ot d�e P�opsrty.ths coll�ction of wch nnts,isw�s u�d W'o8b�nd tM
<br /> �p,plicatlo�th�rsof ts atoreuid,shall not cun or waiw�r►y drlsufl or notica of d�fauk f+ereund�r or��validaM a^Y aet do��^
<br /> r�po�a�to such ddault or pursuant to euch noUce of deh�e[t�notwithstandinp tlw eontitwanee In Pos��iO^o��P�'ti a
<br /> p�rovia.�ror iri any oi�t�.oinpo�o�cu�m«►�k��y�aw�oc�and i a y��ve�nt�Ot o�st�auK.l�nci,u�dinp�w��ithou�t um��e�s .
<br /> uc�rci�tM powsr of asN.Funh�r.Lsnder's�iyhts u�d nrnedls�undw this puayraph�haU be cumulativs wvith,snd M no way a
<br /> WnGiiaHon on�ls�►dsr's Nphtsand rsrt�sdUs undaanys=�iDnrtrntof kaes and renbncordsdaaalmtths Prop�Y.L�ad�►�T�ustw
<br /> �nd M�roalver shall b�liable to scca�nt on1Y ttws�ronts actually received.
<br /> 1 t. EwM�al DMwN.Th�idbwln�shall constitute an Ewnt o1 DefauR und�r this Deed of Trust
<br /> W FaiNue tio Wfl�Y instailm�nt of principtl or int�nst of my othw wm wcuted tw�eby whan dus:
<br /> .. ._. .—. _{b)Abre�chofadstwituc�d�ranyprovisloncontain�dinuwivase.tfiisuoeovi�:i,:i.:u�yv:R..c::`-�..:���-
<br /> othsr Ilsn a e�x:umbrana upon t!w ProosrM
<br /> (c)A writ of ex�cuUOn or attachment or any simitar process sl�i be antered apainst Yruator yvhich ahall b�coms�Ilsn o�e
<br /> the Propsrty or eny portion thereof or interest therNn•
<br /> (d)There sball bs filed by w apainst Trustor or garrower an actton under any prssent or futun fedenl,shA�or oth�r
<br /> gs�t�it�,Isw o�rsyulaUon�elatin9 to bankruptc}i,Insotvency or ot11e�re0ef for d�btot�;w thsre shall b�appo�ni�3�►y tru+tM.
<br /> .�ceiver cx��quWator o}Trustor or Barower or ot ail or any part ot ths Propertyr,or th�r�►ts.lswss or profit�tt►w�oR a Truet�
<br /> or gonpwrr s7�tl make any�ensral asslynmant ta tha bsnefit of creditors:
<br /> �e)TM,sata,transter.I�ase.aatt�nmant conv�yance or tuMer encumbranas of�tl or any part of or u�y inMresx#�ti�e
<br /> prcperty,eithsr votuntuity or involunfa�iiy, without the axpresf w�itten cons�nt of Lend�r;provided thal Trwbr shalt De
<br /> permittb to ex�cute�laa�s of the Proparty that do�s not conWn an opHon to P����+���oT whi�h do�s csot�cad
<br /> on�ye�r,
<br /> (n Ab�ndonm�nt of the Property'or
<br /> . (�If Trustor is not an l�dividual.ths tauance.u�ts.Vansta,aesiQrun�nt,conveyanca or encumbrance of more thae a b!r!
<br /> o(�_porcent of(i1 a corporation)its isaued and outstandirtg stock or pf a partMnhlp)a total ot Dsrc�sta@.
<br /> pptnenAlp intKesb d�frinp the pK�od th►s Deed of Tn�st remains a iien on ttw Property.
<br /> 12. R�nwdiM:AcutKadon UPon OMwM.In th�avatt af a�Y Ew�rt a�l Dufault londw rt►�y.without notica exapt�s n�Qui�t I�Y
<br /> law�dsclan all indsb�doas sscured herebY to ba dus artd PaYat�e ar*d the atme shall th�a+Pon become dus and GY�.
<br /> wit�wut any prs�sntrrsent d�msnd.protest or noGco of eny Wnd The�er Lander may:
<br /> (�)Ob�TlaflO II{at IfUi�6 ,�,;""; �,�,�r,T��...�.`1�w.w..�ar. ,...w Tw.�wr'�
<br /> 6x6fClStl tf�6 r.iircn vi•urt�s.r.:.�•~� ;.r ^
<br /> interest in th�Property to be sotd and tha proceoda io ba distributed.aU in ihe rttannwr pr�vidsd in th�Nabraska Ta+si W Ws
<br /> Acfi
<br />'� (p) Exercba any and al!ri�hts provkied for in any of the Loan DocLments or by law upon occurnnce of�rry E�r�t of Oelauii:
<br /> �(c)Commenc�an aafion w foreclese this Owd ot Trust as a mortqape.aRPant a receiw►,a sP�+�Y�w any ol Ure
<br /> corra�ants hsnof.
<br /> No rert�sdy haein cont�rred upon or reserved to Trust�e or Lender ts intendod to be excluslve ol any otMr��msdy h�nin.io ths
<br /> Loen Docwner►ts ar by law p�ovldad or permilted.be�t eech aha11 be cumulstiw,shall bs in additlon to svaY ot�n�dY�^
<br /> twrMU�QN�in tM Loan[)otvrtWnts w now w f�'wr exi�iu��i i:wot:sti C�uily otla';:tt�.and mal'b6 exerCMld�o�wyx*�ntlY•
<br /> ������
<br /> 19. �+.T��maY r�n at�ny tlms witfiout caus�.and LsndK may at any tim�and witl�out cau��ppdnt a
<br /> succG::o:a w��.s:a Tru.�'.::.T�s:..°°�hs!!rto!�e I!ah4e to any narry,including without limitation UndM.8orrow�r.Trwtor ot�ny
<br /> purchassr of t11e Prop�ty,tor any loss or dama9e unteu due to reektess or wiliful misconduct a�d shall not be rpui��d to Lk�any
<br /> acUon in conn�ction with the sntorcement o!thi�Deed of Trust unless Indemnified,in wriUny,for atl cosb,comp�►satlon a
<br /> exper►sas which may be atsoclatod thsrewith•�n addition.Trustee may becwne a purchaser at any sale of tho Propsrty(Judlcl�l ot .
<br /> under th�power oi sab�rantad herein);poatpone tihe sale of atl�any portion ot ttN Property,as provided by�aM►:a seti ths `
<br /> Property aa a whde.a in separate patroele or lote at Trustae's disusdon.
<br /> 14. F�and Exp«�.In tfie event Trustee ssils the Propaely by exercise ol powe�01 sate.Trustee shail ba entitwd to appty
<br /> a,ny sals procasda first fo paym�nt ot ail coste and expenses of exercisiny powor ot sale,inctudinfl all Trustss'�tNS.and l-e�►da��s
<br /> and Trustes's attorney's teas.actuairy Incuned to exte�t perrti:ttad by app��cab�e law.M t!w evant Barower or Trwca exerciw�any
<br /> ripht providad by law to cure an Event of Da(aut�Lender sh�l1 be enUUed to recova►from Trustor atl co:ta and�xp�r►�es actwl�Y
<br /> incurred a�a �esult ot Trustor's detautt���W�ut Umitation aU Trustee's and a�torney's teM,W the�xE�r►t psrrtiiWd by
<br />_ applicabie law.
<br />