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� <br /> �--- -- --•--. . ���.-- - -- - <br /> ��:� '_�� <br /> ' _�- - - - .�---- -_� - <br /> — — - - ..�— _— _ - - - _ - c.. <br /> . �tt—t2-t�6 FlWII�I�WLMt% 9EED O� TRUST Pa�9 ot�(� " <br /> • Lo�n Ht� 012?�OD81 (Cc+MI�'+wd) �11_ !r�� _ _ <br /> � Mrl�iwr_ ___' <br /> 1+�lrunw��, a ttw�k a�Mat�iuoow�i+W Iha1 ntiY s�O�+�N tN�of L�nOs�'��y1+k In 1�+�P�op�tY(wcn u�WooNdteG in baN�ruploY,G+otrrw, ° <br /> tn�.x+nd�nuuCOn a IoM�titu►�a 10�Maa I�wt a r�t�YWw)�t►w+�l�ndir miy do and P�Y tor wAal�wr M�HatMrY b fxW�d th�w!w of Ih� �-- <br /> Frop�rry anC L�+�r'a�qhtr�n ttw P�ropirry. UnQN't�cllon�rtKy u+cWO�P�YMO�ny w+rr s�cund'oy a iw+wiw:F�iw ww�Nr��N�:%�.r:=; -_ <br /> in�'wn.�:.�aa�++uw►+,court.aN�a�w��noyr��Iw.cnd.nMnro on M.Propwty a m�lc.rpaks. �uclwupn L«+dK�v�••�on -- <br /> wu�►nws W+��pn�.Urw�r das r►o�naw to�to so. -- <br /> any amourw aa�owcad by�w�dar undw►n.ti wrwr�a►+r�nw acom��dd�ua�a�d.b�a sorro+wr rwc�ria t�y trr�:ac+utN�ncaurs,a+,�. - <br /> Unta�a Bor�a+�and Lond�aprls W atMr Wms ot�ym�M,ttnN�nWUr+h shW bar trtatwtt kom ttw d�tlr Of diibuninw+u al ths Nob�raf�and -_. <br /> iha11 bi D�Yk'VV,wdh intir0at.upan notic�kom L�t1tl�t b BOrrowK raQwiti+W PaYmw�t. - <br /> �. Yorlp�p Insur�nCe. �t�ar+c�r nqu�nQ ma10+0�tnsu�ana as•conditlon ot maklnG t1»btn s�curW by thl�Skurity�nstrum�nl, -- <br /> Bo�rOwu �h11 WY th� praNurtn r�qulnd b rtrinWn tIW mortpaW Instuanca in sft�cl. it�fot anY rB�sWL t?w ma'1�a i.'t:txars:.a Cava:spa _ <br /> rWulrod bY LMWr�+Psa o�aws to b�in NMCt.BOrroww sAW WY Iha prNNums r�quked to obt�ln Covw�subdantlaW�QWvWnt to th� _ <br /> mortp�pa inwrana Pra++b�x1y In�tf�c1��t�cost substantlaAY aQuivWnl to Cw Cocl t0 Barow�r o1 ih�mortp�pa Ins�,rtna pr�vlOwry 1�afl�cl, � <br /> kom�n att�rn�lo mortWpi i�uw�pprovad by Lond�. It wbst�ntWiy oqdvWM mortpap�kiuranoa cowrap�ic nol�v�Y�bM�Barrovwr sl+aY F,. <br /> av a�aru�r wcn mo+�h a sum a4wl to an�-twWM of tha yaariy mo+tpaq�iruuranoa P�omium ba1n0 Pa►d bY Borrow�r wMn tha InsurRna �-_ <br /> oovYrlp� taDr�7 G o�asid to W in�:1. Undr wifl YCOIpt�urA and ratain tiMta WYmvr►!s ts o tost ris�nti in Ueu d mo�Ip�Or insur�no�. _ <br /> Loas rosarw paY��++nY^�b^7�� lhs optlon W Landor.if mortpade Iruauanco cover�(in tM amount artd lor th�p�riod thtl <br /> L�ndir►oGuY1s)pru�Wd by an Insuror 4pp�owd by LandYr optin baCOrtWi 4vWabio and 19 obtalnetl. BortOw�thW pay 11r pnrnlumo a4uind <br /> to m�intat�mortq�pY insurYnCO in etMct,a to pro�a bss ras�nt0.undl thi raquVansM lor mOrlp�pY I�ranCa snds in iCCOrdanO�with any <br /> wrilqn W�arn�M b�twain BonOwwr and Lo+uMr or ipp�cabf�Vw. <br /> 9. tnsp�ctlon. Londar or i�s a0�^�Y m�fca r�son�bW onddas u0on and Inspecdons d th�Ptop�tty. L�nCK sh�Y Olv�Bortowu not�C��1 <br /> ttw em�of a p�or to an�nfpxtion s�JN�np rsaso+ubla csuso ro►tt»t�paation. _ <br /> t0. CaidMfM��on. Tha ProcMds o1�ny awud ar cLtm for dartiapa�dkect or co+wqwn�W.In conMetion wHh any cor�d�mnabon or <br /> ott�r Wci�p d 4oy part ol tlw Propw�tY.a iar conw��In Ifw of h�nbY assl0nod and sh�l b�Pvd fo l�. <br /> In tiw�wn1 W a toW taklnp W ttw Proparty,wha proo�ds sh�Y ba sPP�d to Ma sums s�ctxW by d�is S�c�uNY InctrwrK.�l.whMh�a nd <br /> tlwn duY. w�b any a�cpss Pab b F3ortowM. In th��v�nt o1 a P�+1W 4W�0 W th�Prop�rty In whlCh th�hlr m�rkN witM of thr PtaQM1y <br /> 1mnNdiatMY b�on th�t�klnp ic�4�9a or flrNMr thtn tM am0un!Ot fl+�sums s�CUnd by lNs S�CU�'itY Intburtwnt irnn�iaM1Y b�6an�ttN lalclnp. <br /> ur+i�cs Borrav�u+d L,�nd�ottNnwls��prM in virtiWp.1M sums sacur�d by tNt S�curNy Inskum�nt shaN W nduo�d by 1!r�resootu+t of th� <br /> ptoowds r�yN�PWd bY tlr ToYowi��D*��: U)1hY taW amou�d th�s�ms s�CtX�d knnrdial�lY b�br�th�fdclnp,dlvicJ�d bY 1b)tIM t�M <br /> mark�l w�w of fh�P�ro�rH�mrt�di�talY bM��tAa iyct�0. Any bWna shW b�Wi'J b Bortoww. Ir�ttM a�+t W a�rBaj takkp af t!»PropNtY <br /> ►n wNCh th�I��►w�wtuo d tlsa PropKry Imrrwdialalf�batan ttr taklnp is lass Cnan th�amount of ttN wrta s�cund Irt►rtwdiabiY bMa�tA� <br /> � likwn�„Lnia�ct Baro�and l.�ndlr othorwis�Wr�in wtltirp Or uN�as aPPYC+bI�law oth�nwki P�ovid�s�ttN P��sh�1 b�appY�d W L'y <br /> s;,xTS ssrtxb bY Ittis S4curitY Instrum�nl wh�thar or not tM wms u�tlwn rkw. <br /> a 1ha Prop�y+s ab�ndoMd by 8orrow�r.a N,�lla►noHo�by L�idu to BarowK that th�cor�nu�o�o1Mra to m�c�an a�rQ a sMlh� <br /> ci�im lor daerp�c.Borrow�r f�ils to r�porxJ ta LoyWor witMn 30 daY��1Mr th�data tA�noHC�I�plwn.Ur�Is aulhotfiiW to CoM�CI and aPO�Y <br /> tt►t p�xMd�,at i�uDtion.�itl�r to rastoraiion or�'oPair d th�Prapetty or b Uw wm�s�C1r�d by Ws S�cudtY InsZru�aad,whNt�K a naf 1lNn <br /> dua. <br /> uN.cs und�r and eoROwar othorww.aM in wriun0.anr�Pa�++�w proa.ds w a+�st�ll�nd«poqaon.a�au da1.a <br /> ai.,�y par�w+ls nNrt�d a In v.npr.v�,•�+a 2«chanp.t,,..mouM a sucn p.rrtw�. _ <br /> 11. OOrtOwlt MOf R�M�Md7 FO�b�ManO�ey LM1dM Mo/�Walwr. E�a.�,�a a�.+�.ro�aar++«++«�,war��ron a.mon�.r«+a a,. <br /> wna s�C�xb by tNt S�caity IrxtrumMt�ranMO by I.�ndu to�ny suocMSOr b tnMr�d of Bortoww sh�Y not oprati�b rW aw th�Y�OWty W tlw <br /> � o�ip4Ml BoftOM►�M or BOrtOVAf'i stlOO�C=of5(n k�Uf�st.lafld�►=IIV f101 b�riQtJif�d t0 COrnnNflO�Df00M�flQ��QW1it�11Y ft�oo�fi0r In tnMtK!o� <br /> np�w w�od�nd f�.for pamNnl«anKww modiN��►a nr wms s.cuha br tht�s�cur�lr��strunwM by a�son o+.�ni dw�snd <br />- �?ww'w Z'i�.��ii�r.�..M"ir�L"..�.w'SC«�.�'.�.:��'�..-�w/a��Y*_ ��n[hYf111fl�lf1�LM1f�f�fl�fC1�Y10�IISI f10�1�Of 1M11�Y s�IIOt a■ . _--..-__ . <br /> 1Mr1111f 0�01 Qf�l�#M�iC1N 0/a11y tiQhlOf iMtilby. <br /> ,2. suo�wo.s ana�.MaM eouad;.bMa ana s.wrr uM�l+ty;Co-�iprw�a. rn.eo,►��.�++«+�+a a,�s s.curMr I�tw+w�l <br /> �n�r ana�no w+,.fe ar woowors and atiw�s a 6«tiaa and eoROw�.,subJ�ct w a,.pro�Worx a p�r.orapn t�. eonow�co4wwrs and <br /> a0rwrwnb�hall ba 1��nd s�wrsl. My Barownr who co-tq�n thi�S�cultY��trurtyrA dut das nol�acub th�NoM: (�)M oo-WpnM�O q� <br /> � s.c�y i�rur.�o�wy�o m«+ow�.a�+��++��+w�►ax�soROw.�,ka.�.a�+�n.aroa«+r w+dK�.�s a e+is s.cur+�r i+x*u�r�n� ro�� <br /> not pM�Cit1Yy oplipabd b PaY NN sunK t�CUtrd by thit S�CUAtY In�trurtMnf:irW (C)�ptMa th�f LM�du and 1nY Olhlr 80rTOwu n'.�y�Qt+M b <br /> �oct�b,n�o�ty.IabMr a m�k�u+Y�ocommodaYOn wifh npvd to th�Mrms ol tNS S�curilY In�trum�nt a Ih�PbM wMt�out th�t Bosro�w�s <br /> oowwit. <br /> 1�. LA1u CMrrpoa n th�ban s�eund by thi�S�cailY InetruttMnt k subj�d W�kw wNCh sM�m�dnwrtt b�n Ch�rgM,and th�f I�w I� <br /> � wM1y ir�p�d s0 f1�1 th�1nMt�t w oUMr lom elwpra coMcl�d or to b�cowcf�d k�oOr�cYoe wilh IfM lo�n�d tt�purt�lUd Wr�k.lMn: <br /> i. (�)NY�����:h1 b�r�ic�d bY th��rtioix�rnors�arY to ndt�fh�olwp�to th�PxmiqW Wr� and ib)anY surnt NrMdf� <br /> . coMCl�d*'qn 6ortOw�r whiCh�ooCMdW W►mflMd Wnds velll b�ntund�d b Borrowu. I.�nd�t m�Y Ctfoo��to rtrk�Wt rMund by nduCYp tfr <br /> ° pri��dpM owd uibK tM Nob a by rtW�nO�dir�et PaYmM�t b Bar*owu. H�rMund radron P����nducYOn rrl�br tiwf W n�p�rlW <br /> � Pr�Y��w��s^Y D��Y����0�undu fM NoM. <br /> u. MOYC��. MY noMo�fo Bortowlr Prouid�d to►k�this S�CUriiY InitrunfM�t strY b�piv�n by dMlv�rinp il or by rt�YiM�p 1 by/rst d�ta m�Y <br /> tiN�c�opic�kw nqu�rK usa ol�rwlMr rtMtfad. Th�nolic�sh�l b�dir�cMd W fh�P�opMY Add�'�rr any olhK addr�o Barowr <br /> . d�ilpr�afas by r�to LMWu. Any notlC�fo Lw�dlr stW ba piwn bY frst Cls�mW fo Landw's addnss s1Wd MrWf or�nY o1f11r addr� <br /> t:�idr d�eq��atK by noio�b 8orrwwu. My notic�Provld�d ta in thk�Y�nstrum�nt s1W b�dwn�d b tww bMn�Iwn to Barrowr or <br />..�= �..Yw�.d..e yinrw.a.awirwid M.Nw;+«.�..!1b <br /> . � t�. Gor�N�O L�;��b. 77�is S�ct+i1Y InttrumK►f slwY W�ovan�d by Nduv I�w and th�4w ol f1M Iurisd�Cfbn in which th� — <br /> � Proplrly is Ixs11d. In tlN war�t th�t any Provfsbn or dauoa ot k�it S�eurity Irrtr�te�i a tf�NW�oor►�cls wilA upQliC�lbl�tlw�stx:h con�k�ShY <br /> nol� dtwr pro�a7o�x of 1Nt S�curily t�t�rum�nl or ttw tVob wNcA can b�Qiwn aKed witl�o+�!tlw co�iCtlnO Provfsion. To Wo�nd th� <br /> � PradYa'iC d thit S�CUrily Ins,Yunw�!and tha NoM an d�du�d b b sMwr�bM. <br /> � t�. Bqra�'s Coyl. 9ortow�ar�A t»piwn a+.conlo�maa caor a n»�uob uw a we s.cvlry G,atunMnt. <br /> 17. TrinMlr Of 1M PnOAMty or�0M1Md�11nIK+Mt in Oon�owrr. I}�1 or anY DW W tfM PropMfy Or any InMrMt in�is sold or tran�l�rt�d <br /> (or tl�b�nic�l InMr«t h 8orraw�r Is sold a transwrtrd and BoROwor la not�rnaual PMSOn)writ�wut t.�ndws Pr1a writMn co�n►.L�nda <br /> �Y�d i!s Op6on�raqs+Ya imrr�di�le WYmerd In f1Ai Ol AA SW1►s S�CUrqd by tl�is SoctxitY Ir�ctrurelGtlt. HAwivor.lNo OptlOa shW tao!b��alrci�d by <br /> L�ndu if rrre:u�Prol�t�d by fad�r�law as of tFM d�fa d thie Socir�itY tr�etruiewnt. <br /> u t.�►aa.ra�w n+i�opwn.�..ea..s1,�r�iv.soirow.r norlo.a aoabrauon. Th.notloo sh�r prw+w.w�a a no+wa aMn 3o d.ys <br /> trom fh�dW tfy no4c�is Wiwr�d a rtiailW witNn wl�ich Bortaw�r rtwat pay Y sums s�CUr�W by tNt S�curiH Mstutn�nt H 8orroww f�ifs to <br /> • C��tt�_sutr3 Pna ta the sxQftefion 01 tlds perlod.LerWer rttiy irw�ok�any nrMtliM P�r+ri4M4 b!►tt+�S�curifY lnftunrt�l wWwi�t 9trttrK noiio� <br /> or dm�nd on Bono+wr. <br /> ti. eorro�r's Rt�M b RIMtWM. If Borrow�r rtwWs artrin oondMOns,BarroMwr sh�f haw th�dpht to hava�o�nNrw of Ws SoCU�ty <br /> Instwn�ni dscad�n+�ad�t�nY tlrtw P�to tlr a�rYa o!: (a)S d�Ys(a such oqwr p�rtod�s aPA�ic�bt�I�w mny sp�cYY tor ni�xE�MmMM)bKa� � <br /> sai.a u,.�reo�► au�uw w ar+r aow�a sai.e«,�n.a�n a,�,s.curi+y insaunwne: a ro�.nev a•�w�.�•�,�ct�w ars;cr <br />— t�strurnK�t.Thas�cw�ditions uo thal8arowa: (a)WYs L�ndr a�s�urx wNch�Mn wodd ba dw uncl�r Ws S�eurilY��ru^+�nt ub th�NoM <br />_ as if no acplKaYon had ooCUrt�d: (b)Cuns u►Y tlatautf ot aRr oaw oow�,.�o�.a«rt»�as; c��an�•����•c�►��+o n+� <br />- Socurit�l Ir�VUrnord.indudirq.bul not YnrOW to�r�4sonotli aSorneys�f�as:and (�t�fces wch acllon as L�ndor nraY rwsonabN nquk�to as:ire <br /> - tfW thQ lion Of Itic Socurityr Inctirumant,Landei'5 tlpht L�tta Prop�ty and�crs�wa�s cbiipa�af 4o p�Y tlw tums Sac4�ro0 by WC SacuriiY <br /> l�rurnoru st+�11 continw unch+np�d. Upon r�InsfaMrt�r�t bY 8orrower�this SeeurftY I�ufrunwnt and tM ob�pttior�s sacurW t�rsbY sh�Y remaJn <br /> r <br />