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�. � ' .: . r ___. � ... �2.•ao_. <br /> , "y;.. . . . '__ �. .--_ . _ - . _._ ' _... __ <br /> �ti. ""�'•�'�v" �"."y�-w"!°..' �e+r^-•snr--- _- ._ <br /> _ ,} . �. , 1:,..•�.� <br /> _ -�_"f -- '",'YSn'- .,4..� , - --- <br /> " a.� �.� ry.�,o.t_ <br /> n . �..^! .�, -� -.l�"�++.�4k• .�iar�+�r... . ..- . <br /> . . i -- — — --_._. <br /> � �� ��"`� � . ' � 1-4 FAl1AILY RIDER - . <br /> -.. (Assl�nment ot R�M�) 9,t� 1(�0"1 ---- <br />. ...—.,_:`-5'- -- :�- _-�- - - <br /> 'THIS 1�{ FAMILY RIUER k mtd�Mis Z4th dry of Ju�y �ssz. .nd �. �no«�n.d �nw .�a .r�u b. �- - <br /> " ,�,,.:r.w�.: . .; dMm�d to�m�nd �nd aupplrnmt the Morlyay�,Dsed of Truet or 8aourMy OMd� e'S�aitity Inaqummt•)of th� �d�ta Ob�n bl►Ih� <br /> WI�R�1�1M)(l�l��BOROW�f'� 10 1�OIIr�801fOWM'�NGU LO A..��I�rJ ui�ww�� ��.M�( _ <br /> �. .t��°. . (tM '�RIWI�) 01 th� Mf110 dd� Uld COYM�IQ 1h� <br /> - . .' prop�y deeafbed In the 3ecudly Inebument nnd located�t: �_ <br /> . r,•- : . • �� G.�.�_�: 8� Ora.�d IN�.�d NE �8803 - <br /> ;�,�.'.y.•,..:�.� �vrop.ny�adr..s� <br /> '' ti�..:'.,. �v.`a 1-4 FA�IIILY COVENANT8. In �ddtdon to th� oov�n�nh �nd �pr«nNnts m�d�N th� S�ou�ity In�Wm�nt, Bortowr�nd L�nd�r <br /> � • s, . `. �..' iwth�r ooV�nl�nd�pn�as toMows: <br /> --���'='^.�"'�`��'� A. ADDITION011.PROP�R11f SUBJECT TO THE SECURIIY INSTRUM�NT. In �d�uon to th�Prapwty daarib�d b ° <br /> —'-�+.-�;: th� 3�aulty Inspumart. th� toMowinp It�m� �n �dd�d W th� Propwty MscdpUon, �nd �hW dso con�Wut� th� Propwty cowred by th� <br /> —'� ''����'�;i�:n� S�wrUy ImbummC buAdinp mat�ls. �ppp�nc�a and poodo ol evsry n�tur�wh�tsoevar now or hsrwRer loated, or ue�d,or InUndd <br /> �..�.,:_.��t,�_ <br /> to b�w�d In conn�otion with 1ha Proprry,inaludinp,but not pmlted to, ihos�for th�purpos�a of supphMO or dlsbibudn0 h�lno��o°IinY� <br /> °L��_r �„� NwhIoMY. p�s. w�tw� �b and Ilpht,An pnv�nUon and axtlnpuahk�p oppanW��:acurHy and acaess control�ppar�ws, plumbino� bath tuba, <br /> ;d�.si�� <br /> -- w�tar hs�t�n. watK olosNs. Hnks� r+n0�s, atoves. nMperators� dbhwa�hKe, dispos�is. wash�ra. dryars, �wninps, dam wtndows. �tonn <br /> --- • ., •• • , doora�sctMn�,bNnd�� shada� au�him�nd c�upN ►od���ohd mkron, o�6H�ts� P�n�INnO md attaoh�d tloor covMinp�now or hnaRv <br /> , _ , rh <br /> • �•' •,•� . atpiohd to the Propwiy,�N of whbh.haWdnp nplaa�menta�nd Rddtdon�theMo,�h�A bs deem�d to bs�nd rwmin a pM oi th�Propwly <br />—�'< ..=v='.r•.`Hy _:u`.� oov�nd by th�Seaulty InsU�rna�A N ot lh�tarepoinp top� with tM Prop�iy d�scdbsd b th�S�aN1ty Insfrum�nt(or ths IwiWlfold <br /> � - +;'4"`„. ._ �%,� �edd�U th�S�oudty Instnun�nt Is on�IMS�hotd)�n n(wnd to In lhis 1�4 F�mly Rid�►�nd th�S�curfty In�hum�M u th�'ProP�ty.� <br />- �� � ' -'a � -.�, ��� B. U8E OF PROPERTY; COII�PUANC� WITH LAW. Barrow�► ahd no1 sMic. ayre�to or m�ke a ah�npe in ih�w�ol - <br /> :•� �.: •�... ths Prop�ly a fts zoninp da�slltatbn�unlas L�nd�►h���qnsd M wrttinp to th�olwip�. Barow�shdl compy with M I�wi�ordMunar� <br /> '�,,... : '•. • nputetlom�nd nquin�n�nls M�ny qowmm�ntd bodY�PPpcabl�to the Propwty. <br /> . �• . '.:,'' C. 8UBORDINATE UENS. Except �e pe�mltl�d by tedwd I+iw,Barow�r ohdi not�Ilow�ny Q�n Int�rlor to 1h�e�ou�tY Insbum�nt <br /> • " .ti� to b�pwl�ctsd�p�fnst th�Proprty without Land�r's ptlor writNn P�sabn. <br /> " D. RENT LOS8 INSURANCE. Barowar shaY mMnWn In�uma�4palnst ront ba�In additlon lo tha oth�r hwrds 1or whlob <br /> - °a��`i�.e'.��. :a�..., " Imut�no�Is nqutr�d by Unitorm Covan�nt b. —.---. <br /> . ... � E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINBTATE" DELETED. lh�Nam Cownant 1s I�dN�tod. <br /> � F. BORROWER'S QCCUPANCY. Unl�as Lender and BoROwK olherwls��yroe In wdtlnp,ths Arat smt�ncs in UnHorm Cov�n�nt <br /> ' e eona��inp Borrow�r's ocoup�noy of th�Prop«ty b dNat�d. All nrtwktMp aov�nb�nd�pnwn�nb t�t lorlh In Unfform CrnNNnt 8 sh�N <br /> r n1roNi k1�Il�ot. <br /> � _. .�.�:► .{f��� <br /> , = Q. R$$iGi�liViEi�T OF i.EASES. Upon lendsr'a nqupt� BaroMlit bli�A A85IQi'i f8 LCti�Ci alI �!.'ESES ot the ProperlY �u+d �I <br /> � s�ouriry deposib m�d� in conn�ctlon wfth Iwses of ihe PropKty. Upon the�sslpnment,Lender sh�U h�w the �iQht ta modiy, sxlend or �Y�; <br /> ' twminn�th� �xladnp Iwus �nd to sxecuU new le�aea. In Und�►'s wa dl�oMlon. As usod in thla parapn�ph O,th�word 'Iws�' �hW <br /> ' ' mMn'wbt�s�•B ths 3�wrily Intttummt h on�te�eehotd. <br /> ^' ' H. ASSIONMHNT OF REN7'3; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; I.EldDEFi IN P088ESSION. eorrower abaolutoly _-_ <br /> .. •. " �nd uncondlGon�Yy�salan� �nd Uanslers to L�nder all th�rontn�nd rovawat('Rente') oi iha Prop�rty, rep�rdl�as ot to whom fh�R«tis of --- <br /> ` � th� propwty an p�yabla.Borrower sulhori�es Lender or Lender'a �pents to aoYeot th� Rwds,�nd �prees th�t eaah tenmt of tho Property <br /> •'y"•'.. . shdl pty th� RMIb to Lender a Undor'a apants. Howevsr. Bortower ah�U ncNve ihs Rente untU m lender h�s pNen Borrower nodce of �.� <br /> dahult purownt to puapnph 21 of the 3eauily Insbument ond(In Lendar has qlven noUce to ihe ten�nt(s)thet the Henta ue to bs pdd to �"=� <br /> �., �,�. L�nder or L�nder's�pent. Thls aselQnma�t of Rents consUtutes an�bnoluls easlpnmont end not an assignment fa addidonal saurity ony, �.__., <br /> � .. If Lond�r yNes ooUae o1 breaah to Borrowat: (q dl Renta recrived by Bortower�hall be held by Barower�s trustee for the benefit of <br /> � ,._,�,,.• Lende�only,to ba�ppN�d to ihe auma sacured by the Securily InatrumenC (Iq Lender�h�Y be entlUed to coll�ct and ncdve aN of ths Renta <br /> �.: � �°"-'� � of ths F'ropKly;(Iil)Bortowar aprees th�t �oh tenant oi tha Properiy sh�l pry oli Ronk dua�nd unpald ta Lcndcr or Lcnder's apents upon _ _ <br /> • UndK's w�tten dem�nd to the ten�nt;(Iv)unlas spplieabb law provid�s otherwtae,�1 ReMs coA�atad by Lsndw w L�ndr'a�genis ehall ba _� <br /> �);, �� appll�d ikst to ths aoate of Ukinp control ot and mampinp the PropMy and coMacUny Ihe Rente,Inctudiny,but not Ilmited to,�flomey's f�as. , <br /> , noavK'a iMt, pr�nlums on nceive►'s bonds, rspdr and mdntenonce cotts,In�urance pramlume, t�ces,�s�essmenb and other ohuqss on r <br />��� �• � ih�Prop�ty,�nd tiNn to th�suma sewrad by iha 3ecwity Insirument: (v) lendar, landsr'a apenta a�ny Judld�Ny�ppolnted r�o�Nw shd! <br /> � .�r , be Ii�bl�to account for ony thoaa Rents aatudly reeeived; end (vf)Landx ahaY ba entltled to have�raceiver�ppolnted to tdte posisssbn , <br /> i , ' " • " � 01�nd m�n�y�the Property�nd cou�at th� Rmts md proflts dwirod from tha PropKty wNhout 4ny showlny �s to iho In�d�quaay of tho � ,. <br /> �, � ' • PropeAy n seawtty. <br /> � 0 th�Henta of ths Property are not euffident to cove► the coats o1 taklnp control of�nd mnnsqinp the Prope►ly �nd of colix�g the ��- <br /> • •� qmts any tunda exponded by Lender fu such purpoaes fhdl beaom� Ind�bt�dness of BoROwar to L�nd�r srcutid by tM 3�xily ���° <br /> Instrumant punu�nt to UNform Covenant 7. - _ <br /> '' ., �" . BoROwK npnaents�nd wurants that Borrower haa not executed my pdor assipnmmt ol tha fi�nls �nd haa not �nd wW not palam —. <br /> � � ' ' ony act th�t would prownt Lendar hom exercialnp Rs dghta under thia parograph. �s'� <br /> . Undu,or LendK's�panta or�JudialYly �ppolnted receiver,shall nW ba requlred lo enter upon,t�ke control ot or mYntaki ih�Property F���' <br /> N beforo ar�ttar yNiny noUce o1 delauR to Borrowe►. however, Lender, or Lender's ayente a a JudieleN�r appolnted receiver,mey do ao st my <br /> , "�' �• � tMs wh�n�dehuq oacuts. My�ppNc�Gon of Rente shep not cure or walve any det�ull or Invalidate any other dpht or rem�dy of L�ndar. �,- <br /> , . This�sslpnment ot Renta of ihe Property ahall terminota when all tha auma aecured by tho Security Inawment we pald in(ull. ,�`�' <br /> � � I. CROSS-DEFAUIT PRQVISION. eorrower's defauH or breach under any note or agreement In which Lender has an interest � <br />. ' � sh�N be�bre�ch under th�3ecurfty Inatrumant end Lender may Invoke any d the remedfea permitted by the 3acurity Instrumant. t <br /> '� , BY SIONINO BELOW. Borroww accepts and eyrees to the terms end provislons con In this 1-4 Fomlly der. <br /> � :• <br /> <4• [3eal] i <br /> � '� ea�owe�ChMlos E. QiOVllk � � <br /> ..- f. y�� /, 1) �:� � <br /> �/�"/ /�6XC->.�. //� Sf--Lf.t-LC��� f8eap . <br /> _ - - �`'�'—�, ea�o�jyjprbho M.Ciovllk . <br /> .. , � <br /> . • [�+q <br /> -- - ea.oWe� , <br /> .. . '�-_ - .- ' � <br /> . ���) <br /> ' Borrower <br /> ' � MUlT13TATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER-Fannie MaelFreddle Mac Unilarm Instn�mant Form 3170 8/80 <br /> + . .. <br /> F1312.LM0(8/92) <br /> � ' i <br /> 92732.LM ; <br /> 1{ , �� I � ��` - ------- <br />