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�3.0�r: C7�+�. �--.. <br /> � � -� - -� -- �--- - �- _ _ _ - - _. <br /> .�� _ _ . - .: '_'Rt;`Y:t�___ <br /> ,�• �,. , ,.�at� waatca�t�oxs�w� ia�� ...,r�..-:•�.r - -_��_ --- <br /> �'" �,i�9z�� <br /> L�ndsr to proe�ct CM wcurit�ol fh�Nobs:(c)tM P«brmar+a ol al!cov�+unY�ond Rpra�r��ta W 7ruiGx s�t Mrth ftiar�lm,and(�)Rt! <br /> pr�nt and fuWra InGbadr�u�nd obllfladons ot Borroww(or sny ot NNt'�11 mor�tMn 0+»)�to L�nd�r wh�tM�dl��Ct,U�dJroei <br /> •�{O�Y�I�f COII[i17�ifl��(10 Wi1�1�1ii�I{1f1Q by Il�(r��Wi:it�ii�t,GL'iiui wii vi vM�3:w:ii��i�i�:'vw�w�i:Lv.,:.�i 0�T:11iS G.'.v Ct:>•••.v�:: <br /> �1Mr docwnb tRat NCUr�tM Not�or otM�wls�axacuWd M connactlo+�thtt�wNh,MCludinp wlMout Ilmltati0n puuanMM.MCUBb <br /> a�,t�menb and sailgnmer►b ol{saso��nd r�r►b,�hall b�ai�rr�d 10 h�n1n aa fh�"Loan Inurum�nb" <br /> Truator cowrl�nb�tnd wnq with Lsndo►ss latbwl: <br /> 1. Pay1a�M ol pid�OMd�fliu.JUi IrulebbdneW MCUr�d Mtsby s1�aH b�P��d witian diw- <br /> 2. TMN.Trustar Ii tha own�r ot ths PrOpsrty.has tho riflht�nd authoNry lo conwy th�P�op�rty�nd warranta Nat th�Ii�n <br /> crKf�d h�r�by Is�8nt and prbr li�n o�tM Prop�rry,�xc�pt lor ti�u and�ncumbrancN sN IoM by Trustor In w�itlnp utid <br /> deiiv�rsd to L�rtd�r b�tore�xecuGon ol tttis ONd ot Trust,�nd tho�x�cuHon a�d cNliwry ot tAla Ga�d W Ttutt do�s not vtolat�any <br /> corwact ar ottwr obtlqation to which Trustor Is wbJact <br /> 9. T�xw.A�s�efb.To psy b�toro d�Un�wncy all hxss,ip�ckl�sss�uns�b and a11 oft�chu�apatr►sl tlw P�op�rty <br /> now or Iwrwdt�r teviad. <br /> 4. IeNUrM�c�.To k�sp ths Proporty insursd a�alnrt damape by firs.luizarda Includod within th�twm"�ttMCMd cover�.'.tnd <br /> such ofh�►hszsrd�u Landsr n+iy�aqui��.In amounts and with companies acapt�ble to Latidsr.naminp l�nd�►aa sn�ddltionsl <br /> namsd Insund,with loss paysbt�Lo tM Lsndsr.l�caa�of losa undx such pol�i�,tt�e Le�sdW is autharizod to adjus�,catisct tnd <br /> compromi�a,all ctairta tlwrwnda�and shall have the optlon ot applyln�all or paA of the Insuranca procesds(i)to�ny Ind�btednsss <br /> s�cured he�eby a�d i�wch order sws Lend�may dNermine,(li)to the Trustor to be ussd tor tM npalr w�ettoratbn.of Mw Prop�ry <br /> e�r(ai)for any ottwr purposs or ob�scS satishttory to Ls�der without�fF�cUr►p the Ue�of thls Oeed of Trust tor tt�tull amount s�cur�d <br /> h�pby betore wch p�yment aver took place.AnY applicatbn of prxeeds to lnd�btedness ehall not aztend or postpon�ttw ctw <br /> cial�o!any paymenle u�dsr the Note,or curs any defauU t�wr�und�r a hareunder. <br /> 5. Escrow.Upon wrilt�n d�mand by L�ndsr.Trustor shall pay to�w�da�.In wch rtwrt�a Lsndar may doslpnats,wiflc{Mt <br /> sums to sn�bN Lend�r to pay a tt►ey bscom�du�on�or nwrs ot ths Tolbwin�:(i)al!tazea,as�stm�nb and othK chupa a�insl <br /> tRw Prope�ty,(A)th�Premiums on ttw prop�ty i�wrance reQutnd huwc�r.and(IU)ths premtums on aey mort��ye`�usne• <br /> requir�d by Lend�►. <br /> g, �sN�e�C��Pt�p�k�and C.ompMsne� wilh Lav».Truato�sfull koep ths Propsrty In�ood condidon and npalr,�f�all <br /> prompdy ropalr, or nptace�ny improvement wh�h may bs d�ma�ed ar destroyed;shall not commit or p�rmR any wuM or <br /> dWrioration ot the Properry;sh�ll not removv,demoliah a wb�t�nti�ly alesr any of th�Improvema�b or�th�Prop�rry;ahall not <br /> Commi�suMsr or pemk any act to be dons in ar upon ttw PropKty In viot�tipn of any law.ordi�ancs,or rpulatlon:and ihali p�y�nd <br /> PromPaY di�Char�at TrustPr's Cost u�d ex�ectoe all U�nf,wtCUmbranxs and Charye�lwied.impOSed or�sw�s�d aQalnst tM <br /> Prop«ey«A�y a,.r.or. <br /> T. En�GNn1 Donuik�.Lsnder Is hereby aasl�ned all compeneadon.�warda,damspe�a�d other p�ymanb or reiiei ihsr�inafNr <br /> "'��rocesda'� in conMCtion with condem�aUan or other takin� of th� Prop�rty or pan thereot, or tor conveyance in Iiw of <br /> ca�demnaUon. Laider shall bs satitlsd at tts opUon to commence, appsar In �nd prosecuts in Its own nart►s any�ctl�on or <br /> procMdlnps,and sMll a!so bs entiUed to make any compromis�or aetdament In connsction with such takiny or dart�a�.(n tl�t <br /> ewnt any portbn of ths Prop�ny is so taken o�damayed.Lender ahall have the optlon,in its sole and absolute�ppty <br /> sN wch Procesds,�tter dWucL'ny thereirom all coats pnd oxpensss incurred by lt in Ca►necUo�wiM such Procwds,upon any <br /> E�i�btsd�ets ssCUrsd he�eay a.�x!in such order a�U►nd�r may detsrmine,or to apply�RSCSCh Procesd�,aRer wch dWuctlon�,to <br /> t�e restontlon of the Propert/��pon auch condition�as leeder may determirw.Any appUcatlon of Proca�ds to Indw"►OSdnea thall <br /> not extend or postpone tl�e dw date W anY DaYmants u�der the Nots.or curo any detauR therwndK or h�rsur�.My un�ppti�d <br /> tunds shall bs peid to Trusto►. <br /> 8. P�rlormanc�by L�dK.Upon the occurrence of sn Event of Oetault hereundar,or if ony act�b taksn or kssl procNdirs� <br /> commK►aed which m�es►klly aM�ets Lendera interest in tM Property,Lender mey In ib own dl�creHon,but without obilpatbn to do <br /> sa,tnd without nodco to or ci�nynd upon Trustw and wiNout releasi�Trustor from any oblt�aUon,do any act which T�ustor has <br /> ���0�DUt�1�LO QO tflQ R13Y ili0 W illy V V IYt O{it�t YC011�7 i�wO�t��O jS�32:.;.�,:o:.::rity h�:�l.�zss."«»•«�s�:!.1!!ls,•��,.:� .... . <br /> upon d�mand the�efo�by L�nds►,pay to La�dar atl cosu and oxpenses Incurred and wms�xp�nd�d by L�ndor l�corriwcUar►with <br /> the sxsrcise by L�r of tM forapoin�►i�htf,•toyethar wtth interest thereon at the datault rato provided io the Not�,whlcff�liaU be <br /> add�f to tlw lndobtwinatc cocured hereby. L�ndsr shaU not incur nny liabil{ty becawe W anythiny Ii may do a omit Lo do <br /> horwode►. <br /> 9. Hatardou�Y�Mr{w,Trustw�hall ksep the Prop�rty in compUtnce wiih ali�pplicabb taws,ordinsnc�s apd rpulatbns <br /> reladn�W industrial hypisne or environmsntat prot�cUon(collecUvety retsrrsd to Aeroin as"Epvironm�nt�l Laws'�.Trustor�hall <br /> keep ths Propsrty h�e irom all wbsmncss deemod to ba hazardous or toxic undar any Fmm*ironmsntal Laws(col�ectivelY rAkrr�d to <br /> herein as"Haza�doue Matertat�'�-Trustor h�reby warrenb and ropresents to LenGer thst tMn ara no Hazardous Mabriats on or <br /> undsr tM Propsrty.Trustor her�by s�r�to tndenin(y and hold t�armt��snder�its diroCton,offic�a.Mt�ploYess and�pw►b�snd <br /> any succafors to Lendsr's interest from snd a�ainst any pnd all ctalm�,damwes,to�1N and Ilabili0ss uiiiny in Conr►�ctlon witl� <br /> th�pr�aence,we,diaposal a transport o1•any Hazardous Mat�iala on,under,horte or about tfie Propsrty.THE FORE(i01N(3 <br /> WAqqANT1ES AND REPRESENTATIONS,MIQ TRUSTOR'S OBULiATiONS PURSUMIT TO THE FOREl301NG WpF�1NITY.SHAr.1- <br /> SURVNE RECONVEYANCE C'+f THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 10. Awipiwewnt af R�nb.Trustor hereby assipns to Lender the renb.issues and Pro�ts a tM Propsr�Y P���1h�1 Trustor <br /> sh�ll,untll the occu►nnca of an Evant of Dahuit hereunder,havs the riQhta4 coll�ct and retain wch nr►ts,Wwe�end proftb as th�y <br /> b�COm�Ew�nd paysble.Upon tlu occun�ence o}an Event of D�fautt,Lendsr may,eiths►In p�r:on or by a�ent wtth or wlthout <br /> prGtipin�any aC3on u proe�sdin�.or by a r�c�iver e�ppointed by a coun and withou!rapard to ths adequacy ot its.��rayr.w�t�r <br /> � upon pnd t�tu possetfiori caE�s Properry.or any part thareof,in ib own name a in ths nam�a of ths Ttustes,and do�ny�cts whlcA it <br /> d�rns n�c�ary or desiraWa to p�warve the vatue.marketability or rentebility oi ttw PropKiy,or any paR thereof or inM�r�st tltierMn, <br /> i�c►eass th�in�aome theratrom or protxt the security haraoi and,with or without takin� p�on ol tt�Property,sw tor or <br /> �»�..`V.�N .���� J..����.. ..iJ ��.1 wwwl.,M���`wn� IY�I�wrM��1A <br /> V Viva�iiwr vi..w.r�ivi..:q w r��I11�O MN�VVl���INL�[�,iy... �v j.i 1::�v�.+. ..�j...-�.�---�rr•� "• ' "-•' - - " <br /> expenaes of cptraUon and collect7on Inot�dln9 atWmeys'teea,upon any.indebledneso secured t��reby,all In such ordsr as Lendor <br /> m�y determin�.The snterin�upon and takln�pos�esston of tha Property,the cotlection ot wch rentf,.issues and proHb�tl�s <br /> application ths�eot as atoroaald. shall not cure or walva any d�Twlt a notice of dMautt horwndK or Imalldate ar�y�ct do�in <br /> r�epons�to such dehutt apuw=ntt�wch not�c�ot dsfauk and notwfN�san�lk�p tM oonunwnc�in po�Non a ttw Prop�y or <br /> ttw collsctton,rocNpt a�d spplica�on of rents,iswa or profitt,and Trusteo uM Laxfsr sh�ll b�entltled to sxsrct�wwyr ri�ht <br /> provid�d ior in any of th�l.w�Inst►uments or by law upon occurrence of any Ewnt o10MauH,i�cfudlnp without Ilmitafbn th�ri�ht <br /> toexsrcia the Dow�r of stls.Fu�tNr,L�nd�►'s righb and nrt�edlss und�r this parspniph shall b�cumulatlw with,snd In no way a <br /> •'.a��c.zor+,Lc:.C�c�.'�:r�d:�m;::�urs�rr:.�y:.:�snrtsentoll..s�endrenbrecadedaQalnetlhePro�rry.L��.TEUStsi <br /> and th�ncsiver fhaU be Gabts to account oMy tor those rsnts�ctua!(y rscaivsd. <br /> 11. Ev�nM ol DUauN.Tt+�tolbwln�shall consdtute�Ev�nt of Datautt undar thl�Deed of Trust <br /> (p Failut�to pay any installm�nt of princlpal or Intarat of aoy other wm secured hsrsby whan due; <br /> (b) A brwch of or detault unds►any provl�lon coniainod in the Note,thls Deed ol Trwt any of the Losn Insbwner►b,or any <br /> otMr cl�n or encumbrance upon the Propsrty; <br /> (c) A writ ot execuUon or atttchma�t or any slmllu procsu shall bs entered apalnatTrustw which shall bscoms a lt�n on <br /> ths Prope►ty a�ny porNon tharaf or IntKe�t thaain; <br /> (� Thsr�shall 6s filed by a apalnst Truuor or Borrower an actlon und�r any prsssnt or futun t�dsral,ttate or othe� <br /> ststut�,!aw a ryutaHon rNatlny W bankruptcy,insolvsncy or other reliel fa debton:or thsrs sha�l b�appolnted any xwtes. <br /> roceiver or 1 iquidator of Trustor or 8wrower or ot stl or any paR of th�Property.or the rentt,iswa or profcb th�qof.or Trwtor <br /> or 8orrower shaU mske any yenK�l apipnment tw the ber►�fit of crsdltots; <br />_ (e) The sak,uanst�r,Isas�,asaiynmant conveysnca a turther ancumluance oi all or arry part of or any ineKSSt in th� <br />- Proprry,eitne►voluntarily oP involun4rily.without ths express writt�n consent of Lsnder, provldsd that Tru�tor�hall b� <br />_ psrmltt�d to�x�cut�a{w� o!tlw P�oparty that doe�not contaln an option to purchase and the t�rm of whkh doet not uccNd <br /> oM ywr; <br />_ (Q Abandor►ment of tM P�•OpMy;o► • -- <br /> � � <br />- � • <br />