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_ .f:. �' .,: . , � ._._-___ '-..z=_�._._. <br /> �: ., ` � � -'�''-�-�'-W <br /> . . . . . '4,��.����-_.. <br /> .�...r '�•�iiililM�iWric•.a ` • , �.�.._ . <br /> �--' .� , --,='��SYr:: <br /> ' - ., ' "rj.X..-_.. <br /> . t . _ . . .�.«-���....�1...��. ._, <br /> •r4�._.Y�W_ ___- '- - <br /> A11 ���AI\r'�I�� <br /> , . `'3r1�' $���'+�:1�E1 = <br /> ' 'POGETF�R WTtN all tAc ia�+rovement�now ar tcerealtct crc�;icd ou the i�P�Y•�nd all cacecnca�ts,�Ppu�tcn.vucs.ond F <br /> �"uctures aow or Dctcafkr a patt of the pto�xtY.Ail rcplacuuet►ts atul additlatLS shrti!also bc cuverr.d by this Sx�u'ity lnsuutacnt _ <br /> Atl of tl��.fcxe;ainC is refatod tn ia thic SoctuitY Iasaucr�►t as the"Property" _ <br /> HORROWBR COVBNAM'S Ih�t Borrowet�s 1�wfuUy seisod af tt�e astuc heteby conv�ycci aod hv Uie ri�ht to�-�t ancf <br /> axrvey thc+Yrope�tY �that tho PropatY is unencumberod.cxce�t far cr�cumbraaces of rccor�l. Boirow•er warrsinnts and w:ll _ <br /> tkfend 8auxa1lY 4'�e title tn the PtoPcrtY 88uinst all claims end dem'utids,subJoct to any eucumbr�nces of record. <br /> T[iIS SfiCUR17'1r INS1RUIu�NT comb3n�s unifacm careriants for natio�ial use and non•uiuform coveoants wi�h limitcd <br /> variations by jurisdictlon to cocutiwte a uniform sa.'wieY iasuumwt covering rcal property. <br /> UNIPURM COViiNANTS,Borrcwar aad Lcndcr covetsant and tt�tx us foAows: whc�� duc Uic <br /> 1.Paymes�t of Priaclpsl aad Lterest:PrepaYmeat aad Late Ctwr�es. Botrawcr shnU pcomPtlY {�aY <br /> pri�cipal of aad intarst on t1�e debt evidenced by the Nota and anY P�Y�t�����due undcr tha Natc. <br /> 2.FY�ad�for Tw�cw�nd Insoranoa Sub?ect to aPPlicablo law ar to a writtui waive7 by Irauier. Botrowcr shall pay to <br /> L.enda'on d�e dsy monnQdy PaYmcats ara due under tha Nate,mdl the Nae is paid in fu11.�sum('Funds")for.(u)ycarly taaes <br /> nod as�essma�cs which may caain prioricy► over�his Socuciey tnsaumwt as a lien on We properiY:(b)YeattY leasebold paymcnts <br /> or gtouud xeats oa the PmpertY.if sny;(c)YqttS'h�d�P�Y ia,.-utance Prcm�ua�s,(d)Yearly tlood insurance Pr�tniums,if <br /> �Y:(�)Y�Y�6a8e inau�nc�e Pr�miva�s.if aay:and (�anY�PsY�bY Bomowa to I.e,ader,in accordanoe with the <br /> prov�sioas of par.�grapt� 8, ia liw of the paYm�t of mortS�a ins�P� 'Ruse iwns are caliod "F�w Iwnc." <br /> lax�da anY dma,��aad hold Flmds in aa amount aot W�accoad tho maximum amouna a 1ct�det for a foderally reL'ued <br /> mo�tgage ba�t mstp roquue for Bormwer's escmw aocamt unikr the foda'al Real Essate Seukmetu Ptooedures Aci of 1974 as <br /> arnended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 u stq. ("R�3SPA'),unless anothar law t1�at applies to the Fwtids sees a ks;xr <br /> amount If�,I.u�der ms�.at aaY tirne, collxt aod ho3d Funds fn an arcaunt not to e�cceed the les.cer amouni. Leadel may <br /> esda�a�e t�e amouat of Fvnds due on tl�basis of cuaent data and na9on�hl+e esdmates of e�peadiwms of funue Escrow Items or <br /> �,�m�a�e with applicabie law. tv are insiuod by a federal�st�uau�itY,or entity(including <br /> 'Itie��u�ds shari be he3d ia�a instit�tioa whose C�pos► <br /> I.eader,if L�eader is suc6 aa a�u�on) cx in any Fodaal Hoes�I.o�n Bsoi�.l,et�dar shall�pply the Funds W paY the Fscmw <br /> Iteaos.I�eadee wy not cE�rSe Barower for Mlding and applying tbe Fuad�.aaau�lly analyung the escrow accoun�or verifY�S <br /> the F�ccow It�eu�s.unless 1.e�da PaYs B�wa iaurest on dje Fwfds and a�►plicahle law permits I.eisder to��aiued by <br /> Yioa�Ya.l.adcr m:Y calua�e Boanwer to pay a 000�time c6arSe for an iadependa►t rea]estate tu n{wrtin8 <br /> L,e�a in oonaectiiw�o with thic ban,u�ss�1�1aw providas othawise.Unle,sc an agrxn►eat is made or applicable law <br /> roqu�es intertst to be ptid.L.ender sda11 not be required to pay Bamwet any inta�est or eamings on tir�Funds.Bonower aad <br /> L,eadet m�y sigte�ia wlitin8.lwaveva,th�t mtarst s�ll be p�id m the Funds.I.ender shall give to Boaower,withoui charge,an <br /> M�M..1�mr�ntiag af du Funds,sLowinB�ts and dehits to the Fuads and the piuposa for which ea�h debit tu the Funds was - --.- <br /> m�de.TheF�nds ara pl�dgcd as�ddisio�al soauity for au s�ms securea oy this�ec�iry Insuwup�i. <br /> If tbe Fuads tie3d by I.ender a�aod th�amounts pamiued to be ddd by applicabb l�w,LeAda shaII acccwni to Barower fo�r <br /> the e�ctss Fuads ia accoctl�Ce witL dx ro4►��°f�PP�l�w.If the amouat of the Ft�nds held by I.a�der at any time is <br /> not�W P�Y�F�row Items whea du:,L.eades aaay so notify Barowtr in wriowg,an�l,in s�c�e Bo�owa sl�ll PaY <br /> W L�der fhe�mouat nxe�rp w raaice nP tt�e deSr.ias�Y.Bo�mwu shall m�ic,e up tl�se�iciwcY in no mnre than sarelve <br />� ��Y WY�•at LRada's so�e di�• ��proanPdY rcfund to Botrowa any Punds <br /> UP�P�Y�in full of aIl svaos sec.�ued by thic Soc�aitYor sc11 the��'opacy,I.esfda,Prior to the accluitition a s�3e of the <br /> M]d by I,asder.If,tmdrt P�B�Pb 21,Leader sha11 ac4uae <br /> Pcopaiy,shall aPWY�Y�he]d by l.ea3rr_at tbe tune of xquitition or sale as a cndit agtiast the suias secured by this <br /> �ptiiqti��Ps��t�. Udess�PPlicabk 1�w P'ovides otl�wcse,a11 paymcmis rx,eival by Leada under pa�gr�hs <br /> • l aod 2 s6an be�Qpliod: fast,to�►Y P�'�Y��Ser aue uod�r t�e xote;secaaa,w�mouncs payab3e�mdrr pa�a,g�'.�ph 2: <br /> d�u�d,to iat�eicest du�:fa� priu�tipal due;�nd say l�te cbarges due under thc 1Vou. <br /> 4.(�r�a;�,iess. Borrower s�ail paY all �s.a�.�8�s. fiaes aad impositions �utable to the Propacy <br /> which tn�y attain priority ovu tl�is SocuritY 1u�uma�t.�nd kase6old WYmeats a grau�d rents,if any.BoQOwa shall pay t�e.ce <br /> ab�i,g�tioas m the u�ooer P�'ovided in P�`���.ot if not psid in idat maonrr,Bmower sbaa pay tlsem oo tiaae direcdlY to t3�e <br /> = pasoo owea paymeae a«rower snan psanpdY fumish w I.«�aer an 000ces o£�mo�nts to be paia under this p�rapb.I� <br /> _- Boa�owv m�ices p�ymwts di�9,Baa+nwa stull promWlY fum�6 to I.asder rec�eip��videnciaB�PaY� <br /> _ �..��_.�.....,..»,...�..a u,n.�nwa-(�aatees iu <br /> - $p[1'�WQ S67II p[pplpity�p�$d auY iiCi! .vbaa+Qas�xnn;ir i,�a'�:�..:�...�r...j ..�.._...�_ <br /> of tbe oblig�ioQ s�c�u�d bY d�e Yiea in a awcwet�tabie to I.ender,(b)contests in good£auh tlr,lien <br /> - ��0�0�Y� ahic6 in the I.eader's opiaioa opa'�te ta proveat the <br /> by� or defe�ds��air,aneot of dtie tiea in, 1�1 p�rocoodin�s Lo La�er atUocdiaatui8 the liai to <br /> cafacoeaoau of the liea:or(o)so�s fmm tbe bolder of the liea an�oement rati�actatY <br /> this Saa�oLY�-If I�eader deta'a�es that anY Pa�t of tbe pcopaty is subjea ta a liea w6icb may att�ia pci�ority ova this <br /> ' �c�ity Tawn�mau.I�eada mzY S�ve Boaower a notice id�tifying the lien.Bocrowa sh�ll satisfY tbe li�a or take ooe or mae <br /> _ of t�e actioas set factL above Mithia 10 days of the pving of t►oti�. Fon�3ou�r90 <br /> ��eR(N4t�x�z�.o� a,• ax�w: <br /> — — - .�, �,, � ; ,�.�,�,��.. <br /> �°n."..�.Tle'�:'C.s�rT,�� -. . _ ! •V �•� ��� <br /> ,� . -�.- - -----.,�,_ . '" t. •'.°'� '':�' -�iY• ws�-`�.��= <br /> .E . _ . - - . .m�: ''� •��a..- '� �.:�;,�=_ <br /> .��..�.. . � �. , '� . . ��• .r;," _��.' . �,�'-.• . _Y� � <br />._.- �•.f ln�r.' _ .•.��+y � .-�-V. <br /> l " . . . -- . , � ' . {2• i'l,,.x., ,, .j.J�,:�. <br /> - � � '� ' •�tr+._ �-� ' �-�..� <br />�hi . . ' . r , ' . <br /> ! . . .. � � i���a� a.�f r'L��=!'�F-f^C: <br />. �{ � � . - R,.���e:ars - �`�+i��'' -_' <br /> "'�'Q.� . � . . _ .�si"'� •�r..t�1:�'��::f�L'=L <br />:C . Y, . ' . � .� .L": y, 1•. <br /> _� , " .. i' C.. � V <br /> 1 J' •�,, <br /> �'.. . .. •. . ' , �r-�:�- �'r>=' �_;� <br /> ' _ � _ . " .�Y.�.� ��.�� <br /> � . ..: _ <br /> . ,. :... . ,.,,, _ <br /> �.. ����._ _�, .�.�,...,.......,2--=------ <br />