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All��f thc f.►rcboi�ig is rcf��r�ta in this Sccuriry I��stn�ment�,tt�r "Pr���xrty," <br /> �R�tUWER COVENANTS Ih:�t&�rruc:+:r ic lawfully seiwd of ct�e estate hc�rby cunveyed wx1 i�ti�e right to�rant end <br /> cunvey tix: Pn�perty wxl tttat th: Prapcny is uneneumbered, except fcx encumbn�uc;�uf ivcaTJ. Borrowcr a•an�ants and w•il! <br /> �fa:xi getkrally tl�;.titic tu the Propeny a�ainst a11 clain�.c end den��►blec¢to any ctuumbrances of record. <br /> TH1S SECURIl'Y INSTRUMENT cambines unifom�rovenants i'or natianz!use and rvon•unifami co��enants with liniited <br /> variatioac by jurisdicti�m to constiwte a unifomi sea:urity i�utrument cavcrinb real praperty. <br /> UNIFORM COVGNANTS.Borrower and Lender coveaant and ag�ee au follows: <br /> l. Pnymeat cd Princlpal aad Iaterest; FrePa9wept and Ls►te Char�es. Barrow•er sl�all prampt�Y P+Y when due ehe <br /> prin.ipal af arxl intercst on the debt evidence�by the Note and any prep�yment and�ace charSes due u:�ier the Note. <br /> 2, F�tnds for Tauc�ovd IawraneP• Subject to applicabie I�w or to a written waiver by I.endcr, Borrower shall pay to <br /> l,ender on the day nw�uhly payments are due undcr the Note,until�hc Note is paid in full,a sum('Funds")for. (a)yearly taxes <br /> aid assessnxnts which may attaia priority over this Security lnstrument�c a lien on the Propeny; fb)yearly ieasehold paymenu <br /> or ground rents on the Praperty, if�ny;(cl yearly h�:.ard or property inwrance premiums;(d)pearly flood incurance premiums, <br /> if any;(e)yearly mortgs�e insurance premiums, if�ny; and(�anY sums PnY�b�e by Bonower to Lender, in�c�cordance with <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in liw of the payment of rnortgabe insurance prmiums.'il�ese items ars called'Escrow[tems." <br /> L�nder may, at any time, callect �nd hotd hunds in an amount not t�exce�d the maximum omount a lender for a federally <br /> rclated mortgage lou� may require for Aorrower's escrow account under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Prxedures Act of <br /> 1974 as anxnded from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),unless another law that zpplies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser�mount. If so. Lender rn�y. at any lime.callect and hold Funds in an amousst not ta eacced the lesser anwunt. <br /> I.ender may estimau the anw+int of Fuc�ds du�on the basis of curre»t data and reasonable estunates af expcnditures of future <br /> Eccrow Items or otherwise in a�:cordance with applicable law. <br /> 'fhc Funds slwll be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a fecleral agency, inst[umentality, or e�tity <br /> (includiag Lender.if Lender is such an institution)or in�ny Federal Home Loan Hank•Lende�slwl�apply the Funds co pay the <br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not chsuge Borrower for ho:ding and applying tlu Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account.or <br /> verifying the F.scrow Items,unless Leoder pays Borrower interest vn the Funds and applicable law pemuts Lender to make such <br /> a charge. However.Lender may coquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for�n indepeident teal esta2�tau repwt�nB seN'� <br /> used by l.u�der in oonnection with this toan, unless applicable I�w provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> applicable law roquires inurest to be paid. i.ender shall rwt be required to pay Borrower any interest or e�mings on the Funds. <br /> go;�ow�r and Lender may agrce in writing.however,that interest slwll be paid on the Furtids. Lender shall give ta Borrowcr. <br /> without chuge, an uuival acooundng of the Funds, showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the putpose for which each <br /> debit to the Fwids w•as made•'Che Fund.�are pledged ac additional security for all wms secured by this Security Inca�ument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lencier excred the amounu permittc�!to be held by applicable law.l.ender s1w11 account to Borrower <br /> f�.�,h�^:.,KC�.�rric in�mord�noe with the requiremrnts of applicable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by�.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient tu paY ttie Escraw Items uhcn due, l.ender may su notify Bcurower in s[u�c�:�sormwe+' � <br /> �hall pay to Lender the amount nacess�ry tu make up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the deficieney in no more thaa <br /> twelve monthlY Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon paymcnt in full of all sut►u secured by lhis Sacurity Instrutnent. Lender shall prompUy refurd to Borrower any <br /> Fttrfds held by Lendtr.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall xa7uir�or sell the Propertp,Lender.prior to the acquisidon or sale <br /> of the Property. sha11 apply any Funds held by Lendu at the rime of acquisition or sale as a crafit against the sunas socured by <br /> this Security[nstnw�ent. <br /> 3.Applkatian of Payments.Unless aPPlicable law provides otlurwise,all paymcnts rxeived by I.ender under patagnphs <br /> i and 2 shall be applial:first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; amounts payable urder paragraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to Principal due:and any tate charges due nnder the Note. <br /> 0.Ch4sges;l.ieas.Borrower shall pay all t�xes. assessments. charges. fincs and impositians amibu:able W ttte PropertY <br />_'� which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowu sf�ll pay <br />-, these ob{iguio�c in the manner provided in paragraPb 2.or if not p�id in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time dirxtly <br /> = ta the person owod gayment.Burrowa shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrrph. <br /> . If Bocrower makes thess payments directly.Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender aceipts evidencing tlu pay-�rraus. <br /> Borrower s1�a11 proatiptiy discharge any lien which hu priority over this Security imsitwnent unless Borrawa:Qa)�gras in <br /> ., writing to the paymeut of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner�coeptable w ixnder:(b)coatests in 600d faith tho lien <br /> . . bS+� or defends agtiTUt enforcemet[t ot t:.e iien in. tegdt p[O�.'CCUingy wui�:i� i�� iiR:i.c,.iaiu':. :.�.:.-,;.'.:. ���...:: :� r:.,,��1.. <br /> enforoerttint of tha lien:ar(c)secures from tho holckr of the lien an agreement saeisfactory to Lender subordin�ting the lien to <br /> this Securiry Iiuirument.If Lender dctemtin:s thai any part of the Propeny is subjecc to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Sax�rity Instruma�t,L�enc3er rtn+y give Borrowes�notice idencifying the liea.So�rower shail satisfy the lien o�take one or <br /> more of the actiwts set fotth above within 10 days of the giving of notia. <br /> Foaa 3028 51�0 <br />-.. . 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