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<br /> 17.Tt�t�fer o!Ihe Property or o Benedclpl lnterca�t in Rorn►wer.!f ull or uny pnn of the Praperty or any intercst in it
<br /> `,,,� iQ sold or transf¢rred(or if a benaf�cial interest in Borrower ie xold or transtenod And Harrower iR not a nutural person)without
<br /> __,..�=_--_n_ _:,.�._. . �,y���'a Nriu� w�ittei� .oi�.nt. L.cndcr may, at {t:, uptinn. requfrc fmmediutc paymrnt In Itdl ni'ell enmc arnrexi by this
<br /> ' ; ;r, , ... Security Instrument.Mowever,thi�option shall nw be exercise�l by Lender if exercise i�prnhibited by federal law as of Ihe dute
<br /> .;„_•. of thiR Securfty Instnrmcnt.
<br /> If I.ender exerciees lhin�ptian, Lender shall�ive Borrower nutice af acceleration. The nutice shull pravide a perlod af not
<br /> .,, �,�w:�:,, less�han 30 duya from the date the notice is delwered ar mailed within which &mower muht pay ull sums secared by this
<br /> �- Security Inatrument. !f Harrower fails to pay these sums priur tu thc cxpiruUun uf this period,l.endcr nwy invoke uny rcmriicw �
<br /> permitted by this Securjty Inswment without further notice or demund an Borrower.
<br /> :'�;�r ,: � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. lf Barrower meets certuin conditions, Borrower shnll have the right to liave
<br /> :•.�'h,�;,::� "` enforcement oi this Security lnstrument diacontinued at any Ume prior to the carlier of: (a)S days (or such other period as
<br /> "» •" •�`� applicable law may spe.cify for reinstatemenU bePore sale of the Propeny pursuant to any powar of sale contained in this
<br /> �' Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Sccurlty Instrument.'fhose conditions are that Borrower:(u)pays
<br /> �.._..:..W..;':r..�.r:-'�
<br /> �,��-;;,�y;�;�� . -• l.ender all sums which then would he due under this Security Instrument and the Note us if no acceleratian had cecurred;(b)
<br /> - `-"�;;,;,:;;;'„�,;;;- cures any default of any other covenunts or ragrrxmeuta: (c) pays all expenecs incurred in enfarcing thia Seeurity Insuument,
<br /> w.: . �t ` including. but not limited to. reusonable attorne�s' fees; and(d)Iakes sucn action as I.enJcr may reasonably require to assure
<br /> ��•;�� that the lien af this Security Instrument. L.endcr a rights in thc Praperty and Borcowcr's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> � U � this Security lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstntement by Borcower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> ����. obligations secured 9ereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. However, this right to reinslate shall
<br /> - not apply in the case of acceleralion under paragraph 17.
<br /> � . 19. Sale oP NMe; Ciumge oP I.oan Servicer. The Note or a purtiul interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> �:�a:•.:���....� y:.
<br /> ��},.. �, .,�, ...::.a,- Instrument)mny be sold one or more timcs without prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> _. —;� ,��� � � .. +�the "Loan Servicer")thnt collects monthly payments due under the Nate and�his Scx:urlty Lislrument.There alr.a may bc one �
<br /> � � r�- f ' or more chnnges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a changc of the l.oan Servicer, Borrower will be
<br /> �`;.• ��S�Ik�:'`::, . .•.-r
<br /> , , . � given written notice of the change in accordance with parngruph 14 above and applicuble law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> �.M�a.- .. . ._ _ uddress of the new Laan Servicer und the Address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any wher
<br /> �•��!. information required by applicable law.
<br /> • .. � ,.�' 20. Hazardoue Substances. Borrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence, usc, dispasal, storagc, or relettse of any
<br /> - , Hazardous Substances on ar in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> ' ,• ., a . Praperty thut is in violntion af ut�y Environmentel l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc,use, or
<br /> " �� •� " w stornge on the Property of small quantities of Hawrdous Substances that�re generally recognized ta be appropriate to norn�al
<br /> ,;;.v ,�•�.•�� •�.�° �,;=+ residentiul uses und ta maintenunce of the Praperty.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, luwsuit or other action by any
<br />•n_ ,f�. �':� ' � govcrnmental o�•regulatory agency ar private pany involvin��he Properiy and any Hu�rdous SubMunce or Environmental Law
<br />--___ ` .c.y��..,:.,;_;:°�i�i; of which BoROwer has ucwal knawledge. If Borrower learns,or is notifi� by uny�overnmental or regulutory authority, that
<br /> � ` �, ` b;�``f nny removal or other remediation of nny Hazurd��us 5ubstance uiiecting the i�rapcny+�ncxc�sary. Bu��uwe��shall prornptly tal:c _
<br /> ' • all necessury remedial actions in accardUnce with Environmental Luw.
<br /> �� As used in this purugruph 20, "Hnxnrdous Substances" orc those substunces defined ns taxic or hn7nrJouy wbstunces by
<br /> . Environmentul Law And the following substnnces: gusuline, kerosene, other Flummuble or toxic petroleum Q�aducts, toxic
<br /> . �,�, , pesticides und herbicides, volutile solvents,mutcrials r�ntuining asbc,toti or forniuldchydc,unJ rudioactive matcriuls.Ati uscd in
<br /> ° ;,,, „ . �his pnrngrAph 20, "Environmentul Law" mcuns fedcral luws und luws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is IocAted that
<br /> *t� " • relate to health,sufety or envircmmentul protectiun.
<br /> . �.. � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lender further c�wcnunt and agree us fi�lli�wti:
<br /> ' ., ' 21. Accelerulian;Remedi�. I.rndrr shull Rlvc nutlre to Rorrawcr prior to ucccleratlon foUowinR Borrower's breach -
<br /> a
<br /> ,br'• of any covenant or agreement in this Securlty Instrument (but not prior to ucceleratlon under pa�agraph 17 unless
<br /> �. ;, appllcuble law provldes otherwi.se).The nutice shall specify: lu)the defuult; (b)the actlnn reyuired to cure the default;
<br /> •� �""b (c)A datc, not less than 30 days from thc dAte thc noticc h Rfven to Borrower.b�� which the default must be cured;s�nd
<br /> (d)that fa{lure to curc the default on ar befi►re thc datc specificd in Ihe nodre may result in accclert�tion uf the sums
<br /> x :�s�. ��' �secured by this tiecurlty Inslrument an�!�ule oP the Pruperty. The notice shall Purther inPorm Borrower of the right to
<br /> ��j.,� � � reinstate utYer nccclerallo�i and the rlght to brinR u court uctiun to uzseM the non-exislence uf a default or any other
<br /> ' , defense of Borrower to accelcrution und salc. !f the dcfault is nut curcd on or Ixfi�rc Ihe dotc specificd in thc notice,
<br /> 1 ��'a'"'"' `� l.ender, at ils option. may requlrc Immcdlute puyment in full of all swnK s�YUred by this Securlty Instrument without
<br /> f'"� further demand and muy invokc the puN•er of sulc and any uthcr rcmcdi�h permitted by npplicuble law. Lender shall be
<br /> ��,���
<br /> ' • � V,�� � entttled to collect all rxpenses incurred in punuin�tl�c rem��li�w prnvided in Ihis puru�raph 21�includin�,but not limited
<br /> . � . to.reaconable attorncys'fces und coslx of litle evidence.
<br /> • � If thcp wcr of tiulc is im•oked. Trustee xhull r�tiord u noticc of dcPuult h� cuch cnunty in whkh any part of the =
<br /> o .•u
<br /> . Property is located und shull mail copie.r•of such notice in the munner prexribed b�•upplicable luw to Borrower and to
<br />= . '�,�-•;::i ��7 � the other pc�ns pre.xribed by uppltcublc laa•.After thc tlmc rcqulr��d by applicuble luK,Trust��e.rhnll Rive pubNc notice
<br /> � • •. of sale to the prr.u�nti und h�the munncr pr�wcribcd by applicoMc luw.Trutitcc. without demund on Borrowcr. shall sell
<br /> ,„• . ,;�.
<br /> �� the Prnperty at public auction to thc hi}�hest biddcr ut th�timc und pluce und undcr the terms d�wiknated in the noNce nf
<br /> � - '�' a' sale in one or mm�parccls und in uny order Trust�r detcrminr+. Tru�tcc muy po+tpmn salc of all or any parcel uf the
<br /> Property by public unnouncement ut the thne und pWre uf uny previousl� xcheduled sule. I,ender or its desi�ner mAy
<br /> •� � purch�se the['roperty at any sulc.
<br /> � . ° f
<br /> � _ Form 3028 8/80 �_
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