_ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ , . . :�:
<br /> . � " . �'rti.i � :`���'�`�.:"'�._. • �:- s�.—
<br /> . ,�' , .o � ...•� ,. ,Lrr3r'_=:
<br /> r' �g i '''r �,
<br /> r"�'� _ _
<br /> -_��;�„�'';�'�'° - 2_ �o�s �_
<br /> --._�:
<br /> TOUETHER V/1TH all the improvemcn�x now or here�llcr crectal��n Iho�r�.�x+ny,wn�l wll ca�nxnt�,pppunanunccK,
<br /> :� -- and fixturc� now or hercatter a put af the praperty. AO mpl�cemenlo wx)wWiih►�r�hwll rlru bn wvur�by U�ir Sic�urity
<br />_ __ _ . ,.
<br /> Inwtrument. Aii ui�hc fargui�iy ib refcrr�d to in thia Sccudty lns:trumcnt s.+�hr"I'n+�Ay. �_
<br /> - BORROWER COVENANTS Ilwt BoROwcr i�(uwfully xcircJ uf 1hc e�lwtr h�rchy c+�nvey��l riwl hwr Ilw rlKht lo grant
<br /> � .,,� `4 ` end convey the R»�eny nnd that the Property i�uncncumbemd,cerrpl fur cncun►hrwik��ul n�.�ad. H�Kr��wer wurran�r wu!
<br /> wlll dcfcnd gcner�lly the titic to thc Propeny rQainxl WI claimr wxl demwulr,ruhJcc�w�u�y cik•uml►r,uk�rw uf rc��Kd.
<br /> THIS 3EClJRITY INSTRUMENT combinca unif�nn covcnunlr f�K nwif�xiul u�c wn�t n�Mru�dlunn covcnrnta wfth
<br /> " limited varfations by judsdicdon to cons�tiwte e uniform�ecutily in►�rumen�covcrin��eol pn�cny. �
<br /> • ' UNIFORM COV6NANTS. BoROwer und Lender covenanl and Wg�c ur fullnwe;
<br /> '��� ' ' 1. Pnyment ot Principsl and lnteresli Prepwymenl And Lwte l'hprRen� 11.�rtowcr�hwp ��nH��ptly�wy whrn dur�he
<br /> _ �°•��:�1�R9f'!� prfncipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by Ihe Nwe and any pre�yment�nJ Ir�r�h�rKew duu ui�lcr ihc N�qe.
<br /> —� �� ..-��: —� 2 Ftiads tor 7lucea nnd Insu�ance. sun�ec����pplicablc law or�a a wrllun wuivcr by I..iNkr.Ni�Rnwcr shull puy to
<br /> � _ �;�;,:�u;i.,�.` Lender on the day monthly puymcnts cuc due undcr thc Note,un�il �hc N�Ne ix paid lu full, r�um 1"I�unJr"! lirc: lul ycurly A
<br /> -- tnxes and assessmenta which moy nttuln priarity over thie Secn�ity In�mimem ur u Ucn�Wi Uee Itu�k�ny:lbl f�+�tly Icwrehold
<br /> �_�_,r_�__i_� paymenta or ground rcnts cu� �hC Pmpeny, if any: (c)yenrly ha�Ar� i�r hr���erty li�vura�x•c pre�nimnv: Id1 yca�ly Q�KxI
<br /> � — insurance premiume. if any; (e)yearly mort�ugc Insurance prcmfumx, if yny;wnd ifl uuy ,amr puyuhlc hy liom�wcr ta
<br /> � • ��.a� ; �_;;;;, Lender.in accordance with the provfsiuns of parugrnph S, in lieu of Ihc uymeM.�f murtgugc imurWiKC prcmfum.r. TFu.rc
<br /> ��.•;...:. .�.. •` ��
<br /> _ �:�r� items are callcd Escmw Items.' Lender may,at+u�y time,cullect and ho d FunJ�in un umoual n�N��►caceed�hc nuiximum
<br /> ;,rti���••y�••�>•= "�« amount a lender for a fedcrelly related mortgage loan muy rcquire tor Hor�awcrk curow ac��wnt un�icr�hc fc�icrai Rcui r
<br /> ,,,:.-:�:; ,'. '• � .
<br /> � "' �,,7 Estate Senlcment Procedures Act of 1974 us amendcd f'rom timc ta tio�e. 11 U.S.C. �2M11 r�.�r�/.1"RI'.1i1'A"),unlc�r anoihcr
<br /> "�``' ��'fir °' law thet appliea to the FLndo sets a lexser wmount. If xa,Lender moy.ut uoy time,cu0c+�t and hnld FunJr in un um�wnt nat 10
<br /> -�.T.._�.�.
<br /> -_`;�: ,;.;�.. 3'� '��r exceed the lesser emount. Lender may cstimate the �unuunt of fLnds due an thc hn+►i� nf eurrent da�u und re�wunwble -
<br /> - �•�••�Y• • '�- �.•• estimatea of eKpenditurea of Future Escmw Items or othenvisc in accordancc with applkuhlc luw.
<br /> '��' '•• �.}^•�..� The Funds shall ba hcld in un insNwtfon wtwse deposils arc insured by u teck�•ul Wgency, inrlrumentulily.or cntiry
<br /> . , . �
<br /> - • • (including Lender,if L.endcr is such an institutlon)or in any Fedcrul Homc L.aun Sunk. l.rndcr xhull upply Ihc Fundx a�puy
<br /> i � f'N -a�' •���� `� [he Escrow Items. L.ender muy not churgc Bortower fa hotding and Applying the f u�l.r, unnuully unulyxin�{ ihc cscmw
<br /> = :' - •, h" ' account,or verifying the Escrow Items, unleax L.ender paya Borrower lnterexl on Ihe runda uncl upplicuhlc luw permil�
<br /> '� .. ° Lender w moke such u chargc. However.Lender muy requirc Borruwer to puy u unc-limr rhurge f�K un inde�ndcn�nul —
<br /> � : !..5���' y estete tax reporting servfcc used by Lender in connection with IhiR loan,unlegK upplicublc luw�ruvi�k�uiherwine. Unlers un
<br /> - • agreement is mude or Applicuble law requires interest to be paid.Lender ghull neN bc rcquircd t�►puy A��rn►wrr uny intcrcr�ur
<br /> �. .. ^�"` carnings on thc f'�nds. Borrowcr and L.cndcr muy ogree In wdting,however,lhoi fotcrcs+t hhull h�:puid un�hc 1'unds. l.ender
<br /> '�~�- • � � + shall give to Bortower,without churge,nn annuul accouming of the Funda,whowfng creJi�s ond dc�iiy�o thc Fund�und�hc
<br />-���� •. �' •�` purpose for which ench debit 10 the Funds was made. The Flmds ure pledged�s uddltionul�.ecurlly li►r uil sumx�rcund by
<br /> �.�r ...-h. :� this Security Instrument.
<br />_ If the P�nds held by I.ender exceed the nmounts permitted to be hei� by uppiicobic law, I.rn�icr .imii m�Y�u�ii i�►
<br /> a � .''��"` Borrower for the excess Funds fn uccordunce with the requirements of oppliclible luw. IF�he nmuum of�he Fund�Ix�ld by
<br /> � � ;� l.endcr at Any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender muy sa notify Horn►wcr in w�i�ing,und,in -
<br /> e • such case BoROwer shull puy to Lender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrowe� shwll tnake up�hc
<br /> ' '��l-,, , deticfency in n�more thun twelve manthly puymerns,pt Lender's sole discretion. —
<br /> ••'"", ` Upon payrnent in full of ull sums secured by�his Securiry Instrumen4 Lender shall prompUy rel'und w d�irr�►wcr uny
<br /> �' - �� Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21, Lender shull ucquire or,ell the PropeRy,Lender,prior lo thc acyuitiiti�►n or �
<br /> .� -•?��•.; salc of 1he Property. shall epply uny Funds held by Lender ut the timc of ucqufsilion or sulc us n crcdi� u�oin�t thc wumx �`
<br /> ; .�^�
<br /> - - " secured by this Security Inadument.
<br /> � _ �.....•. �� w,� 3. Applicalbn oP Payments. Unless c�pplic�blc luw pmvides wherwise, ull paymeniti rcccivcd by l.ender unJer �
<br /> -�•..� - ��: '�""�"`�` parngrapha I end 2 shall be upplied:fint,to uny prcpayment churges duc under�he Note;x:cund,to amuums puyuble un�k:r
<br /> � ' ' "r"`'"��'- `•-'' ' paragraph 2:tbird,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:und lust,tu uny late churgex due under thc Note.
<br /> �'L • ''�.�. •• 4. Cbuges; Lfena. Borrowcr shtill puy vll taxcs, assessmems, chargc�, �ncs and im�wsitians uurihWWblc lo thr
<br /> =% � "�� • ° Property which may uttoin prlority over this Secu�ity Ins�rument.and leasehold puymentx or grounJ remx,ii'uny. Burwwrr
<br />°� • ° � shall pay these abligations in the manner provided in parngruph 2,or if not puiJ in that munner, D�►rn►wcr shull puy�hrn��►n
<br />; �1� • '�`.' � time dircctly to the person owed ps�yment. Borrower shull promptly fumixh tu Lcndcr u l l no�icc.of umountw u�ix�puid undcr _
<br /> r ' ' this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shull prompdy 1'urnish lo l.ender rccripts evfdenring
<br /> ' -�. ��•� thepayments. -
<br /> ; " � , Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien whfch lias prlority over this Security In,trument unle+s Bum�wer:l:�l ugrr�.
<br /> � �� " in writing to the puyment of the obligation s��cured by 1he lien in��mamncr ucceplublc tn LenJcr:lb►cuntcti�ti in g�xxl fuith�hr
<br /> •���:`,�;;; � , ,:f lien by,or defends against enforcemem oF thc lien In,legnl pr�►ceedingti which in Ihe Lenikr;opinion�i�xru�c u�prevcnl thc
<br />''�:°� '� . ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hulder uf thc licn an ugrcemcnt xuti�factory to Lcnder ruM�rJinoting�he lien
<br /> , , to this Securlry Instrument. If Lender determineti ihut uny purt of the Propcny is�uhject to a lun which muy uttuin priori�y
<br /> � '�'M • over this�tcurity Instrument.I.ender may givc BoROwer u noticc iJ�ntifying thc lien. Botruwcr rhall sWi�fy thc licn or tukc
<br /> . f ;. .� • - ' �
<br /> • one or more of the nctions set forth ulwvc within I 0 daya of Ihe giving of nntirr. _
<br /> � " � S. Harard or Property Inaurance. Borrower shull kcep thr impnwcment�now rxi�tin�;�►n c�rcuf�cr rrcc�rd nn thc s
<br /> • ,�� Propeny insured nguinst loss by fire,hutards inclu�k:d wilhin thc trrni"rx�rnJrJ raverage"iuxl uny othrr h�varJa,wrludmµ �
<br /> �,;^> tloods or floading, for which l.ender reyuires imurunce. Tl�is in+urunce ihall lx m�im�iueJ in �hr umoun�� und t��ir�hc !
<br /> R • _
<br /> -;• " Fbrm 102N 9190 i�w�vr:„I��►�er�� �
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