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..;.����-s_.a .. . .. <br /> ..,����� .r -�__"_ <br /> .. ' �.•' ., n . '"_ _t.ii"'_ �'— <br />- . . r�'.�F�."� , ,�1��YrYd II I��yir. . C"_� � _. <br /> ,p r� �-. .. . -� ' <br /> � �� . . , g2_ xo�� __ <br /> ._. <br /> .. .'�`_-- ._..___.-_- --_._- p.■ymenu.wbich uo roferred to in Pua�rnph 2�or chanye the amount of such p�ymenu. My cxcess procxtda over wn <br /> � �mountreqttirod to pay dl outstaz�din�IndeWedrless utlder the htoto and�inir 5ecirity G�rl�W�leau�{{iw�uid to tl1:.etttity - <br /> _'d""`� k�dly�ntiAed thereto. <br /> . } t��r" 8. Feee. L.ender may wllect fees and chur�es authodud by the 3ecretary. <br /> 9. Growtd�for Accckratioa of Deb� <br /> � , "`-�: (a)Defaui� Lcnder m+�y,cxcept as limited by regulauiona iasucd by the Secretary�n the c�ce of paymart det�ults, <br /> - tequue immedi�topayment in full of all suma sceurcd by this Sccurity I�suun�ent if• `- <br /> � �- (i) Barower defaults by failing to pay in full eny momhlY paymeat required by this 3ecurity Insttument prfor <br /> � ??'._7;�''�=°. 'd• ro or on tho due date of the next monthly payment,or <br /> (ii)Borrower defuults by failin�,far a period of thirty days,to perfmm any other obligations contained in thi� <br /> �.,'*,.:; �h; .. ., Secudty Instrument. <br /> .;... ,��. �_ ;. . (b)SWe Without Credtt Approvol. l.ender shall,if pertnitted by applicable law end wlth thr prior approval of the <br /> .•` --�=�•�•��=3�' Secretury,roquiie immediate payment in full of All the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument if: <br /> - ��:��:..--`� (i) Ali or part of the Pc+opeKy,or u beneficial interest in a truat owning ull or pact of the Property,is sold or <br /> �.�,.' otherwise unnsferred(other�han by deviRe ar descent)by the Borrower. und <br /> -""-'�` � °° (ii)The Property is aot occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his a her principal residence.or the purchuscr <br /> ---R �-`� or grantee dces so accupy the Property but his or her credit has na been appmved in eccordance <br /> —�'."�''� with the requircments of the Secoetary. <br />�� � ���' '• (c)No Wafver. If circumatances occur Ihat would permit Lender to requlre immediate pAyment in fuU,but Lender -. <br /> Y.�.,,,,:�,:,+�,.A4� . does not t�equire auch payments,Lender does not wAive its rights with resQect to subsequent events. <br /> (d)Re�uWtion�ot HUD SecretAry. In many circumatances reguladons issued by the Secretary will limit l.ender's <br /> � — °• ' .� -�`��� '• righte, in ihe case uf puyntent defaults,to require immediate paymcru in full und foreclose tf notpaid. This __. <br /> �= v ' '�`:�{s."�'- 5ecurity I�strument does not authorize acceleratlon or foreclosure if not perrnittad by regulattons of the Secretary. <br /> . ., �, . . �:•.i'iC<''.h <br /> � • (e)Morl�age Not insured. Bortower Agrcxs that shcwld this Security Instrument and the note necured thereby not <br /> -?-'�' � � be eiigible far insurance under the National Housing Act within e months from the _ <br /> -a � - " � �� data hereof,Lender muy,at its option nnd notwilhstanding unything in Puagraph 9,require immediate payment in <br /> _�- � . ' '• full of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument. A w�itten statement of any au�horized ngent of the Secretary <br /> ,_m� . ,,. ' 'x�'". dated subsequent to 8 mont hs from the date hereof,declining to iasure this Securiry <br /> ':,,! � Inswment and the notc recured thcreby,shull bc deemed conclusive praof of such ineligibilily. Notwithstanding <br /> �'� the foregoing,this optian may not be exereised by l.ender when the unavoilability of insurance is solely due to <br /> ,,e� ,. L.e�der's failure to remit a mortgage insurnnce premium to the Secre�ury. <br /> `�_ ' • �•� ' !0. Reinstatement. Borrower hax a right to be reinstated if Lender hes required imrnediate payment in full because <br /> ___-�.•_,___.___-_._,__=,.� of Borrower's failure to pay un amount duc under the•Note or this Security Inatrument. This nght applies even after <br /> ""'�T � -, ` foreclosure proceedings are instituteQ. 'Ib relnstnte the Security instrument, Horrowe� shufi iruJcr h� s iump sutss a!! <br /> ;,. . � . amounts required to bnng Borrower4 uccount current including,to the extent they ure obligadons of Borrowec under this <br /> �f Securiry Inswment,foreclosure ws�c nnd reusonuble nnd customary uttomeys'fee�und expensea pmperly associated with <br /> •••'v_ 'IP'��•'-""�'" the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstutement b Borrower,this Security Insuument und the obl�gations Ihat it securcs <br /> e y <br /> ��.;,. •- � shall remain in effect us if l.ender had no[rcyuired immediute payment in full. However, L�nder is not required topermit <br /> ..� reinstutement if: (i) Lender has accepted reinatatement after the commencemrnt of forecbsw+e prceeedings wfthin two <br /> -= x�• years immediatcly preceding the commencement of a current foreclosu�e praceeding, (ii) reinatatement will preclude <br /> � �� ' foreclosure on different grounds in the futurc,or(iii) reinstAtement will adve�sely affect the priority of the lien crcated by <br /> � this Security Instrument. <br /> ' � 11. Borrower Not Released; Furbcarance bv Lender Not a Waiver 8xtension of the time of payment or <br /> ; � modificntion of umonizntion of Ihe 4ums xecured by this Security Instniment grnnted by Lender to nny successor�n interest <br /> --- of Borrower tihsll not opernte to rele�.ec the li�bility of the originul Borrower or Barruwers successor in intercst. Lender <br /> �,.• . . shall not be required to commence praceedings aga�nst an�+ succeszcx in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or - <br /> - � otherwise modify amortizution of the sums secured by th�ti Security Intiwment by reason of any demand made by the <br /> .�`•�� •� originul Horrower or Bormwer's tiuccexson in in�erest. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercising any dght or�emedy slwll <br /> - '' ' not be n waiver of or preclude the exerci.e of Uny right or remedy. <br /> ' ,''."--^;= . �`�' 12. Successors und A�.4igns Bound;Joint and Several l.iabi8ty;Co•Slgners. The covenanls und agreements of <br /> '�� ' � .. Ai6S'` this Security[nstrument shull bind und benefil the wccessurs and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provlsfons <br /> , ,_ of Parngraph 9.b. Borrower's covcnants and ugreements shull be joint und uveml. Any Borrower who cas�gna this <br /> - Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)ix co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,gr�tt and <br /> " convcy that Bortower�interest in the Property under tlx tcmis of Ihi,Security In+trument; (b)is not personnlly obligated to <br />_ pay the sumx tiecured by Ihis 5ecurily Instrument; and Icl a�:mcs thut Lender und uny other Borrower may agree to extend, <br /> °` _ modify,forbeur or nwke nny accommudatiom with rogurd to the terms of this Security Inswment or the Note without that <br /> • = � . •• Borrowcr's consent. <br /> 0 <br /> 13. Notices. Any no�icc to Borrowcr provi�kd titt in �hi.Scrurity Instniment tihall he given by delivering it or by <br /> muiling it by fint cluss muil unle+s applicahle luw nyuirr�use uf unother melhaxl. The notice �hull be directed to the <br /> ��"y Property Address or any olhcr uddrcs� Hiirri�wcr dc�ignnte� hy nolicc to LrnJcr. Any notice to Lendcr shull be given by <br /> . first closs muil to Lcnderi uddre.x�talcd herrin or any uddre�s LcnJrr Je�ignuteti h�• ni�tice to Borrower. Any notice <br /> , ,� QrovideJ for in thiti Security Instrumrm.hull be drenucl lo huvr txrn�,ivrn t��Hnrcuwer��r l.ender when given us provided <br /> m this puruEruph. <br /> " � � , l4. (:uvernin�Law;Severubilitv. Thi.Sccurit}•Imtrument.hall he guv�mcJ by I'eJerul luw und the law of the <br /> jurisJiction in which the Pm�xrty i.I�xatrd. In thr evem that �ny pr�wi,i�m �x�lau�e ut'this Srcurity Instrument or the <br /> . Note contlictx witli vpplicable la��•.wch contlict ,hall not affrrt u�hrr provi�ian� of this 5crurity In+Inimem nr the Note <br /> .'. . which c:u�he givcn rffecl without the contlirting provi,iun. li�thi.rnd the proei�ionx��f Ihi.Sec�erity Inxtrument und the <br /> Note urc declared tu hc�rverahle. <br /> ' I5. Borrower'z Copv. Horrowcr�hall hr givcn unr r�mti,rnud rup�•uf thi,Scrurity In.trument. <br /> . , � l6. AssignmeM oP Rents. Barn»v�r unranJiti�mally :i++igm unJ tramt�r�t��Lrndcr all Ihe rcniti unJ revenucs af thc <br /> property. Borrciwrr.�Whoritrti(.rndcr ur I.r��drr�a�cnl,h�r�dkrl thr nnt�anJ r��•rnur. und hcrcby Jircct�cuch tenunt of <br /> thc Ropeny to pay Uic rrmti 10 Lrndrr ur Len�k r'�ug�nl.. Hn�er�cr.priur ��,L�ndrr',nu�ice lo Hom�wer uf Burrower y <br /> brcurh ot'any rovenum i�r a�rrrment in thr tierurity In,lrununl.B�,rru��cr�hull coUccl;md rcrri�•e all rcna unJ►' <br /> � �hc f'm�xny u��n�stcc(�►r thr Ixnrtit��t LrnJer anJ H��rn���rr. llii.a�.i�nmrm�,t rcnt,run,titutrs�m uh.alutc a.tiiEnmrnt <br /> "- . �utd nut un ustiignmen[ti�r aJdiU�m:U.rcunly unl)•. - <br /> If Lendrr Eiv��noti«uf hrcach tu Horri���rr. l:u:dl rrmti rrrrivrd h� Hurr�►���ll Ix hrl�l hy li��rrowcr a�Iru�ter <br /> for henetit i►f Lrndrr�tx upplird tu the .wn..rcurcd h� Ihr ti�rurit) In.uun�cnC�h► Lrnder �hall ix rnlid�d tu <br /> rollccl und rer�ivc aU of�hc i�nl.of�hr I'ru�x•ny:anJ 1r:rarh tcnaiu uf thr I'n��m .leill p:�� all rciH,Ju�anJ unpuiJ ta <br /> � Lendcr ur LcitJcr�ugrnt on Lrndrr'���•riucn dcmand lu thr�rnant. <br /> � Borrow�r ha, nut rxriuteJ cm� p�iur a.,iEnmrn� ol th� i.nt, :u�d hn. nut :wd ��dl nut prN��rni am art tha� ���,ulJ <br /> � - PfCVI'lll I.l'lll�l'1 Il�llll l'ACIU�IIIE 11�UEill•wi�iu iiii.��.ii.iFi•ijii::. - <br /> Lrndcr ,hall nut tx nyuirrJ tu rntrr u�x►n. taF.e cantrul uf ur m:un�:un thr Pru�xm Ikt�,rr ��r.�ttrr�:i�mg nuucr��t <br /> . . , Brrarh to Burrnaee Nowcvrr. LrnJrr or a juJiciall� apruuttrd rccci�rr tna�da..0:u an} iim.• �hcrr i• :�hrr:irh. Am <br /> upplir�ti�m nf mnt.�hull nut rurc ur��ui�r an�dcfaull ur im:did:itr�m uthc� n�ht ur nnird� .d I.rndri I hi..�..i�nm��nt <br /> ul renh of thc I'ruExny.hall trnnma�r��hrn thr drhl .rcurrd M Ihr hrur�ly bau umrni�.pauf m 1 ull. <br /> , ��•.�;, • a���.�..,� <br /> � <br /> � / • _� _ <br />