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NE 688Q1. <br /> ('Lendet").8orcower owes L,ender tbe priac�►�1 sum of <br /> Thirty one thousaae� six hundred sixty one and 151100-�llus tU.S.S 31,661.15 �• <br /> This debt is evidea�.�od by Barrower's note dated the s�me date as t:�.s Sxurity Iactrument('I�ate"�.wdich provides for <br /> �wnthlY p�Yments•azch the ful!dkbt,if not ptid earlier.due wd payabte �a March 2, 2005 • <br /> ';'hic Saauitv Iust�wt�au sa.vt+es tu�Le�der:(a}the rep,aymecu o�t'x debt e�-i�enced by the Note. with interest,aad a!1 rexwals. <br /> -- eattetzsia-is �ud nwdiflc�titms cf E�e�Noit:(b) the payme�t of aIl osBet svass. witA ituerest. �unda' pu�ryx� i iu -- <br /> protect the security of t3is Sra�rity Insttument: ancl (e)the perform.r�cx of Borrower's covenanu and agreemerus. For this <br /> p�pose� gorrower irrc�;oc�bly grants aad oonveys to Trustee, in trust,wr6t�n powu of sale,the foUowing described proparty <br /> lorated in g�l CountY.Nebsaska: <br /> The �esterly 12.37 feet of Lot.6 and the Easterly 61.63 £set of Lot 7, <br /> Block 11, Psrkhill T'hird Subdivision, Citq of G�rand Island. Hall County, <br /> Hebraeka. • <br /> Wh������°f 2503 ti1. Phoeaix, Grand Zsland ��C��� <br /> Nebrasica 68803 t'�rtY Address"): <br /> [Z�v�l <br /> TOGETHER WITH�li the improvemenu now or hereafter erected oci the Property.and all ea.seaxnts.apputiten�nces,�nd <br /> fixssc�es now or lureafw a part of the pmperty. N11 rePlxements and additions shall also be covered by this Security <br /> Iast�ment. AII of the fongoing is rcferred to in this Security Lutrum�nt as the"PropatY•� <br /> BORItOWEic COVENANTS that Bomowu is lawfWly seised of the est�te haeby crnrvryal and has the right to gr�nt�od <br /> wnvey the Prope.-ty and that t1�e PropertY is unencumbered. exapt for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants ud will <br /> defend generally the tide to the Property �ga+nst�ll claims and demands.stibject to any encumbr�x�es of rerard. <br /> 'IWS SECURI'i'Y INSTRUMENT' wmbines uniform cav�runss fer cuoaal use and non-uniform oovuuuus with limited �• <br /> vu�iations by jurisd'ution to constitute a uniform security itutrument wvering rral prvpery. • <br /> <. UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender coveaant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. P�ymeot of Priucipa� and Intaat: Prepp►Ymeat sod I.ate Charges. Sorrower shalt PromptlY PaY Wlur�due the <br /> . priaci of and interest on the debt evidenoad by the Noce�nd any prcp�yrtfent and late charges due und�r the Ncxe. <br /> �Fuads for T�xes and Iusursn��e. Subjecc to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender on the day monthlY paYments are due under the Note.until.ttie Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for: (�)yeuly tazes <br /> �nci asussrnents which rr�y sttain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeuly leaselwld payments <br /> or grau�d nnts on the Property, if�ny; (c)yearly hazard or property insurince premiums;(d)yarly flood inwr�ce pamiums. <br /> if any: (e) yeuly moRgage inwrano�premiums.if any:and(��ny sums P�yable by Borrower to l.endtt. in xoordance with ` <br /> the provisions of paragriph S,in liw nf the payment of mortgage inwru�oe premiumc.These itemc are called 'Eserow Itemc.' <br /> Lcnder may,at any time, coilect and hold Funds in an atrwunt not to excced thc maximum a�raunt a lender for a fedenlly <br /> relatal cnortg�ge lou� may require for�orrower s escrow accoutu under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 as ameaded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. ('RESPA"),unless anwher law that a�{ies to the Funds <br /> sets �lesser utwunt. if so, Lender may,at any time.collece and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser unount. <br /> I,ender rr�y estimate the amount of Funds due on the bas3s of curr�nt d�ta and r°.aconable estia�trs of expcnditures of fumre <br /> Escmw Iums or otherwise in xcordanc;e�e with applicable law. <br /> NEBitASKA-Sinp��FamilY-Fan�Ma�lk�ddi�Mac UNIFORM MiSTRUMENT Forw�3028 9190 <br />� �MI 12T�711ATG VYV LA011TWGE iW1Mtt•1313i7L3�100��i00i521J797 0.0.�a• . Awwnd�d 6l91 <br /> � • <br /> ; <br /> . <br />