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<br /> " TO�BTHER WITH uU thc fmprnvcmcntx �ow ar he�euQer crccted un Ihe p�aperty, ond rl! easementR,
<br /> ---- _.�e�� appuAen+�nces,rncl lixlarca now an c�reaFter a pa�t of the property.All rcplw:emcros wid cidditiuns�hall qlco be cnvared by
<br /> - -___ - - �.._
<br /> this Securiry In�Irument.Ail of the fbRguing ir refemed w in thix Securily ln�trument us ihe"Prc�erty."
<br /> BatROweR l'otmh�t�iTS that Borrower is luwfully reiseJ uf'tl�e eti�ute I�ereby«mveyeJ wnl hov�h�rig{u tu grant wid
<br /> convay the Property and�h�t the Property Is unencum6ered,rxceF+t far encumbmr�cex oP recard.Borrower wa�ranl�w�d will
<br /> defend Qener+d(y Nrc tiUc ta the Propeny again�t all cluirns ond demwids,fubJec�ta uny encumbruncea uf record.
<br /> Ttus 5scuRmr INS�xuMeNr combfnes uniform covenanta for naticmAl usce w�d non•uoifarm coveoant�with limited
<br /> � _____�__� variatlons by jurfsdiction to cansihute a uniform�ecudty instrument caveriag reul prupeny.
<br /> i �,� UNIFnRM COVBNANTS. Borcower and I.ender covenont and ogrec us followK:
<br /> 1. Paymenl ot Principal and Inleresti Prepayment pnd I.AIe Cluirges. R.xn�wer xhall promptly pay when due
<br /> �M '-.���� ihe principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by�he Note and at�y prepayment and la�e chur�es due under the Note.
<br /> •—:;;a,,- - 2. Funds tar Tpzes and Insurnnce. Subject to upplicuble luw or ro u wrluen wuiver by Lender,Bo�rower ahall pay
<br /> _�;:,a„,�;,� to Lender on the day monthly puymentx�ure due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a Rum("Funds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> -,.=rR ••;,,;� tuxes und aa+essments which may uttAin pdority over this Securlty Instrument ua u lien on �he Property;(b►yesuly leosehold
<br /> "�'�'�'�'��`:d� pnyments or ground rents on the Property, if uny:(c)yenrly huzord or propeny ingurunce premiums;(d)yearly fload
<br /> �� insurance premiums, if any;(e)yeorly mortgoge msu�unce premiums, if any; nnd (f1 uny sums payuble by BuROwer to
<br /> ___ Ixnder, in occurdance with the Provisions of purugroph A.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance p�emiums.These
<br /> -- � ��?�'�� items are called"Escrow Items.' L.ender muy,at any time,collect und hold Fundx in un umount not to exceed the mwcimum
<br /> y - ,, � fi,. ,�� amount u lender for u federally�elAted moAgage loan muy reyui�e For Borrower's escrow nccount under Ihe federal Reul
<br /> . � ,.�, n Bstate Settlement Procedures Act of 197A us umended from time to time, 12 U,S.C.$ 2601 et seq.(•'R�SPA"). unfess
<br /> �F: another luw thAt applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If xa, Lender muy, a�uny time, collec� und hold Fundg in un
<br />`�•} � {' ° % • ' amount not to exceed tl�e les.ser wnount.l.ender muy estimate the amount of Funda due on the busis of cument daw und
<br /> , ' ''�.,�>-_.- :>dA :;;�.�•`, rcasonable estimatea of expenditures of fuwre Fscrow Items or otherwis�in uccordance with upplicuble law.
<br /> ::; ,. ;,p,. The Funds shall be held in on institution who.se deposits nre insured by n fcderal agency,iaKtrumentnlity,or entity
<br /> ., • •yr�;:;�-�.; '�:,�, (including l.endcr,if Lender iR such an institution)or in uny Federnl Home Loun Bank.Le:nder�hull apply the Funds to pay
<br /> ., r{`'r•�� � •• - the Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,annuully analyzing the escrow
<br /> f • , �• account. or vedfying the Escrow ltems,unleas I.ender puys BoROwer interest on the Funds and applicable luw pem�ita
<br /> y ''� .��.,��s �„ i.ender to make such a charge. However,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-�ime chnrge f�r an independent real
<br /> r����'
<br /> �� '` ° • ,�i�. eswte tax reponing service uaed by Lender in wnnection with this loan,unlegs npplicnble law pmvidea othenvise.Unless an
<br />- _,���„�,:;;;,;:x„';;(�`� ag�+eement is made or applicable lew requires interest to be paid,Lender shnll not be requined to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> : :—---�i,,�, eamings on the Fundc.Homowerand I.ender may agrce iu w�iti�i�,i�ow��ar,tlidi jOtdicai SIWII��&Id oti ili�:FUiIdS.LCIi�CT
<br /> • ` . sZ�all give to Burrower,without charge,wi annual accounting of�he Funds,showing credits and deblts to tht Funds and the
<br /> •r` v' � , purposa for which euch debit to�he Funds was made.The Funds sue pledged os udditionul sewriry for ull sums securcd by
<br /> � 4 ; • � ." ihis Security Instrument.
<br /> . . If the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicuble luw. l.ender shall account to
<br /> � ��, • .. Borrowe�for the exeess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> " •� Lender at any time ie not sufticient to puy the Escrow Itema when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und.in
<br /> .,,�, ��.R,. d
<br /> ,, �,� . such cuse Borrower shall pay to Len er tha umount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borcower shull make up the
<br /> ;'; � � ..,�'^;;, deticiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretian.
<br /> U�n payment in full of all sums secured by thig Secu�ity Instrument,l.ender shnl! prompdy refund to Borrower uny
<br /> �:'• . • � Funds he d by Lender.If,under parngrnph 21,Lender shull ucquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the ucquisi�ion or
<br /> , • snle of the Property.shwll upply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sele as a credit against the sums
<br /> ';, " ,�' secwnd by this Security In4trument.
<br /> l��' , .,;;�;;, . �'"�"""' 3. Appl[catlon of Paymenfs. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> �� � paragmphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fint,to any pre�ayment churges due under the Nate;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> �'` � '`'"� �� paragruph 2:third,to intcrest due;fourth,to principa due;und Iw+t,to uny late churges due under the Note.
<br /> ��' " • 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower shull puy nll taxes, ussessments,charges,Gnes und impositions attrfbutable ta the
<br /> ��l`'k' �'''' t Property which may attain prioriry over this Securiry Insnument,and leasehold�ayments or ground rents,if nny.Borrower
<br /> ' • ��:, shall pay these obligetions in the munner provided in paragruph 2,or if not paid�n�hut msinner,Borrower shull pay them on
<br /> .� :.;�„ , time directly to the person owed pnyment.Borrower shnll promptly furnish to Lender all notices of umounts to be paid under
<br /> �, ��'�.. ' this paragmph.If Borrower mnkes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender�eceiptx evidencing
<br /> �, . . � �he payments.
<br /> _ •� • �:'• -., �t� Borrower shnll promptly discharge uny lien which hati priority over thir Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)
<br /> � .',;,�r!°_r . � ug�ees in writing to the pnyment of the obligution secur+ed by the lien in u manne�acceptubk to Lender,(b)contests in gaod
<br /> � • � , faith the lien by,or defends agAin�t enforcement of Ihe lien in,le�al proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to
<br /> i•� prevent the enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from �he holder of the lien nn agreement sAtissfactory to Lender
<br /> � :��� � subordinuting the lien to this Security Inswment.lf Lender determines thut uny purt of the Property is subject to u lien which
<br /> mny uttuin priority over this Security Instrument,Lxnder mny give Borrower n notice identifying the lian. Borrower shall
<br /> ' ' satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above wilhin 10 duys of the giving of naice.
<br /> S.
<br /> ., � ., FWtD 30�W00!/�gt:af6 pugttl
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