.I- �-'�-"�!Pr w� .. w. ' .....�:.:--
<br /> .. • �f� �� -•�• .• ��_�.� . .
<br /> 1 ��JJ'. .{:�n..�
<br /> _�.� �_ �� - - _- -- _ � II _.
<br /> - ' ---- - - --- _ _ ._
<br /> _--L�_.� __. _
<br /> - - - - --
<br /> _-_ ---
<br /> -- --- �E
<br /> �� tow��pe�■8�0�'�1 w•r►•�r o..r NuH�n aid fNto��Wolf,w�ita�,M..wet
<br /> - - �oW����P��.,�.t 92-- iosse� _
<br /> ----- - ---� Rac3clord Propertiea. Li,mited Partnerahip, a Nebrmska Limited Prartnerehip �
<br /> -� - a aorporation oraani�ed�nd esi�tin�aader end by virtne oi the lnw�oi tha Btste oi
<br /> �:;:,
<br /> '� � Sevan Ttwuoand Ono Hundred Doilara and no oents (fi7►100.00)
<br /> itt aon�ident�on oi
<br /> _ _�, _ . y��-.., reaeived irom gr�uteet�doe��rant, bsrQsin, �ell convey and Qoafiran unto
<br /> —�� ' ---- Ciark A. C�auChi.er and Stepl�anie R. (3aubhier, Husband and Wife, WR03
<br /> �� herein calted ths Qrantee wheth�r on�or more,the foAowin�de�oribed real property in
<br /> HaZl Connty� _
<br /> —._- _—=_... ___ _
<br /> --- � A tracb of iand ecn�rising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section R�i�enty-One -
<br /> ��, � (21), 'ibwnehip Elev�► (11) North, Range Nine (9) West oP the 6bh P.M.� Hail Co�mty►
<br /> -°-�� '� Nebraska, and also being parb of forrt�er Biock 'Pen (10), South Park Addition (nar vacated
<br /> —�..r.. �
<br /> -----_-- and being more particulariy describec3 ae fbilows: Deginnir►g at the Southeast corner of _
<br /> :_T,�n.�.,��-��;:w�a�y� Biocic 'Pen thence running sout'hWesterly along �he southerly line of Pornier Hiocic 10 a
<br /> diatance of 'ltco Ei�uuired �enty 3ix and Eighty Three Handredths (226.83) feet to a point
<br /> �°���'�'�^`�� that ie twelve and five tenttis (12.5) feet radially di�tant southeasteriy fran tY�e cente
<br /> z.;��,�,�,=xy ,,� line of th�e raiiroad tradc= thence running northeasteriy along a line ttreive and five
<br /> .--�,;,.,�T-,, �r.± tenths (12.5) feet �radially distance southeastariy fran the center l�ne���f :a.aai 3road
<br /> "_ ""'�� � trackt said track being curved, concave with a radiue of 573.7 feet, a chord distance of
<br /> , T•�;�'
<br /> — _ Tre Hundred Fifty-Three and Ninety-Nine Nundredthe (253.99) feet to a point eoutl�easterl
<br /> , ��t�f;�t` alang the easteriy line of for�mer Biock Ten (10)t thence running southeseteriy along
<br /> i-,;;zy , the eaeterly iine of fonper Hlack Ten (10), a distance of One Hundred Sixteen and Forty
<br /> '" g� ��� � Ei ht Hundredthe (116.48) feet to the inti of iru�ing, in Haii Count Nebraeica.
<br /> ?�' , '�,t� Si Po � Y�
<br /> -��" •, . '
<br /> ";. .;��,: :
<br /> ..yY_•. ..
<br />--- � � To have and to hold the above deenribed premiaee together with all tenementw� heredit�ent�And appnr•
<br /> - ' �...:,,��.�.,,-'µ.�;� .
<br /> ,�: , �, <�_ � teaancea thereto belonging unto the grantee und to grantee e helre aad aesigns forever.
<br /> ' 4,�`�»�� And the gre,ntor for itself and ite sueeeaeore does hereby coveaant with the granteo and wlth Qraalee'r
<br /> _. _�,,.' heira and waei�ne that grantor is lawfuUy seiaed of said premiees;that they are free lrom enoumbrw►ee
<br /> , .�W'r.�:�,,. . 7^J..
<br />_; ,u�1 ' �� r'}�,_.
<br /> �'t _�'��?;,j,.{"I�
<br /> �" ��°""�""'""'"`u -�t� that pCrantor has good right and la�vful authority to convey the same;and that grantor w4rrauta and will defend
<br /> '�: �%�.�iE�, t6e title to eaid premieea against the lawfal claima of all persons�vhoeoever.
<br />,:E,. :�-...; �--r-�..
<br />._:t_ I,u tvitneea whereof,grantor ha�hereunto esuaed ita corponte oerl to be atfi=ed and Lhe�s preeanta�aed
<br /> � ''�"��f by;� Preeident.
<br /> ` �`..� Dated July 17 18 92 ---
<br />- ' ::.A�r- _ �� _
<br /> f�. *�• +8 : R kford Pro rties Limited Partners 1 6
<br />.�� .,v,�rrc;.�:�.;.. ' eb sfc� 't arEne�CS p .
<br /> .. � .. . . . ...
<br /> - • . .�, By: TRIAD INVE.S'ti�]�1'PS CORPORATION }�� .. ��`��' '
<br /> ... ��-�:• A Nebraska Corporation, Generai RY ��R�M r Preatdent
<br /> �' • ' w, -
<br />��.� �� � Nebraeka ,.ne 2
<br />; •. . . a STATE OF.. . ..... ................................................ this.._............ o . . ..... ................ ..... ._ tore
<br /> ' ��°t ,
<br /> .. r On 1 dQy t. �Y 19 be me,
<br /> - �. .. ss
<br /> . .�.. Hall County the undersigned, a Notary Public in and !or said County
<br /> �`.�-..W,P. .......................................Richard J. Merrick President of � _..
<br /> . . �ry",.. , � . PenO°°�rt��'IiiV��tf�l2ii��..��imitedb�Par�tr�ie shitca Qo�or��icit;�r�r[���i...l�►rtn�r°o� � _
<br /> ,;, Rockford Propert ea, P a Nebraska Limited Partn�rsh;I r
<br /> �'` ...............................................................................................................,...............-••....................................................'l8 AUa�ttID�)
<br /> �. `" " � ;, to me personally known to be the President and the identic�al person whose ncme is aEfixed to the above cc�nvey- II c
<br /> • >�i -
<br /> ;` ' unce, �d acknowledged the execution thereot to be his voluntary act and deed as such ofticer and the voluntary I�
<br /> �� � • act and deed oE said corporation amd that the Corporate seal of the said corpomtlon was thereto affixed by ite -
<br /> � , , authoriry. �� _-
<br /> •� ' ., -
<br /> �
<br /> ' Witness my ha�d�d Notarial Seal at...l l t 00„A;M.,�._, ({n said county the day omd year last above wt[tten. 'I -
<br /> �•:'Yiid4�r- \ 1_ M7 /w�/1An--- _
<br /> ;�.- --=- - - - �� ������ W ��
<br /> ,i .3. ..... ' � . . ...... .... ... .. ....... ..... _
<br /> _ , ....... .
<br /> ..... .... .. .. ..
<br /> . .. .. .. .. . _ ....
<br /> .. ..
<br /> , Notary Public. �
<br /> e•.;• ..., . . My NrO�a M��..........h......... Octobe 9S f
<br /> , . . daY oL.. ........ ..... .........-- . . . ..19 . ...... .. �
<br /> - - -f",- _ t3TAT� OF............................. �;-
<br /> • ,p ... -- � ('onnty . ............... .... ........ .....�ax. �:
<br /> ' � Entcred on nnmerical indez und Piled for record in the Regie�ter of I)eede Office of aaid County the �
<br /> ' .... �. ..day of....... .......... .,19......,at.......... .o'clock and...........minulea .... ... ....M.,
<br /> . . . ( xnd reeorded in Book....................of........ ............at page................. i
<br /> �.1 1;���. ., i . .......... ................ ..... ... . . ..... '
<br /> , I �ReR.of Deede :
<br /> .k. , . $y .................. ....... .. ..... .... ...Deputy �
<br /> �� } " � �,
<br />