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<br /> - applic�ble law may specify for�instatement) before sale of the Property purauant to ony power of sale contained in this
<br /> ` �"�'"-`s -' ' Savrity Insaument:or(bj entry u�a jwig�ucut cufu��iug ifds Sautity i�-isG-urue�t. TfiOSC COtI(�IIQi18�C flliii�6R6WCr: (aj
<br /> -..;,� pays I.ender all sums which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratiun hud
<br /> occurred;(b)cures any defeult of eny other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expensee incurred in enforcing this Securfty
<br /> lnswment,including,but not limited ta. reaeonable attomeys'fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender moy r�eaconably
<br /> ';; rcquire to assure tlwt the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender�rigltts in the 1'mperty nnd Bortnwer�obligntfon to pay the
<br /> � sums secured by this Secudry Instrument shell continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrawer, this Security
<br /> ' Inauvment and the obligations secured hereby shell remain fully effective as �f no accoleration had accumed. However.this
<br /> ' + � d�ht to reinstate shall not apply in tLe case of acceleratlon under�iuragraph l7.
<br /> � � 19. 3ak of Note;Chan�e oP I..aan 3ervicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security
<br /> �� -.f•.- r:: { Instrument)may bc sald one or more Qmes without pdor notice to Borrower. A snlc may result in a change in the entity
<br /> ���
<br /> � (known ea the"Loen 5ervicer")thet collecw monthly payrnents due under the Note and lhis Secu�ity Instrument. There also
<br /> - -- .- z;;',��+;;�;„;i�i�j may be one ar more changes of the Low►Servicer uarelated to a as�la of the Note. If thcre is u change of�he L.oun Servicer,
<br /> .��+'�•� Borrower will be given written notice of the change in�ccordance with paragmph 14 above and applicablc luw. Thc notice
<br /> —;�T�.�;,�.� will�state the nume and address of the new Loan Servicee und the oddress to which paymants should be mude. The natice will
<br /> -'�_� also wntain eny ather information requircd by applicable law.
<br /> ?A. HAU�rdous 3ubstaaces. Botrower shall not cnuse or permit the preaence,unc,dfepoxal,��oru$c,or rclease of uny
<br /> ��,,,,.�, Hazardous Substances on or in Ihe Property. Borruwer shall not do. nor ullow unyonc el�e to do,any�hing offecting Ihc
<br /> _— Propeny that ia i�viola�ion of any�nvironmentnl Luw. Tho preceding two sentences shull not upply lu the presence,ugc,ar
<br /> --�1,— storoge on the Property af 4mu11 yuantilles of Hur.ardour Substnncex that arc�enerally recoy�niud�n be approprieto�o normol
<br /> � �` ` residen�ial usc4 and�o moM�enunce of thc F'ruperty.
<br /> � ��,, Borrower shall promptly give Lcnder wdttcn nntice of uny investigatlon,cluim,dcmund,luwxult or Mher uction by eny
<br /> �' � governmentol or rcgulatory ngency or prlvute psuty involving Ihe Prapeny und any H�uardaua Substnnce or Environmental
<br /> ;,";� �,. .� �`' ��Y :• Lnw of which Bmrower has actual knawledge. !f &n7ower Ieams. or fs natified by any governmen�ul or regulutory
<br /> =i�;,;'�a,,•'� �r;t, authorfry,lha any removel or other remedielion of uny Haznrdaur:Subslance affecting Ihe Propeny is necesrary.Borrower
<br /> i�.���•. ahall promptly take all nece�wuy remedial actions in uccordunce with Environmentul Law.
<br /> ,�;�,��,.�..,,;;�� As used in this paregraph 20,"Hivardous Substunces�'ure those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subatances by
<br /> —��ti �- Environmental Law and the following substunces: gusoline, kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> _-:�:,•i�-���.
<br /> _._ � -: � pesticides and hcrbicides, volutile salvents,mnteriula wnlpining asbestos or formaldehydc,and radioACdve muterfpls. A,s _
<br /> _ �;y�;'•,,,�:�;;�;,~�� used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentnl Low"meuns iederal laws and laws of the Jurlsdiclion where the Propeny ie located
<br /> -- ' ' that r+elate to heulth,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> �����'� : • NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'fS. Borrowcr nnd Lender further covenant nnd ugree as follows:
<br /> --��:•��'��••:,;� 21. AcceleruNon; Remedies. Ixnde�shall give nodce to Bor�ower p�lo�to occelera�ion Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> '��i " breACh of an covenant or a reement in Ihis Securit Instrument(but not rior to acceleration under ara ra h 17
<br /> ..__ -- :,.�Fr.:�a..,.,..�}�.;: Y B Y N P 8 P
<br /> ��V; � unless appltcable Iaw provides otherwtse). The natice shell speci�y: (a)the deiault;lb)lhe Action required to cure the
<br /> �_:r ,,,� , { ,: _ detwull;(c)�dAte,not less than 30 dwys irom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the defAUlt must be
<br /> ' cured;and(d)that PAilure to cure the default on or before the date specifled in Ihe notice mAy result in ar.ceteratlon ot
<br /> `t;� `'� .. the sums secured by this Security Inslrument and�le oP the PropeMy. The notice shall further infarm�orrower of
<br /> •/.7�`r•`:. '.'
<br /> � .�t,, . the right to reinsWte aiter acceleration and the right to bring p court uction to Assert the non-existence oi a default or
<br /> t'.,�
<br /> �:; `�� , any other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. IP the dePauU is not cured on or before the date apecified in
<br /> --' � the notice,Lender at its optton may require immediate peyment In full of all sums secured by thls Secerity Instrument
<br /> •;�� " '' . � without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable low.
<br /> _ - •� &'�• Lender shall be entitled to collect all expensev incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parAgraph 21.
<br /> -- ' �! �._:�; inciuding,but not Ilmited to,reaconuble attorneys'fees uad cost�oF Ntle evidence.
<br /> - �'� •` � IP the power oF sale is invaked.7lrustee sbAll record a notice oP default in each county in which any part of the
<br /> , J'=��»�' '-`�ti Property is located and shall mail copies oP such notice in the manner pre.scribed by appltcAble Ipw to Borrower and to
<br /> -� ,''""'"'"'" �'" � the other persons prescribed by applicable law. A�ter the tlme requtred by applicable lew,7lrustee shaU give public
<br /> j�'+` , 1;�'�`�`;,���� � � notice ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appUcable law. 71�ustee.withoat demond on Borrower.
<br />°=�r�, -: . �•. �• • shall sell the Property at public auction to the hiRhest bidder wt the time and place and under the terms dPSignated M
<br /> �'�' .:j„�ei�:• -'`��'� the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 71�ustee determines. 7lrugtee may pnstpone sale of pll or any
<br /> '�' ,.�"• ' �•� �t parce!I of the Property by public announcement At the time and place oP any previously scheduled sole. Lender or its
<br /> -,.,�' � ;,_ ,.,.;.. .� - desiQnee mAy purcbpse the Property at any sale.
<br /> _"'' w�,'� � Upon receipt oP payment oP the pr(ce bid.71�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser'tl�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> - ' Property. The recitals in the 1�ustee'.s deed shall be primu facie evidence of the trulh oP the statemeats made therein. _,
<br />=' � '�'` • � 7lrustee aholl apply the praceeds of the seM in the folbwing order: (a1 to all costs and expenses of exerclslnQ the power
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