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<br />�rH �f �pp�i\. . +.. _ - ..
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<br /> �i i7 cYn
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<br /> 6:O.f�i`(a
<br />= 92.��os�s
<br /> '7 tM Prop�rty I�a wan a dam�p�d�L.�nd�r shul h�v�th�opUon,la itt wl��nd�bw1uW dleantlor�.b�pply dl woh ProaNd�, _
<br /> �f W d�duatlnp M�nirom all coot��nd�xp�nws IncurrW by it In aonrnotlon wlth woh ProaMds,upon�ny Ind�bt�dn�Mourad
<br />-�----_ -- - — h�t�by+Intl In wah ora�r u Lmd�r m�y ddarmin�,w to apply ril■uufi Pruc�r.do,iYor�uch ci�ducClan�,f�ttw ra;.tara�an o!tRs c-
<br /> �•..,,�,s.�;,:, Ptop�rty upon wah aondldon�n L�nd�r m�y d�brmin�.Any appllaipan o1 PrxNd�to Ind�bndn�s�hall not�xt�nd a poslpon�
<br /> fM du�d�t�ol any paym�nts undn th�Not�,or our��ny d�l�ult thonu�d�r or Mr�und�r.My un�ppll�d 1und��II b�pdd to
<br /> Trwoor.
<br /> ��.-•z�.,. ^ 8. P�rlorm�no�by LNid�r.Upon tha ocourrenc�of an Ev�nt ol DNaulth�nund�r,or If�ny�ot I�fak�n a Ipd procNdlnp
<br /> - Camm�na�d whlch m�bri�qy�ffeca L�nder'�iM�nst In th�Propwty,Lwidor moy in it4 own dlacrailor�,but wlthput obllpapon W do �
<br /> �o,and wlthout noQca to or d�mand upon T�u�tor�nd without nlanlnp Trwtor Irom�ny obll�otlon,do any act whloh T�u�tor hn
<br /> � ,�,,.f4•.� . .. � �prs�d but(�Ib to da and mey also do any oth�r�ot it deems neceuaiy ta proteot th�wcurlry h�r�ol.Trwtor rha11,Imm�dl�Wy
<br /> ��-��� — upon d�mand th�rotor by Lendor,p�y W lend�r aU ao�u and expen�¢s Incurred and aums expond�d by L.�nd�r In conn�ctlon wllh
<br /> �SJYi'C•1�1r--.',a...
<br /> ;���---�-�. �,�,.,-*,� th�exercits by Lendsr of tho torpol�p riphu,topeth�r with intsnet thereon e!the dd�ult rat�p►ovldod In th�Not�,which sha
<br /> �•-�L���� - '����"-� �ddsd to th�Ind�bt�dn�u s�our�d h�r�by. L�nd�r iholl not Uour any II�blliry beoaus�of anylhinp it m�y do or omlt to do
<br /> .�;':`:;,."�.;;'� Mrounder.
<br /> V�_`
<br /> • -.. � 9. Nuardoua AAat�Md�.TrusWr ehall keep the Property in compliance with ell eppllcahle lews.ordlnancsi and rpul�tioru
<br /> ''�'?"--"4:����'' relaUnp to Induetrial hypiene or envlronmental proteoUon(collectively retarred to herein a�"Environment�l L aws'�.Tru d or t h�l l
<br /> �:ir�i�ei;,y,c�;, keep tha Property lree from all eub�tanaes deemed to be hezerdou�or wxic underany Envlronment�t Law�(coNocdvely rafer�ed to
<br /> �� herein es"Hazardous Matarlala").Truator hereby warrants and repreaenta to Lander that there ere no Hezardous M�4rlals on ar
<br /> � 4�}��..W�rHY� under the Property.Trustor hereby aprees to Indemniy end hold hermlois Lender,It�dlrecton,oNicwe,employees�nd apuHS,and
<br /> ,._,__ any successon to Lender'e intereaf,hom and apolnst any and ell clalm�,dameye�,losees aad ifablYtiea arleinp In conneadon with
<br /> ��F � the preHnae,uae,dlapoael or traneport ol any Hazerdous Meterials on,under,lrom or about lha Propsrty.THE FOREOOINO
<br /> ���� . �� 10. Aqipnm�nt ot R�nt�.Truator hereby asaipns to Lender the rents,Is�ueA end proflts of the P�operry;providod that Trustar
<br /> ��;a.xt�;���;g�va:y�= shall,untll the xcurrence ol en Event of Default hereunder,heve the ripht to cotlect and retaln auch re�ts,Iswe�and proilb e�th�y
<br /> become due and peyable.Upon the occurrence of en Event ol Default Lender mey.elther in peraon or by a�ent,with or without
<br /> � ��•• - _n.� � a+ •- ' brinpinp any actlon or praceedinfl,or by a receiver eppointed by a court and without repard to the adequecy o}ita eecurity,enter
<br /> • ; ,;.:�. upon end teke poseesebn of the Property,or any pert thereof,In its own name or in the neme ol the Trustee,and do any acts whiah ft —
<br /> .,_,,. .}; ;: �� deems neceaeary or desirable to preaerva the value,marketebfliry or rentablNry of 1he Property,or any part thereof or Interoat thereln,
<br /> . •�,',� Increa�e the income therelrom or protect the security horeof end,with or without taking poeseeolon of the P►operty.�ue for or
<br /> -• �. olherwlee collect the rente,iaeues and profits thereol,includlnp those past due and unpaid,end apply the oame,lesa coeta and
<br /> — "�,� � �•�•t expenaes ot oporetio�and collectlon includinp attomeys'fees,upon any indebtednesa seaured hereby,all in such order as Lender
<br /> • ��'���a.;��;;�;�• may determine.Tha enterinp upon end tekinp poa�eaelon of the Property,the coNectlon of auah rent�,Isaues and protlts end the
<br /> ' h„�; �:.,: . . �, epplicadon thereof as aforeseld,ahell not aure or walve any default or nodce ot defeult hereunder or invalidete eny aot done In
<br /> reaponee to auch default or purbuent to such notice of default and,notwithatendinp the condnuance In posaeeeton oi the Proporly or
<br /> _ _ c.�i�tE�=:_i_'\;..c._ the collecGon,receipt and appllCeUon of renfa,Isaues or protits,and Trustee and Lender ahall be entltled to exerci�e every rlpM _
<br /> "''�'�� provided for In any of 1ha Loan Instruments or by I�w upan occurrence of any Evem ot Uetault,includi np without iimiiaiion the right
<br /> � � � . „ to exercise the power ol aele.Further,Lender's riphta and remedies under thla paragraph ahall be curnulative wlth,and In�o way a
<br /> �••� ' ' Ilmitadon on,Lender's riphts and remedlea under any assi�nment of leasea and renti recorded epalnst the Properly.Lender,TruNSs
<br /> -- �; and the recelver ahall be Ilablo to account only for those renta actually►ecelved.
<br /> ,..= ,�,� ° . t1. Ev�nb ot DNault.The followinp shell constfWte an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust =.
<br /> _ �tt,, (e) Fallure to pey any Installment of principel or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> -- . a ' (b) A breach of or default under any provleion contefned fn the Note,this Doed of Tru�t,any of tho Loan Inotrumanb,or any
<br /> � , , � ,• other Ilon or encumlxence upon the Property:
<br />'"'� �;; (c) A w�it of execulion or atlachment or any similar procesa shall be entered eqeinat Trustw which ahall become a Non on
<br /> ° the PropeAy or eny portlon the+eol or Intereat there�n;
<br /> ' � � (d) There ehall be tiled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an aclfon under any present or future federal,atate or other ,
<br /> - � �' statute,lew or r6yuleUOn relatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef for debtors;or there shell be appolnted eny truatoe,
<br />- recelver or Ilquldator of Truetor or 8orrower or ot all or any part af the Prope►ry,or tha renta,issua4 or profib thareot,or Truttor � �''
<br />- � . . � or 8orrower ehall make any general aasignment for the benellt of credRors: � _
<br /> (e) The aele,tramfer,lea�e,assignment conveyance or furthe►enoumbrance of all or any part of or eny intereat in the E v"
<br /> � � Properly,either volunterlly or involuntarlly,without the expreas wrilten conaent of Lender,provided that Truator ahell be �.
<br /> -- ..'�""' permUted to oxoaute s leafe o1 the Property that daes not contnin an optlon to purche�e and theterm of which doas not excoed `._
<br /> _= b,.. . _ .;::� cne year, F".
<br /> �.�, ,, (Q Abandonment oi the Property:or f
<br /> — - (p) If Truetor le nat a�Individual,the 18suence.eale,tranafer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot moro than a totol
<br />-= .+r..
<br /> �-`i .���••�_.• - -�
<br /> ol percent of(If a corporation)its Isaued and outstandfng stock or(it a partnership)a total ot percent of
<br /> -�� •. , partnerahlp Interests duHng the perlod this Oeed of Trust remalns a lien on tha Property.
<br /> ' - 12. R�m�dlN;AccN�ratbn Upon DNaulf.ln the event of any Event of Default Lender may,wlthaut notice except as requlred by �`'�
<br />-''� ',•��' , .. � ` law,declaro all Indebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payable and the same eha111hereupon become due and payeble �Y'"
<br /> i� m'��� . wlMout eny presentment,demand,proteat or notice ol any klnd.ThereaRer Lender may: --
<br /> -�.�ji ���� � (a) Demand ihet Truetee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall thereaRer cause Truetor's �
<br />_-� Interest In the Prope►ry to be sold and Ihe proceeds to be dlstributed,all In the manner prov�ded In the Nebraska Trust Deedt �;_,•
<br /> :� � Act r:•
<br /> ' �„ • (b) Exerclee any end all rlyhts provfded tor in any ot the I.oan Inetruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of ��_.
<br /> �. Oofaulk and �'�'•
<br /> � }'`' (C) Commence an acUon to foreclose thla Deed ot Trust as a mortyape,appo�nt a recelver,ar specfllcally enlorca eny of tho �•
<br /> covenants hereof. �
<br />`- ' . No remedy herefn conferred upon or reserved to Truslee or Lender Is Intenda d to be exc lus ive o f any o t her rem e dy here ln.I n t h e
<br /> � � Loan Inatruments or by law provfded or permitted,but eacts ahall be cumuletive,ehall be In addition to every other remedy glven �•
<br /> hereunder,In the Loan Inslruments or now or hereafter exist�ng at law or�n eqwty or by statute,and may be exerc�sed concurrently, �
<br /> ' IndependenHy or aucceaalvely.
<br /> � 13. Trust�. The Trustee may rosign at any Ume wrthout cause.and lender may at any t�me and without cause eppo�nt e
<br /> F eucceaaor or aubatitute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Ilable to any party,inciudfng w�thout I{mitatfon Lender,Borrower,Trustor cr any .
<br />_
<br /> ��t '� • purchaser of the Property.lor any loss or damage unleas due to reckless or wflllul m�sconduct,and ahall not be requfred to lake any
<br /> -, ,_,�„_ ` .. � aCtfon in ConneCtlon wfth the enforcement ol this Deed of Trust unless fndemndied,in wntfng,lor all costs,compensat on or
<br />-- ..�.��.....�� ^�.���.e�e ..�a n1�6e D�n�rfu ll�u�ir{�1 nr .
<br /> - �- - expenses wnicn mey oe aasociaieo ii�arnwii��.ii�u�a;7u'v.-�.T7uo:w::o "•••
<br /> , �..a..��...,o r....................^.�°............_.._�_..,„__._._._.
<br /> � under the power of sete pranted hereln); postpone the sale ol all or any portion oi the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the
<br /> '. ' ' Properly as a whote,or�n separate parcel�or lots at Trustee's dfscretlon.
<br /> 14. FN�and Facp�n�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of powei ol sale.Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> j . ., eny aale proceeds Ifrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exerclalny power of sale.�ncludmg a117ruatee's fees.end lender'a
<br /> .�,,, end Trustee'a attorney'a lees.actually fncurred to extent perm�tted by appl�cable 1aw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> -� __ _ _ f+Z1,R prnv+d!M�+y Isw tn r.urp an Event of Oelault Lender shall be eMftled to recover Irom Trustor ell costs and expensee ectually
<br /> incurretl as a result af Trustor'a defaulf, includinq without Iimltation all Trustee's and ettorney'a�ees.to the extent permittad by
<br /> ' pPPlicable law.
<br /> , 15. Futun AdvancN. Upon request ol Borrower, l.ender rnay. at �ts option. rnake adduional and luture advancea and re•
<br /> advances to Borrower.Such advances and readvences,wflh f nterest thereon,shall be secure+l by thl�Deed of Trust.At no time ehell
<br /> the princlpal amount of the f ndebtodness secured by this Deed o}Trusl notir�u�s�s advanced to protQCt the aer,wf}y of this
<br /> " ". . .- . Deed ol Trwt exceed the oripfnel p►fncipel amount atated here�n,or S • whichever Is g�tee. • •
<br /> � �.
<br /> S i
<br /> s . . • �
<br /> �� ,
<br /> �--
<br /> —_ ,
<br />