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<br /> TOtiki'YNIiR V1'ITii :all thc imprt�tic�tknt,�u�w u� iK�.;.�:�:�:e:!oa r�.n.?Z4it',v r�rl+►{I►.�.:�tkiU�, s{►PuRriuta��,aikl =
<br /> ti�mrc� iww or h.�:rcaRrr a rari oF �he pn�xny. All ript.ucnk�us �ux1 sul+litia�s �Fwll ulw► t►c ru�c�'�xl by �hi+ �uri�y.
<br /> I��.urun�cnt. All of the forc�uinF k rcfcrr�Y1 w in thi�S�tiuriq� b�.�trunxnt:�+[Iw "Pr.y�.ny.»
<br /> pp�tRV�VER Ctl�'ENANI'S tlut &�rcuaer i,I�KfuNy sri�r.i uf ttk c�t'st�1►crcby�un��`F�''�+�'��i llu ri�ht tu�r.uu;u�! `
<br /> .vwti�ry thc Prc�p:rt} anci thal thr Pn►t+e�Ky i� uix�kumbcr�xf. crc��u I�u ciuun�+ra�u:c� uf rccurJ. liw�r.�wc� w:ur,uus suwi will _
<br /> dcf��kl generaliy[Ix title t��1hc Prupert}��y;�i���l a11 cti�nu arul�kuw►Ja, tiubj�v:t a�any en:umbraik�+��f r�tiunl. _
<br /> THIS SECURITI' 1NSTRUASEI\'i' run�iiu�unif��nn c�n•cn:►rus fur iuti�xial ux:uul�xn�-wuform r��tic�►�uu�w�th lindte�l
<br /> variuli�ns by jurisdiction t.��r�nuilutc •r uniforni security ia�tntntcau ca�'criiy;r�:a!pr��:y• -
<br /> UNiTORM CUVEIV ANTS.Boccow�cr;uxl I.r�xlcr co�•cnatn�u1 ugrcc:u�falluw�s: �•�p d� thc
<br /> 1. Ps�yn�eni oi Piriucipc�l wu! iaterest: Nrc{w�a�at xud Iste Ch�u"ges. [i��rn�u�cr alwll promptl� p�+y -
<br /> principal of and intcreu un the dcbt c�•idenced by the Notc wtd u��y'prel�yment:uxi tatc rhargcs aue u�xlcr ihc Note.
<br /> 2. Ftinds for T�ees w�d Iasurs�a��e. SUbjCCI(O�IlCtIbIC I:1W OT (0�u'TIIIC(1 W�1YC[ffy LC(K�tf. I3cuYaw'cr ch.111 pay to
<br /> L,ender on thc d�y monthtv�payn�ents are due u�xier the Note. uiuil che rioee is p:►id in full.a sum t'Futxls")fut:l�l y�rly t;axes
<br /> and assessn�ents which may atcain privrit}•over this Security�lnstrum:nt a�u lien on the Ptc�perty:�n�y����s'�����Y��"� -
<br /> or ground rents an the Property,if any: (cl yeurly h;u:ud ar propen��iiuurancc premiunu:(dl yc,�tly ticwd insuruuc prenuwnc, _
<br /> if any: le)y�ly nwnga�e ir►surance prenuunu, if:u�y:and (tl anY wmS Pal'uele by BuRaw•er to l�tuler. in accon�xx K ith
<br /> the provisians of paragrsph 6, in lieu of tF►e paynxnt of nwngage insuranca Preniiwiu. These items ure•ca!!ed'Fscrow Iten�s." _
<br /> �;�� �y, �t;uiy time,mllect and hold Funcis in an acnount rwt to excced th�: tnaxinwm anxwnt a Ie�xter fur w federally
<br /> re�ated mortgage lou�may requim for Borrow•er's escrow accaunt u��de�the federul Real Estate Se�tlement Proccxtwrs Act of
<br /> 1974 ac amendcd from tin�e to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et s�y. 1"RF.SPA'),unless anotlier law thai applie::to ttk Fwtids
<br /> sets a le.sser amount. If so.Lender may, ac a�iy time,collert a�u! hold Funds in an anwum rwt ta exceed the lesscr �ount•
<br /> �,¢��may escimate the a�mu�u of Funds due on the bacis of curnat cl�w and reasor.�b�e estimates of expe�xiiturts of future
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwisc in:ucotdance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in nn inuitution whose deposits are insared by u fcxleral agency. inswmetualiry. or entity
<br /> (including Lender.if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federal Hame l.oan&vilc. l.a�der shal zaPP����w accouut ot
<br /> Fscrow ItemS.L.enrler rnay iwt charSe Bonower for holding and applying the Funds.annual�Y�rtalY 8
<br /> �•erifying th..Eserow Items,unless L.�nder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and app��cab�e�$W Pem�its l.encler to malce welt
<br /> a ch�rge. However,Lendcr may miuire Borrower to pay a oae-time charga for an independent real esu►te tax nP°��n8�^��
<br /> used by L.ender in connation with this loan. unless applicable law provides oiherwise. Uriless an aSreement is m�de or
<br /> �1licable law re.q;�res intcrest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Botrower any interesi ur eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrow�er and[�.tr n�ay agree in writing, however,thst intecest shal!be paid on the Funds. l.ender sha11 give to Botro�+tr•
<br /> without char�e. ::.r aonual accounting of the Funds. showing ccetlits a:xx:debits to the Funds and�he purpose for wlitch each
<br /> debit to the Fw�sc:s was m�de. 7'he Funds are pledged ac adciitional seeurits�fnr all sums secural by th3s Seeurity Inctrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Leuder exceed the anwunts permittod to be held bY apPlicatrle law. Lender shall accotuu to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Fcnds in aeeordance wicb the requirements of upplicubie law. It the aroounc of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not suffccsene to pay the Escrow iten�when due.Lender►nsy sr�'nouf5'�n°wer in writing.and.in such case Bo�T°w�c
<br /> sh�41 pay to Lende�the amowu nec'.tssarY tv malce up iIx uctic:ency. �..:murs shs43 �tiP e�n�h�r.deficiescy in.ao mere t1�W . ._
<br /> twelce monthly payments,at Lender's sole discrction
<br /> Upon plyment in full of all sums securod by this Security instrument. Lender shall promptly refund t�Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shal!acquire or sel!the Property.I,�nder.priar to t}u ae+�u'�sition or sala
<br /> of the Property shall �PD�Y �Y Funds held by l.�nder at the time of acquisition or sale ac a credit a�aiact the s�s saut�d bY
<br /> thi.s Security I�trument.
<br /> 3.AppUeat�oo of Payment9. Unlas applicable law pmvides otheswise,all payme�us received bY�able��u r Pu�B*�P�
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appiied:6rsc.to anY P�Y��S�due under tIx Note: seoond.to antounts PaY P��2'
<br /> third.w interest due:fo4cth,to principal due:and 1ast.to any late charga due u�xr�.r�*e Note.
<br /> 4.Chargtes:�.Borrower st�all pay all tues.asseswtients.c�rges. fines ar�impositioas�ttribut�ble to the Property
<br /> which may �pdoriry over this Security Instrument. and le�ehai�paymenu or ground nr,c-r.if a�y. Borrower shall p�Y
<br /> tl�se obligati�rss in the n�r provided in puaBra�h 2.or if not paid in that�r.Borrower sBsLi paY them on d°�e directly
<br /> �,�,the person owed payment.Bonozver shall promptly fumis-h to I.ender�ll notias of amounts to be paid under this paragtaph.
<br /> I€Bocsower makes these paymenis dirxtly.Borrower st�ll prompAy furcrish to Leoder rereipu evidencing the pa5t�nts.
<br /> Borrower st�all promp�ly discharge a��y lien which has priority over this Securiry Inswruent unlacs BorrorYa:(�)agrees in
<br /> writing to the paymccu of the obligation securod by tbe lien in a maunr:r acceptable to Len�er: (b)contests in goad ftith the Ii,ev
<br /> by. or defetds against enforrement of the lien in. legal procealings whicfi in the Lender's opinion operate to prevau the
<br /> eaforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the halder of the lien an agrcemeni szdsfactory to Lender subordin�ting the lien to
<br /> tius Security ir.strumcnt.[F LeRder determir►es that �ny part of tho PropertY is s++bject to a lien which may at�in Ptiority over
<br /> t�.is Seeurity[nsinunent.I.ender may gi�•e Bonower a notice identifying the lien.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one oc
<br /> awre of the�set fortti above withi�.10 dzys uf tho giving of notice.
<br /> Fam 302� 9!!0
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