. . .; a�������y.- � ����c� ' itSrl:a:o/►M.fr�.w:<y :'�� -.:�.-- - �:
<br /> ._ ��.�.Liii� �l�i �'��°��lAfr�'�%+�-n�--�.-�++-+----r^-- -- -
<br /> - _� ' �,� - --:��n-
<br /> - �r �-�.''� �Y��^ ���, ,�.1RC ii�..... ' a.�'�r„
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<br /> .. � Y
<br /> ����
<br /> j:7__ _ —
<br /> .__— TpUBTOR NEAO THIS BEFOR�luiiNlNC�: ��-� ���i _
<br /> Trunar undanhnds that th�dxum�nt thtl Trustor I�about to�x�cutc I�a DMd oi Trut!and eot e rnoRp�a�and th�t th�puw�r
<br /> ��� ol�provid�d ta in th�M�d of Truft provldu�ubtta�lly ditbr�nt rlphq and obllp�don�to Tru�tor thu►a mo�q�In tM�v�nt _
<br /> ._ :;
<br /> of�d�ult or bn�cb of obllpaGon und�r ths DMd o1 Trwf,inoludfnp,but not Ilmlt�d to,!h�L�nd�r'�dphtto h�v�th�Prapety Mld
<br /> ,,•�.-- - - - -- by tho T►u�without eny�udlclal proceedinp.Truttor reprseenM en • e►nnb thet thls a wl�dp�m�nt w�s�x�cut�d by
<br /> " Trwtor bMon tlM�x�outlon ot tM D»d ot Trust.
<br /> � ��
<br /> � (Donald E. Preis do +�' H s and
<br /> ��`�;���c���
<br /> _—� ��� (Do�na Preisendorf) Truator fe _
<br /> ��
<br /> �;+.�� r,•r.. �
<br /> .. ,�`
<br /> —�"'�'"� � �• �"�' T H I S O E E D O F T R U S T,i e m a d e a�o f t h o_2 4 L h_d a y o f Ju�y _ , 19��b y end emo n p
<br /> ��� �,�T�„�,�, Oanald E. Preisendorf � Donna Preisendorf. Husband b Wife ,
<br /> -=Y�,•*�;�� -� whos�m�IIMq�ddran���?L Arizona, Grand Island� NE 68803 �hereln"7nretor:'whauwr ona or mora),
<br /> __ �h �'�• ��'r� ' " .. r+�� ��3nts Bank, A Nebraska Corporation ,
<br /> : 1� � .... .:. •.� th�Tru�tw,
<br /> ;� . � ..,�., �`�" whow rtwUinp addraw I� o n a�,. ��m Grand Isl end NE 688Q� (haroin"Tru�tap"►,end
<br /> _. , . ��r
<br />'• ^`�✓ n tha Bonoflclary. ca.. o..�..*� Gewb ,
<br />- �� w��4� w P 0. Box 1507. Grand Island. NE b8802
<br /> . whae maiUnp addrau i� (hereln":onder'�.
<br /> �'�"'""�`'`"•`''°'= ' •�.t FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION,Includlnp Lendar's axtandon of cradit IdanGflad hereln to�n81 d E. Prei sendorf B
<br />"- � .��-` ��� � � Donna Preisendorf. husband 6 wi fe
<br /> __ ��.t,�;,��.:r.4�} (hereln"8orrower",whether one or more)and the truet heroln areatal,
<br />_ . - ,-„n�:. -- :`—., -; ti�a rscoipi of which ie i�eDy oeknowiedaer., Truziar haraby lrrsvocably prsnLs,tran�fers.convey� end eeslQne to Truetee.IN
<br /> ••- ,,- , TRUBT,WITH POWER OF 3ALE,lor the benellt and oecurity oi Lendor,ur�der nnd�ub�ect to tho tprmo a nd condlGOn�harainalWr pt
<br /> ° fo►ih,the rael property,descrlbod as lollowa:
<br /> ' . � � Lot Two (2). in B1ock Sixteen (16). in Russel Wheelew's Add9tion to the C9ty of Grand
<br /> � ' y''{p�yn��� � � ����^� Island. Hal i County. Nebraska.
<br />, ��.��f(!i� � �L�.
<br /> .��`� "
<br /> '' Topether with all buildinps,improvementa,fixturea,streets,elleys,possayeways,easementa,ri0hte, privlleyea and appurte-
<br /> � •°* nencea loceted thereon or in anywlse pehefnin�thereto,and the rents,lasues end proflta,reverafons end remafndera thereof,and
<br /> • ^W+� �• •'^ � • euah personal properly thet ie attached to the Improvements so as to conatitute n Iixture,InaludinQ,but not Ilmfted to,heaGnp end
<br /> - '� coolinp equipmenx and topether with the homeatead or maritel fntereats,if any,which interests ere hereby releaaed and waived;all
<br /> `J r•+.:=-• �-=.�.�k ot which,includinp replacements and additlona thereto,la hereby declared to be e pert ol the r6al eatate ieoured by the Ilen of thl�
<br /> ��^'. ..M-• .. ' Oeed o(T�u4t end all of the forepoin9 belnp re(erred to hereln as the"Property".
<br /> �% ,. •• . • � Thla Oeed of Tru4t shall 4ecuro(a)the payment o1 the principal aum end fntereat evidenced by a promissory nole or credit
<br /> , � �
<br /> � ;�v. : °:�; epreement dated .7u1� 24� 199z„ ,hevinq a meturlry dete of Jul y 24. 1997 ,
<br /> � . �� in the oripinel princlpel amount of S �2-.��� ��.-.-._-_�---- ,end any and all modlflcatlons,extensione and renowala
<br /> :ri?�. thereot or thereto end any and all luture advencea end reedvances to Borrower(or any ot them If more than one)hereunder
<br /> ° " �" �' pureuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(hereln celled"Note"):(b)the peyment of other aums advanced by
<br />,�_ ' �:
<br /> � �����.� Lender to protect the aecurity of the Note;(c)the pe�lormance of all covenants end apreementa of Truetor aot forth hereln;end(d)all
<br /> „��. � A preeent and luture indebtedness end oblipatlons of Borrower(or eny of thum II more then one)to Lender whether dfrect,indirecf,
<br /> ���-� . .., : *:,;' ebeolute or condnpent end whether arlalnp by note,yueranty,overdraR or otherwiee.The Note,this Deed of Truet and eny end all
<br /> ?�r"'�•• other docuenta thet secure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection fherewlth,Including wlthout Iirnitatlon yuarenteea,aeourity
<br /> . `�•. "�• . . •. apreemente and aesiynmenta ot teases and rente,shell be relerred to hereln as the"Loan Inotruments".
<br /> • � Yf��:*� .`' ' Truator covenanta end egreeo with Lender as follows:
<br /> , h 1. Paym�nt ot Ind�btWn���.All Indebtedneas secured hereby shell be pald when due.
<br /> ° 2.TIU�.Truetor Is the owner of the Property, has the rlght and authority to convey the Propeny,end werrants Ihat the Ilen
<br /> ° created hereby is a tirat end prlor Iien on the Properry,except lor Ilena and encumbrances set forth by Trustor In writing and
<br /> ' delivered to Lender be(ore executlon of thla Deed of Truat,and the executfon and delivery of thls Deed ol Truat does�ot vlolete any
<br /> .� contract or other obligatlon to whlch Trustor fa aubject.
<br /> 3. TaxN,Mwum�nb.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,special asseasments and all other charyea apainst the Property
<br /> � now or hereafter levled.
<br /> �• � . . . ,' 4. Imur�nc�.To keep the Properry insured agalnst damage by fire,hazerds�ncluded within lhe term"extended coverage",and
<br /> � auch other hazerds as Lender may requue,in amounts and with companles accepteble to Lender,naminp Lender as an addltional
<br /> ' s � ' nemed Insured,with loss peyable to the Lender.In case ot loas under auch pollc�ea,the Lender Is authorized to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> compromlee,all claime thereynder and shall have Ihe optlon ol applying all or part ol the Inaurance praceeda(f)to any indebtedneas
<br />� ! seCUred hereby end In auch order as Lender may determin�,pi)to the Trustor to be used lor the repalr or restoration at the Property
<br /> or(Ni)fOr any other purpose or ob�ect setfsiactory to Lender without eHecting the Ifen of ihls Deed of Trust lor the lull emount secured
<br /> ` r:'-1-�.5i -.- - we.e►..,I.e�n.w�..n6 nsu�nonl nunr/nn4 nlnru Anv nnnllratinn nl nrnr.wwda to Indebtedness shell not extend or oostnone the due
<br /> �:--.
<br /> .._- ��
<br /> � date of any paymenta under Ihe Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> ., ,y, .
<br /> • � '' b. E�orow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor ahell pay to Lender.In such manner es Lender may dealgnate,suHlcient
<br /> ., sume to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(I)all texes,assessmen ts and other charges aqafnat
<br /> • � the Property,(II)the premlums on the property insurenCe requfred hereunder,and(iH)ihe premfums on any mortpe�ye Ineurence 'i
<br /> .�•�� - • � required by Lender.
<br /> _ - _ ---- -- � G. Malntcnznaf�Repalra and Cotng!lence wlth lewa.r��lste�sha��4ee� !na Prn�arfY In r�n� rn�rllllnn q�rl ra�wlr� chgll
<br /> • promptly repelr, or replece eny Improvement which mey ba demaged or deatroyed; snall not cammit or permlt any waste or
<br /> •• deteriaratlon ot the Prope►ty;8hqll not remove,demolfah or substantlally alter any of the�mprovementa on the Property;shall not
<br /> ,. commlt,suNer or permlt any ect to be done In or upon the Propertyr In vloletion ol any lew,ordinance,or re{�ulaGon;and ahall pay and
<br /> • ��.�•, prompGy dlscharye at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrancea and cherpea levlad,fmposed or aasessed eyalnst ihe
<br /> , �f ' ' • Prope►iy or any part thereuf.
<br /> ,tµ 7. Emin�nt Dom�ln.Lender la hereby assfgned all compensetlon,awards,damages and other payments or relief(herelnaRer
<br /> " "Proceeda'�in connectlon wlth condemnatlon or other teking ot tho Properry or pert thereof.or lor conveyance In Ileu ot condemna-
<br /> • tion.Lender shell be entitled at Ha optlon to commence,appear in and prosecute In Its own neme eny ectlon or proceedings,and
<br /> shall aleo be entitted to make any compromlae or settlement In connectlon wfth such taking or da�►ape,In the event any portlon of
<br /> P • • c
<br /> �� N�C 34671Nonpr�cultui�l OMd1 Rw 1 OieB
<br /> ��f � �LIWIUMManrO�Md�rmm��c�T�u�unub�rnp�A�w.��i�w�l�ncan.H�M�Y�
<br />