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(�)eonoww Not p�Nawd.Extentlon of th�Um�for payment or modlliapon of amortlzaUon of ths sums uound by thu <br /> DNd of Tru�t pn nhd by L�nd�r to�ny�ucc�sfor In i�rs�t of 8o►row�r�h�ll not op�►aa ta nt�,in�ny m��Il�billty <br /> - .; of tl�o�ipinal Borrower and Bo►rawer's suoce�tors In Intere�t Ler�dsr shell not be requlnd to comm�nc�proeNdlnq�apda�t -. <br /> =:Y �uch wac�wor or��tuw to�xtend dm�tor paym�nt or oth�rwlN modiy amortlz�don ot tho wm�acund by thfo D�d d Trwt - <br /> �:;:,� bp nuon M�ny d�mmd�m�de hy ths oripinel8orrow�r�nd 8orrowur's auccsiwrs In Int�rnt <br /> .- -i, � � (b) L�nd�►'� Pow�n.Wlihout ef(ecQnn the IlaWlity of any other paroon IIebN tor ths paymsnt ol sny oblipadon hW�in <br /> y mYndonsd,and wlthoutaBecUnp the Ilen or aharye of this Deed of Tru�t upon any portlon of the Property not thon or thn�totor� <br /> relse�sd a��ecu�ily fo►the futl emount of all unp�ld obUpeGon�,L.�nd�r may,hom dme to tim�and without nodce(q rNeaw�ny <br /> _��".•� psrson w Ilsble,(II)extend the msturiry or alter any o11he term�of any such obllpatlona,(Iii)prpnt other Indulpenc�,p�)relww <br /> '��''' ti'j'`--'� or reconvay,or cau�e ro be relaq�ed or reconveyed at any Qme et Lender's option any paraql,poRlon or all ol tha Property, <br /> ------ - - <br /> ° � (v)teke or reloese eny othor or eddltional securiry tor any obNpadon h�reln mentlonsd,o►(vq maka aompofldont or odt�r <br /> s�,r�rc��...:,.<.�,� - <br /> "'_'�`'���" ananpements with debron in relaUon thereto. <br /> +�%��=��� (a) FotlNarwno�by L�ndor Not�W�Iv�r.Any lorbearance by Lender In exeraleinp any rl�ht or remedy hereunder,or <br /> —:.�.�� othenvl4e ello►ded by appliceble law,shell not be a walver of or preclude the exeralse oi eny�uch riQht or remedy.The <br /> �b=":r,s'��'� procurement of Ineurance or the peyment of taxea or other Ilens or cherpea by Lender�hall not be a wwiva�of Londer's�Ipht W <br /> �IRI;r:� _!t``, <br /> �,;Y'�k. , occalerate the maturity of the Indobtedne�s secured by this Deed ot Trwt <br /> (d) Suae�ton�nd Assipn�paund;JWnI�nd Sworal LIablQty;C�ptlom.The covenanb and apreemenu herein con- <br /> e� qinsd�h�ll bind.and the riphts hereunder 4hall Inurs to,the rospecQve successors and assipni of Lender and Truator.AN <br /> -- ""-"`-°°" covenanffi and a�reemenb of Tru�tor thall be Joint and eevaral.The oeptlons end headinys o11he parayrppho ot thu Oaad ot _ <br />- ���"�'�'"`' � Tru�t are for conveMence only and are not to be uaed to Mterpret or define the proviaions hereof. <br /> -.flDl.rsr�um,t.2�:j� <br /> f, (e) Rpu«t tnr NotiaN.Tho pa►tles hereby requeat that a copy ol any notice of delault hereunder and e copy of any not�e <br /> of sale hereunder be malled to each perty to this Deed of Trust at the addre�aet forth above in the manner pre�aribed by <br /> ���e r•�• a Iiceble law.Exce t tor an other notice re uired under e Iloeble lew W be givan In enother menner,an noUce rovided <br /> "'''';'�x pP P Y q PP Y P <br /> - �'', ���'�' +�.t �" lor in lhis Daed of Trwt shall be�Iven b melli auch notice by certitled mall addressed to the other aRiei,at the addreu sat <br /> �: .��:..�`.;�.�._ :�. y � <br /> ' '� . lorth ebove.Any noUce provided for in thfs Deed of Truet shall be eNective upon mailing In the manner deaignoted hor�in.U _ <br /> - � ' u'''' `N�� � Trustor Is more then one penon,notice sent to Ihe eddreae�et foAh above ehell be noUce to all euch pe►ec�na. <br /> `�`{`i'�;`a'-°''",';' (q Imp�otbn,Lender mey meke or cause to be made reasonable entrlea upon and inepecdon�of tho Property,provided - <br /> """";� `"�!�""'��� �'�� ' that Lend�r ehNl plve Truator notlao prior to any auoh Inspection epeeifylnp►aawnable oause therotor relehd to l.ond�r• <br /> - < ::,4��:��-:��� ,� InWre�t in tha Property. <br /> '.�.�:-„��.;; , , ;; , (y) R�conv�y�nee.Upon payment of all aums secured by thie Deed of Truat,Lender ahell request Trustee to reconvey ths <br /> =�.�'- '•�� � PropeHy and shall�urronder this Deed ot Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness aecured by thls Deed of Tru4t to Truetee. <br /> `-� �`'__�w:d��.�:,_;.,;a;it. Trusbu shall reconvey the Property without werrenty and without oher�e to tha penon w persons lepally emided tharsto. <br /> , ,_�"� . - -..':"� Trustar shdl <br /> ` .... pay all coats u1 racordatlon,If any. <br /> ,,:,�..:� .. <br /> ;�,i,_;,�....�:;;.. �c.< (h) P�non�l Prop�rly;S�eurHy AprNmmt.As edditionel security for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby prenb <br /> �'- , Lender under the Nebraska UMiorm Commercial Code a securlty intereat in all tlxtures,equlpment,end other pereonal prope►ry <br /> "^ u�ed In connection with!he real eetate or Improvements loceted thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be e paR ot <br /> ' �•, - � n 1he real eafate�ecured hereby.Thls Inatrument shell be conetrued ae a 3ecurity llpreement under seid Code,end the Lender <br /> ' �:�� � ehell heve all the riphte and remedies ot a eecured party under aeid Code in addltion to the rights and remediea created under <br />- , �� . � and accarded tbe Lender pureuant to thls Oeed ot Truet;provlded that Lender's rights and remediea under lhis paregraph ahall <br /> be cumuladve with,and in no way a Ilmitatlon on,Lender's riphte and remedlea under eny other seaurUy aqreemont ti�ned by <br /> � �> � Borrower or TNator. <br /> �,,,.; � (f) Ll�n�and Encumbranc��.Trustor hereby warrants and representa thet there is no default under the provfslons ol any <br /> mortyaye,deed ol trust,lease or purchase contract describinp all or any pert of the P�operty,or other contracf,Inatrument or <br /> ; - "` apreement constituNnp a Ilen or enaumbrence agelnst all or any part of ihe Property(colleatively,"l.iens"),exleGnp aa of the i� <br /> ' • ' �~� •�,+�-� date of thl�Deed of Truet,end thet any end all exfating Liene remeln unmodlfied exeept ae dleelosal to Lender in Truator'e <br /> •,.,. <br /> Y;� ��„�,;,.�"', . written dlacloeure of Iiens and encumbrancea provided tor hereln.Trustor ahall timely pe►form all of Truetor'a oblf�edonf, <br /> �,�, •„,.,;.�• ,. covenents,repreaentetlone end war�antiea under any end ell exisitiny and luture Llens,ehall promptly forward to Lender coplea �: <br /> ,+�� ' of all noticea o1 detault sent In connectlon with any end all exlstinp or tuture Llens,and ahell not without Lender't prior wrftten <br /> '� ' '� �•'�`��'• , � conaent In any rnenner modlly the provislons ol or ellow any luture edvancee under eny exlatinp or future Lfene. <br /> •.. , � �;�� <br /> �; ;�,., . , U) AppllcaHon of P�ym�nt�.Unlesa otherwfae requlred by law,aums pafd to Lender hereunder,Includinp wlthout limitatfon <br /> ,;�, . paymente of prl�cipel and Intereat,insurance proceeds,condemnetfon proceed4 and renta and prolits,ehall be applied by <br /> "' . . londer to the emounts due end owfnp from Trustor and Borrower In auch order en Lender In Ita aole discretion deema deaireble. <br /> •".�;�. . (k) Sw�r�bllit�. If any p►ovision ot this Daed of Trust conflicts with appllcable law or la declared inva8d or otherwiee <br /> ' ' ' unenlorceeble,such conflfct or Invalldlty ahall not aNect the other provisons ot thls Deed of Trust or the Note which can be <br /> . � o" .. � qlven eHect wltl�out the contllctinp provision,and to this end the provlNons of thle Deed of Truat and 1he Noto oro declorod to ba <br /> _"�. ,' •. ..,,.:: .. " � �evarable, f <br /> . � " (I) T�mw.The terms"Truetor"end"Borrower"ahall Include both singular and plurel,end when tlw Trwtor ond Borrowor ' <br /> r1 aro the Qame peraon(s),those terms ae uaed In thfs Deed of Trust ahall be interchangeable. <br /> ����-�""'' ;, (m) pov�minp I.�w.Thls Deed of Truat shall be governed by lewe of the 3tete of Nebreaka. <br /> ' *}a"'�`' "� Trunor hqo oxocutod thlo Deed ol Truat aa o}the date wrltten above. <br /> . � Gd/LLU-^ �lC � <br /> °' ` - " � Dan� Kaye K�etor <br /> , ,�, .. <br /> o �, .. - <br /> ,. � Truator <br /> • n <br />��, j _ I <br /> �J v.,�w 11�0�''PM'�S!'f3b? .: I <br /> ��- , __ �rx s...��,. _ ! Y�. ��AC"!!EU►Mdi•1 ! � <br /> _ _ �-- ,. - --- d �l���011'!1?'�➢i q t'?•�.�*� � <br /> � ; <br /> . � <br />, . .. � <br /> h . i <br /> Y , <br />'__-. -, - __ _—_-�=�:'- � <br /> t <br /> ` ;' :�".� <br /> . ;.��•. <br /> � <br /> ,� ; <br />