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<br /> .:a":- TflUSTOR READ THIS 6EFORE 81ONIN0: '
<br /> `�;'��' t� T►u�Wr unds►�tands Ihat ths documsnt th�t Trustor I��bout to�xeout�u�W�d ol T�u�t�nd not�mortp�p�and th�t th�powM
<br /> �;'�� ; -.-I , of swl�provid�d for In th�DNd of Trwt provltNs wbtl�nqNlydlH�r�nt rlphb and obllpatlom W 1"ru�to►thlu��moAp�p�U UN�rMlt
<br /> of a d�f�ult or brwoh ot ob11pWon under th�DMd of Tru�L Inoludlnp,but not IImINd�L�nd�r'�righl to h�v�Ih�P��MIy�old
<br /> by th�7ru�tM without any �udiol�l procNdlnp.T�ustor npr�pn �nd wa►rartls th�t thb�akrwwl�pwi�n�wns�wu{ud bi► °
<br /> T�w�r bNon q���tc�autlon o}tM DNCI of Tru�4
<br /> _ '�Y• �/
<br /> Y_.� ` af1� � • wCk T/IqtOf
<br /> -- ,�,.���ae y
<br /> • �a:�
<br /> 3F'•'3lbrT'�a.�'� �ti� :rr TfW10�
<br /> -� '�rt.
<br /> • • +'.
<br /> �.��������
<br /> Jul.
<br /> � �:� :�' - "�.� THIS DEED OF TRUST,b mede a�ol the�!�doy of , 10 9Z bp�nd arnorq
<br /> ��55 :.�-1.i�:._.�
<br /> � , . ::•.., d�7ruator. Oana K�y� K�olc . �inql� p�rson ,
<br /> - ° .:��:>Y:�;;�•=;, 1183 M 12th SL Grand I�l�ad IM f,B6i1-37Z4
<br /> m.''�� • who�m�ilinp addreas i� (herd�'Tru�tor."whNh�►on�a may,
<br /> - ���h�
<br /> _•,�• ;� " .:..�.
<br />�"��.'::?� ,' ,, the Trustee, Fiv� Poinb B�nk, • N�bra�k� Corpor�tion �
<br /> ti , ,� �._ ,,.�.
<br /> — '�'. ..��...:^ .. +.. P.O. Bos 1307 Rr�ad I�land, MS 6660Z
<br /> :, ' ' whow mailinp addrees U (h�►�In"TrustN"►.�rld
<br /> .,J,��i , >
<br /> '` `' • ' '�'� �• tha B�netlolory, Fiv� Point� B�nk ,
<br />"r` :,`.� . i�' � �� s�, ; P.O. Box 1�7 �irand I�l�nd. 116. G86P2-1�7
<br /> �.,,,: whwe maill�p addrera 1� (���"�M��
<br /> `r w.;� •.: .r•'. . �
<br /> = " FOR VAWA9LE CON8IDERATION,includMp Lendor'4 eztendon of oredit IdonUtlad horoln to
<br /> ,.,.;�__;"f`�'_:,;�;._:__,= D�n� K�y� K�ok (hereln"8orrower",whether one or more)and the trun hsaln cnatM,
<br /> '� ' the receipt of whloh I� hereby acknowledped,Trustor hereby irrevoaably�ranta,tranefere,conveya antl aeilpns to Trusfw,iiV
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,lor the benetlt end securiry d Lender,under and aub�ect to the terms and condidons honlnuA�r Mt
<br /> � • �' Mrth,the real properry, descrlbed a�followa:
<br /> ,� ' ° � Lot On� ti) in Blaok Fovr (�{) in Oilbrrt'� AddiLion to tl» City ot Lir�nd
<br /> ` ��; I�l�nd. N�11 County, Y�br��k�.
<br />. . �. '+�5 " .
<br /> ..,.0.,-
<br /> 7�. .-v.. : .
<br /> � {;, _.�.. ' ..y ,.
<br /> •• � .;.� .. Topether with all buNdinps, improvements,flxtures,slreets,elleys,passageweys,easements,riflhts,privilepes and appurte-
<br /> , .,', , nences loaeted thereon a in anywise pertelninq thereto,and the renta,lasuea and profits,reverabna and remeindero thereof,end
<br /> • . •�.;�;,. auch peraonal properly Mat le etteched to ihe improvaments so as to conatitute e Iixlure,Includinp,but not Ilmited to,h�atinp and
<br /> � coolinp equlpmenfi and topether wlth tha homestead or merit�l interests.If any,whlch Intereete ere hereby releasod end weivad;ell
<br /> �, '��• �, of which,Includinp replacements end edditlons thereto,Is hereby declared to be e pert of the real asfate saaured by tha Ilan of thls
<br /> �- �,, ; .yy�� .,�•. Daed oi Trust and all of tha loreqoln�beinp referred to hereh aa the"Properly".
<br /> �` �� _ Thie Deed of Tru�t ehell�ecure (a)the payment of the principel sum and Interest ovldenced by a promissory noW or cradlt
<br /> j.:. "•"ry.'� .�''''•_
<br />, � �:,
<br /> �'` apreement doted Julv 22nd 1992 ,havinp e maturlty dete oi Au�uot' lot 1997 �
<br /> , � -_
<br /> ;:Y" �, fn the oripinal principal emount ol S Z0'Z60'S� _.and eny and all modiflcetione,extenalons and renewals
<br /> �ti � ,,;,= thereof or thereto end any and ell future edvences end readvances to Borrower(or any oi them If more than one)hereunder
<br /> �. • • purauant to one or more promissory notes or credit epreemeMS(herein called"Note");(b)the payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> ' ' Lender to proteot the eecurity of the Nota;(c)the perlormanceoi all covenants and ayreements of Trustor sot forth herefn;and(d)all
<br />�"'��. ' preaent end luture indebledness end abllQatlons of Borrower(or eny o1 them H more than one)to Lender whether direct,IndlreCt,
<br /> .,. ebaolute or Continpent end whether arlsing by note,quarenty,overdrett or otherwise.The Note,this Deed o}Truet and any and all
<br /> �� � ' other docuente that aecure the Note or otherwlse executed In connection therewNh,fncluding wfthout Iimitstlon guerenteea,cecurlly
<br /> �� '•� apreemente and assipnments oi leases end rents,shell be relerred to hereln as the"Loan Instruments".
<br />.. ��,►s��•.. Y Trustor covenanta and agree�wHh Lender es followa
<br /> • '" ' 1. P�ym�nt of Ind�bMdn�ss.All Indebtedneas aecured hereby shall ba pald when due.
<br /> � . 2. TIG�.Trustor ia the owner of the Property,has the ripht and authorfty to convey the Property,and werrants that the Ilen
<br /> ' ' creeted hereby is a Ilrst and prior Ilen on the Property, except for liens and encumbrances set foNh by Truator in wrltinp and
<br /> � • �6 delivered to Lender before executlon of thls Oeed of Truat and the executlon and delivery of thls Deed ol Truat does��ot vfolate any '
<br /> ' contrect or other obllpatlon to which Trustor fs subject. -
<br /> x . 3. T�x��,An�um�nts.To pey belore detlnquency all taxes,special eeeessments end all other charyes aqefnat the Properly
<br /> . now or hereafter levled. ,
<br /> . 4. In�ur�nc�.To keop the Proporty insured againat damape by Ifre,hazards included within the term"extended coverege",and -
<br /> " auCh other haxarda es Lender may requlre,in emounts and vnth companies acceptable to Lender.naming Lender as nn add�tfunal
<br /> � S nemed Ineured,wilh Iose payeble to the Lender.In case ol loes under such policies,iha Lender is authorized to ad�u84 colleCt and
<br /> ° ' compromise,all cleims thereunder and ahall have the option ol applying all or part ot the Insurance proceeda(1)to any Indebtednesa
<br /> � , seaured hereby and in suCh order es Lender may determinP,pl)to the Truator to be used lor the repalr or restoratlon o1 the Properly
<br /> �__— �,r��• or(iil)lor eny other purpoae or ob�ect setisfactory to Lender without eHecting the Uen of thls Deed ol Truat for the lull emount secured
<br /> — --- —
<br /> - , 5 h6f6by b6fore 8uCh paym0nl ever IoOk p1aCe.Any appncat�on o�proceeas to inaeotedneae anaii noi e�iend or posipvne inu uue
<br /> - , dete of eny paymente under the Note,or cure any dEfault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6, Escrow.Upon wnUen demend by Lender,Trustor shau pay to Lender,In auch manner as Lender may deaipnate,sufl�clent '
<br /> � ' aume to enable Lender to payas they become due one or more ol the lollowlny:(f)all texea,asaea�menta end other chargea apafnat
<br /> � �• the Properly,(ll)the premlums on the property Insurence requlred hereunder,and Illf)the premiums on any mortflaye�naurance ,
<br /> _ � � __ _ requlred by Lender.
<br /> - ' •• -- 8. MaMbnanc�,R�p�tln and Compll�nc�wlth Laws. Tru�lor shall keep the Property�n pood condltion and repeu,shell
<br /> i' � promptly repelr, or replace eny Improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed; ahall not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> � deterbratlon o}the Pmperty;ehell not remove,demolfah or eubatentlally alter any ol the�mprovementa on Ihe Properly.ehall not
<br /> � �� , commlt,euHer or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Prope►ry In vloletlon of any law,ordmance,or reguletion;and ahall pay and
<br /> ' , � � promptly dlecharpe at Trustor's cost and expenee all Ilene, encumbrancea and charyc�s lowed.Impo9ed or assese�ed a�ainrt lhe
<br /> � Property or any pert thereoi.
<br /> , • 7. Emin�nt Oomdn.Lender 18 hereby esalpned ell compenaet�on,awarda.damages and other paymonta or reliet(hereinaRer
<br /> � „ , "Proceeds")In connection wlth condemnatlon or other taking oi the Property or part thereof,or for conveyence In lieu ol condemna-
<br /> • " tlon.Lender ahell be entllled at its optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In Its own neme eny e�tlon ar procaedings,and
<br /> • �� ahell aleo be entitled to make any compromise or aetllement n conner,tlon wlth euch lekinq or damey�n Ihp uvent ony portion ul
<br /> •,�.. . NM[3A571Nnmgnenl�unl OMeI Rw 1(1•!S , .
<br /> � , l O 19N NNwnN Y�N�dtannr.uiru�und S�nnO��wcnuoa lmcoln N�tr�w _
<br /> '� . 1
<br />