<br />This deb4 is evidenc� by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument ("Note"), w}rich
<br />provid� for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on July 01, 2041
<br />. This Security Instrument secures to I,ender: (a) the repayment of the debt evid�►ced by the
<br />Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the PaYment of all other sums,
<br />with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the se�urity of this Security Insavment; and (e) the Performance
<br />of Borrowec's covenants and agreements under this Sacurity Instcument and the Note. For this purpose, Boirower
<br />irrevocably grants and conveys to tha Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, tha followiug descn'baci prope�iy lacated
<br />in Hall Cowrty, Nebraska:
<br />The i�asterly 3isty T,vo aad Seventy Sive Sundredths Feet (62075') of Lot Five (5)
<br />and the iPest 3evea►teen aad T9venty Five Hundredths E'eet (17 .25' ) of Lot Sis (6) ,
<br />in Grace Lutheraa Church 3ubdivision, City of Grand Island, Sall Couaty,
<br />Nebraaka.
<br />Thia as a purchase money mortgage.
<br />Parcel ID Number: 400136821
<br />wluch has the address of 810 E Bismark Rd [S��]
<br />Gsat►d Islarid [City], Nebraska 68801 [Zip Code] ("Propetty Address");
<br />T�ETHER WiTH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on tha groperiy, and all easements,
<br />appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a pazt of the property. All replacements and additions s1�all also be
<br />covered by this Security Inshvment. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Properiy.°
<br />Borrower understands and agre�s that MERS holds only legal title to the int�ests grantad by Boaower in th�s
<br />Security Instcvment; but, if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS, (as nominee for I,ender and I.ender's
<br />successors and assigns), has the right: to exercise any ar all of thosa interests, including, but not limited to, the right
<br />to fore,close and sell the Praperiy; and to take any action required of I.ender including, but not limited to, releasing or
<br />canceling this Security Instrument.
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Honower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br />9rant aad convey the Property and that tha Property is unencumbered, except for enc�nmbrances of record Boaower
<br />warrac►ts and will def�d g�erally the titla to the Properiy against all claims and demands, subject to any
<br />encumbrances of r�ord.
<br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifarm covenants for national use and non uniform covenaats
<br />with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property.
<br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agr� as followa:
<br />1. Payment of Prindpal, Interest and Latc Charge. Boaower sha11 pay when due the principal o� and
<br />interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and late charge.s due under the Note.
<br />2. Monthly Payment of Ta$es, Insarance and Other Charges. Barrower shall include in each monthly
<br />payment, together with the principal and intere.st as set forth in the Note and any late charges, a sum for (a) tax� and
<br />special assessments levied or to ba levied against tha Property, (b) le,asehold paym�ts or ground rents on tha
<br />�'�P�Y� ���) Premiums far insurmnca required under paragraph 4. In any yeaz in which the Lender must pay a
<br />mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary of Housing aad Urban Development ("Secretary"), aa' in anY Yeac' m
<br />wluch such premium would hava been requirred if Lende� still held the Security Instnuner►t, each monthlY Pa3'ment
<br />shall also include either: (� a sum for the annual mortgage insiu�ance premium to be paid by Lender to tha SeGretazy,
<br />or (ii) a monthly chazge instead of a mortgage insurance premium if this Security Insttiunent is held by the Se�retmry,
<br />in a reasonable �mount to be determine� by the Secretary. Except for the monthly cbarge by the Saxetary, these
<br />items are callal "Escrow Items" and the sums paid to Lender are called "Escrow Funds."
<br />2200140217 �� � /' D V4NNE
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