<br />� '` . .. . •Nir � t!^i`ly{ w.T.' ... ���,_ . .�_ -._ . "++ta'.,,. .�r ''__''_.�-�-nru���fr�-
<br /> ._. � -�xs ws���� . .. . `
<br /> 1�PAiC6 '!'a 110�'lYiAOB OR DBLU OP TRUST UNDYi! •
<br /> �_- -__--- - PARM YOi�ST�AD PibOTfiCTION ACT g�— ._
<br /> --------- Z+t�.S69
<br /> - MAIViiR
<br /> �=�_-_�'_""'"' Iu socordance with tho proviaione of the Nebrnskn Far�n HowPALP.RfI Protpction act, the �
<br /> uode�eigned, 33'1'�YBN D. HAN86N �nd Cl(NTHIA B. HANBBN, buaband and Mite� prior to executfng
<br /> the sttatrhed Dxed oP 'fruot dated July ��, 1892, by end between the undersiQned and TH�
<br /> BTATB BANR OF CAIBO, A NebraBka &inkln� Corporwtioa� (hereinafter referred to �s
<br /> _.�.� "Mortae�o") hvreby state and aaknoWlodQe:
<br /> NAlYSR
<br /> ��Y'� !, T1e r�8etdped tt�te�, ur��t�t� �od re�reu�h iM�t tYeit drelU�s boue ud otler hdldi��� �d)ect to�Io�ate�d�ee pre�e�tllr bc�tel yo�
<br /> - tl�tollorl�{deicrtb�d rut e�t�tt Ileredter reterred to a'Pueel 1") ' ' , ``
<br /> A tttct ot l��d eoiPri�ii{�p�rt of t6e So�tYre�t q�uter oI tle Ibrthed Qa��ter 18Y lA WI U41, ud part of tie ,.
<br /> - -- Northe�t Q�erter oi t1e 8orthoe�t q�utee (AM 111 811 I/1) o[8ect[o� Pou (41, Tmuki�Q le�e� III) lortl, (!up _
<br /> ;y� Trel�r (1l1, Yed ol tke iti P�M�, f� N�U Ca�t', Yebruti�, �ore p�rtic�ltrly do�cribed u to llo��: , ---
<br /> -v�f „_„,�, Besiai�g �t tle 8o�tkreit cor�er o[ �eid lortl�e�t pa�rter IYY 1l1) tle�ce lo�tlerl� doa{ tle �e�t Ilae ot esid
<br /> eecllo� Fo�r �I�, �dirtuce of Pov Nudred EtOYty-tix ud tliry-re�e�B��dredtlo 11i6.3f1 Peet; t�ence detlecti�6
<br /> ;.:,.,. riRlt 89��0'If' sal rr�d�{tuterly, �di�tuice ef Pi�e 8�edred Yi�eq-H�e��d 9i:t�•�eve 8�odredtb (695.61� Peet;
<br /> ; ' lleue 800tierlp p�r�l lel to t1e Ile�l li�e of�sid 8ectioe Po�t (41, � did�ece oF E[:9o�drd Tllrtr-tii ud
<br /> . , 8e�e�t�-tltee Yn�dredtA�(i3i.T�1 Peet; tleece detlecti�� riglt 88�OS'03' ud ru��fas leoterl��di�tu�ce of Pi�e
<br />:k; .. 9udred li�et�-fiv��nd Bi�tq-ieve� Budredlh� (59S,i11 Feet to tle Ye�l Ii�e of ufd Sectio� Poar 14); tle�ce
<br /> r'" ' ; IortYerl� alo�{ tAe Ite�t li�e of uid 8ectio� Poat (41� � di�t��ee ot U�e Nradeei lif tl�to�r ud 8��e�tr-tlra
<br /> - � s � ��;tii` • ', Yudredth (141�17� Peet to tle pl�ce of beai��iq.
<br /> - `�.'±9��� _, fle udenl{�M tctao�iei{e tiit tiey ia� a riBit to uic a de.idr.tt�r�ot I�t�iteu► ti t�s Mcrings ar 8rtd s!?rsst far t5e par�e e!
<br /> 'i� Mt��>"�'��'7 4tfordi�{ tle a�porto�Itr to �et�in tleir Ya�eotetd ie the eu�t of det�alt ui (oreclonre uder LYe Nxtj�4e or tentee'�ule ��der tb �e�d ot
<br /> `'�t��:r`r" ;"J��a* Tr��t.
<br /> '��_. �. .
<br /> `� ��.���"i«•�:'�:�' �� ile a�deni��ed acteorled�eo tld the e�ecrtio�ot thi� rsl�er co�ttit�te� the co�plete r�i�er ot ri{It�otAent�e u4iltble fot tle p�rpo�e of
<br /> � , "��'' � �flardi�{ t1e opport�ait�to ret�ia t lo�e�te�d ip tle eve�l ot �det�dt nd�q fotecloure ud�r tl�llort4�eor tnrtee'i ule uder tle De�d
<br /> .�. ' �'x'-;�r;��r.;°- OI t�ut.
<br /> ,,(:,•'yt.i"�a._. ..�.� .�
<br /> . ,:.�Fi�i:.-� :�i;�,. 4� TYe Wenlpd�wte t1�t t1i��ckMrlel�e�t W ut�er ii t�eir k�o�L�ud �olutu��ct ud leed ua tYe der�ipe�io brel�dlliyy ud
<br /> .:<.;*.'..:"-�"..,.` `�'..• nlutuUl ui�e� reli�i�l u!rabe�y ud aU ri�lt to wt��le�ip�tio�d IoW�tai i� tk Nat�qe oe Nd d lrat.
<br /> t:.; � ;�'�'�°��'��� �
<br /> �"" �'-� 5� fle �eden[aaed t�rtlee �derate�d nd�aree tl�t tbi�ecYeovledg�eat a�d rai+er�lell be (ilad u� Ptefue to ud 6eco�e�p�rt of tle Nort�ue
<br /> �rr :+� �,,,1e� .�;t+� �Q.:,
<br /> �''• `�,p,,:;,�,,,,.ris�.w,� or Deed of Trrot.
<br /> �•::�. //��
<br /> h�.r. � �
<br /> � }" � ` • +�� .•r; Dated J�lly �, 1992
<br /> ,f ' y. �
<br /> . . �"''""• , . ' BTSVBN D. HANSBN
<br /> � �`ir.:
<br />.� . ��"- .q.`Mfii ., . _ � ^
<br /> � ` �� '' V
<br /> .�c,� - _
<br /> a �
<br /> ,;.��_';C�, ! i�'�Z�IA R. HAN9BN
<br /> �;� y , �.. . BTATS OF NBBRAAKA� COUNTY OF HALL:
<br />. :: �
<br /> r ,,,• "; � • The foreqoing instrument was acknowledKe�d bof�re� me tl�l� pZ� _ da,y of July,
<br /> ; . �� � 1992� by STBV[sN D. NANSBN and CYNTHIA 6. NAN36N, hueband and Mife.
<br /> tr,,��'.� .. M M�Ni
<br /> .. .. ti .. � ���,p010NM� ��
<br /> � . �� 01�� --- �
<br /> ;.. _ � � _ . NO PUBLI C
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