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<br /> pwyment�may no IonQer be roquired.At tho option of Lender,if mortgagc Insuranca coveruQe(in the am�unt w�d for�hc pedad
<br /> Ihot Lerder roquirea)providad by on insurer approved by Lender again boc�mes awailAble and is�bteinal. Borrower ahall poy
<br /> tho prcmiurtu�roqairad ta malntain mon�aQe insuruue in cffcet.ar to provide a loss rescrve,undl the requi�ement fo�mort�e
<br /> itwurance ends in accor+dance w1U�rny written agrament t+ctwoen Bc�rtower aM l.ender or uppiicable iaw. ,
<br /> 9. 1�p�Mion.Lendcr or its pgent tnay make rc,�sunable eMries upon ac�d inRpactions of the Property. Lender�iwll�ive
<br /> Borrowcr notia At the time of o�prior tu on inspoctiun�pecifyin�rea5onable cause for tho inspection. , .
<br /> _,_____ __ ___ 10. Condemtwtiun. The proc�ds of any award or claim for danages, direct or wnsequentiel, in conneciion with any
<br /> __— ---- - --�
<br /> —_ candemnation or other tpkln�of qny part of tha Property,or fo�conreyan� iu lieu uf coidernn�tion,are hcrcl�y+ua�Y .
<br /> ::,.� �iwll be paid to I.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds siwll be applied to tha sums secunxl by this Security instrument,
<br /> whcther or not then due, with any exccss paid to Borrower. In�he cvent of a partial taking of the Property in which the iair
<br /> market v�lue of the Proparty lmmediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the omount of the sums secured by thlc
<br /> Securiry Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree in writin�.the sums r�ecured by
<br /> _ �-- �--�- `°_`_-- this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the praccxds muUiplied by the fbllowing fraction: (a) the total
<br /> --—� °-- amount of the sums aecured immediately before the taking,divided by (b) thc fair mazket value of the Property immediately
<br />� beforo the takjng. Any balance shall be paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Propeny in which the fair
<br /> — market value of thc Propeny immediately before the taking ia less then the amount of the sums secured inunediately before the
<br /> — --..--� tuking, unless Borrower and l.ender otherwise agrex in writing a udess applicable law otherwise providea, the praceeds aiwil
<br /> bo�pplied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> — -- If thc Property is atx+ndoned by Borrower,or if,after nnticc by Lendcr to Borrawer thet the condemnar offera to make an
<br /> _ -- - -•�-,-,
<br /> �;,•• . ,�'� uward or settle a ciuim for damages, Barrower fails to respond to l.ender within 30 days after the date the nbtice is given,
<br /> n �. I.ender is authorized to collect at�d apply the praceeds,at i�R aption. oither to restoration or repair af the Property or to the sums
<br />�` '` : .,:,.�. �`.;�:;'�, serured by this Secudty Instrument.whether or not then due.
<br /> � Unless I.ender and 8orrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicution of proceeds to principal shali not extend or
<br /> ' = ��� :t� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or chAnge the amaunt of cuch payments.
<br /> `"" 11.Borrower Not Iteleased;Forbearance By I.ender Notw Waivea �xtension of the time for payment or modificstion
<br /> -_ � � of amortization of the bums�secured by this Security Instrwnent gmntod by Lend�r tu any successor in interest af Borrower shull
<br />-=-- not operote to releuse thc linbiliry of the original Barrower ar Barmwer's succcsw�rs in interest. L.cnder shull not be required to
<br />— commence pmcevdings o�einst uny success�►r in interest or refuse to eatenJ time fiir payment ur othenviM modify umoni•r.ution
<br />-�r, of the aums securod by this Security Inslrument by reuum oi uny der.wnd nwdc by thc uriginul Born�wer ur Borrowcr's
<br /> -= successors in interest. Anv forbearunce by l.ender in exerciain�{uny ri�h1 or renu�iy ahall not t�:u wuiver ut or preclude the
<br /> g„.,_ _-- ,��� .—
<br /> _ ��• cxercine uf uny right or rero�tily.
<br /> � �..,����� I�•� �Z, Succe�ory and MsiQnv Bound; Joinl And Several I.iabllityt Casigoer�. The covenunts and ugreementx oP this
<br />�= . ��J- .. hA�� Secu�iry Instrument shull birul and benefit the xaccesssors und a�sign� of Lciuler anJ l3�iRawcr, subject w the provisions of
<br /> paragrnph 17. Borrower'x covenanta and ugrexmenls shull be joint unJ u:verul. Any Borrower who co-rigny this Security
<br /> L�.; ;, Instrument but does not exccute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Security Intitrument only to mortgagc, grunt and comey that
<br />��=• `K"`� . n Borrower's intere�t in the Prupeny undcr thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrument;(b)is not per.tionully obligated to pay the sums
<br /> � � � 5"��;.`. -: secured by this Security Instrument; und(cl ugrees that L.ender unJ uny other Borruwer may ugree to extend,madify,forbcar or
<br /> �`'�,r dt,���'.'� � makc nny accommodations with regard to thc term�uf thix Security Inrtrument or the Note wichout thut Borrowcr's consent.
<br /> ""�`�'"'' �'�°"` 13.I�oan Chatges. If the loan secured by this Security Insirument is xubject to u law which sets muximum loun charges, _
<br /> .,,�..:,,+,,.,... ..�;
<br /> . a, •?�*�'�"°f4�•���4 ..;.. and thut law is finally interpreted w�hut the interest or other Iwn churge+ c��llected or to be collectect in cannection with the
<br /> �`° � ��"4="` ''�'� ` loan excced the pennitted limits,then: (u)uny such lonn churgc sh�ll bc rcdurcd by thc umount necessury to reduce the charge =
<br /> ' '�fi-•::,...:_:,
<br /> . •� �4;--' :r'• ro the permitted limit; and(b►any sums alreaJy cullertcJ from Borrowcr which cxceedeJ permittcd limits will be refunded to
<br /> �'"� "?',`�""�"`�'""' Borrower. Lender muy choose to make �his refunJ by rc�lucing the principrl ow�kl unJer thc Nnte or by muking u direct
<br /> '��r�r � � ,, payment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces princip•rl. �he reduction will be treuted us n partial prepayment without any
<br /> .' � ,r���T-�;c- •,•"�: prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br /> = '� � �`��`��' ��' 14.Notices. Any nntice to Borruwer provided fiir in this Security Instrun�ent shull b�:given by dclivering it or by mniling
<br /> ' ,�.r...::.....�..:.. it by first cluss muil unless uppl�ruBle law reyuires use uf unother methaxl.The noticc tihull be directed to the Property Address
<br /> .. �-xa.r.,. ..
<br /> � ,.. � '' �` ` or uny ather uddress Borrower designates by nutice t�� LenJcr. Any natice to L.enJcr shull be given by first cluss muil to =
<br /> �'�� l.ender's uJJrews stuted hcrein or uny othcr addres� I.cnder dcsisn�tes by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provided fbr in this
<br /> a��d'' ��� �.�;:;�r�� Security Ins�rument shull be deemeJ to have bc�en given to&rrr�iwer nr L.endcr when given ati provided in this pazugrnph. -
<br /> , , 1S.Governing Law; Severabilfty. This Srcurity Instrumenl shull bc governed by fcdcrul law und the law of the
<br /> ° , � - �,� � � jurisdiction in which the Property is locateci. In thc cvent thut uny provish►n or rluuse of this Security Ins�rument or the Note
<br /> �•.�.y ,�.: . • contlicts with upplicable Inw,such conllict�hall nut uffe�:t othrr provisi�m+ot'this Security In,trument or the Nnte which can be _
<br /> . - . � _ given effer.l without thc conflicting provision. To thix end thr provisiom ol' thi�Security In+trument and the Note ure declured
<br /> ,; y.�� . , � to be sevcrable.
<br /> . 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc givrn unc ronli�rmeal c��py ul'thc Nutc•rnJ uf thi�Security Instrunxnt.
<br /> . '' Form 3028 9/90
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