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<br /> _ O potlNon S �
<br /> — USDA•F'mHA
<br /> = Parm PeaHA�27-f NB 9�+ `�r-'S�
<br /> , • (Itsv.7•li9) . .
<br /> ;�tY � REAL EST�I►T�MOR'f'GAGE FOR NEBRABKA � • �
<br /> 17i13 MOATCiAtiB b mada and oatued inta by �+N�e D. &attUoom_ A 8�n��w Pwrr�e���
<br /> � � . , • •�
<br /> ��� � ..r i..�� � �..i � � �.��. r i
<br /> ��� Lr raidia�in #�idlMS f'1 AL.V A.�lN�.�,Ll� Couoqr.N�6ark�,�hoie po�t office addr�r b
<br /> :..�u►u�%..:,�.����°
<br /> .�..—+�►���•�•..��'. . IiDUte 2: HooC 17. Ftelat � ,Nebeiuka..�..��
<br /> �'a►t�.."'•a:4:.;�T�'.si harein c�lled"Borrower."and the United Sate�of Amerka,aetinQ t�hroudh che Fumsn Hoa�Admiaiiaatba,IJpittd Saes�
<br /> ..�,���,.,.:'x��:..' , •
<br /> _ �r.r Dlpudnent of Ageiculture.hereia ealled the"Government":
<br /> _�i��;,;;K_,.���.� WHBRBAS Barowsr b ipdsbted to ehe Governme�t,aa svidonced by one or more promiuwy hocc(�)or{�wd�pdon
<br /> a�rreament(s)or aay th�red a�ca+iadoq or recapturo a�reomem,herein ealled"nota,"whiah hw beaa e:eeut�d by BoROwer�
<br /> — - ":";:, b payab4 tn tbe order of the(3ovsrnment�authaisw�cceleratlon of the sntin indebt�at tb�.{lptio4l af ib�Lt�!�►•
<br /> —� �>t`..'�.5 �'"" • a�sst�poR�ny d�t'aulc by 8oaow�r.�nd i�dnesi6�d+w fdbrvu , � t
<br /> w
<br /> —�.��..;�..,..:�.� �
<br /> �;' a�
<br /> __ :' "��'.� � ��'c� . ' Awiwd Raa Dwt Dbre o�Fba!
<br /> � ��' '-'`• � , :�'��".' DO�QPJI/!lMM111tM'C A�JncipalAmount ' o lnts►Itf lnttallmsnt
<br /> .i
<br /> � F �•.." , . .. 7/27/�2 ' $17,000.00 8.25$ � 7/27/2025
<br />. � ;yF` .� t . —.
<br />.. . t. � u. . ,. . � . . , .. .
<br /> f.�.Z�'.r:.�'{,E. ;'�;. , , .
<br /> ., ..}t:is�.. : . �'�;�';;� . . �
<br /> t.. . , ,. �`�t.`;.
<br /> `.• .�etas�t,,�'u.�� ,�x '' ±_,-;`� ('!!it fssierttt sait far limiicd=Qaaurca fsrrti owntt�liip ar Utniced reiourca opfrating laan(s3 eacured by ihiz itsittitttiant
<br /> � � � � may be inereated a�providad!n the Farmen Nome Adminicaation rcgulattons and ehe note.)
<br /> � �' ' Md the note evldencei a loan to Bonower,and the Government.at any dme,may auiign the note and iawre tha pwy-
<br /> . mant theroof purwant to the Coa�oNdated Farm and Rural Aevelopment Aat,or 1Yde V of the Hou�ing Act of 1949 a qay
<br /> other�tntute sdministered by the Farmoro Nomc Admini�uadon.
<br />• ,,: �'�. Md it i�t6e purpo�e�nd intent of thi�instrument that,among other thing�,at aU tLne�when ehe note b held by the
<br />• Government. or in the even�the Governmant should aulgn thii insuument without in�uraace of the noa.thi�inarumont
<br /> ��`' � �hall acurc payment of the note=but whcn thc note ii held by an inn�red holder,thi�instrument�hall not�ecure payment �
<br /> ,;' �'�'t +'' � o!the note or nttxch to the debt evtdeneed thereby,but ai to the note and�uch debt�hall con���1Q�Al1lity mortg�ge P _
<br /> • •?'�� to tecurc thc Covernment against lou under ite insuranee contract by reason of any default by Bo Lh�;"'•�°� �
<br /> ,� �� '��"``'"''�"� ,h „ Md thit inttrument nlw teeuret the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which may be granted to the Borrower
<br /> •• by tho Govcrnment pur�uant ta 42 U.S.C. �1490a,or ony amounts duc under any Shucd Appreciacion AgramentJRecap-
<br /> ' � ture Agrcement entered into pur,tuant to 7 U.S.C. 2001. �.
<br /> ��"'r J a:;�,��,: NOW, THERBFORE,in con�ideration of thc loan(R)and(a)at all timea when the note i�held by the Government,or �
<br /> T...
<br /> ��., ;;:.;.: , � in tha event the Government�hould o�ilgn this imtrument without in�rance of the payment of the note,to�ecure prompt
<br /> ,��.� :_ p�yment of the natc and any renewal�and cxtensions thcrcof and any agrcements contained therein,including any provlaion `
<br /> � •f � ' for the payment of an in:uronce or other charge, (b) at all times when the note i�held by an Inaured holder,to iecura pec-
<br /> ir • w''�' � • formance oE Bonowcr's agreement herein co indemnify and save harn►Ies�the Governmenc agaimt lou under its in�ueanca -
<br />),�'" .. contract by rca�on of xny defauit by Borrower. and (c) in any event ond ot all times to secure the prompt payment of all
<br /> �� . " . advanca and expcndicure�made by ehc Govcrnmcnt,wfth interc�t,a�hcrcinaftcr descrlbed,and the performance of evcry
<br /> '�� � covenant and agreement of Borrower contalned hereie or in an iupplemont�ry agreement, Borrower does hereby grant, _
<br /> ,;_- , . bargin,�ell,eonvey and as�ign, with gencral warranty, to thc ovcr ent the following property rituated in the State of -
<br /> :;•. ;'` � , .' �, ., Nebrailu��County(ic�)of -Adi� �AL L.. !�i • r U r �
<br /> .� �; '�`'�'� ` � '
<br /> „ ,�. -
<br /> ` � ° See atteched Exhibit A. -
<br /> � ^:..,
<br /> �'�*� . —
<br /> .. _
<br /> �..
<br /> '' „ FmHA 427-1 NB(Rev.7-89)
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